Scourge of Worlds - A Pathfinder Adventure

Started by Laughing Hyena, April 19, 2011, 02:16:22 PM

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I had an idea for your character.

How about making your dex your hightest state - and intellegence your second highest... then taking weaponfinesse (which uses your dex bonus to determine chances to hit not your strength - if you using light weapons)
choose rapiers - which have a higher chance of criticals - take improved critical later or any feats that extend critical chances...

making you lighter - less weighty - large chance of hurting things via criticals (some high damaging effects with weapon enchantments only happen during criticals)... (which i think rogues can pull off more often anyway).

but heaps of skill points (due to larger intellegence), and dex based skills (eg traps etc) your super good at (due to high dex)... and you still have more skill points left over.

No need to waste a feat learning rapiers as you as being a rouge already have that (no need to take exoitc weapon proficiency for them - or if you like exotic weapons you can use that for things like reapting crossbows or a handcrossbow or something else roguey


Eh I like the idea of a bruiser-esque kinda rogue. With the stats I rolled, getting 14 int really made it that much more in my favor that she would be able to be better at combat. The rapier can't be used according to this for both hands and even if it could, I still would need to take a feat to actually use it (overweight weapons or what not to lower the penalty for using a heavier weapon in offhand). Unless I use a light weapon in off hand, it just wouldn't work to use rapier as a weapon choice in terms of getting an extra feat. While I could get weapon finesse as a rogue talent, I would be cutting out of either weapon training (+1 attack is good considering lower attack rate I feel) or Resilency, which is pretty much +5 HP to my character if I drop below 0 once a day, which considering how I'll be up close and my HP rolls were anything but amazing, I think will be very helpful in more dangerous fights. As a side note, I noticed I forgot the -2 penalty on my weapons thanks haha ^^;;

The Sabre, sawtooth actually give with exotic weapon training the ability to use them and count them as Light weapons, thus lower the penalty to -2 instead of -4. While it has a little less crit chance then rapier, it has up to a d8 roll which I think more then makes up for it. Strength just will boost my characters damage up a lot more and with my dice rolls, it just made sense to me to go with higher strength (started 5 and +2 racial +1 level, it actually was my second highest dice roll not my highest) and skip on the feat for the sake of providing more bang for my buck when I do hit and helping to take out things faster since I'm a rather fragile melee character.

My character still will have pretty high dex in the end. If the game did go on so long, she would probably grab 2 more dex for greater two weapon which would give her +1 more boost. She will still be very good at traps but she will also be good in combat, hopefully having enough bang in her to take out things before they can strike her back, which will make up for her more fragile nature.  Int wise, 14 seems like a great number as the +2 basically gets me enough for 2 more skills, which I have pretty well covered. If I was to take the second highest value, I'd only have 15 int which would mean I would have to invest +1 from my level in int to get the next higher value for additional skills which i believe would only come after level 4. Investing +2 racial to int just didn't seem like a great thing to do. The only real skill I could see using it for is Use Magic Device, which I don't think I'll have any use for at all unless this went into a higher level game. ^^;;



Haha, trust me though, Rapier was one of the weapons in my mind until I saw the new Sabre, Sawtooth weapon. Must be from a recent pathfinder book cause I don't remember it before. I saw the weapon and what it did in terms of damage/crit and I went (ooo, that looks pretty good) then clicked on it and my jaw dropped seeing just how much better it was. Counting as a light weapon with exotic proficiency? Sign me up!  ;D

I do wonder though how long term of an RP this will be. If it lasts long enough I can't wait to get improved crit/twf and some more fancy rogue feats that can give me even more feats. XD I just hope if we do get plenty of more levels, I don't find myself rolling only 2s and 3s for my HP again. XP


im itching to get into some action also :)


Quote from: Kate on April 29, 2011, 10:32:03 AM
im itching to get into some action also :)
And for once on this website, that isn't talking about the naughty type of action.  ;D

Laughing Hyena

Okay Im gonna put a character sheet thread up but I do have a question for you people. Where shall I place these threads? In the Light Groups? Or in the Extreme Groups since this is technically capable of some nasty deaths even without sex in it.


I think I'd call it "Light". Yes, there will be death, but it's D&D death. Not like torture porn.

Technically it could go into "Non-Adult Roleplays" ("This board is for roleplaying that does not contain explicit sex.")


It really depends on what kind of non-sexual content you might be including, Laughing.  If you don't predict anything too extreme, then Ebb's suggestion to put it in the Non-Adult would be fine.  We're all adults here, so it's not like a bit of fantasy bloodshed or cursing is going to get anyone up in arms.


Id guess Light perhaps also but I am always a little bit confused by that anyway.


Light I think is more so for sexual encounters that might be on the more innocent side and likely not rampant through the RP. Given no sexual content at all, I would say that non-adult could work or if your concerned light could fit (section is locked). Really though, unless your going for some insanely crazy deaths (not me please!) then I would say you shouldn't really have to worry about it.

Laughing Hyena

Character Deatabase Thread

Well all I am saying is that there is some pretty vile things out there and not all of them are keen to just eating. Some like playing with their food.

But I promise I wont go nuts. As for the whole sexual stuff there is almost zero. Best you could hope for is exceptionally light fanservice for humors sake.


*Shivers* Why does "play with their food" sound even more creepy knowing that it involves no sexual stuff? O.O lol

Laughing Hyena

Hmm... I can think of one reason but I need someone to help explain this. *Rings up said help*

Jim Carrey Fire Marshall Bill In Hospital


Nyah! >.< Well thinking about it I really should probably write down more of a solid background for her instead of just a character sheet. Then again... so much work! *shifty eyes*


I think that it's perfectly alright not to have pages and pages of backstory.  It'd good to have a general idea of course, but it can also be fun to go in relatively blind save for a personality and see what comes of it!

Laughing Hyena

Well it looks like we have all the players here so this means I can move onward to the actual fun stuff... ENJOY!

Anyway I'll be posting the opening to the adventure soon enough.



Are we still needing waiting on an extra character btw ?

Callie Del Noire

I *was* interested but a break in linking with my PC back here in Jax last week meant I had no access to the books and told LH to go without me.


So... is Callie sneakily telling us to go and yell at LH? XD

Callie Del Noire

Huh? I didn't say anything of the sort.


Well we haven't started anything yet Callie other than posted character sheets :P

At least I don't think we have unless I am missing something.

Laughing Hyena

And I did not forget about starting this. But nobody likes a crappy post for an opening.


Indeed, take all the time you need Laughing!  I'm looking forward to the story you're preparing to weave, and I'd hate to feel like we're rushing you.