The Complete Works of Sabby

Started by Sabby, April 14, 2011, 04:26:36 PM

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Another one too simplistic to post a full ad for. Looking for a mother and father with a bi-curious son whose taken to spying on them during sex. They know he's watching, they let him, and eventually mum beckons him inside so he can blow daddy with her and see where else the night takes them.


Freefalls Last Fight added to Furry


Faded Bonds added to Straight.

As a note, from now on, assume that the last RP posted is the only one I'm interested in. I may be willing to play older ones, so please ask me in PM :)


Craving some father\daughter RP, with the daughter the main instigator, and the relationship long established. She would do things like lead guys on to make her daddy jelous and strut downstairs nude for a drink, knowing full well he's working late right next to the kitchen... And she'll still play innocent, even as he lifts her up onto the counter.

