Pathfinder: Altia Curse

Started by Bloody Rose, June 15, 2011, 11:22:46 PM

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If Zarazel wants me to I'm not opposed to re-rolling both attributes and hp, the later of which is quite under average too.


you got bitch smacked by lady luck on your rolls

original artwork by karabiner


The rule I'm familiar with is that in order to be considered playable, a character must have at least 1 stat that is 15 or higher and a total positive modifier of 1. 

A rule I'm grateful for as the polyhedral deities have smacked me around plenty of times over the years. 


By the way, ExisD, I love her ilustration! 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


Thank you muse, I knew it was something like that.

original artwork by karabiner

Laughing Hyena


feh ok been goin back and forth between monk and rogue for a while.  think im just gonna settle on Elven Rogue and keep it simple.  figure ill give the character a longsword 2 Kukri and a bunch of daggers and studded leather armor.  My trouble is its been ages since ive played DnD based systems much less made a low-mid level character.  As such i find my self struggling a bit on the magic aspects for the gear.  If anyone has any helpfull sugguestions it would be appreciated. 
The question that once haunted my being has been answered. The future is not fixed, and my choices are my own. And yet, how ironic…
For I now find I have no choice at all.

I am a warrior. Let the battle be joined.


Well, a higher AC is always useful!  For that you have Bracers of Armor or Rings of Protection (for a deflect bonus to AC). 

Laughing Hyena

Or make use of that AC and use mithril with your light armor to make your dexterity worth every drop. Oh nd fy mithril doubles as silver weapons.


OK, re-rolled stuff and got this as the result. Going to go with the same back story, but this time it was actually a decent idea and she learned because she's smart.



feh cant beleive i forgot about the mitheral...  suppose if i wanna maximize my AC i should go for mitheral breast plate,  that still counts as light armor right?  dunno the rules in pathfinder for it.  Though may go Mitheral chain shirt.  depends on the AC penalty i think.
The question that once haunted my being has been answered. The future is not fixed, and my choices are my own. And yet, how ironic…
For I now find I have no choice at all.

I am a warrior. Let the battle be joined.


I don't think that Mithral lowers the actual armor category in Pathfinder, it just lowers the AC penalty and halves the weight of the armor.


armors made out of Mithril are treated as one category lower. ( so heavy is treated as medium, and medium as light) this is provided that the armor in question is primarily made out of metal

original artwork by karabiner


QuoteMost mithral armors are one category lighter than normal for purposes of movement and other limitations. Heavy armors are treated as medium, and medium armors are treated as light, but light armors are still treated as light. This decrease does not apply to proficiency in wearing the armor. A character wearing mithral full plate must be proficient in wearing heavy armor to avoid adding the armor's check penalty to all his attack rolls and skill checks that involve moving.

For clarification.


original artwork by karabiner


feh they would catch that.  ah well looks like its Mitheral chain shirt for me.  or studded leather still.  Either would work i think.  bleh cant even use a buckler now either.  Ah well.
The question that once haunted my being has been answered. The future is not fixed, and my choices are my own. And yet, how ironic…
For I now find I have no choice at all.

I am a warrior. Let the battle be joined.

Laughing Hyena

Hmm.. I have 2,500 gold left. Should I save that gold or use it for some one shot items?

PS can someone help with flaws just a tad?


you have healing potions or a wand of cure light wounds?  i think youre gonna wind up the medic unless we have a cleric ive missed.  could use a hand with flaws as well.  though if were not getting the positives are they just for rp purposes, and no real negatives?
The question that once haunted my being has been answered. The future is not fixed, and my choices are my own. And yet, how ironic…
For I now find I have no choice at all.

I am a warrior. Let the battle be joined.


You may in fact have a cleric, though so long as someone has a Wand of Cure Light Wounds there really isn't any need for a dedicated healer.  The idea is good in theory, but when you end up being a glorified medpack you find that you're far less useful to the group than you might expect.


true but ide rather have some one with the ability than no one.  Played a few games like that, it was fun but the DM had to compensate by allowing the use of healing herbs and what not instead so we could heal up even just a bit after a fight.
The question that once haunted my being has been answered. The future is not fixed, and my choices are my own. And yet, how ironic…
For I now find I have no choice at all.

I am a warrior. Let the battle be joined.


I grabbed a wand of cure light after I realized that stat boost item only have one slot now and cost a lot to get +2 to two stats.

Laughing Hyena

Well my character is a paladin so he can already heal but hes also pretty good at other things.


and now my submission

This is the first time i made anything like this. A fighter that does not wear any armor, should be real interesting . he wont come into his own until he can get the critical feats.I will find a picture for him later.

original artwork by karabiner


Remember to set the sheet to Public, Isengrad!


For those who arent' Privvy to Zara's Yahoo status, he's got a serious case of New Jobtm.  That's why we haven't heard from him in a bit. 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)
