Battlestar Excalibur: Non-Cannon BSG(Remake) Need M&F Players/Characters

Started by Urbanzorro, July 18, 2011, 02:16:19 PM

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The Cylons were created by man as a labor and military force to make life easier on the Twelve Colonies of Kobol. 

Eventually the Cylons turned on their human creators and the Cylon War ensued. Many lives were lost
In time an armistice was declared, and the Cylons left the Colonies to seek a homeworld of their own

The Colonials maintain an Armistice Station as a place where Cylon and Colonial representatives can meet in order to maintain diplomatic relations.
However, the Cylons have never sent an ambassador. No one has seen a Cylon since the end of the Cylon War, over 40 years ago.

Though they have vanished they Cylons have not died, they have evolved.
They look and feel human. There are many copies. And they have a plan.

Humanity's children will return....

Hey everyone! This is my interest check for a game set in the Battle Star Galactica universe. As you may have guessed by the image at the top of this post this game will not be following the Battlestar Galactica but rather it will follow the Battlestar Excalibur furthermore it will be set in a slightly altered timeline where the Cylon attack takes place roughly 3 years after it actually did in the re-imagined series. The reason for this is so that we can have a complete cast of Original Characters while still maintaining the whole 'last battlestar' feel of the series AND we can have new and unknown cylon models.  IF there is some interest shown I'll be posting up a character sheet as well as a roster and explaining a bit more of how I'm planning for this game to work. So if you're interested please say so on here ;D

I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

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Would prefer some type of system, interested either way, would love you all if no one says frak in character.
Ons/Offs  A/A  Oath of the Drake
(From the Penis Game) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Penis
I love a wet nymph.  "Letting some guy have [her] just to have another woman is a losing trade"

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer(IC#2)
Intro Thread


Frak is a good word in the right circumstances.

I would play but not in a military role.


Ok so that's three ppl interested ;D I'll probably post up some more info later tonight (after work) or early tomorrow.
I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

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I would be tentatively interested as well.  A significant amount of the RP that I have actually been able to enjoy in the past few years has been BSG-centric, and I do rather miss it.


@ Everyone: Ok, so as promised here's a bit more info about what I'm looking for in this game. Hopefully it will help to garner even more interest.

The Excalibur

With the decommissioning of the Galactica having taken place 3 years ago the Excalibur is now officially the last remaining Colonial class battlestar in active service. This primarily due to the fact that the Excalibur enjoys the patronage of Grand Admiral Raygar, one of the members of the Colonial Fleet's High Command. Despite the favor the Excalibur enjoys it is still a very old and outdated ship. As such its duty's normally include routine patrols well within zones considered to be extremely safe, publicity tours given its status as a 'living' piece of colonial history, and training missions.

At the time of the Cylon attack the Excalibur will be on just such a training mission.

The Ragtag Fleet
Whether they are simple cargo transports or high class pleasure cruisers there are always thousands of civilian ships traversing the space between the 12 colonies. While the Cylon attack will no doubt manage to destroy the vast majority of these ships there will most definitely be at least some survivors. Who they are, what ships they are on, and what will happen to them is at this point very unknown. At the beginning of the game, players who are members of the civilian fleet may choose to be on board one of the following 3 ships.

The Zion
The Zion is a Kane Class transporter, it is meant to be able to haul both cargo and passengers quickly, efficiently, and somewhat comfortably. While Kane class ships are nowhere near the most luxurious way to travel between the colonies they are one of the fastest. Kane class ships are normally ridden by men and women who are either on a budget or simply wish to arrive somewhere as quickly as possible and don't mind sacrificing some creature comforts to get there.

The Absolon
Sol class cruisers are some of the most luxurious space liners in production. Every wall, cabin, and even bolt on these ships were designed to make staying aboard them as enjoyable as possible. Featuring technologies like simulated sun lighting, 'fresh air' simulating oxygen scrubbers, and extremely plush carpet when colonials who are either rich, powerful, or simply looking to blow their life savings decide to travel they do so in ships much like the Absolon.

The Solar Wind
Just another ore miner, The Solar Wind is nothing special. She was on her way to Caprica with a full load of ore when the attack started. Anyone wanting to get to Carpica without being payed much attention to might have wanted to consider taking a ship much like The Solar Wind.

The Cast
I'll be looking for a minimum of 5 players to play characters in key roles aboard both the Battlestar Excalibur and within the civilian fleet that is likely to follow it. Exactly what sort of dynamic will evolve between the civilian fleet and the Excalibur is actually up to the players and their IC actions during the game. For instance if the Excalibur's commander decides to abandon several ships for no apparent reason the relationship between the Excalibur and the fleet will be strained to say the least.  Below is a character slot roster. The slots highlighted in red are required to be filled before I start up the game. Those in black are optional slots and are open to as many people who want them. For example while there is only one listed slot for a marine aboard Excalibur it is possible to have 2, 3, 4, or even 5 marine characters. The only limit that I'm placing on this is that we stay below 15 characters total given that I probably won't be able to keep up as GM if there are more.

Open Slot Roster

Battlestar Excalibur Crew
Excalibur Commander
Character Sheet

[float=left][img]Paste Your Character's Image Here[/img][/float]
[i][size=14pt]Type your Character's Rank Here Choose either Commander or Admiral [/size][size=14pt]Type Your Character's Name Here[/size][/i]
[b]Age:[/b] How old your character is
[b]Physical Details:[/b] Anything about your character's looks that are not shown in the provided Image
[b]Biography:[/b] Tell us about your character's life, how did they gain command of the Excalibur
[b]Personality:[/b] How do they normally act towards others?
[b]Character's Ons/Offs[/b] What things does your character enjoy and what things do they not enjoy (not to be confused with the player's ons/offs
[b]Hard Limits:[/b] Any hard limits you as the player would not want to happen to your character in the story

Excalibur Executive Officer(X.O.)

[float=left][img]Paste Your Character's Image Here[/img][/float]
[i][size=14pt]Type your Character's Rank Here Choose either Colonel or Major [/size][size=14pt]Type Your Character's Name Here[/size][/i]
[b]Age:[/b] How old your character is
[b]Physical Details:[/b] Anything about your character's looks that are not shown in the provided Image
[b]Biography:[/b] Tell us about your character's life, how did they become XO of the Excalibur
[b]Personality:[/b] How do they normally act towards others?
[b]Character's Ons/Offs[/b] What things does your character enjoy and what things do they not enjoy (not to be confused with the player's ons/offs
[b]Hard Limits:[/b] Any hard limits you as the player would not want to happen to your character in the story

Excalibur Commander, Air Group (C.A.G.)

[float=left][img]Paste Your Character's Image Here[/img][/float]
[i][size=14pt]Type your Character's Rank Here Choose either Captain or Major [/size][size=14pt]Type Your Character's Name Here[/size][size=12pt]Type your Character's Call sign here[/size][/i]
[b]Age:[/b] How old your character is
[b]Physical Details:[/b] Anything about your character's looks that are not shown in the provided Image
[b]Biography:[/b] Tell us about your character's life, how did they get to be on board the Excalibur
[b]Personality:[/b] How do they normally act towards others?
[b]Craft:[/b] What ship does your character pilot? Choose either Viper, Raptor, or Both. If Viper choose either old or new design.
[b]Character's Ons/Offs[/b] What things does your character enjoy and what things do they not enjoy (not to be confused with the player's ons/offs
[b]Hard Limits:[/b] Any hard limits you as the player would not want to happen to your character in the story

Excalibur's Ace Pilot:

[float=left][img]Paste Your Character's Image Here[/img][/float]
[i][size=14pt]Type your Character's Rank Here Choose either Lieutenant or Captain [/size][size=14pt]Type Your Character's Name Here[/size][size=12pt]Type your Character's Call sign here[/size][/i]
[b]Age:[/b] How old your character is
[b]Physical Details:[/b] Anything about your character's looks that are not shown in the provided Image
[b]Biography:[/b] Tell us about your character's life, how did they get to be on board the Excalibur
[b]Personality:[/b] How do they normally act towards others?
[b]Craft:[/b] What ship does your character pilot? Choose either old or new design Viper.
[b]Cylon?[/b] Are you willing to have your character possibly be a Cylon?
[b]Character's Ons/Offs[/b] What things does your character enjoy and what things do they not enjoy (not to be confused with the player's ons/offs
[b]Hard Limits:[/b] Any hard limits you as the player would not want to happen to your character in the story

Excalibur Pilot:

[float=left][img]Paste Your Character's Image Here[/img][/float]
[i][size=14pt]Lieutenant [/size][size=14pt]Type Your Character's Name Here[/size][size=12pt]Type your Character's Call sign here[/size][/i]
[b]Age:[/b] How old your character is
[b]Physical Details:[/b] Anything about your character's looks that are not shown in the provided Image
[b]Biography:[/b] Tell us about your character's life, how did they get to be on board the Excalibur
[b]Personality:[/b] How do they normally act towards others?
[b]Craft:[/b] What ship does your character pilot? Choose either Viper, Raptor, or Both. If Viper choose either old or new design.
[b]Cylon?[/b] Are you willing to have your character possibly be a Cylon?
[b]Character's Ons/Offs[/b] What things does your character enjoy and what things do they not enjoy (not to be confused with the player's ons/offs
[b]Hard Limits:[/b] Any hard limits you as the player would not want to happen to your character in the story

Excalibur Marine

[float=left][img]Paste Your Character's Image Here[/img][/float]
[i][size=14pt]Type your Character's Rank Here Choose either Sargent, Corporal or Private [/size][size=14pt]Type Your Character's Name Here[/size][/i]
[b]Age:[/b] How old your character is
[b]Physical Details:[/b] Anything about your character's looks that are not shown in the provided Image
[b]Biography:[/b] Tell us about your character's life, how did they get to be on board the Excalibur
[b]Personality:[/b] How do they normally act towards others?
[b]Cylon?[/b] Are you willing to have your character possibly be a Cylon?
[b]Character's Ons/Offs[/b] What things does your character enjoy and what things do they not enjoy (not to be confused with the player's ons/offs
[b]Hard Limits:[/b] Any hard limits you as the player would not want to happen to your character in the story

Excalibur Support Staff

[float=left][img]Paste Your Character's Image Here[/img][/float]
[i][size=14pt]Type your Character's Rank Here Choose either Sargent, Corporal or Private [/size][size=14pt]Type Your Character's Name Here[/size][/i]
[b]Age:[/b] How old your character is
[b]Physical Details:[/b] Anything about your character's looks that are not shown in the provided Image
[b]Biography:[/b] Tell us about your character's life, how did they get to be on board the Excalibur
[b]Personality:[/b] How do they normally act towards others?
[b]Cylon?[/b] Are you willing to have your character possibly be a Cylon?
[b]Character's Ons/Offs[/b] What things does your character enjoy and what things do they not enjoy (not to be confused with the player's ons/offs
[b]Hard Limits:[/b] Any hard limits you as the player would not want to happen to your character in the story

Members of Civilian Fleet
Leader of Civilian Fleet

[float=left][img]Paste Your Character's Image Here[/img][/float]
[i][size=14pt]Type Your Character's Name Here[/size][/i]
[b]Age:[/b] How old your character is
[b]Physical Details:[/b] Anything about your character's looks that are not shown in the provided Image
[b]Biography:[/b] Tell us about your character's life, how did they get to be part of the civilian fleet?
[b]Personality:[/b] How do they normally act towards others?
[b]Authority:[/b] Why is your character in charge of the civilian fleet? were they a member of the colonial government? Were they voted into power? Are they a revolutionary? Ect.
[b]Character's Ons/Offs[/b] What things does your character enjoy and what things do they not enjoy (not to be confused with the player's ons/offs
[b]Hard Limits:[/b] Any hard limits you as the player would not want to happen to your character in the story

Leader's Aid/Assistant

[float=left][img]Paste Your Character's Image Here[/img][/float]
[i][size=14pt]Type Your Character's Name Here[/size][/i]
[b]Age:[/b] How old your character is
[b]Physical Details:[/b] Anything about your character's looks that are not shown in the provided Image
[b]Biography:[/b] Tell us about your character's life, how did they get to be part of the civilian fleet?
[b]Personality:[/b] How do they normally act towards others?
[b]Character's Ons/Offs[/b] What things does your character enjoy and what things do they not enjoy (not to be confused with the player's ons/offs
[b]Hard Limits:[/b] Any hard limits you as the player would not want to happen to your character in the story

Important Member of the Fleet

[float=left][img]Paste Your Character's Image Here[/img][/float]
[i][size=14pt]Type Your Character's Name Here[/size][/i]
[b]Age:[/b] How old your character is
[b]Physical Details:[/b] Anything about your character's looks that are not shown in the provided Image
[b]Biography:[/b] Tell us about your character's life, how did they get to be part of the civilian fleet?
[b]Personality:[/b] How do they normally act towards others?
[b]Importance:[/b] Why is your character an important member of the civilian fleet?
[b]Cylon?[/b] Are you willing to have your character possibly be a Cylon?
[b]Character's Ons/Offs[/b] What things does your character enjoy and what things do they not enjoy (not to be confused with the player's ons/offs
[b]Hard Limits:[/b] Any hard limits you as the player would not want to happen to your character in the story

The Cylons...
There are Cylons in the fleet, they can be anyone, with this in mind anyone taking on a 'minor' character (one who's slot isn't highlighted in red) has the option on their character sheet to choose whether or not they want the GM to be able to offer them the option of being either a Cylon sleeper agent, or a Cylon who know's what they are and are simply hiding in the fleet in order to aid their fellows. Anyone who is offered the chance to be a secret Cylon will be done so in private and the only ones who will know will be the player, the GM, and possibly other Cylons.
I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

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My Apologies.


I wouldn't mind playing a raptor pilot or ECO.  I always thought the pilots had a bit too much control of the electronic suite given that they are also in charge of handling the craft, so if I did play an ECO I would like for pilots to be secondary operators at most.  I'm open to other concepts as well, but that was what jumped at me first.
Ons/Offs  A/A  Oath of the Drake
(From the Penis Game) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Penis
I love a wet nymph.  "Letting some guy have [her] just to have another woman is a losing trade"

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer(IC#2)
Intro Thread


Go ahead and work up a character and I'm sure we can find a way to make it work.
I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

My Idea Page
Things I Enjoy 
My Apologies.


Colonel Delilah Cayse
Age: 54
Physical Details: A tall, imposing woman who has still been able to keep relatively fit despite her age and position.
Biography: Twenty years ago she was a rising star in the Colonial Fleet. Quickly raising in rank through sheer force of personality, determination and genuine ability. She was a Viper pilot of some skill like many command staffers start out as. A veteran of the Cylon wars a shrapnel injury to the abdomen took her out of the pilot's seat and into the command staff. Through transfers and deaths she became XO of the Battlestar Atlantia. Years later she was awarded her own Battlestar Command.

Two years into her command of the Battlestar Phoenix her career took a turn for the worse. The Phoenix was stationed in the orbit of her home colony world of Scorpia delivering aid and assistance to a natural disaster. One of the Battlestars patrolling the demilitarized zone established with the Cylons reported engine trouble. The Phoenix was ordered to abandon relief efforts and take up the slack in the patrol. Delilah refused, unwilling to allow countless civilian deaths to take up six hours of a patrol route along quiet and non strategic section of a decades quiet boarder.

The fact that her decision saved countless civilian lives was the -only- thing that kept her not only from being drummed out of the fleet, but also from facing charges of treason. She -was- however charged with insubordination. Demoated and stripped of her command she was sent somewhere to serve 'quietly' until retirement. Where better than as XO of an aging Battlestar?
Personality: She is stern and serious. And even a bit bitter now with her nearing retirement and the sour turn her career has taken.
Character's Ons/Offs She avoids alcohol and is a rather well known 'dry' officer. Her likes are fairly mundane. An avid reader her quarters boasts some rare books and volumes of poetry. She is a devote follower of Dionysus, but balances her beliefs with a certain pragmatic nature.
Hard Limits: No death or mutilation, beyond that anything goes.


@EbonyQueen: Character Approved

@Everyone, our updated character/player list. I'll be updating it as characters are added and approved.
Battlestar Excalibur Crew
Excalibur Commander
Excalibur Executive Officer(X.O.) Colonel Delilah Cayse(EbonyQueen)
Excalibur Commander, Air Group (C.A.G.) MajorLucas Olig (kckolbe)
Excalibur's Ace Pilot:
Excalibur Pilot:
Excalibur Marine
Excalibur Support Staff

Members of Civilian Fleet
Leader of Civilian Fleet
Leader's Aid/Assistant
Important Member of the Fleet
I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

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My Apologies.


MajorLucas Olig Caligula
Age: 30
Physical Details: Has an electrical burn on his thigh from an attempt to make his own jamming device as a lieutenant.  The proximity of the burn to his genitals started the joke that he'd been trying to create a self-pleasure device, and the call sign Caligula has stuck with him from then on.
Biography: Grew up upper middle-class on Libran and commissioned once done with school.  He started his career as an ECO and submitted a package for pilot training, which he completed shortly before being transferred to Excalibur.  Given his rank and the fact that he was qualified as a pilot, he was selected as CAG, one of very few ECOs to hold the position within the fleet.  Not only is he not the most experienced pilot, he does not even have the hours as Raptor pilot or Viper pilot to upgrade to instructor.
Personality: Pretty easy-going, though can become irritable towards pilots that think they are the most important people on a battlestar.  He enjoys teaching others, and is known as a knowledgeable ECO. 
Craft: He is qual'd in flying the old Viper and the Raptor, and as an evaluator-rated ECO.
Character's Ons/Offs Enjoys just sitting around shooting the shit or playing mildly competitive games, which he does not take as seriously. 
Hard Limits:  No involvement in NC or BDSM
Ons/Offs  A/A  Oath of the Drake
(From the Penis Game) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Penis
I love a wet nymph.  "Letting some guy have [her] just to have another woman is a losing trade"

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer(IC#2)
Intro Thread


I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

My Idea Page
Things I Enjoy 
My Apologies.


Ons/Offs  A/A  Oath of the Drake
(From the Penis Game) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Penis
I love a wet nymph.  "Letting some guy have [her] just to have another woman is a losing trade"

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer(IC#2)
Intro Thread


I'm going to ask you to go ahead and fill up the C.A.G. slot just because it is a vital one for the game ;D thanks!
I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

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My Apologies.


Commander Eero Yulith

Age: 35

Physical Details: Has several Tauron tattooes for her career as a warrior and some for domestic honors and her marriage rites, she dresses spit and polish style when on duty when she can.

Biography: A rising star she went through the Colonial services with a fine career known for being reliable, following orders, strong command skills and sound tactics. She grew up on Tauron and entered thje service to get away from home mostly not having at that point any special qualities but she graduated her formal military education adequetely. It was on her first tour she excelled when her commander was ordered to root out pirates she came up with many innovative means to get to them including using criminals as agents using the theory better the honest mob over unethical pirates. But in her tactics she is pretty much textbook and never showed as much creativity that never excited the elites. But after her commander failed to follow orders and she protested hard, she went up the ladder again and given command of an aging training Battlestar. In this she did well having a hardline of following orders, doing what they are ordered to do and always be ready for a fight her crew is trained to be a precision weapon even in a classic old model warship.

Personality: Is a professional and understanding but also strict it their oath to serve the colonies and the citizens from any threat, even if they should fall doing so. That said she has a good nature and makes friends easily, had a deep love of her family and traditions and is religious following Mithras ,monotheist but is not a wacko in her faith, and has a special place in her heart for those in need. Oddly she pushed to send a peace envoy out to find the Cylons and open up accord with them to avert a war, an unarmed ship to see if they could come to diplomatic terms. Like most warriors she hates war and is there to defend not attack.

Character's Ons/Offs Loves her wives and is eager to enjoy them sexually having a healthy drive in that regard, is devoted to them and would never cheat but will date women she might consider marrying.

Hard Limits: Not really, no rape or sick sex acts. All acts with her wives are fine she would gladly pee on one if she likes that etc.

Wives - on board the Battlestar since they only do training its a teaching ship so is seen as unlikely to see combat action

Margo Yulith [Aerilon] - Unoffical Chief Hen of the Roost (runs household affairs)

Cassie Yulith [Caprican] - Teacher

Sahina Yulith [Picon] - Artist, Bisexual - Is the Usual One Pregnant in the Family

Also has two children a 1yo daughter Meridith Yulith and a 4yo son Jonah Yulith, naturally care is shared with the entire family.


All right, deleted the lieutenant version.  Looking forward to seeing our ace pilot, since my character isn't much of one.  RubySlippers, is Sahina the only of your characters open for potential sex scenes with men?
Ons/Offs  A/A  Oath of the Drake
(From the Penis Game) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Penis
I love a wet nymph.  "Letting some guy have [her] just to have another woman is a losing trade"

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer(IC#2)
Intro Thread


Ask them they are npc's her view is if they want a baby then they are free to frak around, and if one needs a man or two or three they may indulge. Think of it more as a communal marriage each wife is pretty much free to be who they are with the understanding the other spouses and the children are priorities.


@Everyone: All the characters look good. In fact the only problem right now is that we need some more players! SO if you've got any friends you think might be into this please feel free to send them an invite.

@RubySlippers: My only provision for allowing your character's wives is that you agree that they can be used by the GM as plot devices as the game moves on. I.E. one may be a Cylon, or may not, ect. If that is ok with you then your character is approved as is ;D
I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

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My Apologies.


I admit I am a bit uncomfortable with how young she is given her rank. 
Ons/Offs  A/A  Oath of the Drake
(From the Penis Game) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Penis
I love a wet nymph.  "Letting some guy have [her] just to have another woman is a losing trade"

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer(IC#2)
Intro Thread


Hmm, I actually did miss her age when reading through it last night *rubs sleepy eyes* sadly (because I strongly dislike dictating other ppls characters to them) I have to agree with kckolbe, to be a commander of a battlestar she should be a bit older than she is, late 30's at least.
I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

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My Apologies.


Despite the favor the Excalibur enjoys it is still a very old and outdated ship. As such its duty's normally include routine patrols well within zones considered to be extremely safe, publicity tours given its status as a 'living' piece of colonial history, and training missions.

So would it make sense to train an up and coming Commander headed for a proper command on a new Battlestar or this ship, she is having her first assignment here since she is attractive and a seriously fast riser up the chain of command. But is still green this is a safe assignment and in five or six years would go to a proper ship. But likely its training for her also. Plus come on if war comes they could easily replace her she is well behind enemy lines any war would not reach her ship at first, so for her it made sense to take the position. It has some prestige, she can have her family with her and they are safe and if war comes her family can move to a secured planet like Caprica and she move to a war assignment  as a new commander moves to this ship. Until then she does her duty training new people well, showing the flag, hosting school classes and dignitaries and the odd serious assignment and hones her own command qualities just being out of an XO position.

I did take the ship into account this is not a front like warship or a handsome lady where they wanted to give a retiring commander a proper send-off. Its a about to bne retired ship and they wanted to bring her up into command fast but not to fast to a sensitive position in a real warship.

But I will raise her age to 35 anyway that should put her in the ballpark.

And yes the wives an npc's you may use them as a plot device as needed.


I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

My Idea Page
Things I Enjoy 
My Apologies.


Well she is still a young commander but like I said what good possibly happen so far from enemy lines?  ;D

hee hee hee