Submit to the Ropes and the Will (Searching for BDSM and Bondage~!)

Started by Kyubey, April 06, 2011, 12:54:45 AM

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Protip: Added the Piecemaker of the Hourglass world plot idea.

Mmm...Steampunk and Gadgetpunk. Yum.
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Protip: Added the new plot idea Can you Love a Subhuman?

Guilty Crown, No.6 , 1984 with a touch a lot of Brave New World influences! Any takers?
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Definitely yummy if you ask me lol.  I will agree with you there.   ;D
Taker of the Oath of the Drake  Absence and Apology...countdown to to speak.  Storyteller Cafe thread.  Solo thread request thread
IMPORTANT UPDATE as of October 6th 2016 in A/A page


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Protip: Added the plot idea Sex Degrees of Seperation

Hm, my first venture into Age gap. Perhaps the age of 31 is a fair amount?
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Protip: Added the plot idea Writing the Future

Inspired by a fiction I read over the Interwebs~
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Protip: Added the plot idea A tale of Two Lovers

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Protip: Added the plot idea Ninety-Nine Nights: The Creeping

Let's survive!
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Hi! First of all, I have to admit that I read through almost every plot idea you had in your request post. I found them so intriguing! Of course, I'm not replying on this thread just to compliment you, I'm sure you get enough of that. It's just that I've been wracking my brain for the better part of the last half-hour trying to think of which one to ask you about.

I do like the idea of a love triangle, especially to a sweet little slave girl, so I'd like to ask you about "A Tale of Two Lovers."

Hope to hear from you soon!
everythingemmeline absencesapologies storyideas(coming soon!) cheatsheet(coming soon!)


Aha, many thanks!
Hm, the truth is, I do have a strange idea cooking up. But I'll tell you more about it in PMs.

Thanks again!
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Added the plot idea On a cold October Night.

Runaways and robberies, how fun~
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Protip: Added the In a Matriarch's World plot idea.

Hm. My first RP where I will play a submissive, please don't hurt me if I do not RP to your interest. I am always willing to learn~!
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Protip: Added The Darkness Writhes plot idea.

Bonus points to anyone who knows this series, because this is a blatant Plot rip.
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Protip: Added the plot idea I thought she was Okay with it!

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Protip: Added Not quite the person you thought him to be!
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Quote from: Kyubey on April 06, 2011, 12:54:45 AM

Stuck...with you?!
Oh look. Your house burned down. Bummer, isn't it? Though for sure the assessment for damages will proceed, everything you own, razed along with your hopes for a simple life when most of your assets were leveled to the ground along with your house. Desperate for a place to stay, you decide to share a room. At first the roommate wasn't that bad...he was a very handsome man of a few words. But find out his entire place was decorated with bondage equipment, manuals and sex toys, even. Though he does assure you he is a civilized man, you still...feel the weird vibes about. That and...natural curiosity. Will you have the guts to ask him? (The Roommate's personality can be changed to your desire.)

The Dominant One
An experienced Dominatrix comes to a bar, drinking her worries away. Ripe at the age of 24, you look forward to the future and see nothing more than the moans of men swooning over your beauty, insults by way of men asking for you to make love to them and the worries of age taking your reputation away. You fear the younger, more curvaceous rookies, rising stars in the industry. You strike up a chat with a man beside you, whom you find out to be a famed Rigger and Rope Artist until an accident claimed the life of his beloved Submissive. Sharing in your insecurities, he strikes up something that was just too exciting to miss out: with your curvaceous, killer body, bound in rope, drooling and begging for reprieve...the idea of being a submissive did dance in your head for a few years now, comes the opportunity to try it out, no harm done to the reputation! What starts off as a simple Bondage sessions grows into a fuller romance shared by two incomplete peoples. (You will play the Dominant, who tries being a Switch this time around. The Appearance is premade.)

Writing the Future
A skilled Bondage fiction writer disappeared from her home with evidence of a break-in. The police are on a search to find the woman, but she remains elusive to them. Unbeknownst to anyone, she was already 'sold' to a client in North America, kidnapped from a small home in Liverpool, found almost half-way across the map. The challenges she faces from a person who had read her 'writings' bent on breaking her into his toy, will she give in or ultimately fall into the fantasy world she herself had written? (You will play the kidnapped Writer.)

A tale of two Lovers
He was such a kind master. To think that he had taken her into his stead during her darkest hours...he had bound her body and soul to his command, effortlessly manipulating her body to gain the reactions he desired. Strict and kind, he let her wander and do the things she pleased in the day but forced her to wear the collar at Night. At school she had met an endearing young man who, despite his rough exterior, has a soft heart and a crush on her. With him as the Man of the Sun and her Master as the Lord of the Night, how will she tread the fine balance between her Lover and her Master? (You will play the girl stuck between the two choices, let us discuss more on this at PMs.)

Not quite the person you thought him to be!
Introverted and quiet, a young man you had known for a bit continues to work his best even today. While college is going by well, you harbor a few feelings towards him, having known the young lad since you were but a dreaming girl. While your friends urge you to make a move, for a group project you are invited to his room, only to discover a few magazines and manuals relating to bondage. Suddenly, that drab young man is no longer that boy who occupies the corner of the library...he would be your personal master! (Quite open, the ideas can be reversed with the submissive being the introvert, ect;)

I'm actually interested in several of these and would love to do an RP with you. Give me a PM if your interested!
Yes pleases and no thank yous (Updated 9/15/2014) <3 What I'm currently craving (Updated 9/15/2014) <3 Where has your favorite little Dream Dancer been? (Updated 6/20/2013)

"Woman was created from Man's rib; Not made from His head to top Him; Nor from His feet to be trampled; But from His side to be His equal, Under His arm to be protected, And near His heart to be loved"


Many thanks for your interest!
I shall get to that PM soon enough!
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Protip: Added Some secrets are better left as secrets.

Very open idea, he doesn't have to be a murderer! Perhaps someone implicated?
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Protip: Added the Doctor of, not that kind! plot.


Also, CRAVING In a matriarch's world!
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Protip: Added the plot idea Opening up through Bondage

Still craving a little...domination. Odd, but it should be discussed, atleast the idea.
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"Female Rebel X Princess/General + Other" piqued my curiosity--a naughty take on Jeanne d'Arc, if I'm not mistaken? I am potentially interested, depending on what you had in mind for it. Curious for more information!

I am also... maybe interested in "10% Furry X Human." Not my standard fare by any means, but... seems like it might be interesting, depending upon the details.
Apoloies & Absences - Updated 11/16/2014 - Around and available? Hopefully?


Needless to say, I loved your ideas.  Particularly, "Romance within Section A-L" and "Opening up through the Works of the Ropes."  The female character in both of these are the sort of character I love to play and I would really like a chance to get to play out either one.  So, if you'd like, just PM me and we can begin talking about this some more.

Hopefully talk to you soon,


Quote from: Solstice on April 09, 2012, 12:50:51 AM
"Female Rebel X Princess/General + Other" piqued my curiosity--a naughty take on Jeanne d'Arc, if I'm not mistaken? I am potentially interested, depending on what you had in mind for it. Curious for more information!

I am also... maybe interested in "10% Furry X Human." Not my standard fare by any means, but... seems like it might be interesting, depending upon the details.
Hm. It was meant to be played out straight, but a naughty version sounds just great! Perhaps it would be more of an alternate world-esque idea, maybe? It could work! Instead of fighting for God...maybe something else, hm? If you can give ideas, it would be just dandy!

Quote from: Sophronius on April 09, 2012, 07:14:09 AM
Needless to say, I loved your ideas.  Particularly, "Romance within Section A-L" and "Opening up through the Works of the Ropes."  The female character in both of these are the sort of character I love to play and I would really like a chance to get to play out either one.  So, if you'd like, just PM me and we can begin talking about this some more.

Hopefully talk to you soon,
Many thanks for posting such!

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