Interest: D&D 3.5 Gestalt (Seeking GM/Group)

Started by PhantomPistoleer, April 26, 2011, 11:51:49 PM

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Zaer Darkwail

Here is my charsheet, HP not added yet as it's remains as question still.

I am using the Dragonscale Husk feature from Dragon magic. It gives me ability grow scales which AC value is 6 + 1/3 class level which gives it (this case knight gives it). In 5th level I receive resistance 5 vs Acid, Cold, Ligthning and Fire. It grows over the levels. Bad side this armor cannot be enchanted with item creation feats nor increased with magic vestment potions. But at 18th level it gives me +12 AC which is same as Full Plate with +4 enchant. It's perks is that I can shed armor off in 10 minutes but it takes 8 hours grow back. Also I can sleep that armor on without any penalties.

Also in 5th paladin level plan take Drakkensteed mount and plan focus and expand on mounted combat after that point then. But otherwise I am well rounded face guy; +8 sense motive, diplomacy and intimidate. Bit religion and nobility lore. Build wise I am tank, the shield ward gives me shield bonus to touch AC and affects to resist trip, bullrush, disarms and grapple attempts etc. Divine Shield is from Complete Warrior and allows use one turn undead charge to get Charisma mod to my shield bonus for egual to 1/2 char level in rounds. So I am sitting at 28 AC vs everyone and 29 AC vs single target (+5 vs ranged attacks).

Altough damage potential is not that great with my knight but if he uses Test of Mettle and forces lots mobs charge him....he gets AoO vs any foes who charge him and he can strike three foes before they strike :P. Also knigth challenge gives +1 to hit and dmg and will saves (increases to +2 in next level). If he stands adjacent to anyone he can take hit and half dmg.


Like said earlier, this character will be able to one touch eventually and do alot of damage.

Zaer Darkwail

Hmmm? Do you know you need minimum 13 Str to have Power Attack feat :P. Also higher Str would help more with the damage department.


lol, i took it off of recomendation and did nod pay heed to the str part.  Is their a Charisma mod plus to attack also, ZD?

Zaer Darkwail

Charisma mod adds on attack roll only when you smite evil bastards. Otherwise you depend on raw muscle. Also cheap way to get more AC would be if you would know mage armor spell (it would save cost of bracers for long run and you can somepoint empower mage armor spell to get +6 bonus to AC). Shocking Grasp is good choice for nuke moment (as you can cast spell and hold it ready in the hand before you do decisive strike). But 2th level spell I would had picked some buff spell. Animalistic Power spell works like Bull's strenght and so forth buff spells. But instead one stat it gives +2 to Str, Dex and Con.


Yeah, I am not done with the spell list yet.  I could have sworn there was a feat for using Cha mod instead of Str on attacks  :P

I guess weapon finesse it is!

Zaer Darkwail

But remember; you have limited amount of feats here. So far as I count you got these for certain;

Human racial: Free
1st level: Power Attack
Monk 1st level: Stunning Fist (Enligthened Fist reg feat)
Monk 2th level: Combat Reflex
3th level: Combat Casting (Enligthened Fist reg feat, +4 concentration checks while casting defensively spell while threatened)
6th level: Ascetic Mage

So use the human racial for attack modifier then?


Yeah, may as well go Weapon Finesse and up that BAB some.  And I wont be upping my str for Power Attack and Dragon Steed goes there.

Zaer Darkwail

Dragon steed?! Do you understand that Drakkensteed replaces the ability what paladin gets in 5th do not need sacrifice feat to get it :P. It's called variant for reason. As some paladn variant gives up spellcasting to gain bonus feats instead each 4th level.

Weapon finesse is okay choice up your BAB. But without power attack and having only 10 str means your decisive strikes looses a lot punching power. Did you even think that you can use decisive strike as part of cleave action? If foe falls down, you can perform decisive strike as part of cleave or great cleave action?


Quote from: Zaer Darkwail on May 07, 2011, 03:25:49 PM
Charisma mod adds on attack roll only when you smite evil bastards. Otherwise you depend on raw muscle. Also cheap way to get more AC would be if you would know mage armor spell (it would save cost of bracers for long run and you can somepoint empower mage armor spell to get +6 bonus to AC). Shocking Grasp is good choice for nuke moment (as you can cast spell and hold it ready in the hand before you do decisive strike). But 2th level spell I would had picked some buff spell. Animalistic Power spell works like Bull's strenght and so forth buff spells. But instead one stat it gives +2 to Str, Dex and Con.

Or you could go my route and wander around the place naked. At most I am going to wear a cloak. Damn humans and their weird sense of decency.
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Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: NicciKotor on May 07, 2011, 05:39:53 PM
Or you could go my route and wander around the place naked. At most I am going to wear a cloak. Damn humans and their weird sense of decency.

Their sense of decency is only to protect from their constant animal alike heating lust from each other. Animals follow time of the year when they mate, humans follow by how much clothes they wear.


Well, ZD, I do understand the potential there, trust me.  The stats seem a bit spread out though atm.  AND I am really more playing towards the Enlightened Fist part with the whole true strike / decisive strike / smite evil / arcane fist / [insert spell here] and trying to get the Charisma higher.

Of course, enlightened discussion on this is okay with me  :P

Zaer Darkwail

Yeah, I just gave my opinion :). Do as you like, but I thought for your concept you need bump much as you can Str. So this case you can bump up power attack max of your BAB while true strike makes sure attack will hit in next round. In very high level you could even quicken true strike. The benefit of power attack early levels in gestalt could make quite difference in damage potential. As also if you pick cleave or greater cleave you can affect more than one foe with super attack.


Where would you take the three points from, though?

I could see taking a point from Cha, thats 2 of the needed.  Not sure where to grab the other one though, dont want negs...

Zaer Darkwail

I would say that you could drop from dexterity one point. Or two same go. Change one first level spells to mage armor (you can change it later if you get gear compensate +4 AC). Your AC drops to 17 but with mage armor you get 21 AC. The mage armor can be invisible or take form of clothes or even armor. Entirely up to imagination. Same with Shield spell but it has much shorter duration than mage armor.

This way you get Str 14 which is decent boost to your physical dmg and also qualify for power attack. You loose only 1pt from charisma and have Dex 16. With combat reflex you have 4 AoO per round, which is enough in most situations if not even more. But problem is only where get those AoO. I myself favor picking feats like Hold of the Line and Robillar's Gambit (things which makes foe provoke AoO when they should not).

Also check your temp score; now it shows you have -5 mod in charisma with all your skills :P. I presume you meant 23 mod? Using one ion stones to have +2 to charisma correct?


Yeah, I cant figure out why it did that.

If I drop cha and dex a total of three points, that gets me 6 back and wouldnt need finesse cause that would net a str of 16.

I cant max out tumble yet because its cross classed atm.  But one could tumble into the middle of some lightly armored foes and wreak havoc, but yeah, 3 sounds like enough on the AoO.

Working on it!

Zaer Darkwail

Tumble cross class skill? As monk you get first two levels tumble, and after that you can increase it's max rank by 2pts. At least how I rule in my table that once you have got some skill as class skill, you can raise it to max rank but it costs more to do so when not level up into class which does not have it as class skill.

Anycase 16 Str and 16 Dex good for monk. As 4 AoO would be good enough (you get 1 + dex mod amount AoO with combat reflex).



It takes me a bit to make sure all the numbers are right.

Well, I figured once I made it to EF, I could start training it again.  Can I do so now?  Train it that is?  The reason its 3 atm is for a full rank gather info, which you did not take  :P


We had a player announce he's withdrawing from the game, seeing how enthusiastic Aether and Zaer are about it, and I've still got no word from abandoneddolly. I'm starting to think the two of you might both be in-game shortly if this goes on.

I'm saddened to lose the other player, but I appreciate him being honest with how he feels at the same time.
I've taken the Oath of The Drake. Remind me of it if you think I act against it.


I'm pretty psyched that we're picking up two really enthusiastic players, Wintercat.
Always seeking 5E games.


i have an idea.

We start the IC thread quickly.

the GM doesn't wait for everyone to post before addressing any.

Most dont mind their character being godemoded "doing something boring but useful and not stupid and just agreeing with whatever else seems to beleive"

It could be the gm could post after how many posts he has read at his whim.

This IS about what works for the storyteller. We HAVE to remember that.

What breaks big groups isnt personality clashes, its always waiting on the slowest, and giving everyone ago before the train moves to the next station. The train is always waiting at stations, its spends most of its time waiting.

That isn't how trains move.

So I think that wintercat posts as the storyteller any time he wants, and i think its mature for players to be cool if the storyteller - or whoever godemodes your character (determines what you do).
Such that the story can move on and when you do have time to post more things have happened - you will have more and more to post about.



I took the exact same line in another game, asked, begged the story teller to just catch up with the other, fluid time like we call it in Xaviers...  BUT YES!

*High Fives Kate!*



Scorching Ray does an extra ray per x levels.  Could my character do a ray per attack when the time comes?

Zaer Darkwail

The Scorching Ray does 4d6 fire dmg and you get one extra ray each four levels caster levels you have. So if you convert scorching ray as touch spell in 12th level or so, then you do combined dmg instead sepaprated with single attack (a 12d6 fire dmg).