Roleplay within a Roleplay

Started by Enmuro, July 21, 2011, 09:47:19 AM

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Heya, have any of you  ever tried roleplaying as people roleplaying ? It seems like it could feel very immersive, or that it could just fail. Still, the thought of, in character, OOC chatter intrigues me. You could drop little details of your characters life within the ()s while otherwise doing rp as normal.  It's also fun to think of roleplaying as characters whose motivations might be much different and more complex then your own. I could even imagine transferring the characters who are roleplaying  out into their own plots.

How about you all, thoughts or have you ever tried this kind of thing before or something like it ?

Star Safyre

I'm not sure if I've done it in the way you're describing, but I have written stories in which the characters role-play.  It's a current game I'm in where the husband and wife have online personae which they act out their fantasies but have no idea who it is in real life they're talking to.  It's kind of like a modern-day "Pina Colada".   ::)
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I had an RP started once where my character was a young man playing a female in a WoW-type game, and his best friend was playing a male.  There was going to be an in-game hookup and then an unforeseen side effect of the VR software.  Unfortunately, real life got in the way, so we didn't get far.
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Quote from: Oniya on July 21, 2011, 02:43:18 PM
I had an RP started once where my character was a young man playing a female in a WoW-type game, and his best friend was playing a male.  There was going to be an in-game hookup and then an unforeseen side effect of the VR software.  Unfortunately, real life got in the way, so we didn't get far.

Had one of those planned out but the other player just.. melted down and vanished. He reappears for a day at a time every six months or so and then vanishes without a word again.


     I like the idea generally.  I don't think I've done it about roleplayers specifically, but I tend to like anything that resembles split personalities or shifting levels of multiple meaning.  Things that let people ask which is the more believable or desirable self, if any, or see themselves in various iterations.  Particularly if there is some simmering or creeping conflict involved over time, in my case.  I have also enjoyed the "VR gone a little crazy" sort of idea a bit, and would like to toy more with that sometime.



What Star said.

How about roleplaying within an roleplay within a roleplay?  WE MUST GO DEEPER!


For some reason I could see myself in a sort of situation like that.  I watch The Guild[/url] and pretty much that's the entire premise: the players behind the characters.

The Guild - Episode 1: Wake-Up Call

I think I relate to poor Codex sometimes.  She needs more hugs.
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Quote from: Star Safyre on July 21, 2011, 02:22:19 PM
I'm not sure if I've done it in the way you're describing, but I have written stories in which the characters role-play.  It's a current game I'm in where the husband and wife have online personae which they act out their fantasies but have no idea who it is in real life they're talking to.  It's kind of like a modern-day "Pina Colada".   ::)

Yeah I've toyed with playing characters who roleplay. It's enjoyable, and they do say to write what you know after all :D My current thought is just to take that a step further. I've done things like this before for an ARG like rp. Setting up fake chat rooms, pictures meant to look like a snapshot of a webcam feed, things designed to make the game feel more immersive or real world.

Also, Silverfyre, three layers deep rp!?! Madness.

And the guild, along with Felicia Day, is awesome. Could definitely make for an intresting group rp plot premise. But if we did that, would we ship knives and tink?


Quote from: Linna on July 21, 2011, 08:25:09 PM
For some reason I could see myself in a sort of situation like that.  I watch The Guild[/url] and pretty much that's the entire premise: the players behind the characters.

The Guild - Episode 1: Wake-Up Call

I think I relate to poor Codex sometimes.  She needs more hugs.

Just finished watching The Guild and it continually impresses me how well put together and really quite good that show is. Plus, I am in favor of the trend of Wil Wheaton showing up as an antagonist in geek media. It's definitely an interesting concept to think about roleplaying roleplayers.
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