Interest: D&D 3.5 Gestalt (Seeking GM/Group)

Started by PhantomPistoleer, April 26, 2011, 11:51:49 PM

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I'lll leave Usha like this 'til psionics is approved or not. 

Meanwhile I'll look to the approved sources for an interesting concept that fills a niche the party doesn't have.  Are we short on woodsy types? 
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Name:   Usha Xiu
Race:   Xeph
Height   5'2"
Weight   125
Bust   C

Skin   Caramel
Hair   Chocolate
Eyes   Butterscotch

Age   22

"I will answer your questions, sir.  If you find that my dance and my words come to you at once, you will learn the

truest answer. 

"I am not--as you may take me--a Daughter of Man, granted exotic caramel skin and cinnamon lips by origins in distant

lands.  I have been too lands where the Sons of Man resemble me more than your brawny, fair race, but my people are

the Xeph.  Darkness does not blind us.  Distance does not daunt us.  Our heroes forge blades by will alone. 

"For many years I traveled with my wagons, dancing for visitors, protecting my family.  Now that my apprenticeship is

done I am on my own for a time.  I wish too share experiences that my family would not have if I did not bring them

back.  Dancers, lovers, cultures, vistas. 

"So you wonder why I dare travel alone, or with a small group, without weapons or armor?  Truly I say to you.  I do not

wish too spread suffering, but too prevent suffering from my self and others, my will can form armor and blades hard

as any steel. 

"I fight only to end suffering.  When I fight, I take suffering unto myself, and offer it too my blade.  It takes that power

and adds it to it's own too end the villain's misdeeds quickly.  I was once told this was Karma.  I replied--'No, Karma is

in the hands of the gods.  I do not think to guess at their will, nor to cheat karma by taking suffering onto myself when I

doll it out.  This is simply how I fight." 

STR   10   +0
DEX   18   +4
CON   14   +2
INT   19   +4
WIS   10   +0
CHRS   16   +3

HP   (50+Con)   62

Movement   40

AC   14[20]   ([Inertial Armor +6]   Dexterity +4)

Fort   2   +2   =d20+4
Refl   5   +4   =d20+9
Will   5   +0   =d20+5

Base Attack   +4   Melee   +4   Finesse   +8

Soul Knife
--TAB   +9
--Damage   3d6+1
--Critical   19-20 for 4d6+2
--Range   30'
--Note:  I take 1d6 each time I hit. 

Aprentice: Performer   (Pay Mentor 400GP)
--Versatile Performer:   Dancing, Percusions, Singing, Strings, Weapons Display
Expanded Knowlege: Energy Missiles
Weapon Finesse
Xeph Celerity: When using Xeph Burst, make a full attack action instead of moving and gain an extra attack at your

higest attack bonus that round. 

Autohypnosis      8   +0   +2   =d20+10
Bluff         5   +3      =d20+8
Concentratoin      8   +2      =d20+10
Diplomacy      7   +3   +4   =d20+14
Gather Information      0   +3      =d20+3
Hide         1   +4      =d20+5
Jump         6   +0   +6   =d20+12
K. Geography      1   +4      =d20+5
K. Psionics      8   +4   +2   =d20+14
K. Religion      4   +4      =d20+8
Move Silently      1   +4      =d20+5
Perform: Versatile      9   +3      =d20+12
Psicraft         5   +4   +2   =d20+12
Spot         5   +0      =d20+5
Tumble         6   +4   +2   =d20+12

Resources: 14,600

PSPs   48
L 3
Body Purification
Empathic Transfer, Hostile
Energy Bolt
False Senory Imput

L 2
Body Equilibrium
Concusion Blast
Energy Missiles
Read Thoughts
L 1
Charm, Psionic
Grease, Psionic
Inertial Armor   

    * +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength
    * Medium: As Medium creatures, xephs have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
    * Xeph base land speed is 30 feet.
    * Darkvision out to 60 feet.
    * +1 racial bonus on saving throws against powers, spells, and spell-like effects. Xephs have an innate resistance to

psionics and magic.
    * Naturally Psionic: Xephs gain 1 bonus power point at 1st level. This benefit does not grant them the ability to

manifest powers unless they gain that ability through another source, such as levels in a psionic class.
    * Burst (Su): Three times per day, a xeph can put on a burst of speed to increase her speed by 10 feet, plus 10 feet

per four character levels beyond 1st, to a maximum increase of 30 feet at 9th character level and higher. These bursts

of speed are considered a competence bonus to the xeph’s base speed. A burst of speed lasts 3 rounds.
    * Automatic Languages: Common, Xeph. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Elven, Gnoll, Goblin, Halfling, Sylvan.
    * Favored Class: Soulknife.
    * Level Adjustment: +0
Lifespan: Middle Age 45, Old 85, Venrable 120
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


I'll not be playing this, its just kind of full up as it is for my tastes.


Well in that case that leaves us with 5 players, at least unless the count has changed radically otherwise.

Unless some other DM wants to take over, I'll try and run this game sometime soon, expecting to see some ready characters for that to happen though. Presently hearing concepts but waiting to see something solid before I begin to build a start-up-post.
I've taken the Oath of The Drake. Remind me of it if you think I act against it.


I've got mine all stated up, but I just have to put him into a sheet.

Well, I don't actually have the skills made...

But he's a Ranger/Order of the Bow gestalted with a rogue.
Always seeking 5E games.


PhantomPistoleer, I have to ask, if I allowed Muse to play the Psion on this game, would you still play?

I'm presently a bit torn, I like the idea I see but at the same time I dont want to approve something that other players got some trouble with. If its a preference, ok, if its a limit, fair enough.

I'd just prefer to know at this stage at latest.
I've taken the Oath of The Drake. Remind me of it if you think I act against it.


You asked my opinion, I was inclined to give it.

But I do not mind if he plays as a psionic character.  It's your decision.
Always seeking 5E games.


personally i find psionics something that feels out of place in a d n d setting.

when you see merlin etc its sort of makes magic believable, but its hard to picture some character that is a telekinetic or whatever.
Such things would be automatically assumed with magic.

Muse - was there other types of classes that held your interest other than that ?


Turn on and off thread:

Give me toys and anime figures and I'll let you spank me as often as you want!

Discord: NicciKotor#8672

Tumblr page:


There's two people who are a bit against psionics, and two people for it. The last one hasn't said anything about that yet, but I think this could be something that would make some people a bit wary then.

Muse if you would please take the non-psionic variant of your idea to use, I would be in your debt. I have hopes to run a Psionic game sometime (as I find the rules quite tempting myself) but I try and run a game with the goal of not making anyone too uncomfortable.

NicciKotor, we currently stand at 5 players total, the absolute maximum would be 6. I'd like to get this going around 21st of May, if possible. That is, if I can get all the characters together and people agree with the choices made. Altlhough at this point, I'd like a headcount who are still with us.

Now, as for the setting, I've been suggested an idea, and I've been thinking of a few of my own. I'll put it up to a vote then what you'd like to see.

Option A)
Sea of Steel and Storms

Ships made of wood and men with wills made of steel, this setting takes place at a Great Inland Sea, and prayer is offered to the Divine every now and then that those that set sail for the sea will come back alive once more. There are many threats out there, from pirates and monsters calling the shallow waters their home, to the inhabitants of the numerous small islands dotting the sea.

At the heart of this lies the town of New Haven. Full of hardy people, it rests on a large island that is mostly self-dependant but there are still goods that are necessary to import now and then, and for that reason its a common destination for many ships that set sail to the distance. Its taverns often full of sailors and mercenaries looking to relax before a new journey to the sea.

This campaign would involve a lot of moving around, but also a central town the characters would likely return to again and again over the course of the game (Depending naturally on how long it would run) for various purposes. There would be many different nations along the shores of the inland sea, and small islands that no man or woman can lay claim to unless they can hold it by the force of their own power. There would be fighting creatures trying to rise from the depths, fighting in the beaches and fighting in jungles as well as storming deep caverns and chasms, challenging the forsaken, forgotten horrors resting on some islands, and seeking the treasures left by dragons, pirates, and the crews of unfortunate ships that ran into one more fateful, magical storm.

This game could involve the ship being mainly a convienience of getting around, or it could take place aboard the ship more often. Perhaps the character(s) own it, and its fate touches those who travel in more ways than one. Way I see it, the Gestalted characters would likely be either hired mercenaries for some of these journeys, or they would simply be travellers on the move between the islands and the outer edges of the sea to set ashore and explore what lays in the new horizon. If the ship is theirs, then they have a vested interest in it, and travelling between islands and distant shores is for more than just monster hunting who knows.

Option B)
Tradegate of Trisholm

The world has become a dangerous place, and the stranger may be a threat. Little hamlets and villages quiet down when a rider passes by. There are few places that hold up the civilization's presence though. Towns dot the countryside here and there, and old ruins stand where borders of kingdoms used to lay. These days, the rule of those kingdoms is rarely felt, so weakened by the years of wear and tear that their grasp on their own lands has been lost, and rarely felt.

The worn and tired people have little hope against the monsters and bandits that terrorize the lands, and words spread of ghost towns and burnt ruins in the distance. There are whispered rumors of orc warbands and greedy bandits that prey on the unwary, there are tales of great fortresses and dungeons of these crooked people, and the vile monsters, that are robbing the last riches of the land.

The gold is becoming more rare on the surface as resources are being taken into hiding and set away into the lairs of the monsters. Amidst all this downward cycle stand a few brave people ready to do what must be done. If these monsters are stealing away riches, then robbing them in turn is only fair option.

This campaign would take place around the Town of Trisholm, seeking out monsters and destroying them, venturing to ancient places and facing things that would put the characters abilities to test. This would be a bit of "Classic DnD" mixed with other elements. Fight hard, put your life on the line, and drink merry after a triumph, build your strength more with magic items, and face another challenge in turn. There might be a trail of clues of something else further still, things would build up over time and characters might connect a few dots looking at it.

Option C)
Licensed Monster Hunters

In a world where threats are ever present, and where whole villages vanish in the course of a night never to be seen again, dark forces are at work and scare the people to the very cores as they try and stay away from the horrors that the night brings with it. There are places that people will stay away from, and the doors are closed for the night when darkness falls. People whisper silent prayers to whatever Gods they worship and silently hope that they will wake up the morning when they go to bed.

Soldiers and guards are not always the solution, armies cant catch a single beast that is smart enough to notice when a threat is too big for direct confrontation and curse them as you might some monsters know when to change their hunting ground, for a while at least. The lands are too wide for the towns to protect them all, and villages have brave young men and women to fight for them but such enthusiasm without real skill is more often lethal to the would be heroes than the monsters that prey on them.

This is the reason for the Monster Hunters. Given a document signed by the crown, they are testified to be skilled individuals who are exempt from taxes and rules that restrict carrying weapons on the streets if you are not a member of the town's guards, in exchange for their bravery against the dark forces that riddle the night. They are not paid by the crown, towns have to arrange payments themselves, or the hunters may come to take what the monsters have looted in their dungeons far and wide, hunting where the tales of successful monsters draw their eyes.

Its a business, but sometimes they get to help people. Sometimes they are revered as heroes. Other times, they are looked upon with the same suspicion as the monsters themselves. Fame and Infamy may be their part, but one thing is for certain, the bards will sing of their deeds and their Legends will spread.

Vae Victis! Woe to the Vanquished!

This is an 'Uprooted' campaign, the characters are likely to face assignments far and wide, learn of new threats creeping up, opportunities and possibilities, receive requests from townsfolk and villagers to help with things, and discover caches of lore and riches from a previous age where the kingdom was more than just a fancy title for the loose collection of city-states that nominally follow one leader's decisions, when it suits the Governor of a town or city to do so.
I've taken the Oath of The Drake. Remind me of it if you think I act against it.




Class: Gestalt Sorceress (6) / Favored Soul (6)
Alignment: Neutral Good


Loosing her merchant parents to pirates which has given her a passion to rid the waters of slave traders and pirates alike. Luckiliy for her other people also had similar hatred towards such scum and once gold came her way her ambition found agreement.

Sheva is very much a witch but she strongly identifies with merchant sailors, which her family descended from. Believing merchants pave the way for strong societies, her dream to have exclusive ships which are enchanted, perhaps can even fly, a dream she hopes to use to destroy the stranglehold the slave trade and pirating have imposed on others lives. Trying to gather the wealth to finance such a thing is the current hurdle she faces.

Unlike most sorceresses her spells are ones that aid the group as a whole, a choice her crew and subsequent profits have benefited from many fold.

Familiar: -Droped it for Eschew materials

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Energy Resistance fire 10/m
Weapon Focus (Deity's Weapon - Shortsword)
Eschew Materials
Combat Casting
Heighten spell
Extend Spell


Favored soul (level 6)

level 3
  Speak with Dead
  Bestow Curse
  Dispel Magic

Level 2

  Zone of Truth
  Hold Person
  Cure Moderate Wounds

Level 1

  Endure Elements
  Obscuring Mist
  Cure Light Wounds:
  Comprehend Languages:

level 0
  Detect Magic:
  Detect Poison
  Create Water:
  Purify Food and Drink:
  Read Magic

Sorcerer (level 6)

level 3

  Major Image

level 2
  Gust of Wind (When on the Moth, this will be regularly cast on the sails ensuring desired wind conditions when there is need for it)
  Summon Swarm

level 1
  Magic Missile
  Unseen Servant:
  Charm Person
  Identify M

level 0

  Dancing Lights
  Acid Splash:
  Ray of Frost:
  Arcane Mark:


Handy Haversack* 2000gp
  *Scroll Case, loose paper, inkwell and quillset
  *Blanket, winter
  *Soap & face towel
  *100 ft Silk Rope
  *Grappling hook    
  *Flint and steel
  *20 Pitons
  *3 Oil flasks
  *Spare spell Component Pouch  (For rarer materials which the Eschew Materials feat doesn't remove the need for)
  *Rations (weeks)
  *3 x Waterskins

light Warhorse 200gp (Bit and bridle, saddle and saddlebags / feed)
chain-mail 150gp
Shortsword 10 gp (dieties fav weapon)
dagger 2 gp
Soft leather boots, gloves and belt
Concealed Spell Component Pouch (For rarer materials which the Eschew Materials feat doesn't remove the need for)
Coin pouch*

*Current Gold:1 gp

"The Moth"

The moth got its name from having a knack of escaping from the jaws of trouble with little damage or injury, being a schooner class this shouldn't be a surprise.  Sea worthy and faster than a long ship, sailing ship or gallery, the schooner is a favorite for merchants requiring quick delivery of high valued goods, the prime choice for fishermen and those charting the oceans, this ship has no rowing or large cargo options one would expect for a ship its size, but that is the price one must pay for the fastest, most maneuverable and flexible ship on the sea. Currently a lot of the cargo hold is kitted out as a stable for most of the goods they trade are needy of an armed mounted escort to see their arrival as the high service prices demanded.

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Ship type: Schooner (Estimated price 7,500 gp)
Staffed by: 15-20 (The crew sleeps in hammocks which can easily placed throughout the ship depending on the weather, and do not have designated rooms)
Cargo: (50)10 Tonnes*
Total crew wage cost: 1 gp per day

  Note with full Cargo - ships is about 1/2 of what it can hold (and thus very boyant). The reason why the Moth is so is although normally Schooners   can carry 50 tonnes of cargo or 100 soldiers, the Moth has been re-fitted to only have room to carry 10 tonnes (See below).

Moths Equipment

Free area:

Room for 10 tonnes of additional cargo (excluding horses)
Room for an stable for 12 horses
Sleeping Room for 36-50 people (hammocks) and 12 horses (room enough for all to lay down)


24 x Barrels of Oats (High-end Horse feed - Last 12 large horses on board 1 Month. can also be turned into porridge if needed)
12 x Barrels of Drinking water (Last all on board 1 Month)
12 x Barrels of Food (Last all on board 1 Month)
2   x Barrels of Pitch (Keeping ships hull watertight)
1   x Barrel of oil (For the ship's lanterns)
1   x Barrel of Soft Wax (waterproof's paper and creates canvas from fabrics)
1   x Barrel of Salt (Salting Fish or pickling other food products eg vegetables)
1  x  Barrel of Rum (Empty)
6  x  Small kegs of assorted oils (for pulley maintenance / prevent sea-rust etc)

Craftware and Toolsets

1 x Secondary set of full rigged sails
1 x Set of storm sails
1 x Artisan’s Tools, Masterwork (Sails/ropes/nets)
   - 500 ft in total of spare rope (Rope of varies lengths strengths - enough to create another set of rigging)
1 x Artisan’s Tools, Masterwork (Navigation)
  + 2 x wooden map kits (For moon and star charts and assorted maps. Also has extra blank map paper + its own inkwell and quillsets)
  + 2 x Hour-Glass
  + 3 x Egg timer glass (smaller than an hourglass but looks the same)
1 x Artisan’s Tools, Masterwork (Carpentry)
1 x Artisan’s Tools, Masterwork (Metalwork)
1 x Artisan’s Tools, Masterwork (Healing - mainly soaps, cleaning salves, bandages and stitching paraphernalia)
1 x Artisan’s Tools, Masterwork (Horse care / grooming)
5 x Sets of Merchant Scales (i.e. different types)
3 x Sets of Flint and steel
3 x Sets of Whetstone
3 x Grappling hooks
3 x Crowbars
6 x Assorted Knifes (general purpose)
6 x Assorted Mallets (general purpose)
5 x Fishing net, 25 sq. ft. Only two of these are in a state that could catch fish,  three of these nets have rewoven into one much stronger, suitable for retrieving floating supplies without breaking while the Moth is under sail (but impractical for fishing). Two however are left for any occasion where there is a need to complement its current foodstocks.

Additional non-standard equipment Cost: Approx 500 gp

Normally could carry 50 tonnes however a large proportion of the cargo room is been fashioned into a stable build to keep 12 horses with enough walking room longer journeys bearable. Even if full of plate covered warhorses the stables tonnage would unlikely exceed 20 tonnes. Unfortunately the area the stables holds hold only leaves a small area free.  Assuming the ship is uses also considerable own food stocks and water tanks for ballast, the remaining cargo has been kept to merely 10 tonnes. Thus even when its cargo bay is full, the ship would be less than half as heavy as what fully loaded ship of its type would be, a fact which ensures faster speeds than otherwise.

Currently holding : Spices purchased for 200 gp (taking about 1/20th of its current free cargo area)


Generally her followers are warriors that have taken to sailing to oversee all aspects of escorting highly valued goods to their destination.  As such most of the ship is decked out for catering to crew and horses of those who would deliver who or whatever would pay such a price. Leaving precious little room for actual cargo. For the past year the Moth has been trading in spices or other high value goods while looking out for the higher paid services for movement of spys, nobles or those desperate to pay high coin for exceptionally speedy escorts across the land or by sea. Those who occasionally request the moth for such preferred to pay more for passage than answer awkward questions, and as such the sailors know little of the politics they are getting involved with. Although some of those on the Moth are direct followers, others with them see joining them as an opportunity to garner wealth - and paid well for the risk. (2.5 x normal pay) Currently Sheva has ordered the ship to use whatever Profits it is making from doing so to purchase bags of holding which would enable high volume trades when the time and opportunity comes.

--- Cohort --

Lisa Runley (Sheva's Cohort)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Favored Soul - Level 4
Role : Skipper of the Moth (she on the ship most of the time but will be the one trading the ships current stock for whatever is sensible to buy in harbor to take its place. The moth isn't a merchant ship however they will use their cargo for such when its not fully used for escorting purposes).


  Energy Resistance fire 10/m
  Weapon Focus (Short sword)
  Eschew Materials
  Combat Casting
  Heighten spell

Known Spells

Level 2

  Gentle Repose
  Zone of Truth

Level 1

  Endure Elements
  Obscuring Mist
  Cure Light Wounds
  Comprehend Languages

level 0
  Detect Magic
  Detect Poison
  Create Water
  Purify Food and Drink
  Read Magic

Handy Haversack*
  *Personal Artisan’s Tools, Masterwork (Navigation)
  *Wooden Map/Scroll Case, loose paper, inkwell and quillset
  *Blanket, winter
  *Soap & face towel
  *100 ft Silk Rope
  *Grappling hook   
  *Flint and steel
  *20 Pitons
  *3 Oil flasks
  *Spare spell Component Pouch (For rarer materials which the Eschew Materials feat doesn't remove the need for)
  *Rations (weeks)
  *3 x Waterskins

Light Warhorse (Bit and bridle, saddle and saddlebags / feed)
Masterwork Scale mail
Masterwork Short sword
Masterwork Dagger
Soft leather boots, gloves and belt
Climbers Kit
Spell Component Pouch (For rarer materials which the Eschew Materials feat doesn't remove the need for)
Coin Purse (Holds Profits of the ship - whatever they may be)


5 x 1st level Followers

5 x 1st level human fighters

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(First level fighters get three feats)

Exotic weapon proffic. - Heavy Repeating Xbowl (all 5)*
*1/2 the followers also have Rapid reload + Shot on the run, the other 1/2 of them also has Farshot and point blank.

Accumulated Equipment
5 x heavy repeating xbows = 2,500 gp (200 bolts each)
5 x light Warhorse 1000gp (Bit and bridle, saddle and saddlebags / feed)
5 x Breast Plate 1000 gp
5 x daggers 10 gp
5 x short swords 50 gp
5 x Climber’s kit 400 gp
5 x Whetstone
5 x Flint and Steel
5 x 100 ft rope
5 x Grappling hook
5 x cold weather outfit
5 x bullseye lantern + oil flask       
5 x Mirror, small steel    
5 x Signal Whistel
5 x Soap
5 x Bedroll
5 x Winter blanket
5 x Shovel
5 x Scroll Case
5 x Sunrod
5 x 30 gp (each) worth of rations, water-skins and maps.

1 x Portable Ram
1 x 10 ft of chain
10 x Tindertwig
3 x Smokestick

Total = 5,150 gp

Non-Follower crew
5 x Professional Experienced Sailors
3 x Workhands / Inexperienced Sailors (which are often tasks by other crew members)
1 x Cook
1 x Seems-tress (sails/nets/ropes)
1 x Carpenter
1 x Healer
1 x Metal-Worker
1 x Logistic Expert (Course mapping, stocks and Accounts)
1 x Stables-keepers

Total = 20

   Typical Hireling, trained    3 sp per day (all but Workhands = 12)
   Typical Hireling, untrained    1 sp per day (workhands = 3)

40 sp per day for standard wages
At Pay double = 80
Pay at 2.5 times normal pay = 1 gp per day

Total crew wage cost: 1 gp per day.



for me option a can merge into others.

I am happy for my starting wealth to be tied up in the ship making passive income / trying high profit trading / services

Ideally it would be cool if other players come in as trading equals offering their services to either deck it out with magical options (so it can fly / need less crew / can self repair / whatever / or upgrade it or have several of them ) we are merchant kings (we own islands or start our own society... its flying ships creating a monopoly :)

This leaves heaps of room for us being off the ship - the ship(s) can do thir own thing a lot while we dugeon crawl etc, but I love this ideas it gives so much flexibility and heaps of options later... we can deck out a town / its ships / its soilders etc.... which develops in the background as we adventure - we return to see the progress (hopefully) that our plans set in motion - as well as cashing in loot to make us all better / bigger etc.


My vote is for either option 1 or 2, Wintercat.
Always seeking 5E games.


I like all of them, though I agree with Kate about option A.

Character is here, just need to pick out wizard prepared spells and I'm done. Spent a fair bit of gold (1,700) on rounding out my spell list some. Still don't have a whole lot in the way of blasting spells.


I like 2

I will try to get my character up sometime today or tommorow.


2 votes for A, 1 Vote for B, 1 vote for A or B, that leaves Muse and possibly Niccikotor to answer anymore.

After that, I'll just wait for the remaining characters, and try and get this game on the move.
I've taken the Oath of The Drake. Remind me of it if you think I act against it.


*smiles*  I like the seafaring story! 

Character proposal forthcoming. 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


I haven't really finalized my character.  I noticed a few things wrong with him, namely that he's got an awful SPOT/LISTEN.

Also, that he should probably wear a buckler.

But before I do anything, is there anyone here that's good at spot/listening?
Always seeking 5E games.


I PMed Wintercat and I will post it here as well, i would like to be considered as an alternate for this adventure should you all lose someone  ^.^


It appears we presently have 5, 6 in case NicciKotor is interested still, but I'll keep the offer in mind Aether. The largest player total I think I can handle in one game is 6 though, at least when it involves Dungeons and Dragons.

Thanks for the interest though.
I've taken the Oath of The Drake. Remind me of it if you think I act against it.


Not a problem.

I PMed PP and then PMed you both for the alternate spot.

The post here was simply to make sure you had seen I was interested  ^.^



If it turns out we go 2 (which also seems fine !)
Could I have my character as she is ? (and I cant send the ship on its merry way ?)
That way when we come back into a town etc - if i have loot i can kit it out myself / perhaps it could birth a side plot or something ?

(btw - for those curious about how much it would take to actually make something like the moth a flying ship ... )

2 x continual Gust of wind (48000)
- Total 96,000 gp for 2 permanent gust of wind items lifting the ship from wing-sails - literally)
  (telekinisis/reverve grav was more expensive)

Assuming 4000 (ie 1/2 its hull cost) is needed to rerig the Moth for the extra sail-wings needed.. (
ie put in 2 or 4 side-ways masts and sails etc)

Total Cost 100,000 gp for making a schooner a flying ship.

Note - below not needed but interesting
- Total 38,880 gp for an item that gives indefinite food (for 12 horses and 36 people)
- Total 20,000 gp for an item that gives indefinite water(for 12 horses and 36 people)

I.E. the cost of making two constant gusts of wind to lift the ship is about 5 times the cost of having an item that can give 12 horses and 36 people all the water they would want to drink or wash with for a day.


Kate, couldn't you create the flying schooner picking up that one feat that lets you double your cash flow for the specific purposes of creating a base of operations?
Always seeking 5E games.


They have specific items for flying ships in Arms and Equipment.


Quote from: SomeGuy on May 03, 2011, 11:38:53 AM
They have specific items for flying ships in Arms and Equipment.

Arms and Equipment? Is that the book's title, or are you refering to a chapter of some other book right now, I am not quite sure, but if its not in the already approved books list, I'd like to check up on that.

Because I don't recall a book by that name and if I am not in possession of a copy, I would prefer to keep it out of the game. This being solely a risk of people quoting things from that book and I would not have a chance to check up on their findings. While I prefer to trust players, I've learned the hard way that sometimes there are mistakes, intentional or accidential, that can cause a lot of frustration or even kill games.
I've taken the Oath of The Drake. Remind me of it if you think I act against it.


"Cloud Keel: An invention of djinn on the Elemental
Plane of Air, the cloud keel gives its vessel the ability
to fly at a speed of 40 feet (clumsy). If the vessel is
wind-powered, it can still use its sails if they provide
faster movement than the keel itself.
Caster Level: 17th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
fly, wish; Market Price: 200,000 gp; Weight: 1,000 lb."