Would you like me if I.....

Started by forbiddenfruit, July 22, 2011, 01:10:41 PM

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That would be marvelous....

....took you down by the creek and shared a picnic lunch with you under a shade tree, hand feeding you some grapes before shucking my clothes and jumping into the rippling stream of water?


I'd be hard pressed to not be lost for words.

If we shared an evening under the stars, contemplating how vast it is, and how beautiful it is. An ever lasting celebration to the impermanence of life, no matter how big or how small.
I love random PMs!


How lovely.... yes, I'd like that. :)

....... pinched someone's arse in a crowded elevator and then nodded to YOU when they turned around?  ;P


lol that would be fun! I'm game!

...I ran through your living room naked while you had company?
"If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing slowly ... very slowly."
                                 ~Gypsy Rose Lee~
     ~Kill me slowly, so through the pain, I will know I have lived.~

What's Yes & What's Not
Apologies & Absences
Stalled out stories: Dragon Familiar ~ Loki


Only if it wasn't my parents.

If during your book club I walked into the midst of the circle, looked around and said "I see...ALL OF YOU. That is all!" and walked out?
I love random PMs!


Uh....sure!  :D  I'd love that!   (Especially since I'm not in a book club....and never will be!) ;P

......took a bite out of your sammich while you weren't looking?  :D


I'd probably laugh and make a joke about it, I don't mind sharing with you after all.

If I brought you breakfast in bed for dinner?
I love random PMs!


Mmm.....could it be pancakes or waffles?  :D

....... suggested you wear your hair like Justin Bieber?


oh hell no lol

......ran my freezing cold fingers up your back on a hot summers day?
"If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing slowly ... very slowly."
                                 ~Gypsy Rose Lee~
     ~Kill me slowly, so through the pain, I will know I have lived.~

What's Yes & What's Not
Apologies & Absences
Stalled out stories: Dragon Familiar ~ Loki


I would after I got over the initial shock.

Took you out to the ocean for a nice day at the beach?
I love random PMs!


Would truly love that...as I have never seen the ocean. :)

(oh my goodness!   You've been APPROVED!!!  Congrats, Mirror!!!!  *hugs*)

......posted a congratulations in BIG BOLD LETTERS over on current status?  ;P


I'd like you quite a bit for it!

Would you like me if we went for walks hand in hand to watch the sun go down over the water?
I love random PMs!


Yep.....but I might have sweaty palms.... ;P

......sang the Barney Song to you....really loud?  :D


I couldn't help but like you

Would you like me if after every day at work I gave you a nice massage?
I love random PMs!


Well yah.

...if I threw lost all your underware?
"If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing slowly ... very slowly."
                                 ~Gypsy Rose Lee~
     ~Kill me slowly, so through the pain, I will know I have lived.~

What's Yes & What's Not
Apologies & Absences
Stalled out stories: Dragon Familiar ~ Loki


Sure, going commando isn't the worst thing ever.

Would you like me if I made you a card for valentines day from construction paper and crayons?
I love random PMs!


LOL I did that to my mom....she stuck it on the fridge ><

.......tickled your feet while you were sleeping.
"If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing slowly ... very slowly."
                                 ~Gypsy Rose Lee~
     ~Kill me slowly, so through the pain, I will know I have lived.~

What's Yes & What's Not
Apologies & Absences
Stalled out stories: Dragon Familiar ~ Loki


Only if you liked me after getting kicked in the face on accident.

Would  you like me if I fell into a box of glitter, emerged and said "well damn, I'm my own worst nightmare."
I love random PMs!


*blinks* No...cause you would get glitter all over everything. :(  Including me!  ;P

.......put a big red bow on top of your head and called you "gifted"?


I'd like you no matter what.. but if you did this, I'd think it was cute but I'd always wanna duck as I walked through doors. :P *wouldn't want such a sweet thought being knocked off* :)

I seemed to plaster mysef to your back.. giving you an extra set of arms.. although they'd be very misbehaving? You know.. the sort that would constantly be up to no good.. delving and exploring? :P
*See Pillory*


You can plaster yourself anywhere you want, baby!  We're already "stuck" on one another!  ;P

(I've been accused of being very "punny" tonight!)  ;P

.......delved and explored your sexy physique, too? :D


Absofreakinlutely! Although I may urge you to turn to face me.. which would make moving around a bit difficult.. but then, who cares? :P

.. squirmed and kinda freaked at times.. for I am sadly very, very ticklish. :P
*See Pillory*


I love......knowing this!   >-:)  *Ponders if she should go for the hairy armpits?  or, behind his neck?*  :D

......made a chocolate milkshake and we shared it with two straws?


Mmmm.. yeah, would seriously love that.. and I promise I'd not suck too fast.. wouldn't be greedy! :)

.. took in a strawful.. drinking most of it.. then shot a bit at your neck.. with the full intention of giving that lovely neck a lick and well.. yeah.. a bite? :P
*See Pillory*


I'd rather you just lick my neck without the mess...LOL!  :-*  (And a little nibble would be fine too!)

.......added a little garlic to our milkshake?  (Just for extra flavor?)