Ever said the opp sex has it made?This rp may or maynot prove you right M/F

Started by seeker619, December 17, 2011, 04:46:46 AM

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OK lets face it.  Even those of us who are happy being the sex we were born with and would have it no other way there are always those moments when we(Well OK I can only speak for myself) say woman have it so damn easy.  All they have to do is show some skin, work it a little and they will have 10 guys fighting over who will pick up the dime they just dropped.

Woman on the other hand may say guys have it so mother fucking easy.  At least those cocksuckers don't have to deal with this time of the month every fucking month...............and they may or may not say it that way if it is that time of the month. 

Not sure at all how this switch would take place but it is basically a twist on the movie with the actor who is in it.  (I'm not that dense but he played a male gigolo when he ruins a friends apartment in one movie and in this movie I'm referring to he is joined by the blond from all of the scream movies)  I never claimed to be a expert on entertainment news.  Anyway I think his name is Rob Schneider. 

THE POINT IS my male char and the female char probably just went through some rough break ups and are in the midst of being slightly more than annoyed with the opposite sex and for some yet to be determined period of time they will actually relive the last month of their relationship through lens or perception of the one they broke up with.  Words and nuances in tone will take on new meaning.  Doing nothing will really mean something.  Sex may become more or less valued and it may be more or less enjoyable.   What was once a weapon that was wielded with such skill will now or maybe not, be a brutal way to make you submit to certain demands.  etc,

This is meant to be mainly romantic, with humor playing a large role depending on your sense of humor.  Well Thanks for reading.  Hope to hear from you because actually I hate romantic comedies but this I thought would be interesting also.