dysfunctional vending machine

Started by stormkitten, March 09, 2009, 01:42:18 PM

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This is sorta morbid (or has potential to be) and it highly amused me....

In a dark dysmal hallway there sits a lone blinking light. As you come up to it it says cola on the side. However, when you put a dollar and two quarters into it, it gives you a dead president and two quarterbacks instead of a coke.

In fine print it tells that it's the "Disfunctional Vending Machine: caution, anything put into the machine comes back defective! Use at own risk"

How the game works is that someone will put something into the machine... and the next person posts what the other person recieves. Then that person posts about what they put in the machine.

Very much like the wish defect only this time it's a vending machine and there for is improbably funny trying to imagine said items coming out of the slot.

person 1: I put in a pen, some coffee grounds, a tire swing, and a gardenia.

person 2: You get in return a vaguely round, viney creature that hangs in trees, shaking with wild energy, and continually tries to use its inky tendrils to write bad poetry on anything that sits still long enough.

I put in Hillary Clinton, some matches, a can of gasoline, and my snotty tissue.


I put in a bottle of wine, a copy machine, and three mosquitoes.
"I thought of a wonderful present for you. Shall I give you despair?"

~Twisted Romance & Dark Tales~
*Extreme: Pregnancy & Breeding* 


You get in return a small bee shaped insect with an addiction to grapes and when drinking will make copies of your DNA and place them on all pieces of paper nearby ready for faxing.

I put in 4 cherries, a tranquilizer dart, and a pair of vampire fangs.
-Je suis belle, incroyable, sexy et un esclave. Je suis ce que vous désirez et vous le savez.-


You get a vampire who has the advantage of tranquilizer vision, but since he's a virgin he's too shy to look potential victims in the eyes...

I've rolled in: Homer Simpson, a great dane and a book on ancient Egypt.


You are greeted by the great Pharaoh Simpson who honors your presence with the creation of a doughnut pyramid with the "help" of his slave Great Danes.

I place a Gundam model, a bottle of Bordeaux Wine, and a Band-aid!
I'm sorry all, but life has caught up to me and all the workload associated. I will try to get back to the stories ASAP!

O/Os: http://rh.greydawn.net/browse.php?c=Aaleril


You get a sticky giant robot that walks around like a drunk Katamari by pulling up buildings with his adhesiveness.

I put a moon rock, a cherry bomb, and Cajun seasonings in.

If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.