New Olympus (NC-EX) Updated: New Players Welcome for Stage 2

Started by wolfsgirl, March 18, 2010, 07:28:16 PM

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Jump in any time, Ramael. At this point, we're setting the scenes and the mood for the rp, and so long as people do stuff that's congruent to this rp world and its political situation, I am happy for folks to just leap in and have a blast. :)


grizzled old dame is to good a char to pass up as Kirk's crack pot mama.  After all someone has to at least try to keep that boy in line.  LOL


Just a couple questions...
1: You say some are released into the 'wild' would there be any 'born' in the wild? (think Jurassic park "life finds a way")
2: May I join and are there restrictions on exactly what type of hybrid you can be?
The Oath of Drake


I think the answer to the second question would be no there aren't any restrictions as long as the hybrids fall in well with the story.  The first question would have to be handled by wolf... but that is a very good question.  I'm not sure if the sterility problem that the humans face would apply to hybrids... stranger things have happened after all.  LOL...

P.S.  Tis very good to see you here blue  ;D


Hiya Blue.

Good question, that.

I think that there'd be restrictions on GenMods and fertility, so perhaps "legal" GenMods are all sterile.  I'm not sure about the illegal (and more sentient) ones, and how the biology would even work there. Most hybrids between even closely related species are sterile. Also, if GenMods could breed, the company wouldn't be able to make untold millions off of them.


If you had a particular interest in a character having that ability, we could probably work something out. There's always the exception to every 'rule'.

And of course you can join! I haven't set any restrictions on species used, trusting people aren't going to pick, like, "rhinocerus" or "manatee" (unless for one of the military applications.. hmm..). But yeah, if you can think of a feasible market for your hybrid human - plant/animal/bird (sex slave, servant, living ornament, whatever a rich and corrupt person would spend millions on, at some risk of prosecution) -- go for it.


I was more thinking of how in Jurassic Park, they were completely sure the dinosaurs couldn't breed in the wild, and would die off if they weren't fed that gene or whatever on a regular basis. Maybe there was something like that for the GenMods, which actually kept them sterile, but a few that escaped/were rescued lived without it (not supposed to happen, but like scientists know/can control everything) and so became fertile to GenMods of their own kind or similar? I was thinking maybe I could actually be a 'wild' GenMod, not created in a lab.
The Oath of Drake


I'm interested in joining this if there's room...I could have a character sheet up by much later tonight or tomorrow at most.  Don't let the fact that I haven't participated in any RPs on this board yet deter you from allowing me to join though.  I assure you I'm "willing and able".
Ons and Offs

We are caged by our cultural programming. Culture is a mass hallucination, and when you step outside the mass hallucination you see it for what it's worth.
-Terence McKenna


@ Bluemoon :The dinos weren't hybrids, though, and the science angle makes me wary of opening breeding for or between all GenMods.

What if-- there's a mad scientist somewhere down there in the everglades, reversing sterility? A mated pair of the same/similar breed could well produce some offspring, in that case, without compromising GenCorps' greed or business logic. That's also open up the field for people wanting to play maybe first-generation fertile hybrids, who are ofc born with vocal chords and well as viable breedy bits.

What do you think?

@ Ramael : hella post, hun.

@ Ravyn : Sure, welcome aboard! :)


alright, the scientist thing works, though the Dino's in a way were hybrids (they used frog DNA to complete the sequence, remember?) I'm too much of a nerd =_=
Anyway, I'll make a CS in the OOC now...
The Oath of Drake


@ bluemoon: Woo! We could even make the scientist an npc (unless someone wants to play a crazy, swamp-dwelling scientist). I'm thinking they're really involved with the whole "ModGen Liberation" movement, something like that, so finding matched pairs of the right age, whatever, could be a goal toward that. (and I think there can never be too much nerd  :P).


I'd just like to say... Bluemoon's first idea could work.


I Know, right, it takes years for blah blah blah.

But in order for the scientists to make breeds, they'd have to make them evolve quicker. Judging on the fact they have no wombs to produce the specimen in, they'd have to evolve it quickly from the basic.

Unless you used a synthetic womb.

Or, of course, the lack of plant life = pollution. I'm sure there are some nasty pools of radioactive for someone to fall in or something along those lines!

Just a suggestion :)


Sorry for my lack of response thus far, but I'll try to get something up soon.

I actually had an idea for a GenMod experiment that could be the target of "Liberation" by rebel forces.  The "Mother", a massive partially-human plant capable of reproducing "Mandragora", mobile but ultimately nonsentient plants that feed off of toxins in the soil, thereby cleansing polluted areas.  The goal of the project, assuming it was given the go ahead by Gencorp, would be to "plant" successive generations of "Mother" in highly contaminated areas, where she would proceed to revitalize the landscape and allow for repopulation of toxic zones.  Considering their all-consuming greed, one would assume that only areas that could work up enough money to pay for this service would be treated.  Citizens of poorer areas would either be left to fester or indenture themselves to GenCorp out of desperation.  Hence why the rebellion would be so eager to get their hands on the prototype.

Would that be feasible, or should I cook something else up?  I could also create the Head Researcher or perhaps a guard assigned to "Mother", as I originally stated interest in playing both sides of the conflict.


@ Shihong : That. Is brilliant.  Yes, please do create what you like to support it. I can imagine how valuable that could be to the rebels. I have been pondering having the reclaimed Mods and human rebels try to make a sort of "New Eden" out there in the swamps, people and plants and hybrids.. etc.

@ Odin: Ah, yes. I'm still thinking in terms of the overall story development, though, and the value to it of the struggle of people and hybrids alike to give these new lifeforms the same rights to life as humans have, including reproduction. It could be exciting to have a character who is, at time of char appearance, the only known one of her kind, a sort of icon for the GenMods' struggle to live as independent beings.


Name: 120814099
Alias: Gia
Age: 0,6 (Physically adult.)
Race: Dryad
sex: F
Appearance: Dark green hair, red eyes, green skin

Gia is the first of anew line of mobile Dryads. This new model dosen't carry any fruit, but is alot faster,stronger,smarter and humanoid then the previous model. She was also designed to age vastly slower then previous models, prospectively growing over hundreds of years old. Tough not enough time have passed to confirm if this was successful or not.
GenCorps main goal, with Gia, was to create a slave who would work tirelessly, not requiring food or sleep, working entirely on photosynthesis.
Tough she still require water and slows down during the night, due to the lack of sunshine.  She is widely considered the most efficient model thus far.

(currently looking for someone to play her owner.)


Could you post this over on the OOC/chargen thread, please, hun?

Nice charry!


New players would be welcome to join this rp. It's been kind of chaotic so far --- but hey, mutant revolutions are like that.  :D

Whether you'd like to join in the wargames, or help set up a Utopia for the Genetically Modified critters and their human pals, please read the RP thread and then PM me.