Male Player seeking Female Character

Started by AndyZ, May 02, 2011, 12:15:43 PM

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I chose the name because I'm a male player but I can play most anything, though I know some people care.  I don't really care what the partner's real life sex is so long as the character is female.  I'm thinking of trying to branch out in that regard but don't really feel fully ready yet to open myself to open requests on that.  If you haven't read my O/Os, please do.

I have a number of ideas that aren't quite finished yet.  Let's see what somebody else can do to suggest and finish them off.  If you have an idea of where to go with these stories, feel free to send me a notice.

  • My character is a patient being kept in an insane asylum.  Your character is one of the staff and has his/her files but they seem incomplete and broken.  They seem to suggest that my character has been imprisoned here since birth, which really doesn't make any sense.  So your character takes it upon herself to try speaking with him and uncover the mystery.

  • Your character finds a perfect set of boots and leather catsuit, but as soon as she tries it on, the zipper vanishes.  Now she can't get it off, and what's worse, the catsuit seems to be possessed or somehow alive, sometimes rubbing against her inappropriately or making her do things.

  • Your character meets a fairy who will grant one wish, and you wish for my character's love.  A week later, the fairy returns with my character on a leash, eyes glazed and claiming devotion but with various scars and twitching in frightened torment.  The fairy offers the leash to your character.  Do you still want my character?  What will you do?

PMs are great but please don't reply to this thread.  I want to leave it open for when I add new ideas.

I'm out of solo ideas right now.  Most of my stuff is set up for either groups or to be put into my novel ideas.  Sorry.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

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  • I had the idea that your character would be a slave to a busy executive who collects girls on the black market and keeps them at his mansion.  His work takes him away for days at a time but oftentimes he stops by to vent his frustration.

    However, the girl who usually trains all the girls, including yours, has disappeared under mysterious circumstances.  The servants of the mansion refuse to speak on the matter, but you've heard some of them talk about how she displeased the master in some way.

    Now a brand new girl has been brought in, tortured near to death and half-starved, and it's your job to break her in and make sure that she's going to obey the master without question whenever he returns.  He's not a patient man and very easily displeased, so your task has very little room for failure.

Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.