Mech Wars OOC (Saikotsu, cmpuncle, DigitLninja, UnderCov3rL0ver)

Started by Saikotsu, March 27, 2011, 12:24:43 AM

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I know it's bad, but it's a job he dislikes, it's scheduled conflicts with what he want's to do, he got the job to pay for the con / get out of his apartment on time / not live with his family, and if he has a potential job lined up anyway than it makes more sense to let them know that he's quitting on the 8th and will be gone by the 9th.

I'm sorry if I offended anyone but that's the truth of it.
Quotes to Live by:
"The world ends with you. If you want to enjoy life, expand your world. You gotta push your horizons out as far as they'll go" Sanae Hanekoma,The World Ends With You. for Nintendo DS

"A post should be like a mini skirt. Long enough to cover the important parts, but short enough to keep interest." -Someone

oh's and oh's / Double A's Update 1/10 / Short Story:Memoirs of Renamon/ Hey [you], you should check out my 1 on 1's

NINJA VANISH! *disappears in a puff of smoke*


alright everyone, let's chill a little, though I am glad to see you fired up about something after that long stint of depression, Undercover.  I think this stems from a miscommunication, or perhaps a lack of communication in the first place.  I'd advise the two of you talk about it before getting all upset with one another.
Procrastination is like masturbation, you're only screwing yourself.
- a friend
Anyone perfect must be lying.
-Bare Naked Ladies: falling for the first time.
Why is it blatantly obvious when two people are in love, but the two lovers are usually the last to find out?

The truth is only as dangerous as the lies we tell ourselves.


Yes it's a job I dislike, but I like the people I'm working with.  I got this job DigitL because no one else would give me a job, yes I was originally planning on using it to get money for the con, but actually about the time I actually got the job I decided it would be best if I don't go this year.  I may not like it at times but I have no right to complain, because it's a job.  and if I stay straight up till we close then theres a better chance that I may be able to stay on permanently, and thus solve my job problem for good.  Getting uppity with me about the situation does not help in the least.  I hope I didn't come across as pissy or rude, but today has become a rage dump day for me, and I'm about ready to kill someone, so I'm doing the best I can to not be an ass.

Oh and I probably won't get around to a post in this IC till I gain access through my desktop on Thursday.
"Why So Serious?" Heath Ledger-The Joker-The Dark Knight
"He's the hero Gotham deserves but not the one it needs right now." Commissioner Gordon-The Dark Knight
"I'm not supposed to lose!" Setzer-Kingdom Hearts 2


HA HA I'm back online!  I love the brute force method sometimes...  now to make my post here, then finish up my character profile on the new rp, man...I got lots to do.
"Why So Serious?" Heath Ledger-The Joker-The Dark Knight
"He's the hero Gotham deserves but not the one it needs right now." Commissioner Gordon-The Dark Knight
"I'm not supposed to lose!" Setzer-Kingdom Hearts 2


Procrastination is like masturbation, you're only screwing yourself.
- a friend
Anyone perfect must be lying.
-Bare Naked Ladies: falling for the first time.
Why is it blatantly obvious when two people are in love, but the two lovers are usually the last to find out?

The truth is only as dangerous as the lies we tell ourselves.


question: can I transport Duel Recipes from 2010-2011?

oh and does 2011 connect to the internet through the DS's connection? Pokemon Black connects through the DSi so I want to know I can connect to you guys whenever I want instead of going to the library.
Quotes to Live by:
"The world ends with you. If you want to enjoy life, expand your world. You gotta push your horizons out as far as they'll go" Sanae Hanekoma,The World Ends With You. for Nintendo DS

"A post should be like a mini skirt. Long enough to cover the important parts, but short enough to keep interest." -Someone

oh's and oh's / Double A's Update 1/10 / Short Story:Memoirs of Renamon/ Hey [you], you should check out my 1 on 1's

NINJA VANISH! *disappears in a puff of smoke*


no idea about the DSi, all I know is that mine won't connect to WPA.  How would you even transport duel recipes, well I guess if you use two DS's but I have seen no such option, so my guess is no, no to mention even if you could you would still have to get the cards all over again before you could use those recipes.
"Why So Serious?" Heath Ledger-The Joker-The Dark Knight
"He's the hero Gotham deserves but not the one it needs right now." Commissioner Gordon-The Dark Knight
"I'm not supposed to lose!" Setzer-Kingdom Hearts 2


I know you can trade Recipes on 2010 cause I did it with Adam I think... I'm just wondering if I can do it from 2010 to 2011 which I'm fairly sure you can't...
Quotes to Live by:
"The world ends with you. If you want to enjoy life, expand your world. You gotta push your horizons out as far as they'll go" Sanae Hanekoma,The World Ends With You. for Nintendo DS

"A post should be like a mini skirt. Long enough to cover the important parts, but short enough to keep interest." -Someone

oh's and oh's / Double A's Update 1/10 / Short Story:Memoirs of Renamon/ Hey [you], you should check out my 1 on 1's

NINJA VANISH! *disappears in a puff of smoke*


I don't think you can import recipes. I'd really love to duel my previous character though!  It'd be even more fun if she chose a random deck out of the 64 I made! Unfortunately, nowhere near me has a WEP access point. Everyone is using WPA. This means that I haven't been able to go online once.

The good thing about starting over is that I've been forced to make do with what I've acquired along the way.  As a result, I've gotten much better at deck building and I've gotten over some of my debilitating habits, such as making my decks huge, or loading up 20 traps to prevent my foe from attacking me.  Of the new features, I really like the deck analyzer.  It tells you theoretically how well your deck will perform, and it's been pretty accurate so far (though a D rank deck can still win quite often if built well). 

The game also adds a whole bunch of new archetypes.  I'm really interested in the Gusto and Ritua...I mean Gishki types, which are derived from the charmers.
The gishki in particular are designed around ritual summoning, something that caught my interest a while ago.
Of particular interest to me is I want to use the deck analyzer on my old LP +- deck, to see how well it would "theoretically" do.  I'd also like to import my actual Red Eyes deck from real life to see its assessment. (Regardless of the games assessment, I'd still use it. I've put a lot of effort into acquiring the cards for it, and it definitely resonates with me. It has my "heart of the cards")
Procrastination is like masturbation, you're only screwing yourself.
- a friend
Anyone perfect must be lying.
-Bare Naked Ladies: falling for the first time.
Why is it blatantly obvious when two people are in love, but the two lovers are usually the last to find out?

The truth is only as dangerous as the lies we tell ourselves.


yeah 2011 still has the old connection... so i got it and I still can't play with you guys
Quotes to Live by:
"The world ends with you. If you want to enjoy life, expand your world. You gotta push your horizons out as far as they'll go" Sanae Hanekoma,The World Ends With You. for Nintendo DS

"A post should be like a mini skirt. Long enough to cover the important parts, but short enough to keep interest." -Someone

oh's and oh's / Double A's Update 1/10 / Short Story:Memoirs of Renamon/ Hey [you], you should check out my 1 on 1's

NINJA VANISH! *disappears in a puff of smoke*


if it's any consolation, you wouldn't have been able to play with me at all, since nowhere around me has that WEP connection I need. I could change the network settings here to make it WEP, but I don't want to compromise my parents net security.  Furthermore, they'd have to go through a whole bunch of tweaking on all their devices, something they balked at last time I did something. I'll figure out something. Cmpuncle has stated that making an ad-hoc network allowed him to get online. I'm not sure how that is, but it's worth a shot dude.
Procrastination is like masturbation, you're only screwing yourself.
- a friend
Anyone perfect must be lying.
-Bare Naked Ladies: falling for the first time.
Why is it blatantly obvious when two people are in love, but the two lovers are usually the last to find out?

The truth is only as dangerous as the lies we tell ourselves.


Quotes to Live by:
"The world ends with you. If you want to enjoy life, expand your world. You gotta push your horizons out as far as they'll go" Sanae Hanekoma,The World Ends With You. for Nintendo DS

"A post should be like a mini skirt. Long enough to cover the important parts, but short enough to keep interest." -Someone

oh's and oh's / Double A's Update 1/10 / Short Story:Memoirs of Renamon/ Hey [you], you should check out my 1 on 1's

NINJA VANISH! *disappears in a puff of smoke*


well i know the ad hoc will work but im actually not using it since i have my old router on again on top of my tower
"Why So Serious?" Heath Ledger-The Joker-The Dark Knight
"He's the hero Gotham deserves but not the one it needs right now." Commissioner Gordon-The Dark Knight
"I'm not supposed to lose!" Setzer-Kingdom Hearts 2


ok I just tested the ad hoc out to be 100% sure, and it will work, the only thing is the computer creating it has to behardlined into the net in order to share an internet connection or I suppose maybe two wireless adapters might also work.  But it does work so long as you have a second connection on your computer connecting to the net.
"Why So Serious?" Heath Ledger-The Joker-The Dark Knight
"He's the hero Gotham deserves but not the one it needs right now." Commissioner Gordon-The Dark Knight
"I'm not supposed to lose!" Setzer-Kingdom Hearts 2


and I wont have a hard line to the router till next Friday...
Quotes to Live by:
"The world ends with you. If you want to enjoy life, expand your world. You gotta push your horizons out as far as they'll go" Sanae Hanekoma,The World Ends With You. for Nintendo DS

"A post should be like a mini skirt. Long enough to cover the important parts, but short enough to keep interest." -Someone

oh's and oh's / Double A's Update 1/10 / Short Story:Memoirs of Renamon/ Hey [you], you should check out my 1 on 1's

NINJA VANISH! *disappears in a puff of smoke*


Quotes to Live by:
"The world ends with you. If you want to enjoy life, expand your world. You gotta push your horizons out as far as they'll go" Sanae Hanekoma,The World Ends With You. for Nintendo DS

"A post should be like a mini skirt. Long enough to cover the important parts, but short enough to keep interest." -Someone

oh's and oh's / Double A's Update 1/10 / Short Story:Memoirs of Renamon/ Hey [you], you should check out my 1 on 1's

NINJA VANISH! *disappears in a puff of smoke*


geez you guys post like crazy when i can't regularly access the site, and when i do have regular access, nothing happens......
"Why So Serious?" Heath Ledger-The Joker-The Dark Knight
"He's the hero Gotham deserves but not the one it needs right now." Commissioner Gordon-The Dark Knight
"I'm not supposed to lose!" Setzer-Kingdom Hearts 2


oh by the way saikotsu they're remastering zone of the enders, set to release some time in 2012
"Why So Serious?" Heath Ledger-The Joker-The Dark Knight
"He's the hero Gotham deserves but not the one it needs right now." Commissioner Gordon-The Dark Knight
"I'm not supposed to lose!" Setzer-Kingdom Hearts 2


Sometimes, the heart knows better than the mind. Listen to your heart, for it contains wisdom that many ignore.

Even if the entire world laughed and despised me, I had a person who needed me, that's all I need to be happy.
   "Yowane Haku, Daughter of White" -quoted specifically for a certain someone.


sorry if that sounded kinda selfish, i didn't mean for it to.  I was just making an observation
"Why So Serious?" Heath Ledger-The Joker-The Dark Knight
"He's the hero Gotham deserves but not the one it needs right now." Commissioner Gordon-The Dark Knight
"I'm not supposed to lose!" Setzer-Kingdom Hearts 2


Not at all. Things just got....really hectic really quickly. but then again, they always do when certain people gather...
Sometimes, the heart knows better than the mind. Listen to your heart, for it contains wisdom that many ignore.

Even if the entire world laughed and despised me, I had a person who needed me, that's all I need to be happy.
   "Yowane Haku, Daughter of White" -quoted specifically for a certain someone.


hey all. Sorry for the lack of posts lately. First off, my life has become a living besm game which is not as cool as it sounds... It seriously sucks when your girlfriend gets injured by an old nemesis you thought was gone forever. It gets worse when you're actually the one mostly responsible for the injury...
anyway, I've got new friends and new enemies, some of the former having once been some of the latter. My sister is moving far away which bums me out quite a bit. She's been dealing with her own issues which I managed to get pulled into, hehe.  I had a bit of car trouble, what with getting a flat tire following an epic adventure on Monday, (and having insane luck getting home in one piece because of my poor job of replacing it!). The next day I was sick and called in. My boss was unsympathetic and demanded I get a doctors note that day! I did, but my parents got upset because that's going to be an additional bill that I will now have to pay, and I'm kinda short on cash because of replacing all four of my tires (they were all in bad condition).  Now there's a bit of an ultimatum where I am not to spend one f*&$ing penny on anything I don't absolutely need until I have at least 1000$ in the bank. As much as I dislike this, my parents are right, so I'm going to have to follow through with this. Fortunately, with how much I'm making, and how long I have, I SHOULD be able to afford nan-desu-kan, but I won't be able to get all that much....sad day. So, in a nutshell, I've been kinda busy dealing with all of this, on top of all the BS I run into at work on a daily basis. Regardless, barring any unforseen circumstances tomorrow (and there will be circumstances tomorrow, believe me,) I should be back online and posting in all the rp's.
Procrastination is like masturbation, you're only screwing yourself.
- a friend
Anyone perfect must be lying.
-Bare Naked Ladies: falling for the first time.
Why is it blatantly obvious when two people are in love, but the two lovers are usually the last to find out?

The truth is only as dangerous as the lies we tell ourselves.


well holy Pooh-sticks, I hope you feel better undercover, I know injuries suck even though the worst I've ever had was a badly sprained wrist, and I guess technically the weird injury with my knee that flared back up when I started working here at the lodge, uhh going off topic there.  but yeah my dad keeps telling me the same thing, except he's not putting it in ultimatum form, he just keeps telling me "save every bit", which I have every intent of doing while getting a few extra things.  Speaking of which I will be going to Tennessee from the 2nd of September through the 6th for my cousins wedding shower, of course this is my first time booking a plane flight by myself so I was expecting something to go wrong and wouldn't you know it several things went wrong both on my part and on Frontiers.  First their site wouldn't let my transaction go through so I had to call them at 11 at night, and then wait 53 minutes to talk to them.  finally got them and booked the flight only to realize the next day I needed to fly into Nashville not Knoxville, so now I gotta call em tomorrow to change the flight and pay $50 more for doing so.
"Why So Serious?" Heath Ledger-The Joker-The Dark Knight
"He's the hero Gotham deserves but not the one it needs right now." Commissioner Gordon-The Dark Knight
"I'm not supposed to lose!" Setzer-Kingdom Hearts 2


jeez, you really can't catch a break. 
So between Undercover's injury (once again, I am deeply sorry that happened...), my adventures, and cmpuncle's troubles, all that leaves is you DigitLninja. I hope everything is well with you?
Procrastination is like masturbation, you're only screwing yourself.
- a friend
Anyone perfect must be lying.
-Bare Naked Ladies: falling for the first time.
Why is it blatantly obvious when two people are in love, but the two lovers are usually the last to find out?

The truth is only as dangerous as the lies we tell ourselves.


Job I got is killing me, stress is so high that I have had anxiety attacks every day before work and last Tuesday I had a panic attack because I didn't want to go into work. I hope to Quit today but that means they lower my last paycheck to minimum wage and I don't have a potential job to jump on yet... but I'm tossing applications left and right... I pray I get some responses because I can't go back to being jobless and I can't stay at this job.

Didn't help that my parents left me with the old truck that is a fire hazard. That damn truck worked two days before it stopped working all together, stranded at my work, as of Wednesday afternoon it disappeared from the parking lot and I haven't even received a call about it. That truck was also my only means of getting food at home so I have been eating scraps since yesterday... and take out which waists what little money I have... and it doesn't help that Borders is officially closing it's doors and everything is 40% off.
Quotes to Live by:
"The world ends with you. If you want to enjoy life, expand your world. You gotta push your horizons out as far as they'll go" Sanae Hanekoma,The World Ends With You. for Nintendo DS

"A post should be like a mini skirt. Long enough to cover the important parts, but short enough to keep interest." -Someone

oh's and oh's / Double A's Update 1/10 / Short Story:Memoirs of Renamon/ Hey [you], you should check out my 1 on 1's

NINJA VANISH! *disappears in a puff of smoke*