League of the World Salver Society idea.

Started by Sugarman (hal), June 09, 2007, 08:24:25 PM

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Sugarman (hal)

Any GM interested in working on this idea with me?
It stems from a one on one I'm in... thought that it would be a good multiple player game. Contact me if you want to GM it....

League of the World Salver Society.

Idea… four households ran by one or two member players each.
Each house is located in different place in the world and has no contact with the others except during trading and purchase times. (On neutral turf)

The trainers
Two member players, partners, who do the beginning stages of training and humiliation of all slaves (female and male) is meant to prepare them for sale.

The abductors
To collect the prospect slaves. And deliver them to trainers. 

The idea is to take players on a perverted journey from freedom to total slavery as sexual objects. Could go on with players going through the game until the decided to leave it, then would be written out. All players (slaves) would start by contacting abductors to start their journey.
"And in the end
The love you take
Is equal to the love you make."

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