A Sci-fi Craving: "Walking Dead" or "Mass Effect" setting(s) RP

Started by Silverfyre, December 13, 2010, 05:49:48 PM

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Hello there!

I have been craving something particularly specific lately and wanted to see if I could get an RP partner or two on board for these ideas as well.  First off, if you are interested, please check my O/Os to see if we have similar writing interests and if you think we would work well together.  I tend to be a pretty flexible writer so don't be afraid to message me and we can certainly hash out all the details together.  I am looking for a strong, detail orientated writer who is interested in plot, character development, and a mutual writing process that builds both the story and the characters.  On to the ideas!

"The Walking Dead: Chronicles of the Living" (M/F, F/F): The world is owned by the dead.  The living band together and try to survive where they can.  Two people are thrust together in the dead ridden depths of New York City and they have to try and survive, to find a way out.  Can they do it?  What will they find along the way?  And what happens when the dead find them?

This story idea would be set in the "Walking Dead" world.  If you haven't seen it, think "Night of the Living Dead" or just your generic zombie dominated setting.  (It's so much more than this, a really brilliant series, but this gives a general overview for those who are not familiar).  Our two characters would be pushed together to survive in a dead dominated New York City. I am only interested in OC, not established characters. The story can pretty much follow any sort of sexual content we wanted, whether it be a budding romance story or a NC type of thriller.  I am looking for a long term type of story with this one and we can go over the details as they come.

"Mass Effect: The Shadows of Cerberus" (M/F, F/F, possible multiple characters): The human dominance group known as "Cerberus" does whatever it takes to make sure human goals are advanced in an alien rich galaxy.  As top operatives for the shadowy organization, what lengths will your character go to make sure that humans get their rightful place in the galaxy?

I am more interested in the setting of "Mass Effect" than any of the characters from the series.  Again, I am looking for OCs on this one.  The story idea is just something off the top of my head.  I mostly just want to play around in the setting and will happily entertain any other plots we could come up with.

Sex with biotics just sounds wonderfully fun.

Please send me a PM if you are interested!  Thanks!


I would be interested in pursuing a mass effect rp with you, provided you dont mind a male playing female characters!