Dungeon of Bad Ends (Extreme content)

Started by Autocad, November 03, 2020, 05:32:57 PM

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Premise: Run an expendable adventurer (or several) through a dangerous dungeon until their inevitable demise and bad ending. For female/futa characters. Writer gender doesn't matter.

So the basic idea is that your adventurer character(s) is dungeon crawling through a dungeon filled with monsters and traps, many of which are the sexy kind, run by yours truly (as the GM). (Though if you want to swap GM / player roles, I won't say no.) I'll try to balance encounters so that they're fair but unforgiving, and your character's resources will be eventually worn down until they are defeated, the question being a matter of when. At which point they get a bad end, and maybe you'll roll up a new character and try to get deeper next time.

This would probably go under the Extreme section, definitely with NC sexual content, and possibly violence depending on your on/offs ranging from no blood to full on gore. It's up for individual discussion since everyone's kinks and limits are different.

System wise, I'm open to Pathfinder, DnD 5e, Dungeon World, or even guided freeform. If you're interested, drop me a PM for further discussion.

Potential content (basically pick and choose what you want and what you don't want, and furthermore it's not an exhaustive list, and I'll want to hear about the things you want to see included too)

Things that your character can encounter
Humanoid enemies...
Monstrous (bestial, tentacles, plants, etc.) enemies...
Traps (the roll-me-a-save type, not the Admiral Ackbar type :P)...
... that want to do sexy things to your character
... that want to do violence to your character

Things that can happen to your character
Get put into bondage
Get external body modifications e.g. piercings
Get actual body modifications e.g. breast growth
Get permanent damage inflicted onto your character

Bad ends that can happen to your character
Turned into a sex plaything
Turned into a monster breeder
Death by snu-snu
Violent death