Black Sails, Dark Water (Freeform, Pirate/Supernatural) [Recruitment]

Started by Kakihara, January 26, 2024, 08:05:42 PM

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Black Sails, Dark Water

In 1715 West Indies, the pirates of New Providence Island threaten maritime trade in the region. The laws of every civilized nation declare them hostis humani generis, enemies of all mankind. In response, the pirates adhere to a doctrine of their own....war against the world.

At the dawn of the 18th century, a subtle change came into the world even as its physical borders began to change and old powers vied for land, slaughtering it’s natives and building a new empire on the blood soaked lands.  Magic began to seep back into the world, changing it subtlety and not so subtly in many parts of the world.  Creatures that once existed but had disappeared as humanity began to take over more of their sacred places, and their belief in them waned, returned to the world.  Mermaids, sirens and other fae creatures of the wild made their presence known, able to call on the light flow of magic to accomplish small things.  But they found the human world less welcoming than it once had been to their kind.

With humans being traded like cattle, the new creatures filling the world were seen by many as an abomination, an affront to god, since many had quite human guises.  Unable to call on the power they once had, many began to create and teach a new art, using eldritch runes to create strong, mystical items to allow them to supplement their ways.  The fae races began to try and hide away from humans, despite their inherent fascination with them, finding this new position as tools of a devil they had never known confusing.  At the same time, the families who’d had ties with various fae in the past began to have their elder heritage awaken, causing many to be rejected by their family.  These humans that were now declared agents of Satan were called Fairyblooded among the civilized countries. 

In 1713, when Thomas Barrow declared himself the mayor of Nassau, with the pirate population outnumbering the civilians by a large margin, the place went into an uproar.  Crews under the other captains balked, and soon tensions grew in the city as lines were drawn.  A council of the pirate captains were called on the island where big and small crews came together for a discussion.  It was decided that seven of the most respected captains would be nominated within the groups and they would become the Pirate Lords of the city, Captains among captains.  This union of pirates took the name Brethren of the Coast and planned to be the new, true power in Nassau and all of New Providence Island.

In 1715, with the pirates of the island in a war on the sea with every civilized navy, the Pirate Lords made a desperate play, knowing they were in need of numbers, and talented crewmembers and tradesmen.  Their lot had always been a place where many could find refuge, but now the Lords had decided to make things much more official.  Sanctuary was offered to all who had no place among the civilized nations and their faithful, runaway slaves, rebellious natives and even the forsaken Fae and their Fairyblood brethren were welcome.  If you could make yourself useful, all were welcome and would find a place somewhere on the island, find fortune where only ashes were offered from the supposedly civilized man.

The game will be an open sandbox game inspired by Black Sails with maybe a hint of the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie.  I am aiming for it to be a gritty world akin to the tv series with plenty of conflict and personalities that scrap against each other.  I plan on detailing more things but I wanted to get an interest check before I put any time into a character sheet and all.  While the majority of the location will be in Nassau, with the greater New Providence Island as well, but I do want to make allowances for more civilized forays into Port Royale.  One thing I would be dropping is the Treasure Island influence on the show as it is meant to be a prequel of the book.

As far as the supernatural aspect, I want to keep it a bit low key, magic is low and more certain traits.  So a mermaid or a Fairyblooded mermaid may be able to influence the currents whereas swanmaiden may be able to influence the wind direction, all very helpful on a crew.  I want to avoid the more popular supernatural entities like vampires and werewolves and more focus on the creatures of folklore and legend, both in Europe and other countries.  I’ve put some more info on them and some of the more common know type here in my world building thread though this isn’t all.  And I am quite open to more international Fae outside of European ones.

And while there is certainly plenty of room for pirates, there is certainly a place for various tradesmen, merchants, barmaids and madams keeping the city running.  In addition, the city is a place of intrigue with various agents of the English and Spanish crown in port along with agents of the East Indian Company.  I have placed a list of possible characters needed and occupations needed on the island here in my world building thread. 

I should note, as I know it’s often a deciding factor, all faceclaims would be IRL ones and I would like to avoid matching the series if possible, as this is more inspired and not a direct translation.  Now, for Fae, while the main faceclaim should be IRL, I’m ok with art, not AI art, being used to show their natural form in the secondary pictures. 

You can either post your character sheet in this thread or PM them to me and Timeless who is co-gming.  Thank you.

Code ("Character Sheet") Select
[float=right max=45%][center][img height=300][/img]
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[b]Nickname:[/b] (If any.)
[b]Age:[/b] (Characters need to be over 18 years old.)
[b]Blood Status:[/b] (Human, Fae or Fairyblooded)
[b]Occupation/Rank:[/b] (What profession your character is currently in. Does your character own a business? If a pirate, what rank are you on the ship, ie captain, quartermaster, boatswain, rigger, cook etc..)

[b]Hair Color:[/b]
[b]Eye Color:[/b]
[b]Distinguishing Features:[/b] (Any scars, tattoos, etc.)
[b]Face Claim:[/b] (Face claims have to be over 18 years old)

[b]Personality:[/b] (List at least five words that would best describe your character and explain the terms further. You can even write a summary of your character's personality instead.)

[b]History:[/b] (Where was your character born? How did your character grow up? How did they end up in Nassau?)

[b]Weapons:[/b] (What weapons does your character normally carry on them, if any.)

[b]Skills/Abilities:[/b] (What is your character good at doing.  And for Fae and Fairblooded, what are you abilities.)


Faceclaims Reserved:
Rodrigo Santoro
Mads Mikkelsen
Karl Urban
Orlando Bloom
Marton Csokas
David Gandy
Michele "Mia" Alves
Meghann Preddy
Sobhita Dhulipala
Vincent Von Thien
Toby Schmitz
Natalie Dormer
Shane Strickland
Cindy Kimberly
Brenton Thwaites
Donnie Yen
Freya Allen


Sara Nilsson

QuoteThese humans that were now declared agents of Satan were called Fairyblooded among the

I think you are missing a piece there.

Tentative interest


Quote from: Wicked Emi on January 26, 2024, 08:43:02 PMYup!!!!
How many posts per week are you wanting?
Well I am aiming for freeform sandbox so it would probably be one or two post a week though groups of writers may post a lot more when in smaller cadres.

Quote from: Sara Nilsson on January 26, 2024, 09:09:52 PMI think you are missing a piece there.

Tentative interest
Danka for the catch.


Quote from: Kakihara on January 26, 2024, 09:33:46 PMWell I am aiming for freeform sandbox so it would probably be one or two post a week though groups of writers may post a lot more when in smaller cadres.

Heck yeah! Well, if you ever move it to actual interest sign me up for at least three characters. I would have one more main character, preferably a quartermaster with an interest in a madam attempting to either move all the way up to head madam or her right hand woman. Lastly, I would be interested in a Pirate Lord. I am very good at playing more than one character and 3 is my max but I would LOVE to play this game.

Let me know where it goes!~ <3


Quote from: Wicked Emi on January 26, 2024, 09:54:31 PMWhile true, I still would want to know how much he likes in a group game so I can truly judge if I would be interested or not :)

That quote by Sara was not directed at you, but to Kakihara, mind you.

Anyways, planting my interest flag.

>-> Darn you and your ideas..


Quote from: Timeless on January 26, 2024, 10:10:16 PMThat quote by Sara was not directed at you, but to Kakihara, mind you.

Anyways, planting my interest flag.

>-> Darn you and your ideas..
Oh SNAP! You are right!!

Quote from: Sara Nilsson on January 26, 2024, 09:09:52 PMTentative interest

I'm sooo sorry for my misunderstanding!!

Sara Nilsson

Pffff nothing to be sorry about :)

Though, if you want to kiss and make up ^^ giggles


Sign me the hell up.
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Oh snap this really tickles my fancy. I’d be in. And no one judge me if my character just ends up being Stede Bonnet (which I guess means I’m also open to playing BlackBeard lol). 


*plants flag of interest*

I have an idea for a Pirate Lord.

EDIT: Edward Teach for sure. I was inspired after finding Taika Waititi playing the guy. Have an idea for a play on his mythology by him dealing with salamanders and other fire spirits.
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 Current Status: TENTATIVE
 How To Stoke The Fyre (O/O) Updated Aug 19, 2023
 What does the Foxx say? (A/A) Updated Oct 1, 2023
 Den of Iniquity (World Building)


Planting a definitive flag of interest for this, great concept !


Well definitely seems like we have enough interest so I'll work on getting a character sheet up as well as some more world info to help with the processes of creating and filling out the world.


Quote from: Kakihara on January 27, 2024, 01:01:48 PMWell definitely seems like we have enough interest so I'll work on getting a character sheet up as well as some more world info to help with the processes of creating and filling out the world.
Fuck yeah!!!

I'm sooo excited!! I've literally been craving pirates!


Quote from: Wicked Emi on January 27, 2024, 01:11:20 PMFuck yeah!!!

I'm sooo excited!! I've literally been craving pirates!
Same! And there's only a handful of pirate TTRPGs that also incorporate supernatural elements, to I love that element here.


Quote from: DeformedCatholic on January 27, 2024, 01:42:28 PMSame! And there's only a handful of pirate TTRPGs that also incorporate supernatural elements, to I love that element here.
Yesss!! I'm happy to see the pirate community! Such a fun time to play with! Plus, the supernatural element is chefs kiss 🤌

Sara Nilsson


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"One should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art" ~ Oscar Wilde
"I dream of painting and then I paint my dream" ~ Vincent Van Gogh


Quote from: Kuroneko on January 27, 2024, 03:16:34 PMAlso potentially interested, thinking about Jack Rackam.
Noted.  I don't think anyone has expressed interest in Calico Jack.

Quote from: DeformedCatholic on January 27, 2024, 01:42:28 PMSame! And there's only a handful of pirate TTRPGs that also incorporate supernatural elements, to I love that element here.
Quote from: Wicked Emi on January 27, 2024, 01:59:24 PMYesss!! I'm happy to see the pirate community! Such a fun time to play with! Plus, the supernatural element is chefs kiss 🤌
Yeah while I love historical stories I feel like historical group games can wain a bit without a bit of supernatural spice.  Or maybe I'm just bent that way as I all too often have to add some touch to straight ideas. lol


Quote from: Kakihara on January 27, 2024, 04:39:13 PMYeah while I love historical stories I feel like historical group games can wain a bit without a bit of supernatural spice.  Or maybe I'm just bent that way as I all too often have to add some touch to straight ideas. lol
I think there's also some narrative flexibility allowed which makes it nice.  Do you need to travel quickly between cities without losing three months in travel time? Boom, there's a portal.  Do you want your character to have enhanced strength or speed? Here's a mystical ancestry, or a nice potion.  Why did <any particular story thing> happen? A wizard did it. 


Oh, excited to see this progressing. Pirates + Fae = neat. Also sort of interested in the political side of things.

Still meaning to do something with Edward Teach and Hermetic Magic. And managing his own little slice of paradise.

Quote from: Sara Nilsson on January 27, 2024, 02:04:42 PMAlways need more pirate booty *nodnod*
Any and all 'pirate booty' puns can and will be fully appreciated in my corner of the world. Also, the pirate booty itself may also receive some love.
Am I on the hunt for a story? - Not especially...
My General LFGs
Canon LFGs
My Poetry Thread


Quote from: shengami on January 27, 2024, 06:04:33 PMOh, excited to see this progressing. Pirates + Fae = neat. Also sort of interested in the political side of things.

Still meaning to do something with Edward Teach and Hermetic Magic. And managing his own little slice of paradise.
Any and all 'pirate booty' puns can and will be fully appreciated in my corner of the world. Also, the pirate booty itself may also receive some love.

Oh, you'll get plenty of pirate booty from my side of things. *smiles innocently*

I love a good swashbuckler and I adore fae related things, so double yes. While briefly mentioned in private, I plan on possibly being Shen's quartermaster to his fiery Blackbeard. Firebeard? Blackfire? Hmm....

 Current Status: TENTATIVE
 How To Stoke The Fyre (O/O) Updated Aug 19, 2023
 What does the Foxx say? (A/A) Updated Oct 1, 2023
 Den of Iniquity (World Building)


Quote from: Kakihara on January 27, 2024, 04:39:13 PMNoted.  I don't think anyone has expressed interest in Calico Jack.
Yeah while I love historical stories I feel like historical group games can wain a bit without a bit of supernatural spice.  Or maybe I'm just bent that way as I all too often have to add some touch to straight ideas. lol
I know you have yet to make the sheets, but do you have a cap on how many characters one person can play?


Quote from: Wicked Emi on January 27, 2024, 09:33:46 PMI know you have yet to make the sheets, but do you have a cap on how many characters one person can play?
I'm tinkering with the sheet so hopefully should have it don and up by tomorrow.  I typically start in these type of games with a limit of three and then will revisit down the road.


Damn, I shouldn't but this seems interesting.

Is it alright if we haven't seen black flags?


Quote from: Rustic on January 28, 2024, 07:29:30 AMDamn, I shouldn't but this seems interesting.

Is it alright if we haven't seen black flags?
That is fine as it's more inspired by the show since I've made a number of changes to make it my own.  


Ok, Character sheet is up and I've added more info into my world building thread so moving this to Recruiting. Forgot to mention feel free to PM me character sheets for approval or you can post them in the thread.

Edit: A character sheet example.

Name: Esteban Ruiz de Olivares
Nickname: The Castilian
Age: 31
Sexuality: Pansexual
Blood Status: Human
Ethnicity: Spaniard.
Occupation/Rank: Merchant, representative of the Castilian Trading Company
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 156 lb
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Distinguishing Features: Has a small scar on his chin and a larger one on his chest from some youthful indiscretions.
Face Claim: Rodrigo Santoro
Personality: Proud | Sensual | Cynical | Brash | Confident | Inquisitive | Protective
History: Born the youngest brother of four, he knew he was spoiled and enjoyed the privilege of being the youngest child.  With two brothers and a sister, he enjoyed a lot of protection and was quite wild from his early years.  Exploring the world, he went far and wide though his parents started to restrict him after too long as news of the Fae reached them, worried about what might be out in the woods anymore.   He was angry at first at the Fae for causing him issue but then he began to wonder why they were so bad he couldn’t go exploring, a question that would dog him for a long time.
As he got older, he never really stopped being a bit wild, especially when the hormones started to kick in.  He first expressed interest in one of their maids who helped teach him about a new world before the family fired her, having caught them in the pantry.  It was his phase of enjoying older women and now that he had a taste he got himself into more than a little trouble entertaining some wives of the wealthy merchants in town.  They were bored and neglected and he had the energy and time, so he didn’t really see the problem.  Still, it was the reason for his scars having had to escape more than his fair share of angered husbands. 
When his family started to get in involved into the family business, he had little heart for it as he knew he would never inherit it and his brother, the one who did, never liked him.  So when his brother took things over, he was surprised to learn that he was being sent to the colonies to set up shop for the trading company, knowing it was more to get him out of the hair as well as a dispute over the direction of the trade. His brother wanted to invest some ships into the slave trade but Esteban saw no good reason for it.  He hated sea travel and it was a miserable experience.  And the colonies were even worst as they had a puritanical feel where as he cold never fully understand religion, nor how it could excuse certain acts.  He’d been raised hearing his grandfather rail against he Moors and yet his own family justified treating people like cattle.
When word reached him about a need for merchants in Nassau, with few willing to do business under recent circumstance, he decided to open an office in the city, leaving the colonies to a trusted aide.  It sounded much more interested, even if it meant more sea travel, and a chance to make his own name.  Setting up a small office, he is one of the few traders left to take pirate plunder and sell it elsewhere as legitimate wares.
Weapons: An ornate rapier – he’s trained in swordsmanship at a young age, enjoying the game but he’s not well versed in bloodying a enemy in a real fight.
Skills/Abilities: Merchant Connections -He is one of the few left in town that can sell pirate plunder, allowing him to offer low and sell high.
Fencing – He spent many a day practicing the art if only for the dashing affect, and the women watching.
Charm – he is ultimate a lover and not a fighter, he much prefers to talk things out than resort to violence.
O&Os: O/O

Miss Nyx

Love the show… and this game premise. I really shouldn’t take on anything else BUT I say that every time I see an interesting group pitch hahahahah!

I’ll be lurking. 😏


Quote from: Miss Nyx on January 28, 2024, 11:11:38 AMLove the show… and this game premise. I really shouldn’t take on anything else BUT I say that every time I see an interesting group pitch hahahahah!

I’ll be lurking. 😏

*prods the lurker*

 Current Status: TENTATIVE
 How To Stoke The Fyre (O/O) Updated Aug 19, 2023
 What does the Foxx say? (A/A) Updated Oct 1, 2023
 Den of Iniquity (World Building)


Quote from: Kakihara on January 28, 2024, 10:42:41 AMThat is fine as it's more inspired by the show since I've made a number of changes to make it my own. 
Great! It is on my to-watch list. But it has been for years, heh.

Can't do the sheets right now, but do you mind if I reserve Karl Urban and Orlando Bloom?


FC post soon to follow will be character sheets

Michele "Mia" Alves
Meghann Preddy


Quote from: Rustic on January 28, 2024, 01:43:25 PMGreat! It is on my to-watch list. But it has been for years, heh.

Can't do the sheets right now, but do you mind if I reserve Karl Urban and Orlando Bloom?
No worries.  Added to FC reserved

Quote from: Wicked Emi on January 28, 2024, 01:48:38 PMFC post soon to follow will be character sheets

Michele "Mia" Alves
Meghann Preddy
Also added to FC Reserved



♬ ♪ ♫ 𝓝𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓼𝓪 "𝓢𝓲𝓼𝓼𝔂" 𝓜𝓾𝓻𝓹𝓱𝔂 ♫ ♪ ♩ ♬

Name: Nerissa Murphy
Nickname: Sissy by friends
Age: 26
Sexuality: Pansexual, has an addiction to muscles
Blood Status: Fae
Ethnicity: Siren
Occupation/Rank: Quartermaster

Height: 5'3''
Weight: 130-145 lbs
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Hazel green/blue
Distinguishing Features: She has 139 V scars that she has clustered together in random spots, making it look as if she has bits of her scales showing in her human form. Each V that helps create the scales are kills she has personally done herself.
Face Claim: Meghann Preddy

Personality: Nerissa loves to joke around and is actually quiet understanding, chalking up most things as animals being animals or naughty little children who doesn't know any better. She is a happy-go-lucky type of girl who is more likely to flirt with you or make sex jokes than be serious. Great at talking people through what they are feeling and enjoys helping people.

She is also bat shit crazy who thoroughly enjoys hurting the people who don't want to talk it out. While she is understanding, she NEVER allows dogs to bite the hand that feeds them and will take her time torturing someone both mentally and physically as she is a sadomasochist in and out of the sack. Loyalty is there for those who earn it! She rides the fine line between chaotic good and chaotic neutral as she does have some morals but it's mostly just about herself or where her loyalty lies.

History: Nerissa is a siren, she doesn't have any memory of the before. Since returning, she had found new "people" to be around. Siren's were never exactly liked, even in the old world. Cruel creatures who are as likely to eat humans as fish. Quickly, she decided to join along with Adrastos crew as living an honest life was never truly appealing to her. Joining a ship that favored the fae and actually treated with respect, she joined and moved up to right below the quartermaster in just one year. Her personality won most of the crew, bringing smiles and sex back to the ship really did wonders! The few who couldn't seem to like her for whatever reason was ruthlessly killed and she had no problems claiming the kills as she always waited for the perfect time to kill them and not have everyone trying to return the favor.

First and foremost, she loved her quartermaster. Not romantically but she truly looked up to the man. He had saved her skin more times than she could count and while she was no damsel in distress, she didn't take saving her life lightly. It killed a piece of her when he died, she doesn't remember that night. She just remembers holding him, his blood was covering her lap and she kept singing the song of passage. Hoping her songs would send his soul to the shore and to see him again. That was her last memory before killing anyone who even smelled like his blood. The next morning, she had woken up to be completely covered in blood, kneeling and sobbing while clinging to her dead quartermaster. A few days later, she was named quartermaster which she takes the role as seriously as she can just for him.

Weapons: Twin daggers, a small satchel with all kinds of poisons and a pirates 5 ft snake skin whip.

Tidings: Can help push and pull the tide to help move things in the water faster, from boats to people.
Siren's song: Singing can help sway people's feeling. Such as, if she sings a happy tone than the whole atmosphere feels light and happy and most people will feel the urge to join in the merriment. The closer they are to her the stronger the feeling. If more than a few feet away it's barely noticeable.
Breathing Water: While in her human form, she can still breath while under water.

O&Os: O/O's
Top 5 Ons: Sadism, breath control, bondage, face sitting and power bottom.
Top 5 Offs: Being submissive, receiving anal, bathroom play, swallowing cum and giving rim jobs.

Cԋαɾσʅҽƚƚҽ "Mσʅʅყ" Nҽιʅʂ
Name: Charolotte Neils
Nickname: Molly
Age: 27
Sexuality: Pansexual
Blood Status: Fairyblooded
The female Hudra are described as incredibly beautiful and seductive, but with the long tail of a cow and their back covered in bark. Huldra are wardens of the forest, part of a group of Ra that protect various different locations. The Huldra can disguise themselves as young women to walk in the world of men. The power of their illusion is only broken if someone sees their tail. They visit communities in order to lure young, unmarried men into the forest where they are kept as slaves, lovers, or sometimes the Huldra will suck the life out of them. If one of their victims is set free or escapes, they will forever live norswith the temptation to return to their captor.

Occupation/Rank: Prostitute, hoping to become head madam

Height: 5'5''
Weight: 150ish lbs
Hair Color: Real hair; black
Eye Color: Blue
Distinguishing Features: Just her birthmark
Face Claim: Michele "Mia" Alves

Personality: Charolotte, who goes by Molly unless she actually trusts you, is a mix of the party girl and the girl next store type. She is quick to having fun, drinking, dancing and gambling. She almost always has a smile on her face and is genuinely friendly. She is the sweet lovers embrace after harsh weeks at sea. A vicious flirt who has some favorites but has never been in love and doesn't really believe it exists. It takes a lot for Charolotte to trust, when she does one will learn that Charolotte is actually quiet ambitious and a bit motherly as she enjoys taking care of people who actually cares about.

History: Charolotte comes from a decent enough family, they didn't starve and they owned a decent sized home. Growing up with only minor education, she still knew how to read and write as well as sew. Growing up, she always dreamed of falling in love and building a family of her own one day. That was dashed the moment the birthmark showed on her and her father's skin and her entire community rejected her and her father. Her father heard of Nassau and was able to get a ride among a boat of an old friend who at least understood that for fairyblooded and fae to leave their communities, they needed to be able to leave.

Once there, her father used his business knowledge from their life before to get into business with some of the shops and somewhat made a living at it. They were scrapping by when he died, they couldn't even afford the medicine to treat him. She had first started in the whore house as just a maid. Cleaning and refusing even the thought of trading sex for coin. However, as she saw more and more fairyblooded become rich with coin, food and wine; she finally decided she was done eating hard bread. Afterall, she was so far away from her previous life she may as well make the best of this new one as Molly!

Very few know her as Charolette and she only tells the trusted few her real name. While she loves to party and is starting to actually enjoy her newer life, she has her eyes set to head madam. Security without having to open her legs every night, the biggest room, top shelf rum! It may not have been the dream life she had as a child, but it is her only goal currently.

Weapons: She keeps a knife in her boot.

Seduce: She naturally leaks sex appeal, the closer you are the stronger it is. She also reeks of pheromones no matter how often she showers.

O&Os: O/O's
Top 5 Ons: Kissing, pussy worship, teasing/strip teasing, possessiveness and aphrodisiacs.
Top 5 Offs: Complete submission, bathroom play, non-con, gags and masochism.


Name: Edward Teach (né Thatch)
Nickname: Blackbeard, Firebeard, Blackfire
Age: 36
Sexuality: Bisexual
Blood Status: Faeblooded (Jinn)
Ethnicity: English/Irish+Persian
Occupation/Rank: Pirate Lord

Height: 6 feet (184 cm)
Weight: 225 lbs (102 kilos)
Hair Colour: Black going to Gray
Eye Colour:  light brown with fiery embers

Distinguishing Features: Sleeve of tattoos on right arm of arcane/geometric design laced with Celtic and Farsi words.
Face Claim: Taika Waititi

Personality: Edward is a deliberate and patient man. You have to be these things to learn to bind fire spirits and rule pirates. You also have to be intelligent and utterly ruthless. And he is all these things. But he is also loyal to those he trusts and passionate with those who are in his inner circle. Edward holds himself in a tight grip, controlled and tense. He has inherited a temper and fury from his work with fire spirits. He controls them and unleashes them upon his enemies, he fears losing control around his allies, friends, family, and lovers. He loves the smell and taste of burnt meat and strong whiskey.

History: Edward was born in Bristol England in 1680. His father was an English/Irish sailor and his mother was Persian and claimed descent from Jinn. Whatever the case, his mother taught him ancient words and spells in her language and showed him diagrams and symbols that, when he was young, were no more than playthings. Playthings that would prove useful when he got older. After all, even as others began to learn of their heritage through telltale signs, a Jinn so far removed from that source was only little more than human. Sure,, fire always liked him and a few lovers claimed to see actual sparks in his eyes, but that was all just hogwash, right?

At age fifteen, while his father was at sea, his mother died of pneumonia and Edward was left by himself. Armed only with his mother’s stories and his father’s passed on knowledge of seamanship, he signed on with the British navy and served on a navy vessel guarding merchant ships bound for the Caribbean. On one such journey, they were attacked by Spanish vessels and overtaken. Teach was taken prisoner. Fortunately, those Spaniards were then attacked by Benjamin Hornigold. Teach met a lifelong friend and mentor in Hornigold and soon served aboard his vessel.

Teach spent the next decade and more of his life serving aboard Hornigold's ships and learning. Eventually, when Hornigold retired, Teach took over one of the more impressive ships: La Concorde. He'd been captaining it for Hornigold for a few years at the point, but now it was his and renamed her Queen Anne's Revenge. Soon, he made a name for himself as ruthless and cutthroat. More than one ship surrendered when they saw it was his colors rather than run. Once, a ship's crew mutinied to surrender when their commander would not. Teach finds it amusing as he has never wantonly killed a man. Killed, for sure, but never without cause. He'd rather get what he wanted with little bloodshed and all satisfied. That mutinied crew ended up joining his own fleet. It certainly didn't help that he had started to realize that the ancient words and symbols his mother taught were real and working now. They'd been a comfort to him, a lullaby. So imagine his surprise when a spirit of fire appeared in his cabin. A Jinn who almost set his ship alight. But instead made a deal with Teach and started to show him more and more. He used his new found sorcerous skill to bind lesser fire spirit, salamanders, into objects such as the rope he twisted into his beard and his pistols. Fire didn't just like him now, it obeyed. But he was careful. As careful as he was with his crews, he was with these spirits. He recognized that they were, in a way, more powerful than him just as was his crew. He kept them appeased and never mistreated them. He made friends with them if he could. Teach was among the first of the pirate captains to advocate for fae inclusion in charters.

Within a few more years, Teach had a half-dozen vessels under his command and began spending more time at port accepting tribute than hunting the seas himself. He is also a rabid advocate of the fae.

Weapons: Five flintlock pistols in a brace over his chest, a cutlass, several knives or varying types and sizes, and a scattergun. Also, some items with bound spirits… tbd

Skills/Abilities: Teach is a consummate sailor, personal combatant, tactician, and naval commander. He has a mind for politics and navigation. He is also a budding hermetic mage who uses arcane practices to make contracts with and bind elemental spirits such as salamanders and ifrit/jinn.

O&Os: As with most my characters, see my personal O/Os as a guide.
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I played with his personal history a bit to fit the game. Real Blackbeard wasn't active as a lone pirate until 1717 or so it seems. Served under Hornigold until that one retired by taking a royal pardon around that age.

Anyway, that's Blackbeard by my imagination.

Lovely characters, Wicked.
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Quote from: shengami on January 28, 2024, 05:13:27 PMI played with his personal history a bit to fit the game. Real Blackbeard wasn't active as a lone pirate until 1717 or so it seems. Served under Hornigold until that one retired by taking a royal pardon around that age.

Anyway, that's Blackbeard by my imagination.

Lovely characters, Wicked.
Blackbeard will have his hands full with my girls, between Sissy being a complete jokester probably joking with the sourpuss and Molly being the love making type xD


Name:  Mandla Okala
"Manny", "Oak", or "Stonetongue" 
Age: 31
Sexuality: Pansexual
Blood Status:  Fairyblooded- Troll Ancestry
Ethnicity: African
Occupation/Rank: Swabbie/Manual Labor

Height: 6'10
Weight: 342
Hair Color: Black, shaved bald
Eye Color: Brown
Distinguishing Features: His most distinguishing feature is probably his size - Barrel chested, broad shouldered, heavy enough to disrupt the balance of a small ship if he doesn't pay attention to where he's standing.  But he also has a collection of burn scars up and down his forearms (small, circular burns like from a cigar), and a large scar from a sword-strike across his shoulder blades.
Face Claim: Nonso Anozie

Personality: Manny is Quiet, preferring to listen rather than speak, which earned him the nickname "Stonetongue" from a particularly loquacious shipmate.  He's also Placid, willing to sit like the might mountain itself, waiting for the world to move around him until the time to act is right.  While he's often reluctant to enforce his will on others, Manny will always jump at the defense of someone who is smaller or weaker, as he's an especially Sympathetic sort.  In those instances, when he feels someone close to him or who he cares for has been wronged, he's ultimately Selfless, willing to sacrifice anything in order to see Justice through.  In his darkest hours though he can be Indecisive, sometimes when big events happen around him too quickly he gets overwhelmed and is unable to act. There's also a fair number of pirates out on the sea who would call the big man Gullible, but to him that's just seeing the best side of people instead of assuming the worst. 

History: Born in North-Western Africa to the Okala tribe, who had long ago brought troll ancestry into their tribe in order to protect themselves from outside forces. Manny was just 16 when he was captured by slavers and brought over the Atlantic to the West Indies.  At that age he was already a head taller than most full-grown men, so he brought a nice price for his owners in the slave markets.  He wasn't known for being docile early in his life, but any aggression was beaten out of him by his first owner at a sugar cane plantation.  Still he was able to tap into his reserves of power when he and his fellow slaves revolted on a slave ship that was meant to take them from Barbados to Kingston.  They took control of that ship and sailed it Nassau instead, declaring themselves free men and pirates. For the last 5 years he's been working on various ships as a deck hand and hired muscle.

Weapons:  Manny is usually unarmed, if a man his size with Troll-blood running through his veins can ever truly be described that way.  But he does often carry an instrument with him - an African drum known as a Djembe, which is dense and sturdy enough to be used as a bludgeoning weapon if necessary, and he's been known to improvise a weapon if the need arises.  

Skills/Abilities:  They say don't judge a book by it's cover, and typically that's good advice, but it turns out the skills of a large man who looks strong is that he's quite strong, although he often needs to recover in a dark shady spot in between feats of strength.  He also has an affinity to stone, and with just a touch of his large hand can tell you where a piece of stonework originated from, or what kind of use a stone would be best put to.  

O&Os: Ons: Reluctance and Dubious Consent (of self), Manhandling/Rough Sex (as instigator), After Care, Size Differences, Body Worship, Humiliation and Degradation (of self), Light Impact Play, switch but is more likely to be submissive in a D/s relationship but not especially drawn to them.  Offs: Dubious or Non-consent (of others), Scat, Humiliation/Degradation (of others), Blood, Extreme Pain, Pregnancy. Also see personal O/Os in signature.

Mediocre Author

I'm very interested in this game. I'll try making a character sheet tonight.

I assume it's still accepting players? How big is the planned group size?


Quote from: Mediocre Author on January 28, 2024, 08:19:23 PMI'm very interested in this game. I'll try making a character sheet tonight.

I assume it's still accepting players? How big is the planned group size?

I assume Kakihara is still accepting players since he only just opened the recruitment thread, so you are more than welcome to make a character sheet!

But anyways, I would like to reserve Sobhita Dhulipala, please.


Hehe, some fun people showing up...

I will say that the personal fiefdom of Blackbeard is looking for lack- er, loyal subjects. Also, there's room on the Queen Anne's Revenge.

I might need to make a second character even though I don't tend to like that. Need assassins. hehe.
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Nerissa is seeking her captain, willing to change who she joined crews with at the beginning to fit a little more!

Mediocre Author

Oh, if we are reserving faceclaims, I would very much like to reserve Vincent Von Thien


Quote from: Wicked Emi on January 28, 2024, 09:16:47 PMNerissa is seeking her captain, willing to change who she joined crews with at the beginning to fit a little more!
Alas, I already have a quartermaster. @FyreFoxx 

But, as a lord, Teach has several captains working under him. They need their own quartermasters. But if that is not to your liking, I understand.

Then again, two quartermasters fighting for my favor? what could go wrong? *taps chin*
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Sara Nilsson

Name: Minerva
Nickname: None
Age: 32
Sexuality: Straight
Blood Status: Human
Ethnicity: Black
Occupation/Rank: Medicine Woman/midwife/"doctor"/whore (hopefully ex whore only but if things are tough)

Height: 5'5" (165cm)
Weight: 130 lbs (59kg)
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Distinguishing Features: Several scars from a whip along her back, if she has a choice they will always be covered up.
Face Claim: Samantha Colas

Personality: She tends to be a bit reserved around strangers, sure she has a smile on her face but it is more of a professional courtesy rather than a genuine smile. But if she gets to know someone she is a loyal friend and someone who will give you the shirt of her back if need be. She tends to be extra careful around white men in power due to her experiences, they have to work extra hard to get her to trust them. She firmly believes that if a job is worth doing, it is worth doing well! No half assing it.

History: She has no idea where she was born, her mother where fleeing slavers at the time and she never spoke about who the father was. And Minerva never asked, it was clearly a very sore subject. When she was five her mother got a job as a serving woman with an English doctor. And much to Minerva's surprise the Englishman wasn't a horrible monster, she couldn't know that her mother slept with the man to sweeten the deal. And the young girl was soon given enough chores to be kept quite busy, first helping to keep the place clean, then help run errands and as she hit her teens she would help with the more menial of tasks. Mix medicines, help dress wounds, clean wounds. And through it all she watched, learned and listened. For she saw a way out, a way to not be a servant her entire life. As her mother said, you do what you have to do in order to survive. And while true she wanted more than survive! She always knew that she couldn't start anything on her own here, but she could hardly leave could she? The choice was all but taken out of her hands when her mother sadly passed away from a sickness that the good doctor couldn't cure. That is when the doctor told her in no uncertain terms that he expected her to take over his mother's place in his bed. The way he said it and now acted made her wonder if he ever really tried curing her mother or saw it as a chance to trade up to something younger. Naturally she said no and when she could walk again after the beating she got she stole what she could and ran off into the night.

And she ran, ran until she didn't know where she was even. Plying her trade where she could, offering herself for some money when that was what had to be done. Always paranoid about being hunted she jumped on the nearest ship and ended up among pirates. But finally having found a place that didn't seem to look down too much on her she settled down and even managed to start a small business as a healer.

Weapons: One flintlock pistol and a dagger.


Medicine - She is proficient enough to care for most ailments she can expect to come across. Setting bones, treating infections, deliver babies.

Singing - Much to her own surprise she has a pretty good singing voice and likes to sing when she thinks no one is listening.

Can't swim - Despite spending lots of time on boats she can't swim.


Player On/Offs


Quote from: shengami on January 28, 2024, 09:24:45 PMAlas, I already have a quartermaster. @FyreFoxx

But, as a lord, Teach has several captains working under him. They need their own quartermasters. But if that is not to your liking, I understand.

Then again, two quartermasters fighting for my favor? what could go wrong? *taps chin*
Nah, changes too much for her. But I appreciate it! I will keep searching for now or end up just making a pirate lord and putting them together

Mediocre Author

Name: Antonio Francisco D'Cruz
Nickname: "Tinker"
Age: 32
Sexuality: Het
Blood Status: Human
Ethnicity: Mixed, three-quarters Portuguese and a quarter English
Occupation/Rank: Unemployed, seeking Master Gunner. He has experience as a blacksmith, but he does not want that job

Height: 6'3"
Weight: 220lbs
Hair Color: Midnight Brown
Eye Color: Chocolate Brown
Distinguishing Features: A fist-sized tattoo on his left pectoral marks him as a member of the Spanish Navy. He has attempted to burn the tattoo off, and has mostly succeeded, leaving a seared scar. However, a careful inspection might reveal the true nature of the wound.
Face Claim: Vincent Von Thien

Personality: D'Cruz is clever and quick-witted. His mouth is likely to get him into trouble, but also capable of getting him back out again... mostly. He is capable of great violence, due to his time spent in the military, but he prefers peaceable answers when possible. He is driven and devoted, and he considers himself quite loyal, at least to those who have shown themselves worthy of loyalty. He does not handle his alcohol well at all, and as a result, he rarely touches the stuff.

History:  Antonio was born in the West Indies and was trained by his father to be a brass and iron smith until the age of 16 when he was forcibly conscripted into the Spanish Navy. There he learned to sail. He worked as a gunner (and occasionally a metal smith when required) for years until he finally deserted. He still fears that the Spanish will find him and either force him back into service or simply hang him for desertion. While in Cuba, he stubbled upon a man who was attempting to sell weapons to the Spanish naval officers there. Antonio borrowed on of the more valuable items, hoping that offering to a privateer captain would help secure him a place aboard. He hopes that the weapon will allow him to take the job of Master Gunner. He found his way to Nassau where he has been hiding in plain sight, waiting for a pirate ship to come in for repairs.

Weapons: Antonio wields a Court-sword, (a long, thin sword with a triangular blade intended for thrusting) and also has a ridiculous looking Duck-foot Pistol hidden beneath his coat. Lastly, he carries a Puckle-Gun in a burlap sack over his shoulder, but he cannot really fight with it, without spending the 5 minutes it requires to mount and prep it for operation.

Skills/Abilities: Some men simply accel at everything they are taught. Born into a metal worker's family, Antonio was trained to work with iron and brass as soon as he could walk. He always detested those skills, but he picked them up, just the same. He always preferred to let his quick wits and clever wordplay handle his problems for him, and that mostly worked fine until he was forced into military service. Royal Spanish Captains do not appreciate clever wit or a sharp tongue, unfortunately. Nevertheless, the Navy taught him fencing, marksmanship, and canon operation, and while he prefers nonviolent solutions, he is deadly when he has to be. Fluent and literate in Portuguese and English. Understands a bit of Spanish.

O&Os: Ons: Romantic pairings. HEAs. D/s. Dubcon/NC/R in either direction, either giving or receiving. Offs: Blood, scat, vore, extreme S&M. Underage.

Sara Nilsson


Quote from: Wicked Emi on January 28, 2024, 09:53:12 PMNah, changes too much for her. But I appreciate it! I will keep searching for now or end up just making a pirate lord and putting them together
Well, there are Captains Barrow and Vane. Someone expressed interest in Jack Rackham. so, plenty of captains floating about.
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Mediocre Author

Quote from: Sara Nilsson on January 28, 2024, 10:47:45 PMWhat is HEAs?

"Happy Ever Afters"

Pairing characters for more than a passing fling. Perhaps that's not as common of an abbreviation as I thought. 😅

My bad. 

But hey, at least I know someone read my character sheet lol 

Sara Nilsson

Well, it may be common. But you have to remember I am an idiot :)

And true, now you have proof someone read it. :D


Seeing as there are so many great images of him as Rackam from Black Sails, I'd like to claim Toby Schmitz as a faceclaim ;)
Ons & Offs//Requests//Where is the Black Cat?
Current Posting Time - Once a Week or More

"One should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art" ~ Oscar Wilde
"I dream of painting and then I paint my dream" ~ Vincent Van Gogh


I purposely didn’t assign manny to any ship to any captain who needs a deckhand who can lift heavy stuff and needs doorways specially made for him is welcome to claim him (assuming he’s accepted). 

Sara Nilsson

That was my thinking too, if someone needs a "doctor" for a voyage, they are welcome to come knocking. Otherwise she will do what she can in port :)


Quote from: Sara Nilsson on January 29, 2024, 12:03:57 AMThat was my thinking too, if someone needs a "doctor" for a voyage, they are welcome to come knocking. Otherwise she will do what she can in port :)
Something something there’s a bad swelling in my penis. 

(I debated a “playing doctor” joke and this somehow was the Victor) 

Sara Nilsson


man that really goes around these days, you are the 20th to complain about it today!


A theme after my own heart. I love this particular genre, especially being an ocean-lover and visitor to many Caribbean destinations.

...Although, they frown upon you pillaging their stores "in the name of piracy" XD

Anyway, depending on your player cap, I'd definitely be interested.


Quote from: Wicked Emi on January 28, 2024, 09:16:47 PMNerissa is seeking her captain, willing to change who she joined crews with at the beginning to fit a little more!

I'm making a captain that will need a crew. I have him almost done and ready for submission. I'll PM the link to you if you want to take a look before that.

Same goes for the others above looking for crew, unless everyone wants to spread out.


I can't decide between two designs... so I might just be making two. xD

 Current Status: TENTATIVE
 How To Stoke The Fyre (O/O) Updated Aug 19, 2023
 What does the Foxx say? (A/A) Updated Oct 1, 2023
 Den of Iniquity (World Building)


Quote from: Rustic on January 29, 2024, 01:43:21 PMI'm making a captain that will need a crew. I have him almost done and ready for submission. I'll PM the link to you if you want to take a look before that.

Same goes for the others above looking for crew, unless everyone wants to spread out.
OOOO yes please do so!


Quote from: FyreFoxx on January 29, 2024, 01:54:09 PMI can't decide between two designs... so I might just be making two. xD
That's exactly what I did, I just gave in to two as well. Join the club! We have cookies!


Yeah I'm doing two, a fairyblood captain and a human crew member (who will need a ship).


I'm lucky if I have the mental capacity for one. Idk how you all do multi-chars XD


Quote from: Hellion on January 29, 2024, 02:32:37 PMI'm lucky if I have the mental capacity for one. Idk how you all do multi-chars XD

I don't know how you stick to just one. XD

So much fun to be had, so many people to interact with, so many concepts. It's like being a kid in a candy store. I want that one, and that one, and that one. So multiple characters help satiate that. :D


Quote from: Hellion on January 29, 2024, 02:32:37 PMI'm lucky if I have the mental capacity for one. Idk how you all do multi-chars XD
Same! I get so invested in one character idea/concept/personality that if I was asked to create two characters for something they would just be "Bob, his identical twin Rob, and the mustachioed clone he made named Roberto".  

Mediocre Author

Quote from: DeformedCatholic on January 29, 2024, 02:49:56 PM"Bob, his identical twin Rob, and the mustachioed clone he made named Roberto". 

THAT is too funny!

I think I might make a second, but I'm not sure yet


Quote from: Mediocre Author on January 28, 2024, 08:19:23 PMI'm very interested in this game. I'll try making a character sheet tonight.

I assume it's still accepting players? How big is the planned group size?
Quote from: Hellion on January 29, 2024, 08:03:21 AMA theme after my own heart. I love this particular genre, especially being an ocean-lover and visitor to many Caribbean destinations.

...Although, they frown upon you pillaging their stores "in the name of piracy" XD

Anyway, depending on your player cap, I'd definitely be interested.
Yep, we are totally still accepting new characters.  As this is a sandbox style game there isn't a specific planned group size or player cap, so all are welcome.

Quote from: Timeless on January 28, 2024, 08:50:32 PMI assume Kakihara is still accepting players since he only just opened the recruitment thread, so you are more than welcome to make a character sheet!

But anyways, I would like to reserve Sobhita Dhulipala, please.
Quote from: Mediocre Author on January 28, 2024, 09:18:27 PMOh, if we are reserving faceclaims, I would very much like to reserve Vincent Von Thien
Quote from: Kuroneko on January 28, 2024, 10:54:46 PMSeeing as there are so many great images of him as Rackam from Black Sails, I'd like to claim Toby Schmitz as a faceclaim ;)
Sweet.  Will add these to the FC reserves.

Sorry for the delay, had sleep and then work so just working on getting through the sheets and putting up a thread for them and will hopefully send out approvals tonight.  Also want to work on a ship tracker for Captains to name their ship and track crew and such, just to make things a little easier.  Along with some other things to help players but that will wait until we are up and running.  Though those doing captains will definitely want to think of their ship names. lol  

Mediocre Author


Quote from: Mediocre Author on January 29, 2024, 04:38:00 PM@Kakihara do our characters sheets require approval?
Yeah, just to make sure nothing conflicts with the lore or is going a bit out to left field really.  Just a standard process in any group game is for GMs to approve a sheet and then give permission to post it after that approval


Quote from: Kakihara on January 29, 2024, 04:27:09 PMYep, we are totally still accepting new characters.  As this is a sandbox style game there isn't a specific planned group size or player cap, so all are welcome.
Sweet.  Will add these to the FC reserves.

Sorry for the delay, had sleep and then work so just working on getting through the sheets and putting up a thread for them and will hopefully send out approvals tonight.  Also want to work on a ship tracker for Captains to name their ship and track crew and such, just to make things a little easier.  Along with some other things to help players but that will wait until we are up and running.  Though those doing captains will definitely want to think of their ship names. lol 
Well, if we are reserving faceclaims, I guess I am reserving Taika Waititi.

As for the rest, eager and willing. Teach's ship is obviously the Queen Anne's Revenge. His ship is almost as famous as he is. Hehe. I've had interest in a quartermaster as well as a crew member. I figure more can be dealt with in character. But if anyone is interested in crewing the Revenge, let me know. Or captaining under Blackbeard's banner.
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My Poetry Thread


The below are approved:
Nerissa Murphy and Charolotte Neils – Wicked Emi
Mandla Okala – DeformedCatholic
Minerva – Sara Nilsson
Antonio Francisco D'Cruz – Mediocre Author

The below is approved but with a note:
Edward Teach – shengami
Just wanted to note that humans can’t use magic innately so he could definitely go through the motion of doing a hermetic circle/calling of the way and such but he will need a Fae or Fairyblooded to push magic into the circle and do any bindings.

Please post your completed character sheet here.  I should have an OCC thread up here as well to help with planning and such, I'll post it here once up.


Quote from: Kakihara on January 29, 2024, 06:45:45 PMThe below are approved:
Nerissa Murphy and Charolotte Neils – Wicked Emi
Mandla Okala – DeformedCatholic
Minerva – Sara Nilsson
Antonio Francisco D'Cruz – Mediocre Author

The below is approved but with a note:
Edward Teach – shengami
Just wanted to note that humans can’t use magic innately so he could definitely go through the motion of doing a hermetic circle/calling of the way and such but he will need a Fae or Fairyblooded to push magic into the circle and do any bindings.

Please post your completed character sheet here.  I should have an OCC thread up here as well to help with planning and such, I'll post it here once up.

Ahhh, I had not realized that caveat. Alright, a small tweak to make him faeblooded then, I think. Jinnblooded. I'll make the changes then run it past you again.

EDIT: modifications made to sheet. I'll copy/paste it once approved.
Am I on the hunt for a story? - Not especially...
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My Poetry Thread

Mediocre Author

Hey I'm gonna reserve one more faceclaim, please.

Natalie Dormer

Mediocre Author

Quote from: Mediocre Author on January 29, 2024, 09:08:05 PMHey I'm gonna reserve one more faceclaim, please.

Natalie Dormer
Scratch that. She's a Wonderful actress, bit I can't find the right look with her that I'm going for 


Quote from: Mediocre Author on January 29, 2024, 10:11:09 PMScratch that. She's a Wonderful actress, bit I can't find the right look with her that I'm going for
With the undercut in the Hunger Games… Meeeee-ow


She is a forever crush of mine... and yes that undercut in Hunger Games... *gets all flustered*


Quote from: Mediocre Author on January 29, 2024, 09:08:05 PMHey I'm gonna reserve one more faceclaim, please.

Natalie Dormer
Ooooooooo...... That's a stellar face claim. Top notch.
Am I on the hunt for a story? - Not especially...
My General LFGs
Canon LFGs
My Poetry Thread


Name: Adrastos Bouras
Nickname: Drast (friends only), The Drunk Phoenix, The Minotaur (nickname only known by his old gang)
Age: 45
Sexuality: Straight
Blood Status: Fairyblooded
Ethnicity: Greek and half Phoenix
Occupation/Rank: Captain of The Dionysus

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 200 pounds
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Distinguishing Features: A red bull head with horns, all on fire, tattooed on the entire of his back
Scars on his face and body from the many fights, cuts and bullets

Face Claim: Karl Urban

Personality: Charming | Difficult | Stubborn | Sneaky | Frugal | Eristic | Dishonest | Caring to those he's close with

Also, he hates the Greeks, the British, and most humans while we're at it.

History: His father was a woodcutter who fell in love with a phoenix, Drast's mother. They tried to live a normal life, keeping her origins a secret. But when the town they lived in learned of her nature, and blamed her for a forest fire nearby (which wasn't true), they chased the family out. They moved to England to hide while Drast was still a baby. When he was a teenager, his mother was discovered again. This time, hunted down and killed. Drast was considered an abomination and as they tried to strike down on him, his father saved him, dying in the process.

Adrastos lived on the streets from then on, learning to do whatever it took to survive. Soon enough he had his crew of young thieves, and they pooled their bounties at the end of the day, forming a small community. But lingering near the ports, he always dreamed of living a life on the seas.

At twenty, he fell in love with a girl who turned out to be conning him. She and her gang stole all of their savings and tried to have them all killed. He took who was left of his crew, and they hid out on a merchant ship, eventually convincing the captain to let them stay and work on the ship. That's where he got his sea legs.

Soon enough, he and his crew got power-hungry, and killed the crew of that ship, taking it over. It was a small ship, but they grew in people, and they 'acquired' an English naval ship. It was a two-mast, 6-canon frigate that he renamed the Dionysus, after the Greek god of wine and pleasure.

They gained a reputation of being a rowdy bunch because Drast was all about the drink. Their MO was they set every ship they attacked ablaze. It got Drast the nickname, the Drunk Phoenix. He loved being a pirate, the freedom of it all, the riches.

They sailed down to Nassau, hearing of the so-called "pirate haven" and set up their base of operations there. They hired additional crew, now nearing seventy, but always on the lookout for more. Drast tries to hire mainly Fae and Fairyblood, and the occasional human, as long as they're Fae sympathisers like his father was.


A custom golden flint-lock

Two custom boarding axes


✦ Charming his way through sticky situations (sometimes)
✦ Lying/Deceit
✦ Smuggling
✦ Sailing
✦ A bit of fighting, nothing fancy
✦ Leadership - makes his crew feel like family
✦ Drinking

Ons: Facesitting (receiving), Deepthroat, switching/sometimes leaning sub (depends on partner), rough sex (slapping, choking, hair pulling, animalistic fucking), sex marathons, FFM/FFFM
Offs: Gore, Vomit, Blood, Sharp Objects
Also refer to my Personal O/Os

Mediocre Author

Quote from: shengami on January 29, 2024, 10:47:56 PMOoooooooo...... That's a stellar face claim. Top notch.
Quote from: DeformedCatholic on January 29, 2024, 10:35:38 PMWith the undercut in the Hunger Games… Meeeee-ow
Well shit. If all you boys are gonna fawn over her, maybe I'll try again to find some pics I'm happy with 


Quote from: Mediocre Author on January 29, 2024, 10:57:41 PMWell shit. If all you boys are gonna fawn over her, maybe I'll try again to find some pics I'm happy with
Normally I would say not to do anything on my account, but we’re talking about Natalie Dormer here so you go ahead and do what you will. 

Mediocre Author

Quote from: DeformedCatholic on January 29, 2024, 11:11:31 PMNormally I would say not to do anything on my account, but we’re talking about Natalie Dormer here so you go ahead and do what you will.
I'll do my best.

I had planned on making her a female captain who is regarded as a slut by other ship's pirates, but who is far more discerning in reality..  we'll see


Quote from: Mediocre Author on January 29, 2024, 11:22:03 PMI'll do my best.

I had planned on making her a female captain who is regarded as a slut by other ship's pirates, but who is far more discerning in reality..  we'll see
You do what you need to do. There's plenty of room for ship captains under Edward. Er, in rank I mean. I am not not thinking about waht I'd want to do to Natalie Dormer. Which usually makes em think about Michelle Tractenberg. But eh.
Am I on the hunt for a story? - Not especially...
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Canon LFGs
My Poetry Thread

Mediocre Author

Quote from: shengami on January 29, 2024, 11:56:29 PMYou do what you need to do. There's plenty of room for ship captains under Edward. Er, in rank I mean. I am not not thinking about waht I'd want to do to Natalie Dormer. Which usually makes em think about Michelle Tractenberg. But eh.
I've always admired Michelle Trachtenberg. Let me look around a bit


Interested in this. Thinking of making a faeblooded of North American supernatural origins but mixed with European settlers. Currently considering an offspring of Nun'Yunu'Wi, Mishipeshu, or a Nunnehi.

Currently stalled between the ideas but only able to do once character at a time, so suggestions, ideas, and feedback would be welcome. :P
"I believe in dragons, good men, and other fantasy creatures." - Slovotsky's Law #42

“Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.”― Neil Gaiman, Coraline

“The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.” - Terry Pratchett (Rest in Peace, Master Storyteller)


Quote from: Saric on January 30, 2024, 12:43:58 AMInterested in this. Thinking of making a faeblooded of North American supernatural origins but mixed with European settlers. Currently considering an offspring of Nun'Yunu'Wi, Mishipeshu, or a Nunnehi.

Currently stalled between the ideas but only able to do once character at a time, so suggestions, ideas, and feedback would be welcome. :P
I think the Mishipeshu is quite interesting here. Despite its origins being far, far north of the Caribbean, the association to water and the underworld are neat. Additionally, how you'd interpret that very unique appearance into characteristics for YC would be fun.

The other two are Cherokee/Southeeast origins, so closer. Could make connections through the Creek or Seminole tribes? Just playing with ideas. The Nun'Yunu'Wi seems less interesting to me. Mostly because it overlaps with Edward a bit to my mind, but the concept of a stone skinned magician is neat. How you work in the fear of menstruating women though.... and the gem heart? The Nunnehi seem the least specific and, thus, the most easy to work with. But seem also more associated to mountains than the ocean.

There's some thoughts. I adore when people use non-European lore, so kudos!
Am I on the hunt for a story? - Not especially...
My General LFGs
Canon LFGs
My Poetry Thread

Mediocre Author

Okay, Wishy-Washy to the end, I will reserve Natalie Dormer as a face claim, if possible.

Tune in tomorrow when I change my mind and waste everyone's time once again 😅

(I know several of you guys were all down for her hair in Hunger Games, but it just didn't capture the look I was going for)


Quote from: Mediocre Author on January 30, 2024, 07:48:29 AMOkay, Wishy-Washy to the end, I will reserve Natalie Dormer as a face claim, if possible.

Tune in tomorrow when I change my mind and waste everyone's time once again 😅

(I know several of you guys were all down for her hair in Hunger Games, but it just didn't capture the look I was going for)
What's the look we're looking for?

The Lady?
Am I on the hunt for a story? - Not especially...
My General LFGs
Canon LFGs
My Poetry Thread


Name: Jacques "Joker" Ejigou
Nickname: Joker, Black Caesar (West), Yasuke (East), Shango (South) Aesop (Pseudonym), T'ouissant L'Overture.
Age: 29
Sexuality: Straight
Blood Status: Human
Ethnicity: West African (Haitian)
Occupation/Rank: Blackmarket Trader & Author
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 215 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Distinguishing Features: Numerous scars and tattoos.
Face Claim: Shane Strickland

Personality: Clever | Curious | Focused | Unhinged | Ostentatious| Talented | Egoist | Ambitious | Secretive


"Man is not what he thinks he is, he is what he hides."

Jacques Ejigou or Joker as he's known is more myth than matter of record,  something managed out of deliberate effort to maintain a position of anonymity. The subject matter of his birth is record, a Jacques Ejigou does in fact exist (if that is his true identity), but everything else is a mattery of carefully crafted mystery, like folklore, there are various accounts of an individual whose origin began in bondage, stripped from his family and traditions, however this one was born different. He was blessed in three ways; Mind, Body and Aptitude.

Through careful strategy, he was able to position himself as a right-hand to his master, and eventually that master fell ill, and he assumed sole ownership of the plantation, he would later delegate the role of plantation owner to a trusted affiliate. Step 1.

This individual spent his young adult years acquiring skills abroad, he would undergo a journey of learning and mastery, establishing networks and connections with key contacts, he was hungry for the finest education the world had to offer. He sailed with infamous pirates. He trained with monks from the eastern lands, he studied with scholars from Persia. He learned military tactics from the Mongols, and he learned business from the British. Building pieces that would complete the foundation of his overall transformation.  Step 2.

He would return to Nassau leagues above the competition in education and bearing, though without the benefit of resources to create his empire, he used his connections at the sugar plantation to organize a book business, as a legitimate cover for his illegitimate side business. Exotic books and opiates.  Business was booming. Using techniques he acquired abroad, he was able to trade large quantities of books, in fast efficient deliveries. A few warehouses and a fleet later,  he would become a tycoon of sorts. Just like the planation, he delegated a figure to run the successful operation as its face, while he continued to operate in anonymity. Step 3

That brings us up-to-date. The Next step is known only to Jacques.


Side-arm (Eastern Greatsword)

Range Weapon


Martial Combat - Quite skilled in melee and range combat, having undergone training in a variety of disciplines.

Accounting - Another talent. Something he learned from the plantation business and developed further from education, Jacques has a mind for business.

Seafaring - He's no master pirate, but he's self-sufficient in this regard.

Writing - He's authored several books and written a few songs (under pseudonym),  believe it or not.

Ons: Exotic features. Exhibitionism. Role-playing. Non-Con. Intelligence. FFM. Groups.
Offs: Gore, Vomit, Blood, Smells, usual squick-inducing stuff.


@Kakihara Here's my submitted character. I altered the image format a bit, as I just liked the way it looked on the left side, if that is okay :)

Paz de la Cruz | maestra culinaria!

Name: Paz de la Cruz
Age: 23
Sexuality: Pan
Blood Status: Human
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Occupation/Rank: Cook

Height: 6’1
Weight: 150lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Stormy blue

Distinguishing Features: While Paz identifies as a female, she dresses very neutral and gives off an androgynous vibe with her short disheveled hair and masculine wardrobes, causing many to do a double take. Various tattoos of ancient symbols, silly quotes, and fantastical creatures adore most of her arms and upper body, as do a few piercings on her nose and ears.

Face Claim: Terra Juana

Personality: Paz is spirited and independent, with a penchant for navigating life on her own terms. Having spent most of it as a lone wolf, she had cultivated a strong sense of self-reliance and resilience, which allowed her to survive in an otherwise harsh reality. She has a no-nonsense attitude and isn't afraid to speak her mind, often using sarcasm as a shield to conceal her deeper emotions.

Her tomboyish nature is reflected in her love for adventure, recreation, and a preference for practicality over frills. You'll likely find her up for many challenges as is in her competitive nature, where trash talking is only part of the deal, even though it is all friendly. Despite her tough exterior, she has a soft spot for those she cares about, though she might not readily admit it.

For the most part, Paz uses her charm as a tool to navigate through life, easily winning people over with her wit and playful banter. She has a knack for reading others and understands how to leverage her magnetic personality to get what she wants. While she may seem carefree and nonchalant on the surface, there's more to the woman than meets the eye, and unraveling the layers of her complex personality can be a challenge for anyone.

History: Paz de la Cruz was born under the warm Spanish sun, surrounded by the salty breeze of the small harbor town in southwest Spain. Her parents' quaint tavern was her playground, and from a young age, she found herself captivated by the sizzling sounds of the kitchen, the clinking of glasses, and the laughter of patrons. The de la Cruz family was content, their tavern modestly thriving for many years. But the winds of fortune can be fickle, and the economic turmoil that swept through the country left many businesses in ruins. Determined to forge a new path, however, Paz's family set their sights on the New World, hoping to leave the struggles of their homeland behind. A month-long voyage across the Atlantic awaited them, a journey that would prove to be both perilous and transformative.

Midway through the treacherous journey, illness spread like wildfire among the passengers, including Paz's parents, ending their journey before it had ever really begun. The arrival at the Caribbean port brought not only a new land but also the somber task of bidding farewell to the deceased. In a heartbreaking ceremony, the corpses were consigned to a blazing fire, their spirits carried away by the rising smoke.

It was here, in this foreign land, that Paz whispered her last goodbyes to her family, and cursed a god who seemed to have abandoned her people.

With grief weighing heavy on her heart, Paz found herself alone in a bustling city, armed only with a bag of Spanish coins, a few personal items, and a rudimentary grasp of the English language. Determined to survive, she sought employment in taverns, leveraging the culinary skills acquired from so many years of hard work back in her homeland. Eventually, Paz secured a position at a less reputable tavern, where she faced the harsh realities of her new life. Cooking, cleaning, and fending off unsavory advances became her daily routine. The years passed, and the once-innocent girl from Spain transformed into a resilient woman, a product of her challenging environment.

Culinary arts remained her anchor amidst the chaos, but Paz had acquired a diverse skill set beyond the kitchen and cultural barriers. She learned to defend herself through trial and tribulation, inevitably embracing a rough and tumble lifestyle. Her reputation grew throughout the island, not only for her delectable dishes but also for the fierceness with which she defended herself — often with a mean right hook that left even the toughest challengers thinking twice before crossing her.

Weapons: Paz has worked in various kitchens and can handle knives pretty well, even in a fight, so she generally has at least two sharp and balanced blades on her person.

Skills/Abilities: Aside from an agrarian background and years of culinary training of various dishes, she is bilingual (English and Spanish), and has decent armed and unarmed combat prowess. She has also learned where to expose various pain points on another person for maximum impact.

The Good: Respect, Humor, Flirtiness, Kissing, Light bondage
The Bad: Disrespect, Rape, Pushiness, Bathroom stuff, Pain

Mediocre Author

Quote from: shengami on January 30, 2024, 08:01:37 AMWhat's the look we're looking for?

The Lady?

That picture is a bit too distinguished.

I found a few that will suffice 


Quote from: Mediocre Author on January 30, 2024, 09:24:02 AMThat picture is a bit too distinguished.

I found a few that will suffice

I feel your pain. The pics I used weren't very period-esque, but I tried to keep them as vague as possible, lol. FCs in general are like the fucking worst, and yet, the best part of creating characters XD


Quote from: JackTheTipper on January 30, 2024, 08:22:18 AM

Much credit to you for the face claim! I thought about doing a wrestler for my character but Swerve is a great call and very much goes with the “unhinged” personality trait. 

Also “I swerve when I sail”.


Name: Divyasri
Nickname: Divya, Divvy (Try using this nickname to earn her ire)
Age: Early Thirties in Appearance
Sexuality: Demisexual
Blood Status: Fae
Ethnicity: Apsara
Occupation/Rank: Navigator, Fortune Teller and Expert Swindler

Height: 5'9"
Weight: 56 KG
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Distinguishing Features: Divya is known to be ethereally beautiful, especially with pouty rose-red lips and an hourglass body. Even then, her dark jet black hair and glimmering dark brown eyes set her apart.
Face Claim: Sohbita Dhulipala

Personality: Sensual | Elegant | Self-Confident | Enigmatic | Vindictive | Graceful | Jaded | Cynical | Aloof

History: She shouldn't have fallen in love, she told herself. She was such a fool.

It started with her curiosity as she couldn't resist visiting the mortal realm, despite the warnings of her fellow sisters. The mortal realm was filled with wonders, let alone curious creatures which she had to see for herself. She descended with her celestial robes, only to remove them once she found a large pond where she couldn't resist dipping herself. It was there where she met her first human — a hunter who quickly fell in love with her at first sight. They met numerous times after that — with the handsome hunter yearning to know more of the beauty and her, in return, hungering for knowledge of the realm which fascinated her so. Eventually, she realized her supposed friend wasn't just an ordinary hunter but a prince and an heir to the throne of a small neighbouring kingdom. When he proposed to her, she agreed, and they soon were enveloped with such bliss as they became husband and wife.

She thought she had everything. Raising a family as soon as she gave birth to a baby boy, just as their kingdom began to grow then. Their people see her as a symbol of fortune, especially when their kingdom became prosperous under her husband's ruling. But as time passed, her husband became greedier and jealousy seeped into him, especially as his body grew older and weary — and yet, his beautiful wife still remained ever so gorgeous and ageless. He soon became possessive over her, even snatching her celestial robes away from her, fearing she would leave him to return to the skies if given the chance. Without her knowing, he had torn her celestial robes in pieces and ensured they would be kept and locked far away where it would be impossible for her to locate them. Even then, she endured it all — even when her people turned their back on her and blamed her for the change in their ruler.

Even then, the situation only worsened, just as much as her husband became unhinged. Paranoia possessed him, and seeing how their son had grown up to be loved by their people, the current ruler became dissatisfied and even grew envious of their only child. Dark thoughts entered his mind and he even believed his own son would take his wife for himself. Her heart and even her mind shattered when she found her beloved son dead, and his own father above him with a bloodied blade in his hands. Clutching the dead body of her child and with sanguine tears running down her cheeks, she pleaded for the deities to exact vengeance on those who wronged her — and they answered her cries.

By the time she opened her eyes, her whole home was destroyed and ashen corpses riddled everywhere as everything burned. Feeling hollow and empty, she buried her only son and soon departed from the only other home she knew. Yearning to return to the celestial realm, she knew she had to regain her celestial robes — and thus, her venture began. Venturing from one place to another to pick any clues she could find, she would change from one identity to another to suit her needs, and would do whatever necessary to achieve her goal.

Weapons: A north Indian bichura dagger with a hilt decorated with fine gold wire, paired with a bagh nakh.

- Dancing: It shouldn't come as a surprise, but she's talented in the art of dancing, especially in the traditional classical dance of the Mughal Empire. Even then, she adopted other dance forms such as belly and folk dances.
- Fortune-Telling: After living for so many years, she found a more recent interest in fortune-telling, especially using tarot cards which she had found from a merchant traveling from Europe. Her readings had been fairly accurate thus far, to the point where she had gained a bit of a reputation.
- Navigation: After travelling so much and even watching the night skies so much, she found a fascination in celestial navigation which added to her repertoire. Because of that, Divya is rather confident in her navigation skills and thus could guide her crew to whatever destination they want.
- Close Combat: Figuring she needed to protect herself, she had trained to use the weapons she usually would carry with her. Even then, she could defend herself with hand-to-hand combat if necessary, all thanks to the training of an old lover many years ago.
- Seduction: Being an apsara, it didn't come as a surprise to anybody, especially when she can be a sensual being.

- Luck Bestowal: She could grant blessings of luck to an individual of her choosing, which they might find themselves more fortunate in gambling or even surviving deadly encounters.
- Immortality: Being a celestial being, Divya didn't need to worry about ageing, nor would she die from natural causes.
- Hypnosis: This had helped her in several situations where she could plant suggestions to any individuals, or even influence them to her commands.

O&Os: Link Here


Quote from: Timeless on January 30, 2024, 09:55:30 AM
Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide

Name: Divyasri
Nickname: Divya, Divvy (Try using this nickname to earn her ire)
Age: Early Thirties in Appearance
Sexuality: Demisexual
Blood Status: Fae
Ethnicity: Apsara
Occupation/Rank: Navigator, Fortune Teller and Expert Swindler

Height: 5'9"
Weight: 56 KG
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Distinguishing Features: Divya is known to be ethereally beautiful, especially with pouty rose-red lips and an hourglass body. Even then, her dark jet black hair and glimmering dark brown eyes set her apart.
Face Claim: Sohbita Dhulipala

Personality: Sensual | Elegant | Self-Confident | Enigmatic | Vindictive | Graceful | Jaded | Cynical | Aloof

History: She shouldn't have fallen in love, she told herself. She was such a fool.

It started with her curiosity as she couldn't resist visiting the mortal realm, despite the warnings of her fellow sisters. The mortal realm was filled with wonders, let alone curious creatures which she had to see for herself. She descended with her celestial robes, only to remove them once she found a large pond where she couldn't resist dipping herself. It was there where she met her first human — a hunter who quickly fell in love with her at first sight. They met numerous times after that — with the handsome hunter yearning to know more of the beauty and her, in return, hungering for knowledge of the realm which fascinated her so. Eventually, she realized her supposed friend wasn't just an ordinary hunter but a prince and an heir to the throne of a small neighbouring kingdom. When he proposed to her, she agreed, and they soon were enveloped with such bliss as they became husband and wife.

She thought she had everything. Raising a family as soon as she gave birth to a baby boy, just as their kingdom began to grow then. Their people see her as a symbol of fortune, especially when their kingdom became prosperous under her husband's ruling. But as time passed, her husband became greedier and jealousy seeped into him, especially as his body grew older and weary — and yet, his beautiful wife still remained ever so gorgeous and ageless. He soon became possessive over her, even snatching her celestial robes away from her, fearing she would leave him to return to the skies if given the chance. Without her knowing, he had torn her celestial robes in pieces and ensured they would be kept and locked far away where it would be impossible for her to locate them. Even then, she endured it all — even when her people turned their back on her and blamed her for the change in their ruler.

Even then, the situation only worsened, just as much as her husband became unhinged. Paranoia possessed him, and seeing how their son had grown up to be loved by their people, the current ruler became dissatisfied and even grew envious of their only child. Dark thoughts entered his mind and he even believed his own son would take his wife for himself. Her heart and even her mind shattered when she found her beloved son dead, and his own father above him with a bloodied blade in his hands. Clutching the dead body of her child and with sanguine tears running down her cheeks, she pleaded for the deities to exact vengeance on those who wronged her — and they answered her cries.

By the time she opened her eyes, her whole home was destroyed and ashen corpses riddled everywhere as everything burned. Feeling hollow and empty, she buried her only son and soon departed from the only other home she knew. Yearning to return to the celestial realm, she knew she had to regain her celestial robes — and thus, her venture began. Venturing from one place to another to pick any clues she could find, she would change from one identity to another to suit her needs, and would do whatever necessary to achieve her goal.

Weapons: A north Indian bichura dagger with a hilt decorated with fine gold wire, paired with a bagh nakh.

- Dancing: It shouldn't come as a surprise, but she's talented in the art of dancing, especially in the traditional classical dance of the Mughal Empire. Even then, she adopted other dance forms such as belly and folk dances.
- Fortune-Telling: After living for so many years, she found a more recent interest in fortune-telling, especially using tarot cards which she had found from a merchant traveling from Europe. Her readings had been fairly accurate thus far, to the point where she had gained a bit of a reputation.
- Navigation: After travelling so much and even watching the night skies so much, she found a fascination in celestial navigation which added to her repertoire. Because of that, Divya is rather confident in her navigation skills and thus could guide her crew to whatever destination they want.
- Close Combat: Figuring she needed to protect herself, she had trained to use the weapons she usually would carry with her. Even then, she could defend herself with hand-to-hand combat if necessary, all thanks to the training of an old lover many years ago.
- Seduction: Being an apsara, it didn't come as a surprise to anybody, especially when she can be a sensual being.

- Luck Bestowal: She could grant blessings of luck to an individual of her choosing, which they might find themselves more fortunate in gambling or even surviving deadly encounters.
- Immortality: Being a celestial being, Divya didn't need to worry about ageing, nor would she die from natural causes.
- Hypnosis: This had helped her in several situations where she could plant suggestions to any individuals, or even influence them to her commands.

O&Os: Link Here

Wow, that was a tragically beautiful backstory! Well done. I love her concept too!

Maybe our characters can already know one another? They're both, in a sense, wandering beings.


I'm onto making a csheet at this point, many characters look real good already ! I'd like to claim Tom Hardy for FC if possible.


Quote from: mainsnoires on January 30, 2024, 01:20:34 PMI'm onto making a csheet at this point, many characters look real good already ! I'd like to claim Tom Hardy for FC if possible.

Yep, definitely a great line up of characters and players!


The below are approved:
Edward Teach – shengami
Adrastos Bouras - Rustic
Paz de la Cruz - Hellion
Divyasri - Timeless

I think that's everyone but if I missed a completed sheet, let me know.

Please post your completed character sheet here.  I should have an OCC thread up here as well to help with planning and such, I'll post it here once up.

Once we have sheets posted, I'll submit to have a big group created since we have more than enough people.  And then can get some threads up to start. 


Quote from: Saric on January 30, 2024, 12:43:58 AMInterested in this. Thinking of making a faeblooded of North American supernatural origins but mixed with European settlers. Currently considering an offspring of Nun'Yunu'Wi, Mishipeshu, or a Nunnehi.

Currently stalled between the ideas but only able to do once character at a time, so suggestions, ideas, and feedback would be welcome. :P
Nice, sounds interesting.  The captain character I'm working on, trying to get through his background, is half Haudenosaunee.  Nice to see a wide range of characters so far.


Quote from: mainsnoires on January 30, 2024, 01:20:34 PMI'm onto making a csheet at this point, many characters look real good already ! I'd like to claim Tom Hardy for FC if possible.
Oh, almost missed this... got this and Natalie Dormer for Mediocre Author... I don't think I missed anyone else.  Need to remember to put up the characters already created on the list though.


I'm still working on something, but considering Valeria Rudenko as a face claim. Debating on her heritage, but thinking maybe Selkie or Undine. There is also a chance of Jinn, either for her or a second character. *eyes Shen*

 Current Status: TENTATIVE
 How To Stoke The Fyre (O/O) Updated Aug 19, 2023
 What does the Foxx say? (A/A) Updated Oct 1, 2023
 Den of Iniquity (World Building)


Quote from: FyreFoxx on January 30, 2024, 04:32:35 PMI'm still working on something, but considering Valeria Rudenko as a face claim. Debating on her heritage, but thinking maybe Selkie or Undine. There is also a chance of Jinn, either for her or a second character. *eyes Shen*
You do you Foxxy, just don't take forever. Haha.
Am I on the hunt for a story? - Not especially...
My General LFGs
Canon LFGs
My Poetry Thread


 Current Status: TENTATIVE
 How To Stoke The Fyre (O/O) Updated Aug 19, 2023
 What does the Foxx say? (A/A) Updated Oct 1, 2023
 Den of Iniquity (World Building)


I'm sorry, but I'm going to withdraw my interest. I can't find time to get all my work and course prep done each day, let alone write up a character sheet. 😒
Ons & Offs//Requests//Where is the Black Cat?
Current Posting Time - Once a Week or More

"One should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art" ~ Oscar Wilde
"I dream of painting and then I paint my dream" ~ Vincent Van Gogh


Quote from: shengami on January 30, 2024, 01:30:44 AMI think the Mishipeshu is quite interesting here. Despite its origins being far, far north of the Caribbean, the association to water and the underworld are neat. Additionally, how you'd interpret that very unique appearance into characteristics for YC would be fun.

The other two are Cherokee/Southeeast origins, so closer. Could make connections through the Creek or Seminole tribes? Just playing with ideas. The Nun'Yunu'Wi seems less interesting to me. Mostly because it overlaps with Edward a bit to my mind, but the concept of a stone skinned magician is neat. How you work in the fear of menstruating women though.... and the gem heart? The Nunnehi seem the least specific and, thus, the most easy to work with. But seem also more associated to mountains than the ocean.

There's some thoughts. I adore when people use non-European lore, so kudos!
While the original Mishipeshu is far north there are apparently supposed sightings among numerous tribes over the whole north-east, combined with it's association with waterways and how western settlers moved about the early colonies I figured it wouldn't be too out of place. I've actually found a really neat humanoid pic for it and figured I could give it a human, humanoid, and monstrous form, water breathing, lighting and storm control that range from easy and minor to significant and exhausting, and the ability to command any non-sentient water creature and request things of the sentient ones. For recovery it would need to assume it's monstrous form and rest 'below the water', so I'd have it make a nest in the ship's bilge.


For the Nun'Yunu'Wi he looked human even with the skin of stone and I was more interested in how his 'cane' could change shape and guide him to what he desired. I figured I'd give it a similar ability as the compass in Pirates of the Caribbean while being able to shrink to a wand he could hide in his clothes or grow to a stone staff he could fight with or use as leverage or for pushing things. Beyond making him immune to most forms of harm short of being burned at the stake I wasn't really sure what else to give him as the stories just suggest he had other magics but not what they were. Recovery would require eating meat, with the meat of sentient creatures restoring more and faster with less. Did find a pic for a possible non-human form. As for the issue with menstruating women, one of the stories I found required them to be naked to affect him and had him get sick and then start coughing up blood before collapsing at the sight of the seventh one, who it was specified had just started so it's not clear if he collapsed after seven, or if it was her having just started that finished him, or if it was both. And beside all that it just immobilized him long enough for them to pile wood on him and burn him all night to actually do the killing. So I figured I'd make him weakened if he walked into the wrong room of a brothel and mostly just make him immune to most physical damage and only vulnerable to continuous exposure to fire or something like direct cannon fire. The gemstone heart is only really relevant if he dies, at which point it's not my problem. :P


The Nunnehi would be the weakest and simplest to convert I think, as while most lived under mountains or 'mounds', some lived under lakes, rivers, or ponds. So make them unaging, give them water breathing, limited invisibility, and some shapeshifting, at least enough to mimic other humans as there is a story of them defending a Cherokee town during the Civil War by appearing to be Confederate soldiers to trick Union troops into avoiding action and raiding elsewhere. I considered letting them shapeshift into animal forms as well but wasn't sure if that would be too strong for current in world magic. Not sure what to do for recovery since all the stories agree it was impossible to tell them apart from the people around them until they did something magical and they seem to have lived in magical 'Lodges' like a Fairy Hall, beneath their mounds or rivers, and I wasn't sure how to move a lodge to Nassau, much less how they would be able to leave the city for any amount of time. So the weakness and recovery are actually the hardest part of the idea.

Basically I think any of the ideas would make an interesting character to play, which is why picking just one is giving me so much trouble. But I'm fully aware I can't handle multiple characters and would burn out trying. That said I'd actually be happy if anyone else decided to run with whichever ideas I don't end up playing.

I'm also kind of dreading picking out an actual Face Claim as I suck at that part.
"I believe in dragons, good men, and other fantasy creatures." - Slovotsky's Law #42

“Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.”― Neil Gaiman, Coraline

“The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.” - Terry Pratchett (Rest in Peace, Master Storyteller)


Quote from: Saric on January 30, 2024, 06:44:46 PMWhile the original Mishipeshu is far north there are apparently supposed sightings among numerous tribes over the whole north-east, combined with it's association with waterways and how western settlers moved about the early colonies I figured it wouldn't be too out of place. I've actually found a really neat humanoid pic for it and figured I could give it a human, humanoid, and monstrous form, water breathing, lighting and storm control that range from easy and minor to significant and exhausting, and the ability to command any non-sentient water creature and request things of the sentient ones. For recovery it would need to assume it's monstrous form and rest 'below the water', so I'd have it make a nest in the ship's bilge.


For the Nun'Yunu'Wi he looked human even with the skin of stone and I was more interested in how his 'cane' could change shape and guide him to what he desired. I figured I'd give it a similar ability as the compass in Pirates of the Caribbean while being able to shrink to a wand he could hide in his clothes or grow to a stone staff he could fight with or use as leverage or for pushing things. Beyond making him immune to most forms of harm short of being burned at the stake I wasn't really sure what else to give him as the stories just suggest he had other magics but not what they were. Recovery would require eating meat, with the meat of sentient creatures restoring more and faster with less. Did find a pic for a possible non-human form. As for the issue with menstruating women, one of the stories I found required them to be naked to affect him and had him get sick and then start coughing up blood before collapsing at the sight of the seventh one, who it was specified had just started so it's not clear if he collapsed after seven, or if it was her having just started that finished him, or if it was both. And beside all that it just immobilized him long enough for them to pile wood on him and burn him all night to actually do the killing. So I figured I'd make him weakened if he walked into the wrong room of a brothel and mostly just make him immune to most physical damage and only vulnerable to continuous exposure to fire or something like direct cannon fire. The gemstone heart is only really relevant if he dies, at which point it's not my problem. :P


The Nunnehi would be the weakest and simplest to convert I think, as while most lived under mountains or 'mounds', some lived under lakes, rivers, or ponds. So make them unaging, give them water breathing, limited invisibility, and some shapeshifting, at least enough to mimic other humans as there is a story of them defending a Cherokee town during the Civil War by appearing to be Confederate soldiers to trick Union troops into avoiding action and raiding elsewhere. I considered letting them shapeshift into animal forms as well but wasn't sure if that would be too strong for current in world magic. Not sure what to do for recovery since all the stories agree it was impossible to tell them apart from the people around them until they did something magical and they seem to have lived in magical 'Lodges' like a Fairy Hall, beneath their mounds or rivers, and I wasn't sure how to move a lodge to Nassau, much less how they would be able to leave the city for any amount of time. So the weakness and recovery are actually the hardest part of the idea.

Basically I think any of the ideas would make an interesting character to play, which is why picking just one is giving me so much trouble. But I'm fully aware I can't handle multiple characters and would burn out trying. That said I'd actually be happy if anyone else decided to run with whichever ideas I don't end up playing.

I'm also kind of dreading picking out an actual Face Claim as I suck at that part.

Well, that doesn't help you make a choice. That's all focused on how to make the mythology work as a character. That version of the stone man seems OP by the way. Immune to anything but fire? Eh.

Have you considered the actual character's story yet? What happened to them while magic was low? Did they hibernate? Why full fae and not faeblooded?

But, most importantly, what is the story that you want to tell? What's the character. Not their power set.
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So you had it stated in the OP that it was "the dawn of the 18th century" that fae and fairyblooded starting showing up. Am I reading that right? Or when would they make an appearance outside of folklore? Trying to figure out roughly how many years fae and fairyblooded would have been in the spotlight compared to present day.

 Current Status: TENTATIVE
 How To Stoke The Fyre (O/O) Updated Aug 19, 2023
 What does the Foxx say? (A/A) Updated Oct 1, 2023
 Den of Iniquity (World Building)


Quote from: FyreFoxx on January 30, 2024, 07:53:15 PM@Kakihara
So you had it stated in the OP that it was "the dawn of the 18th century" that fae and fairyblooded starting showing up. Am I reading that right? Or when would they make an appearance outside of folklore? Trying to figure out roughly how many years fae and fairyblooded would have been in the spotlight compared to present day.
Well, nothing is absolute so there may have been one or two that began to appear in the wild places earlier with a trickle of magic but the major influx would have been about 1699 to lead into the 18th century. (It always screwed me up when a kid that the 'th century' is always off from the date. lol )  Sort of a gift of the millennium.  

So I'm ok if someone wants to have their character have emerged a little bit early but they would have been floundering in the dark since it was still low tide for everything.


Quote from: Kakihara on January 30, 2024, 08:00:27 PMWell, nothing is absolute so there may have been one or two that began to appear in the wild places earlier with a trickle of magic but the major influx would have been about 1699 to lead into the 18th century. (It always screwed me up when a kid that the 'th century' is always off from the date. lol )  Sort of a gift of the millennium. 

So I'm ok if someone wants to have their character have emerged a little bit early but they would have been floundering in the dark since it was still low tide for everything.
So we're looking at mostly about a 15-ish timespan since they were most active? Am I getting that right?

 Current Status: TENTATIVE
 How To Stoke The Fyre (O/O) Updated Aug 19, 2023
 What does the Foxx say? (A/A) Updated Oct 1, 2023
 Den of Iniquity (World Building)


Quote from: shengami on January 30, 2024, 07:01:07 PMWell, that doesn't help you make a choice. That's all focused on how to make the mythology work as a character. That version of the stone man seems OP by the way. Immune to anything but fire? Eh.

Have you considered the actual character's story yet? What happened to them while magic was low? Did they hibernate? Why full fae and not faeblooded?

But, most importantly, what is the story that you want to tell? What's the character. Not their power set.
There's a lot of emphasis in the Myths about how all spears and arrows just bounced off the stone man without a scratch, and he's always killed by being covered with wood and burned all night to finish him off. So maybe guns could hurt him but not penetrate to kill, and maybe he could be drowned or smothered or other similar indirect methods? To say nothing of magic? Was kind of just a quick, off the cuff, translation of the mythology.

I generally make a character first and then develop a story around them. And I'm actually still debating between full fae and a faeblooded version of these characters.

All the characters start basically the same. The faeblooded are mixed blooded with the colonists and don't feel like they fit in, so they seek acceptance elsewhere. The fae, except for the stone man, have found colonist encroaching on their territory and, lacking the strength of old to drive them away, left to find new lairs as well as learn where these people are coming from and how to stop them. The colonies are all backed by different nations and driving off one would just let another take over, so the pirates who are at war with them all are the only force that might even slow them while the magic returns and they learn of this new world. The stone man consumes human livers to survive and full his power, so discovering that the livers of pigs can sustain him gives him a chance at long last to actually settle down and join a community rather then having to prey upon it, but only if he travels somewhere where they don't know his nature and there are plenty of pigs to feed on.

After that they all split. The water panther becomes a bosun, able to order barnacles and seaweed not to attach and foul a hull or able to ask dolphins to recover lost sailors or goods or a giant squid to pick up that severed mast and hold it in place until they can nail and lash it in place. Not to mention adjusting or redirecting storms at need.

The stone man uses his magic cane to act as a navigator who can lead you not only to certain islands or shore lines, but to an individual ship upon the sea! Possibly even a type of ship, such as "A lone ship with a cargo of gold or silver." Depends on how strong divination magic is, on the one hand he can't predict the future and can only guide to where the ship currently is, so gaining information would seem to require relatively little power compared to calling a storm or throwing fireballs or lightning bolts, on the other hand the cost of magic doesn't necessarily match how much it changes the natural world.

And finally the Nunnehi is a merchant as they can have one face be a legitimate businessman, and another be the fence who buys loot, and another the captain who carries the goods, and none of the faces have to be the same race or even the same gender while they change places while invisible so nobody can even spot them going into the same buildings at the same time. I considered a quartermaster at first, being able to pretend to come from other ships when buying or selling for better prices, but we've already got at least two of those so merchant seemed more open territory.

Again, none of this helps me pick just one which is why I wanted to get a feel for what other people would be interested in interacting with, since there's no point making a character for a sandbox game if everyone else ignores you to write with other people. :P
"I believe in dragons, good men, and other fantasy creatures." - Slovotsky's Law #42

“Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.”― Neil Gaiman, Coraline

“The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.” - Terry Pratchett (Rest in Peace, Master Storyteller)


Quote from: FyreFoxx on January 30, 2024, 08:07:15 PMSo we're looking at mostly about a 15-ish timespan since they were most active? Am I getting that right?



Quote from: Hellion on January 30, 2024, 11:01:05 AMWow, that was a tragically beautiful backstory! Well done. I love her concept too!

Maybe our characters can already know one another? They're both, in a sense, wandering beings.

Awww! >3<!! Thank you so much, I'm really glad you like her backstory! I wanted to make it tragic and to explain why she can sometimes be cold and aloof.

I'm definitely okay with that, and had made some suggestions in the OOC thread.


Quote from: Kuroneko on January 30, 2024, 06:17:59 PMI'm sorry, but I'm going to withdraw my interest. I can't find time to get all my work and course prep done each day, let alone write up a character sheet. 😒
Sorry to see you go but hope works eases up for you a bit so you get some extra cat time at least. 

Mediocre Author

Can a Fairyblooded character have a tattoo which acts as their rune? 
Or does it need to be a stone or something?


Quote from: Mediocre Author on January 30, 2024, 10:40:56 PMCan a Fairyblooded character have a tattoo which acts as their rune?
Or does it need to be a stone or something?
Well, my original intention was for it to be inscribed on things to allow them to produce certain effects, something like the compass in Pirates of the Caribbean or like small clock work artifacts like the stuff out of Arabic fantasy or like Clash of the Titan's owl.  But, that said, nothing is ever set in stone and the concept of the tattoos does sound interesting, I wanted to give it some thought.

I think it is doable but with some caveats.  one, just like with the devices, it's not always on, it requires focus to push magic into them.  So you can't have like something that will automatically react.  And it does drain the magic a little faster, make them tired, since they are flowing it through their body.  And because of the nature of magic and the nature of tattoos, I feel like constant use would make the tattoos fade since in an accelerated process of what happens naturally, and therefor loose it's effectiveness.  So I'd say like after 10 or 15 uses the tattoo would need to be refreshed.  Though keep in mind the effects should be low power, no one should have like superman invulnerability. lol 


Quote from: Kakihara on January 31, 2024, 07:32:23 AMWell, my original intention was for it to be inscribed on things to allow them to produce certain effects, something like the compass in Pirates of the Caribbean or like small clock work artifacts like the stuff out of Arabic fantasy or like Clash of the Titan's owl.  But, that said, nothing is ever set in stone and the concept of the tattoos does sound interesting, I wanted to give it some thought.

I think it is doable but with some caveats.  one, just like with the devices, it's not always on, it requires focus to push magic into them.  So you can't have like something that will automatically react.  And it does drain the magic a little faster, make them tired, since they are flowing it through their body.  And because of the nature of magic and the nature of tattoos, I feel like constant use would make the tattoos fade since in an accelerated process of what happens naturally, and therefor loose it's effectiveness.  So I'd say like after 10 or 15 uses the tattoo would need to be refreshed.  Though keep in mind the effects should be low power, no one should have like superman invulnerability. lol
Interesting. I'll probably want/need to discuss how Edward binds things. He also has a tattoo, but I think that is not his 'rune' but something is bound into the design. The rune was used in making the tattoo.

But interesting. Interesting indeed.

I've put a list of things I wanted bound in my CS. Would any of that be impossible? I'm happy to scarp things and go back to the drawing boards.
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Quote from: shengami on January 31, 2024, 07:45:17 AMInteresting. I'll probably want/need to discuss how Edward binds things. He also has a tattoo, but I think that is not his 'rune' but something is bound into the design. The rune was used in making the tattoo.

But interesting. Interesting indeed.

I've put a list of things I wanted bound in my CS. Would any of that be impossible? I'm happy to scarp things and go back to the drawing boards.
I think most would be possible other than 'A salamander bound into a length of rope that he weaves into his beard and which emits smoke.'  just because fiber is not a good option for imbedding the runes necessary.  Like you can't put it on clothes or rope.  The gun one since it's basically just replacing a flint, it wouldn't give it any effects, seems fine since it's effecting the moving part of the flint and steel.  I want to avoid magic guns that like are adding bullet effects and the like but something so minor I think works.

Mediocre Author

Quote from: Kakihara on January 31, 2024, 07:32:23 AMWell, my original intention was for it to be inscribed on things to allow them to produce certain effects, something like the compass in Pirates of the Caribbean or like small clock work artifacts like the stuff out of Arabic fantasy or like Clash of the Titan's owl.  But, that said, nothing is ever set in stone and the concept of the tattoos does sound interesting, I wanted to give it some thought.

I think it is doable but with some caveats.  one, just like with the devices, it's not always on, it requires focus to push magic into them.  So you can't have like something that will automatically react.  And it does drain the magic a little faster, make them tired, since they are flowing it through their body.  And because of the nature of magic and the nature of tattoos, I feel like constant use would make the tattoos fade since in an accelerated process of what happens naturally, and therefor loose it's effectiveness.  So I'd say like after 10 or 15 uses the tattoo would need to be refreshed.  Though keep in mind the effects should be low power, no one should have like superman invulnerability. lol
I love it!

My plan is for my second character to be a secretly fairy-blooded captain who has a tattoo hidden beneath her right hand glove.

The only effect is that when she crosses swords with an enemy, the longer the fight progresses, the more unnaturally fatigued her opponent gets. It isn't immediate or even that noticable, but her technique is to fight very defensively until her enemy is worn out. Then she strikes with her unfair advantage.

A few hours after the fight, she feels similar fatigue, and she must rest and recuperate as well.
I plan on giving her a loyal NPC to act as her body-guard for the times when she is dead to the world.

I might give her other items with more traditional runes, but again, as she is hiding her fae ancestry, they would be small items with fairly minor effects.


Quote from: Kakihara on January 31, 2024, 07:52:34 AMI think most would be possible other than 'A salamander bound into a length of rope that he weaves into his beard and which emits smoke.'  just because fiber is not a good option for imbedding the runes necessary.  Like you can't put it on clothes or rope.  The gun one since it's basically just replacing a flint, it wouldn't give it any effects, seems fine since it's effecting the moving part of the flint and steel.  I want to avoid magic guns that like are adding bullet effects and the like but something so minor I think works.
Oh, I can adapt the rope to being talismans that he braids into the beard. Trying to recreate the thing Blackbeard was famed. An easy fix. Happy to play with the tropes.

No, I don't want a magic gun, just wanted to make his gun more reliable. Flintlocks notoriously misfired for a variety of reasons, but his misfires less often is all. haha.
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Devilyn Sydhe

This idea has my curiosity as it includes one of my favorite FC even though I haven't actually seen the show.  If the FC and role are still available, and assuming I can put a cs together promptly, I would like to reserve Zach McGowan for the role of Charles Vane.  I would like to have him working as a captain in connection with a pirate lord unless Vane is required to be a pirate lord himself.  So much easier to do the robbing and pillaging without all the messy paperwork :P


Quote from: Devilyn Sydhe on January 31, 2024, 08:31:49 AMThis idea has my curiosity as it includes one of my favorite FC even though I haven't actually seen the show.  If the FC and role are still available, and assuming I can put a cs together promptly, I would like to reserve Zach McGowan for the role of Charles Vane.  I would like to have him working as a captain in connection with a pirate lord unless Vane is required to be a pirate lord himself.  So much easier to do the robbing and pillaging without all the messy paperwork :P
Well Charles Vane is already taken by me to be used as a NPC/GM PC as he is a Pirate Lord, but I'm not using the Zach McGowan face claim so if you want to make make a different character using that faceclaim, all would be good.

Devilyn Sydhe

That would work well, sorry for my confusion.  I was mainly connecting the fc to Vane because of the show, so an original char would be even better.

Mediocre Author

Quote from: Mediocre Author on January 31, 2024, 07:57:31 AMMy plan is for my second character to be a secretly fairy-blooded captain who has a tattoo hidden beneath her right hand glove.

The only effect is that when she crosses swords with an enemy, the longer the fight progresses, the more unnaturally fatigued her opponent gets. It isn't immediate or even that noticable, but her technique is to fight very defensively until her enemy is worn out. Then she strikes with her unfair advantage.

A few hours after the fight, she feels similar fatigue, and she must rest and recuperate as well.
I plan on giving her a loyal NPC to act as her body-guard for the times when she is dead to the world.

I might give her other items with more traditional runes, but again, as she is hiding her fae ancestry, they would be small items with fairly minor effects.
Will ↑↑this↑↑ be appropriate?



Quote from: Mediocre Author on January 31, 2024, 09:18:51 AMWill ↑↑this↑↑ be appropriate?

I believe so, though it should be more than one rune I would imagine so like a few tattooed on her hand, can be worked into an image.  

Mediocre Author

Quote from: Kakihara on January 31, 2024, 09:36:27 AMI believe so, though it should be more than one rune I would imagine so like a few tattooed on her hand, can be worked into an image. 
I like that too! I was considering a number of creatures whose venom causes fatigue. I'll come up with something clever I'm sure 🤭

Also, on an unrelated note, I would recommend that any players who intend to write for captains watch this video highlighting one method of running your ship:

Likewise for Quartermasters:

Granted, this is only one realistic depiction of pirates, and some players might want to write a more romantic version of their ship. Just the same, I think it's useful to understand the basics of real life piracy. 

Devilyn Sydhe

I was wondering if a fairyblooded of pooka ancestry would be overpowered if he had some shapeshifter abilities.  I am considering a sellsword or assassin with the ability to change his eye color, the length and color of hair, or even add or hide tattoos.  He would have to remain the same size and shape and possibly have a rune inscribed on the back of his neck to give him these abilities but I wanted to see if the concept would work before going forward.


Quote from: Devilyn Sydhe on January 31, 2024, 12:11:31 PMI was wondering if a fairyblooded of pooka ancestry would be overpowered if he had some shapeshifter abilities.  I am considering a sellsword or assassin with the ability to change his eye color, the length and color of hair, or even add or hide tattoos.  He would have to remain the same size and shape and possibly have a rune inscribed on the back of his neck to give him these abilities but I wanted to see if the concept would work before going forward.

Oooh, that sounds kinda cool, actually. I wonder how the hair length thing would work, but the rest sounds a lot more feasible. Kakihara would obviously have final say on that, but the concept is interesting, for sure!

 Current Status: TENTATIVE
 How To Stoke The Fyre (O/O) Updated Aug 19, 2023
 What does the Foxx say? (A/A) Updated Oct 1, 2023
 Den of Iniquity (World Building)


Quote from: Devilyn Sydhe on January 31, 2024, 12:11:31 PMI was wondering if a fairyblooded of pooka ancestry would be overpowered if he had some shapeshifter abilities.  I am considering a sellsword or assassin with the ability to change his eye color, the length and color of hair, or even add or hide tattoos.  He would have to remain the same size and shape and possibly have a rune inscribed on the back of his neck to give him these abilities but I wanted to see if the concept would work before going forward.
Well, fairyblooded don't have innate abilities so they would have to be Fae to have it as and ability.  Now he could have rune tattoos inscribed on him to allow that but then I'd say those tattoos could not be altered since those are what are allowing him to use the ability and he's pouring his magic into.  And as I detailed above, it would only be for as long as he poured magic into and it would use up the magic quicker than with an inscribed device as well as have to be re-tattooed every so often since the ink would fade after a number of uses.  But other than the runic tattoos powering the change not being able to change, I think the other changes are doable.  

Mediocre Author


Name: Captain Prudence Hawke
Nickname: "Witch Captain"
Age: 32
Sexuality: Rumored to be Pansexual, but officially unknown
Blood Status: Presenting as full-blooded Human, (secretly Fairyblooded)
Ethnicity: English
Occupation/Rank: Captain of the Crimson Hawk

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 120
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Hazel Blue
Distinguishing Features: A tattoo of a several venomous animals on her right palm, curling around to the back of her right hand. These markings are most often concealed by her gloves.
Face Claim: Natalie Dormer

Personality: If there was a word to best describe Prudence in her old life, it would be "prudent"... but that name hardly applies to her anymore. She always played things safe for the first half of her life, before she threw caution to the wind and became a privateer. She always weighs the cost of combat, but it is rare that she decides against it. Fearless and daring, she is willing to risk everything in the pursuit of her goals, and God help those who stand in her way. She knows that as a female captain, she is likely to be underestimated, so she uses that to her advantage. She enjoys using guile and subterfuge to lull her enemies into a false sense of security before she strikes. It is often rumored that she has slept with hundreds of men and women alike, although those claims are ultimately unproven. Aboard her ship, she commands complete authority, and she is beyond brutal to those who step out of line. Most sailors who have served under her, consider her fair and trustworthy, but they warn all potential allies to know what they are getting into before entering allegiance with her. She is certainly not one to be trifled with.

History: Prudence was borne in Whitby, England.  The daughter of Captain James R. Hawke, a distinguished naval captain in the English Royal Navy, she was formally trained by in matters of court, grace, and elegance while her father spent his time abroad. But when he was at home, her father informally trained in sailing and fencing. She never learned about her mother, or the fact that the woman was a fae, a Leanan sídhe.

After her father's ship was destroyed by the French, her father was held for ransom, before dying in a French Bastille. Prudence immediately sold all of her father's land and valuables, commissioned a ship, and received a blessing from Queen Anne of England to become a legal privateer, hunting enemies of the crown.
Prudence acted as captain, and with a skilled and loyal crew, she became the bane of foreign vessels and pirates alike. The Crimson Hawk was respected and feared throughout the seas, and it was considered a jewel of English sailing.

However, when King George the First took the throne in 1714, he decreed that the excessive number of privateers were a threat to the strength of the Royal Navy, and he deemed that the Crimson Hawk in particular was a danger to the crown. Upon receiving the news, Prudence realized that her only options were to give up the sea or become one of the pirates which she previously hunted. Needless to say, English ships are now on her list of targets as well. She still considers herself a loyal servant of the late Queen Anne, but she holds no loyalty to the current monarch.

Weapons: Ornate Swept-Hilt Rapier,, paired with a parrying daggar, a flintlock pistol, and a tiny pepperbox pistol hidden in the lining of her petticoat

Skills: Prudence was classically educated and has read extensively in contemporary and ancient literature alike. She is fluent in 4 language, (English, German, Spanish, and Italian) and she can understand a handful of others well enough. She inherited both her father's keen mind and a bit of her mother's magic, which are the primary reasons she has maintained command in such a cutthroat occupation. She is skilled at negotiation and intimidation, critical skills for any pirate captain. Prudence is an adept duelist with her rapier and dagger combo, and she is an acceptable markswoman, although she does  it excel in this regard.

Stamina-vampirism - With the complex series of tattoos on her hand, Prudence has a secret a rune which allows her to slowly sap the physical strength of anyone with whom she crosses blades. The effect is minimal, and slowly increases with time. This is paired with her excellent defensive fencing abilities, and it would be borderline worthless otherwise. After a period of only a few hours, a similar yet stronger sense of fatigue sets in on her, and she has to rest or she will pass out.

Spyglass of Greed: An ornate set of runes are inlaid into Prudence's own personal telescope, and when gazing through it, she can located precious metals even through wood, iron, or cloth. The glass cannot see through rock, earth, or lead however, and it is not always easy to determine the exact quality of the treasure which the spyglass highlights.

Terran Compass: This is an old and unassuming compass with runes roughly etched into the internal case, to hide them from view. The compass has two needles, the primary which always points north, and the secondary, which always points towards the nearest landmass. Blind trust of this compass is very dangerous, however, as it will also direct the user through uncharted waters, hidden reefs, and into storms, indiscriminately.

O&Os: Ons: Romantic pairings. D/s. Dubcon/NC/R in either direction, either giving or receiving. Offs: Blood, scat, vore, extreme S&M. Underage.



Captain Prudence Hawke - Mediocre Author

In addition, I've created an NPC sheet and have it up if anyone wishes to have an NPC either on their ship or on shore, to supplement their PC characters as they shouldn't be used as PCs.  Please PM me any NPC sheet for review and adding.

Mediocre Author

Quote from: Kakihara on January 31, 2024, 05:11:23 PMApproved

Captain Prudence Hawke - Mediocre Author

In addition, I've created an NPC sheet and have it up if anyone wishes to have an NPC either on their ship or on shore, to supplement their PC characters as they shouldn't be used as PCs.  Please PM me any NPC sheet for review and adding.
Yay! Thank you!

I will be creating an NPC (First Mate, perhaps) with the faceclaim Hafthor Bjornsson

Anyone who wants to make a character for the ship The Crimson Hawk need only ask! 😊

Also anyone who wants to create alliances, rivalries, (or something else 😜) with either of my characters, hit me up! 



For Fae creatures traditionally without a human form or appearance are those allowed? And if they are do they only get a single human appearance or could one alternate appearances or genders?
"I believe in dragons, good men, and other fantasy creatures." - Slovotsky's Law #42

“Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.”― Neil Gaiman, Coraline

“The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.” - Terry Pratchett (Rest in Peace, Master Storyteller)


Quote from: Saric on January 31, 2024, 05:37:01 PM@Kakihara

For Fae creatures traditionally without a human form or appearance are those allowed? And if they are do they only get a single human appearance or could one alternate appearances or genders?
There is only one single human appearance for a Fae.  AS far as the fae's appearance, it would depend as monster like creatures for fae is not something I'm accepting as tackling the monster thing is not something I'm looking to do right now.  It's hard to make a blanket judgment but they should have something in the human size equivalent though they only have to revert to that form at certain times or when they've fatigued themselves so it's open if their fae form is intelligent, so something like fairy fire wouldn't really be applicable.


Name: Etienne Lavigne
Nickname: Eti, Tien, The Frenchie (he doesn't mind it)
Age: 29
Sexuality: Straight
Blood Status: Fae - Merrow
Ethnicity: French
Occupation/Rank: Pirate and Cook

Height: 6'
Weight: 172 pounds
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Distinguishing Features: Merrow tail (when in Fae form), facial hair, a few scars on his left torso that hurts sometimes (from a boarding gone wrong with his first crew)
Face Claim: Orlando Bloom

Personality: Ambitious | Adventurous | Passionate | Temperamental | Loyal | Caring | Romantic | Obedient | Slightly pretentious with food

History: He was born off the coast of Le Havre France in a quiet cove. His loving parents, both Merrow, gave him and his three younger brothers a lot of freedom to explore, even the human city. They just asked that the boys be careful. Every time they visited Le Havre, Etienne fell in love with the smell and taste of human food. He would watch chefs and pester them for techniques, and as a teenager, he got a job at a small cafe where he learned the beauty of cooking under the tutelage of an old woman who used to be a famous chef.

One of his brothers, Charles, ended up getting in trouble with local police. Etienne and his brothers had to get Charles out, but he refused to go back home where he would be forever confined to the waters. So they snuck him out to another coastal town, Saint Palo.

Etienne and his two other brothers went back to Le Havre and their home in the cove. Their parents were understandably upset, but Etienne agreed to keep an eye out for Charles from time to time. Every so often, he would travel to Saint Palo to visit Charles. But on one visit, Charles was missing. After investigating, it seems that Charles got caught up with a local gang and owed them a lot of money, and ended up joining up with a privateer ship to escape. The gang was now expecting Etienne to pay up instead.

Etienne presented his cooking skills, and they agreed he could pay them off as their chef. But he refused to be trapped under their thumb for years, so one night when a few of the high-value members were having a meeting, he put poison in the boeuf bourguignon. Little did he know, one of the members was a corrupt police officer, and he arrived late to find his companions dying. He tried to shoot Etienne, but the young man escaped.

Etienne went home to Le Havre to find his face plastered everywhere with a massive bounty on his head. Refusing to be confined to the waters, like Charles he decided to run. Privateers might not take him due to his outlaw status, so he ended up joining a pirate ship and learned how to shoot a gun and wield a sword, while he cooked for them. They also taught him English. But he wanted to get away from France and convinced his captain to drop him off at Nassau. He cooked them a big lavish meal as a thank you and knew he had them to rely on if he was ever in trouble.

Now he's at Nassau, looking for a ship to call home.




Cooking: He is a very skilled cook, primarily French cuisine as it is the superior of all cuisines. No one can convince him otherwise.
Sharp Blades: He's good with a knife as any chef would be, and that's translated to the sword with some training from his first crew.
Gun: While he doesn't currently own a gun, he's an okay shot, as long as they're close enough.
Languages: He's French, but speaks English with an accent, and knows a touch of Spanish both of which he learned when he was with his first crew.
✦ Whirlpool - With a swish of his tail or a flick of his hand, he can conjure up a vortex of water about the size of a bathtub. Occasionally, if he concentrates hard enough, he can make one the size of a small ship, but it would be only for a few seconds and wear him down significantly. He can use this to confuse enemies in the water or nudge ships. If he does a small vortex, placing a hand in the water is enough to recharge, but a larger vortex and he needs to be head to toe in the water to recharge.
✦ Water transferring - He can touch small things and draw out the moisture, about 2-3 cups worth at most. Useful for getting a glass of water, or even drying out food for cooking.

Ons: Domination (R), Submission (G), Facesitting (R), Bondage (R), Spankings (R), Petplay (R), Breast/Ass/Body Worship (G)
Offs: Vore/Gore, Blood, Toilet Play, Humiliation, Cutting

Also refer to my Personal O/Os


Interested, courtesy of the most inaccurately-named writer on Elliquiy. I refer of course to Mediocre Author.

Mediocre Author

Quote from: Mythril on January 31, 2024, 11:15:32 PMInterested, courtesy of the most inaccurately-named writer on Elliquiy. I refer of course to Mediocre Author.
Glad to have you, friend 😀

Oh btw, I modified Antonio to be 6'3" instead of 6'6" 

Let's just call that a typo lol


I need to polish this up a bit to look better, but I'll work on that if she's approved. The overall design won't change, just expanded upon and added clarity.

Name: Jacquelin Brimill
Nickname: Jackie, Lina
Age: 29
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Blood Status: Fae (Selkie)
Ethnicity: Faroese
Occupation/Rank: Quartermaster – Queen Anne’s Revenge

Height: 5’7”
Weight: 140 lbs
Hair Color: Chestnut Brown (Black in Fae)
Eye Color: Ocean Blue (Ice Blue in Fae)
Distinguishing Features: She can slip into a sort of half-fae state, not quite human, but certainly not her true form – that of a leopard seal. In this form, her eyes go ice blue and her hair darkens to black, traits she retains in her seal guise. Likewise, her arms from the fingertips up to her elbows and feet from the toes to her knees look like they have been dipped in ink, along with the upper portion of her face dripping downward. This can be nearly hidden with clothing and it is in this state that she has the most control over her abilities.
Face Claim: Diana Babyna

Personality: At first glance, she seems calm and collected. An endless stream of patience. She is also intelligent, quick-witted, and resourceful. However, just like the smooth surface of the water can hide the turbulence below, her temper churns just beneath the surface. She is stubborn and does not allow anyone, lest of all men, to push her around. While quite loyal to her captain, he is the only one she will listen to. Anyone that goes against his word will see just how ruthless this calm beauty can be.
History: Originally from a small island in the far north, Lina was always rather inquisitive of humans in general. While most of her kind stayed far away from mortals, scared of having their skins being taken from them and held captive, that fear never bothered Lina. She would constantly walk amongst the humans at her leisure, keeping her precious seal skin well hidden.
As a young fae, she enjoyed travelling hidden amongst the sailors and merchants, learning their craft of seamanship and navigation. It was so different to sail the seas above the water than below it and it fascinated her. Fae were not always treated so kindly, so originally Lina kept her nature hidden from the humans. It was many years before magic started seeping back into the world and fairyblooded began to appear.
It was around this time she found her way to another island nation far south of her homeland and fell into step with a crew under a brand new captain who just earned his ship, one that appeared to be fairyblooded himself and had no problems with those of fae ancestry. This bearded man intrigued her, his fiery nature in stark contrast to her watery one.
For the next few years, she would follow his orders as a member of his crew, revealing her fae nature to him in time. As a test of loyalty after showing ambition and promise, he asked for proof of her loyalty towards him, in the one way only she could. He asked for her skin, on the condition that she could ask for it back, no questions asked, but that she would have to leave his service to do so. She offered it up willingly and their relationship only grew closer because of it.
Now the Quartermaster under Blackbeard’s command, Lina has never once thought she lost her freedom by giving up her seal skin. Instead, she feels as if she gained it on the open seas by his side.

Weapons: Twin Scottish Dirks (one strapped to either hip), a small hand crossbow

Ebb and Flow: Has minor control over water currents and can help direct objects in the water.
Expanded Lungs: While not able to breathe underwater, she has increased lung capacity far beyond human means, no matter what form she takes.
Strength: Despite her smaller frame, she is unusually strong for a woman, a feat attributed to her true fae nature. Because of this, she is also decent in hand-to-hand combat and an excellent swimmer.
Alcoholic: While not really an ability, she has found she absolutely loves the taste of human liquor and can drink it like it was water.

O&Os: see personal O/Os

 Current Status: TENTATIVE
 How To Stoke The Fyre (O/O) Updated Aug 19, 2023
 What does the Foxx say? (A/A) Updated Oct 1, 2023
 Den of Iniquity (World Building)


Quote from: Mediocre Author on January 31, 2024, 11:17:49 PMGlad to have you, friend 😀

Oh btw, I modified Antonio to be 6'3" instead of 6'6"

Let's just call that a typo lol
He was wearing lifts like Ron Desantis but he didn’t like what they were doing to his boots. 

Mediocre Author

Quote from: DeformedCatholic on February 01, 2024, 12:15:28 AMHe was wearing lifts like Ron Desantis but he didn’t like what they were doing to his boots.
Lol 😜



I've been looking at this, and it's definitely piqued my interest! Would it be possible to make a Mermaid who can shapeshift and disguise herself as a human? 

If so, I would love to reserve Cindy Kimberly!

O/O | A/A | MM


Quote from: Mellific on February 01, 2024, 06:31:34 AMI've been looking at this, and it's definitely piqued my interest! Would it be possible to make a Mermaid who can shapeshift and disguise herself as a human?

If so, I would love to reserve Cindy Kimberly!
It would be possible.  With Fae, a broad term I'm using for all supernatural creatures, stay in a human form most of the time but need to go back to their natural Fae form either due to fatigue from using too much magic or because of other strictures.  So most all are disguised as humans to avoid being hunted.

Edit: for those who submitted characters, I'm currently at work and will work on approvals after I'm done.  



Etienne Lavigne – Rustic
Jacquelin Brimill - FyreFoxx

Please post your character sheets in the thread in our Big Group game and let me know if you need any public or private threads for your character.


I'm interested. I'm trying to figure out who to play tho... hmm...
Whore with a heart of gold  or I was thinking maybe the daughter of a nobleman who was sailing to an arranged marriage when her ship was attacked. She is found by a captain floating in the ocean with no memory of who she is. HHHmmmmmm......


Quote from: AnnieSatin on February 01, 2024, 04:24:18 PMI'm interested. I'm trying to figure out who to play tho... hmm...
Whore with a heart of gold  or I was thinking maybe the daughter of a nobleman who was sailing to an arranged marriage when her ship was attacked. She is found by a captain floating in the ocean with no memory of who she is. HHHmmmmmm......

TBH, I think that second idea has some interesting merit and possible plot points. Even if she doesn't have amnesia, it's a completely different concept than most. I like it. :)

 Current Status: TENTATIVE
 How To Stoke The Fyre (O/O) Updated Aug 19, 2023
 What does the Foxx say? (A/A) Updated Oct 1, 2023
 Den of Iniquity (World Building)


I had thought maybe a wealthy daughter of a nobleman who escapes an arranged marriage but it felt too cliche. Maybe she has the wreck and ends up on the ship and realizes she has a chance at a different life and takes it? Hmmm... 


Quote from: AnnieSatin on February 01, 2024, 04:43:22 PMI had thought maybe a wealthy daughter of a nobleman who escapes an arranged marriage but it felt too cliche. Maybe she has the wreck and ends up on the ship and realizes she has a chance at a different life and takes it? Hmmm...
Better than Elizabeth Swann... that's the trope done to death.
Am I on the hunt for a story? - Not especially...
My General LFGs
Canon LFGs
My Poetry Thread


Quote from: AnnieSatin on February 01, 2024, 04:43:22 PMI had thought maybe a wealthy daughter of a nobleman who escapes an arranged marriage but it felt too cliche. Maybe she has the wreck and ends up on the ship and realizes she has a chance at a different life and takes it? Hmmm...
May I suggest that maybe the daughter had tried to run away from an arranged marriage and had snuck on board a ship, basically being a stowaway? Kinda a trope, but could do the whole dressing as a man sort of deal, but that didn't last long as the ship got wrecked, etc?


Quote from: shengami on February 01, 2024, 05:57:31 PMBetter than Elizabeth Swann... that's the trope done to death.
It's okay to do tropes that are "overused," as long as that's what the writer wants to do. There's nothing wrong with using tropes that have been used before. And there are still ways to make those tropes unique and refreshed, without copying the ways in which they were used before. 

O/O | A/A | MM



I've fleshed out my character's bio and o/o's section. Tell me what you think.


Quote from: Mellific on February 02, 2024, 05:15:15 AMIt's okay to do tropes that are "overused," as long as that's what the writer wants to do. There's nothing wrong with using tropes that have been used before. And there are still ways to make those tropes unique and refreshed, without copying the ways in which they were used before.
Too right! I love me a good, sappy, by the numbers romance. Tropes absolutely can be done well. They can be easily abused as well.

But your point is well taken.

Do adore the idea of the stowaway princess turned pirate.
Am I on the hunt for a story? - Not especially...
My General LFGs
Canon LFGs
My Poetry Thread


Name: Eadan Boyd
Nickname: Flaming Sword, Fire Crotch, Smart-Arse Bitch
Age: 42 Years Old (Appears in her late twenties)
Sexuality: Omnisexual
Blood Status: Fairyblooded
Ethnicity: Half Human (Gael) and Half Ifrit
Occupation/Rank: Mercenary Guild Leader of Crimson Talon

Height: 6'4"
Weight: 170 lb (77KG)
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Eye Color: Turquoise Blue
Distinguishing Features: Multiple tattoos and scars riddling over her muscular and sculpted body. She's also known to be an intimidatingly tall woman.
Face Claim: Demi Bennett

Personality: Reliable | Loyal | Mercurial | Charismatic | Carefree | Brash | Foul-Mouthed | Ruthless | Hedonistic | Vengeful

History: Warning - Mention of Sexual Abuse and Rape

Born to a loving single mother, Eadan didn't want anything more. But as she grew older, she couldn't help but wonder about her father — let alone how the other kids would mock her for being fatherless. It was one encounter with a bully did she realized she was different — especially when she was blinded with rage, when the rascal dared to call her mother a whore. She remembered tackling her oppressor to the ground, but everything after that was just a blur to her.

She hadn't realised that her anger had gotten to her until she found out the other child was nearly at the death bed. Her mother feared the worst when the village head went to their doorstep, so she had no choice but to send her only child to a faraway monastery, hoping the monks would be able to help with her condition. What her mother never realized was that she had sent her only daughter to a torturous hell. She endured for a few years before deciding enough was enough — especially when a young monk decided to take his frustration out on her. Enraged, she killed the monk in such brutal fashion and with flames licking her skin, she burned the monastery down to the ground.

She fled from the scene and arrived at the nearest town soon after. Scavenging whatever she could, she lived off the streets by stealing and pickpocketing whatever she could. It was one fateful incident where she was caught by a mercenary when the said person found some good in his heart not to cut her hand off after catching her. Instead, he took her under his wing and began mentoring her. Apparently, he led a small but booming mercenary guild — from there, it was pretty much history. When she grew older and decided to make her own path, she decided to leave and start anew in Nassau — though she was followed by a few friends who wanted to stick with her. Fortunately enough, there wasn't that much competition in the business field she was pursuing, so her guild just grew and she now holds a somewhat prominent name within the region.

Weapons: A claymore (claideamh) and a long dagger (sciam). There are times when she would use a javelin, however.

- Close Combat: Paired with her mercenary work, it isn't surprising that Eadan is skilled at combat. Either with weapons or even hand-to-hand combat, she can defend herself just as well.
- Leadership: She's known to lead her guild with a fair yet stern hand. Even then, she prioritizes loyalty above anything else and would usually treat her fellow mercenaries with respect unless they cross her.
- Information Brokering: She knew information could be used as currency, especially when it could be very profitable.
- Mercenary Work: She had done plenty of work as a mercenary during her younger years. Nowadays, Eadan would let her subordinates handle the tasks. But if the jobs are a little riskier or she was personally inquired, she would take the job instead.

- Fire Manipulation: Fire couldn't hurt her, even the flames kissed her skin. Not only that, but she can conjure flames out of thin air. Because of her gift, her body tends to run hotter than a normal human's.
- Enhanced Strength and Speed: Because of her supernatural lineage, Eadan can move faster and is even stronger than most humans. However, her stamina is still lacking and whenever she tries to reach past her limit, she gets tired more easily.
- Pain-Surpressing: Her pain tolerance is rather high to where she doesn't necessarily blink or flinch from a single punch. A stab at her side would definitely get her attention, but she can walk it off just fine.
- Semi-Immortality: Eadan ages more slowly, and she's immune to most diseases. Her healing rate is also enhanced because of her lineage. However, she could die from any fatal attacks on her person.

O&Os: Link Here


Dammit...the moment I saw "Black Sails" I's one of my favorite shows. 

That said...any chance that Anne Bonny is still available? Clara Paget is calling to me. If not, I am pretty sure I have a backup plan available! :D


Quote from: JackTheTipper on February 02, 2024, 05:46:52 AM@Kakihara
I've fleshed out my character's bio and o/o's section. Tell me what you think.
Honestly, I have a few issues with the character sheet.  One, the term Joker hadn’t been coined yet as it’s based on the playing card and just seems out of place.  Two, it feels like you wrote the idea from a more modern, almost Batman like, perspective and not the 1715 period the game is in.  World travel is very time consuming and long.  Marco Polo and the explorers of the 1600s like Magellan didn’t even hit as many countries as your character.  It feels like you are doing too much and the character is ultimately a Gary Stu type character and there is really little history to base anything off of.    Opium at the time is more grown and exported in SE Asia so a Caribbean route wouldn’t make much sense and I’m not too sure about book publishing being viable in the middle of the Caribbean.  As is, I don’t think it would fit with the gritty, historical nature of the game and would require some paring down in mastery and nicknames and more detail in history.


Quote from: WhatLiesAbove on February 02, 2024, 02:06:44 PMDammit...the moment I saw "Black Sails" I's one of my favorite shows.

That said...any chance that Anne Bonny is still available? Clara Paget is calling to me. If not, I am pretty sure I have a backup plan available! :D
No one has taken Anne Bonny though she is a Pirate Lord in this setting inspired by Black Sails so they have a little more power and isn't an underling.  Also I'd rather avoid using the same face claims for the same characters as in the show for the same reason some do that in Marvel games.  Just can get messy.  Not that her face claim is banned on other characters, just a distancing technique.



Name: Mallory Kane
Nickname: The Silver Blade - she doesn’t like silver. She likes gold. Because of her platinum blonde hair and her efficiency with a blade they called her the Silver Blade. While she may be proud of the nickname, she gripes about it playfully.
Age: 45. Appears to be 22
Sexuality: Indiscriminate
Blood Status: Fae - Seelie Sidhe
Ethnicity: Celtic - Irish
Occupation/Rank: She led the boarding parties and raiding parties for the ill-fated Hightower, formerly commanded by the late Charlie Mayne. She was considered third mate, but there were several third mates. She is an arms trainer and professional carouser. The latter is a self-proclaimed title.

Height: 6 ft 0 inches. An inch taller in boots.
Weight: 135 pounds
Hair Colour: Platinum blonde
Eye Colour: Gray
Distinguishing Features: She has a shamrock tattoo on her pubic area and a crescent moon birthmark on her left ass cheek. She has a scar at the waistline and keeps it covered up. There is a corresponding scar on the back at the waist suggesting she was run through once. She has not spoken of this scar. There is a black mark on her upper left cheek, close to her eye. A queen put it there with a spell. From some angles, it cannot be seen. She will always turn her face to not be able to see it if she is looking at a reflective surface.
Face Claim: Elizabeth Debicki

Personality: Deadly Carouser Kind Brooding Chimeric - Mallory is, by birth, from a faerie house that featured many women combatants. She was first a guard for the Queen and then Captain of the Guard until she saw something rotten in the Queen and found out that when someone permits you to speak freely it’s not usually welcome. As she is one of the Sidhe, she is fond of partying. Food, drink, sex, and song all appeal to her. She is kind and does not like when people attack the innocent. She is deadly with a blade, does not engage in banter, and believes in putting her foes down. Permanently. On the rare occasions that her curse from her monarch is in her foremind, she gets quiet, introspective, and unfriendly. People know to break her out of that with rum. Chimeric. Her passions run hot but she can change moods faster than a Hong Kong story so she can go from skewering other pirates to making jokes in a minute. There is no cooldown period for her between moods. She is a hard worker and will do whatever task the Captain or First Mate needs to do. When they get in battle, she only follows her own orders.

History: Born in the fairie kingdom of Pacifica to a warrior of House Scathach, she was a dutiful servant to Queen Laurel. Her affinity with a blade got her into the Castle Guard, and then she became its captain. When Laurel began to slide into darkness, Mallory confronted her and was subsequently banished. She has a black mark on her cheek that Laurel said was the beginning of Mallory’s voyage into darkness and when she fell all the way, to return to her. Exiled, she wandered the Irish countryside until one day she heard the ocean and immediately, its siren song consumed her. She dwelled by the ocean for three years, living near a village she would occasionally visit. Then the pirates came. She fought with three of them, who thought it funny that a tall woman would fight with them. She toyed with them, removed buttons and by the time all three had their belts cut, little nicks on them, and were tripping over their pants, the Captain asked her to join their crew and if she did they would never menace the coast of Ireland again. They had found warmer waters. Nassau. While out partying her boat was destroyed, and burned in the harbor, presumably all hands were lost. The Captain had ordered everyone to stay on board but Mallory had other things to do in a new port.

Weapons: She carries a heavy rapier she calls Gray Swan and a dirk she calls Withywindle. She does not like firearms but knows how to use them. She is also proficient with a bow and owns one, but doesn’t normally carry it around. It would look ridiculous.

Skills/Abilities: Mundane skills: She is a fair sailor. She is very sure-footed and is frequently called to get up into the rigging. This is because she is tall, light, and agile. She is a terrible navigator because she gets lost in the stars at night and to her, all oceans look alike so nobody with half a brain lets her drive. As a helmsman, she is pretty good as long as someone else gives the orders. She is a talented weaponsmith and can maintain blades and armor. She usually takes an armful of weapons to a blacksmith and gets them to let her work on weapons. She is a carouser non-pareil. She can eat, but not cook, drink but not brew or distill, and on occasions she is insatiable when it comes to sex, which she is very good at. She is very good at most of the regular ship’s duties, from chipping barnacles to replacing railings to fishing. She is very good at fishing from living on the coast.

Fae abilities.

Chimeric creation. Any sword or dagger she touches will transform into Gray Swan or Withywindle, depending on the size of the weapon. When they are away from her person they revert to their normal selves. The weapons are supernaturally pointy and can affect creatures that are only affected by magical weapons. If Mallory becomes exhausted she cannot generate the power to change the weapons and she is stuck with what she has.

Wayfare: Can leap up one story or down two stories. 

O&Os: Per the bottom of any of my posts in my signature.

Mediocre Author


Name: Tomkins Smith
Player(s) Controlling NPC: MediocreAuthor (although anyone is welcome to run him, just ask first)
Age: 44
Sexuality: Straight
Blood Status: Human
Ethnicity: English
Occupation/Rank: First Mate of the Crimson Hawk and bodyguard to the captain.
Distinguishing Features: A complex series of tattoos on his arms and shoulders
Face Claim: Hafthor Bjornsson

Purpose: Prudence Hawke's abilities drain her stamina over time and leave her weak and vulnerable. Tomkins covers for her during these moments of fatigue.

Summary: Tomkins is incredibly strong and fiercely loyal to his captain. He has been with her almost as long as she's been a privateer, and no one knows why he is so faithful to her. There are whispers that he often beds the captain, but those are unsubstantiated rumors.

Relationships: Prudence Hawke (Captain and Confidant)

Extras: Tomkins carries a dagger, but his real weapons are his fists or anything he can pick up and use as a club.


Quote from: Kakihara on February 02, 2024, 05:00:19 PMNo one has taken Anne Bonny though she is a Pirate Lord in this setting inspired by Black Sails so they have a little more power and isn't an underling.  Also I'd rather avoid using the same face claims for the same characters as in the show for the same reason some do that in Marvel games.  Just can get messy.  Not that her face claim is banned on other characters, just a distancing technique.
That is certainly fair enough! I have to think this over!


@Mythril - 'Chimeric Creation' would have to be an active ability, as in, when Mallory is too tired or doesn't have any magic within her, the sword within her hand wouldn't alter her true weapons. Not only that, but for Wayfare, Kakihara and I would prefer that Mallory be able to easily leap up a single storey (14 feet), and she could leap down from two floors without any injuries.

@Mediocre Author - NPC sheet looks good! Either me or Kakihara will get the sheet up in the NPCs thread.


Quote from: Mythril on February 02, 2024, 08:27:05 PMAdjusted.

Thank you.
Looks good to me! Please edit the sheet in the approved character sheet thread, then you'll be good!


Quote from: Kakihara on February 02, 2024, 04:58:02 PMHonestly, I have a few issues with the character sheet.  One, the term Joker hadn’t been coined yet as it’s based on the playing card and just seems out of place.  Two, it feels like you wrote the idea from a more modern, almost Batman like, perspective and not the 1715 period the game is in.  World travel is very time consuming and long.  Marco Polo and the explorers of the 1600s like Magellan didn’t even hit as many countries as your character.  It feels like you are doing too much and the character is ultimately a Gary Stu type character and there is really little history to base anything off of.    Opium at the time is more grown and exported in SE Asia so a Caribbean route wouldn’t make much sense and I’m not too sure about book publishing being viable in the middle of the Caribbean.  As is, I don’t think it would fit with the gritty, historical nature of the game and would require some paring down in mastery and nicknames and more detail in history.

I believe in maintaining a healthy environment, so I didn't create a character with the intention of disrupting or undermining some sense of immersion here. I had the understanding this was a loose historical system. I wanted to create a character I thought was appealing. There are some elements I borrowed from other media, media is derived from media which is derived from real life in many instances. Batman is derived from Zorro and the Lone Ranger, who is derived from real figures like Bass Reeves and Geronimo. Is the character over the top? of course. That's the point of the character. He's my take on Black Caesar, as well some other historical domain characters . I just want to know where the line starts and ends as far as immersion go because it's seems rather arbitrary. 

If this is going to create some kind of tension, then I'd rather just withdraw my interest. Fantasy is a form of escapism, of course a character like that would be implausible given the setting, but if there are mermaids and fae abound shooting windballs, then a black guy with some implausible international education shouldn't really illicit that kind of reaction from mostly anyone..but I dunno. It is your game. I don't make the rules.


Quote from: JackTheTipper on February 02, 2024, 09:33:44 PMI believe in maintaining .... Is the character over the top? of course.

If this is going to create some kind of tension, then I'd rather just withdraw my interest.
I'm sure you feel better now so... we'll consider you interest withdrawn. 

Mediocre Author


Name: Darius Ahmad Kamiri

Nickname: The Persian 
Age: Appears 30
Sexuality: Het
Blood Status: Fae (Peri)
Ethnicity: Persian
Occupation/Rank: Topman
Height: 6'
Weight: 180lbs
Hair Color: Jet Black
Eye Color: Sepia
Distinguishing Features: None
Face Claim: Amir Sajadi

Personality: Damaged, Passionate, Rapacious, Lascivious, Violent, Remorseless. Darius has no conscience. He is an aggressive sociopath who is known to put himself first. He has a unique code of personal honor, but there are few acts which are entirely below him.

History: Born in Bagdad, Darius was orphaned at a young age was raised by his mother's childhood friend. The woman considered him a burden, and she went out of her way to misuse him in constant, varied, and unspeakable ways. She thankfully died when he was 16, but by that time the damage was mostly done. He began a life on the streets, committing any crime he felt could benefit him.

Years ago, he found his way to the palace of the ruling sultan and, using his flight abilities, he made his way into the forbidden harem. The sultan had over a hundred and fifty concubines, all largely neglected. Over a period of months, Darius would attempt to convince as many as he could that he was an angel who had come to teach them all divine knowledge. He would fly them away, one or two each night, to a place where he could get them alone and reveal the "secrets of the universe", swearing them to secrecy. If they tried to repeat the information to their sisters, he explained, they might accidentally corrupt it, causing ultimate ruin. He was very convincing.

However, in reality the only knowledge he actually had to offer was stolen quotes from famous scholars and philosophers. Unfortunately, the mostly uneducated women generally bought into his deception. He convinced them that in exchange for his wisdom, they should offer him the carnal knowledge of their bodies. Most of them did.

Darius was halfway through this endeavor when whispers about a mysterious, salacious "angel" reached the sultan, who set a trap for him. He barely managed to escape, but he was forced to flee Arabia to avoid execution. He found his way onto a Dutch trading vessel, then a Spanish galleon. When his ship was overtaken by the English Privateer vessel, The Crimson Hawk, he immediately joined the crew... first as a privateer, and then later as a pirate.

He fully believes that heaven has no place for him, so he lives his life accordingly. Extorsion, thief, rape, murder, and torture are all acts that he has committed in his past, and he has no remorse.

Weapons: Two-Handed Scimitar, carried on a custom back scabbard. A sheath filled with a number of throwing daggers. 

Skills: Darius has plenty of experience with blades, both used in melee or at range, but he has zero knowledge of firearms.He is also practiced in the use of stealth. He is an expert liar and manipulator as well. Surprisingly, he is not skilled at swimming, and he can only barely keep himself afloat in open water.

Abilities: Wings - As a Peri, Darius can sprout marvelous wings, which allow him to fly. His top speed is just under 30 miles per hour, although he can only maintain this speed for under 10 minutes without stopping for rest.

False Appearance: Peri are often mistaken for angels, a fact which Darius abuses as much as possible.

Healing Hands: Darius and his kin are known for their ability to heal. While a gentle massage from his hands has been known to speed the mending of wounds, it is an ability he rarely sees the need to use on others. Prolonged use of this ability weakens him quite severely, and it is a skill which he is loathe to use on others. 

O&Os: Ons: Extorsion. D/s. Dubcon/NC/R, all in a dominant role.  Offs: Blood, scat, vore, extreme S&M. Underage.


Name: Anne Bonny
Nickname: Annie, Red
Age: 23
Sexuality: Pansexual
Blood Status: Fairyblooded, Leanan Sidhe
Ethnicity: Irish
Occupation/Rank: Pirate Lord

Height: 5'5"
Weight: 122 lbs
Hair Color: Crimson Red
Eye Color: Blue
Distinguishing Features: Compass with skull and crossbones inside over left breast, along with sword scars around her body
Face Claim: Scarlett Johansson

Personality: Anne is flirtatious to everyone, but will quickly let someone know whether or not she doesn't like them. A fiery attitude like her hair, she is deathly loyal to those she trusts and respects. A strong and able seafarer, Anne is as at-home on the deck of a ship as she is inside a tavern or on the beach.

History: While Anne isn't quite sure where she was born, she knows that it was somewhere in Ireland. Raised in a Catholic orphanage, Anne was quick to run away at the tender age of nine. Because of her smaller stature she was able to stow away on a ship headed for the New World.

While aboard, she was found out, and ended up working as a deckhand and assistant to the captain. It turned out to be a great learning opportunity for her. Unfortunately, it was while sailing to the West Indies that the ship was put upon by pirates before being able to make it to Jamaica to pick up a shipment of sugar cane. While most of the crew was killed, Anne was one of the few whom was spared. Fair features and the ability to work on a ship was something that could not be passed up. And so Anne learned the life of a pirate crew. She learned quickly that being fair and shy would not do, and so she quickly became a rather outgoing girl, learning from those on the crew to have a quick lip and a strong constitution.

As she grew, Anne became quite the beauty. Having a rather open and witty personality lent her to be the object of many songs for the sailors aboard her vessel Williams Pride. Like all of the sailors, Anne was happy to spent time in Nassau, and ended up working out connections with several taverns and sugar-cane plantations. It was with this influence and trade that Anne was able to work out the best deals for varying alcohol...including rum.

After three years on the Williams, Anne was able to be voted captain. With connections in rum and sugar, the redhead used plunder from the sea to grow out her own sugar-cane fields and begin her own rum distillery. This, added to the bounty taken from Williams Pride gained her the chance to have more of a voice in what happened in Nassau.

Though she has never officially been accused of piracy, there are many rumors surrounding Anne in this regard in more legal circles. However, her influence with pirates throughout Nassau...whom she plies with contracts for gold and fair prices for rum...has given her an impressive buffer. The barquentine Williams Pride still goes out from time to time, with a new captain and a fresh crew. However the captain is well aware that he answers to Anne, and remains a loyal servant to this Lady of Nassau.

Weapons: Three flintlock pistols and two cutlasses. The pistols will often cross over her chest, while the blades always rest upon her hips. She also carries a small dagger, sheathed at the small of her back.

Skills/Abilities: Aside from being quick on a draw and deadly with a blade, Anne has the unique ability of being able to dissolve flesh and bone with a touch.

O&Os: Ons = Dub-con, Seduction, D/s, Flirtation, Exh/Voy (Anything else not in offs can be discussed). Offs = Violent R, Vore, Gore, Bathroom Play, Body Mod.


So I'm alittle confused on the fairy blood, does everyone have it? I don't do fantasy much tbh so I'm just trying to figure out the options. I was considering the option that was mentioned in the game overview of her being a swanmaiden but does that mean she has part fae? Sorry if this is a dumb question just fleshing it all out lol. 


Quote from: AnnieSatin on February 03, 2024, 06:17:51 AMSo I'm alittle confused on the fairy blood, does everyone have it? I don't do fantasy much tbh so I'm just trying to figure out the options. I was considering the option that was mentioned in the game overview of her being a swanmaiden but does that mean she has part fae? Sorry if this is a dumb question just fleshing it all out lol.

Fairyblooded basically means a human with fae blood or lineage in them - basically half human, half fae. If you're going for a character who is fully a swanmaiden and not a human and half swanmaiden, then she would be a 'fae'.


Name:Roseline Barton
Nickname: Rose
Sexuality: Strictly heterosexual
Blood Status:Fairyblooded but it’s unknown
Occupation/Rank: A lady does not hold a job, she is the daughter of a nobleman.
Weight:110 lbs
Hair Color:Blonde
Eye Color:Blue
Distinguishing Features:A mole on her left breast
Face Claim:Imogen Poots

Personality: Rose is, above all else, a romantic. She is stronger than she thinks she is. Intelligent and quick witted. Is prone to being stubborn and insensitive at times.

History: “Roseline would have made the perfect wife, if she didn’t have such a disagreeable attitude.” These words were scrolled across the letter in her grandmother’s perfect handwriting. It wasn’t true, of course, Roseline found herself to be a very pleasant person and she had plenty of suitors who enjoyed her conversations. It was just that Archibald Bernard was not one of them. He was the son of a Duke, very wealthy and very boring. He didn’t ride, he didn’t hunt, he didn’t read (aside from business letters of course), he didn’t play card games, he didn’t do much of anything. He was completely insufferable and the idea of marrying him was torture. Rose implored her parents to reconsider, but the decision had been made and she had no choice in the matter. She would leave in a week to become Mrs. Archibald Bernard and live out her days in utter misery. Being the middle daughter of three children Rose had been often left to her own devices. The nurses were busy either tutoring her elder brother or chasing after her younger sister. So she found herself outside hiding in trees reading books, or off on her own adventures in the woods behind the house. Always somewhere else in her mind or the pages of a book. She longed for adventure and a life of something more than being a rich man’s breeding mare. She had no idea the how much her life would change as she boarded the ship to sail her Kent to Cork. Sitting in her cabin she cried on the onion skin pages of the book. The main character had married her true love and it only reminded Rose how she would never be loved like that. Above her the skies were turning dark and stormy, tho she had no idea. It seemed as if the storm had come out of nowhere as it tossed the ship like a toy. The waves grew bigger and bigger as Rose sobbed. Until one over took the bow and flooded salt water inside. She couldn’t remember much more, just the yelling and screams as people scrambled for safety. Three days later Rose was drifting in the ocean laying on what was once her cabin door.

Weapons:Nothing but her wits.

Skills/Abilities:She is skilled with her tongue, she can talk herself out of most any situation. Has some swordsmanship abilities that are yet to be discovered. Her highest ability is her will to survive and drive to become someone different. Her fae abilities is she is a swanmaiden tho she does not know it. Weather seems to shift with her moods.

O&Os:Ons- Romantic men, strong arms, very vanilla in the bedroom. Offs- Not a fan of the ladies, animals, blood, gore, anything too kinky.


There is my first draft lol please let me know what I should change. I very much want her to be a fish out of water sort of character. Not at all the typical pirate princess to begin with tho she will grow and gain abilities as the story goes on (hopefully, or die quickly lol). 


@Mediocre Author and @AnnieSatin - Character sheets are good! Approved! Please post them in the Approved Character Sheets thread here.


Quote from: WhatLiesAbove on February 03, 2024, 01:30:34 AM

Name: Anne Bonny
Nickname: Annie, Red
Age: 23
Sexuality: Pansexual
Blood Status: Fairyblooded, Leanan Sidhe
Ethnicity: Irish
Occupation/Rank: Pirate Lord

Height: 5'5"
Weight: 122 lbs
Hair Color: Crimson Red
Eye Color: Blue
Distinguishing Features: Compass with skull and crossbones inside over left breast, along with sword scars around her body
Face Claim: Scarlett Johansson

Personality: Anne is flirtatious to everyone, but will quickly let someone know whether or not she doesn't like them. A fiery attitude like her hair, she is deathly loyal to those she trusts and respects. A strong and able seafarer, Anne is as at-home on the deck of a ship as she is inside a tavern or on the beach.

History: While Anne isn't quite sure where she was born, she knows that it was somewhere in Ireland. Raised in a Catholic orphanage, Anne was quick to run away at the tender age of nine. Because of her smaller stature she was able to stow away on a ship headed for the New World.

While aboard, she was found out, and ended up working as a deckhand and assistant to the captain. It turned out to be a great learning opportunity for her. Unfortunately, it was while sailing to the West Indies that the ship was put upon by pirates before being able to make it to Jamaica to pick up a shipment of sugar cane. While most of the crew was killed, Anne was one of the few whom was spared. Fair features and the ability to work on a ship was something that could not be passed up. And so Anne learned the life of a pirate crew. She learned quickly that being fair and shy would not do, and so she quickly became a rather outgoing girl, learning from those on the crew to have a quick lip and a strong constitution.

As she grew, Anne became quite the beauty. Having a rather open and witty personality lent her to be the object of many songs for the sailors aboard her vessel Williams Pride. Like all of the sailors, Anne was happy to spent time in Nassau, and ended up working out connections with several taverns and sugar-cane plantations. It was with this influence and trade that Anne was able to work out the best deals for varying alcohol...including rum.

After three years on the Williams, Anne was able to be voted captain. With connections in rum and sugar, the redhead used plunder from the sea to grow out her own sugar-cane fields and begin her own rum distillery. This, added to the bounty taken from Williams Pride gained her the chance to have more of a voice in what happened in Nassau.

Though she has never officially been accused of piracy, there are many rumors surrounding Anne in this regard in more legal circles. However, her influence with pirates throughout Nassau...whom she plies with contracts for gold and fair prices for rum...has given her an impressive buffer. The barquentine Williams Pride still goes out from time to time, with a new captain and a fresh crew. However the captain is well aware that he answers to Anne, and remains a loyal servant to this Lady of Nassau.

Weapons: Three flintlock pistols and two cutlasses. The pistols will often cross over her chest, while the blades always rest upon her hips. She also carries a small dagger, sheathed at the small of her back.

Skills/Abilities: Aside from being quick on a draw and deadly with a blade, Anne has the unique ability of being able to dissolve flesh and bone with a touch.

O&Os: Ons = Dub-con, Seduction, D/s, Flirtation, Exh/Voy (Anything else not in offs can be discussed). Offs = Violent R, Vore, Gore, Bathroom Play, Body Mod.
Overall, the character looks good but there is some sticking points.  One, the 'dissolve flesh and bone with a touch.' is a bit much and wouldn't work with 'fairyblooded'.  Fairyblooded can access magic but they don't have innate abilities, they need to use runes to be able to do anything.  

One other issue is the 'legitimate business woman' aspect of the bio, where she is not seen as a pirate.  Neither the other Pirate Lords nor the other captains would support someone like that and really wouldn't' fit in with the style of the game.  So like the last two paragraphs of the bio would need some work on that aspect of the bio to be acceptable.  Pirate lords have a certain standard to hold their power among their own kind so it is a little tougher.  



Name: Anne Bonny
Nickname: Annie, Red
Age: 23
Sexuality: Pansexual
Blood Status: Fairyblooded, Leanan Sidhe
Ethnicity: Irish
Occupation/Rank: Pirate Lord

Height: 5'5"
Weight: 122 lbs
Hair Color: Crimson Red
Eye Color: Blue
Distinguishing Features: Compass with skull and crossbones inside over left breast, along with sword scars around her body
Face Claim: Scarlett Johansson

Personality: Anne is flirtatious to everyone, but will quickly let someone know whether or not she doesn't like them. A fiery attitude like her hair, she is deathly loyal to those she trusts and respects. A strong and able seafarer, Anne is as at-home on the deck of a ship as she is inside a tavern or on the beach.

History: While Anne isn't quite sure where she was born, she knows that it was somewhere in Ireland. Raised in a Catholic orphanage, Anne was quick to run away at the tender age of nine. Because of her smaller stature she was able to stow away on a ship headed for the New World.

While aboard, she was found out, and ended up working as a deckhand and assistant to the captain. It turned out to be a great learning opportunity for her. Unfortunately, it was while sailing to the West Indies that the ship was put upon by pirates before being able to make it to Jamaica to pick up a shipment of sugar cane. While most of the crew was killed, Anne was one of the few whom was spared. Fair features and the ability to work on a ship was something that could not be passed up. And so Anne learned the life of a pirate crew. She learned quickly that being fair and shy would not do, and so she quickly became a rather outgoing girl, learning from those on the crew to have a quick lip and a strong constitution.

As she grew, Anne became quite the beauty. Becoming aware not only of how she looked but also how men responded to her looks, she was quick to figure out ways to use her wiles to get what she wanted. However, looks weren't enough to get her knowledge. It was with this in mind that Anne studied charts and spent as much time as possible on the quarterdeck of her ship, the Williams Pride, to learn how to maneuver the ship. Nimble as she was, Anne was also able to work from the tops of the mizzent down to the inside of the keel, learning every part of the ship from the bow to the stern.

When finally elected Captain, Anne knew that she had to work hard in order to keep her position. After all, who wanted a captain who was meek and wouldn't make them any money? For over a year she worked, caring not for the origins of any ships that her crew attacked and boarded. She soon had a reputation, and those who saw her flag knew that death was likely not far away.

While having a reputation as being ruthless helped with civilians, there was an added bonus for those that knew her. During her time on Nassau, Anne works to perfect her recipe for Rum. It is used in stores of grog as well as in bottles for those who wish to purchase. Of course, it's not for civilian use, and the actual location of Anne's still is known by only a handful of people.

All in all, Anne knows that she has pushed herself into what is seen as mostly a mans world. She can drink, fight, and curse with the best of them, and her prowess on the sea is well-known...especially in this part of the world. Anne looks after herself first and foremost, but through that desire she is able to keep her crew well-off. After all, sailors look for someone who can not only put gold in their pockets, but can get them back to shore to spend it.

Weapons: Three flintlock pistols and two cutlasses. The pistols will often cross over her chest, while the blades always rest upon her hips. She also carries a small dagger, sheathed at the small of her back.

Skills/Abilities: Quick-draw, self-taught on the sword, able to read charts, brew Rum, ability to read a coastline for dangers to a ship, reading weather patterns.

O&Os: Ons = Dub-con, Seduction, D/s, Flirtation, Exh/Voy (Anything else not in offs can be discussed). Offs = Violent R, Vore, Gore, Bathroom Play, Body Mod.


Quote from: WhatLiesAbove on February 03, 2024, 11:55:15 PM

Name: Anne Bonny
Nickname: Annie, Red
Age: 23
Sexuality: Pansexual
Blood Status: Fairyblooded, Leanan Sidhe
Ethnicity: Irish
Occupation/Rank: Pirate Lord

Height: 5'5"
Weight: 122 lbs
Hair Color: Crimson Red
Eye Color: Blue
Distinguishing Features: Compass with skull and crossbones inside over left breast, along with sword scars around her body
Face Claim: Scarlett Johansson

Personality: Anne is flirtatious to everyone, but will quickly let someone know whether or not she doesn't like them. A fiery attitude like her hair, she is deathly loyal to those she trusts and respects. A strong and able seafarer, Anne is as at-home on the deck of a ship as she is inside a tavern or on the beach.

History: While Anne isn't quite sure where she was born, she knows that it was somewhere in Ireland. Raised in a Catholic orphanage, Anne was quick to run away at the tender age of nine. Because of her smaller stature she was able to stow away on a ship headed for the New World.

While aboard, she was found out, and ended up working as a deckhand and assistant to the captain. It turned out to be a great learning opportunity for her. Unfortunately, it was while sailing to the West Indies that the ship was put upon by pirates before being able to make it to Jamaica to pick up a shipment of sugar cane. While most of the crew was killed, Anne was one of the few whom was spared. Fair features and the ability to work on a ship was something that could not be passed up. And so Anne learned the life of a pirate crew. She learned quickly that being fair and shy would not do, and so she quickly became a rather outgoing girl, learning from those on the crew to have a quick lip and a strong constitution.

As she grew, Anne became quite the beauty. Becoming aware not only of how she looked but also how men responded to her looks, she was quick to figure out ways to use her wiles to get what she wanted. However, looks weren't enough to get her knowledge. It was with this in mind that Anne studied charts and spent as much time as possible on the quarterdeck of her ship, the Williams Pride, to learn how to maneuver the ship. Nimble as she was, Anne was also able to work from the tops of the mizzent down to the inside of the keel, learning every part of the ship from the bow to the stern.

When finally elected Captain, Anne knew that she had to work hard in order to keep her position. After all, who wanted a captain who was meek and wouldn't make them any money? For over a year she worked, caring not for the origins of any ships that her crew attacked and boarded. She soon had a reputation, and those who saw her flag knew that death was likely not far away.

While having a reputation as being ruthless helped with civilians, there was an added bonus for those that knew her. During her time on Nassau, Anne works to perfect her recipe for Rum. It is used in stores of grog as well as in bottles for those who wish to purchase. Of course, it's not for civilian use, and the actual location of Anne's still is known by only a handful of people.

All in all, Anne knows that she has pushed herself into what is seen as mostly a mans world. She can drink, fight, and curse with the best of them, and her prowess on the sea is well-known...especially in this part of the world. Anne looks after herself first and foremost, but through that desire she is able to keep her crew well-off. After all, sailors look for someone who can not only put gold in their pockets, but can get them back to shore to spend it.

Weapons: Three flintlock pistols and two cutlasses. The pistols will often cross over her chest, while the blades always rest upon her hips. She also carries a small dagger, sheathed at the small of her back.

Skills/Abilities: Quick-draw, self-taught on the sword, able to read charts, brew Rum, ability to read a coastline for dangers to a ship, reading weather patterns.

O&Os: Ons = Dub-con, Seduction, D/s, Flirtation, Exh/Voy (Anything else not in offs can be discussed). Offs = Violent R, Vore, Gore, Bathroom Play, Body Mod.

Ok, everything looks good.  Approved.  You can add it into the character sheet thread.  


I have an idea for a second character.

Who wants a chinese female warrior who has healing powers on their ship?


Quote from: AnnieSatin on February 05, 2024, 07:41:55 AMI have an idea for a second character.

Who wants a chinese female warrior who has healing powers on their ship?

Submit and get the character approved first. Hehe.
Am I on the hunt for a story? - Not especially...
My General LFGs
Canon LFGs
My Poetry Thread


I was hoping to have her established on a ship when I write up the character sheet. 


Quote from: AnnieSatin on February 05, 2024, 07:44:24 AMI was hoping to have her established on a ship when I write up the character sheet.
That makes sense, but it's hard for us Captains to make a call if we can't see what use she'd be. Haha.
Am I on the hunt for a story? - Not especially...
My General LFGs
Canon LFGs
My Poetry Thread


I get that :)  she is a fae with skilled swordsmanship and healing abilities. No worried if treach isn't interested I'm just putting out feelers. 


My tongue flopped out of my mouth on seeing a Black Sails game - inspired by I know but the concept sounds amazing.

I am definitely planting my sail of interest if you are still taking players on board ;)


Quote from: Kendra on February 06, 2024, 09:04:41 AMMy tongue flopped out of my mouth on seeing a Black Sails game - inspired by I know but the concept sounds amazing.

I am definitely planting my sail of interest if you are still taking players on board ;)

Yep, we are always open as it is a sandbox game and we have both Player and GM plots going so players are always welcome.  Let me or my co-gm Timeless know if you have any questions.


Quote from: Kendra on February 06, 2024, 09:04:41 AMMy tongue flopped out of my mouth on seeing a Black Sails game - inspired by I know but the concept sounds amazing.

I am definitely planting my sail of interest if you are still taking players on board ;)

Kendra!!!!! Joins us!

*tackle hugs*


Quote from: Kendra on February 06, 2024, 09:04:41 AMMy tongue flopped out of my mouth on seeing a Black Sails game - inspired by I know but the concept sounds amazing.

I am definitely planting my sail of interest if you are still taking players on board ;)

Kendra! Haaaaaaai! We are still taking players, and we definitely love for you to join! <3


Quote from: Kakihara on February 06, 2024, 09:45:56 AMYep, we are always open as it is a sandbox game and we have both Player and GM plots going so players are always welcome.  Let me or my co-gm Timeless know if you have any questions.

Thanks Kakihara, currently no questions just too many character ideas swamping me that I am going to have to try to whittle them down and fast *facepalms*

Quote from: Rustic on February 06, 2024, 10:01:51 AMKendra!!!!! Joins us!

*tackle hugs*
*squees and fake flees* lol

'twas only the tackle hugs that prevented me from fleeing :P
I am battling with character ideas so bear with me but I do love me a good pirate game :D

Quote from: Timeless on February 06, 2024, 10:11:17 AMKendra! Haaaaaaai! We are still taking players, and we definitely love for you to join! <3
Timeless! Hey there :D Thank you. With a welcome like that how could I not join!?

I will hash out my character ideas today and see which one better suits the game ;)


Quote from: Kendra on February 07, 2024, 03:39:42 AMTimeless! Hey there :D Thank you. With a welcome like that how could I not join!?

I will hash out my character ideas today and see which one better suits the game ;)

If it helps, we have a few captains who don't have a quartermaster as PC. I'm sure the players, who plays Captains, would be more than happy to work something out with you and ensure your character is part of their crew. Master of Sails.. Cabin boys. Cooks.. Navigator.. Gunner. Just to name a couple of positions.

There are two brothel madames (One is a NPC) who always need employees under them..

There's also a mercenary guild running under a character of mine.. There's also a merchant, a character of Kakihara, running his own trading company.

>3> The possibilities are endless!


Quote from: Timeless on February 07, 2024, 06:22:08 AMIf it helps, we have a few captains who don't have a quartermaster as PC. I'm sure the players, who plays Captains, would be more than happy to work something out with you and ensure your character is part of their crew. Master of Sails.. Cabin boys. Cooks.. Navigator.. Gunner. Just to name a couple of positions.

There are two brothel madames (One is a NPC) who always need employees under them..

There's also a mercenary guild running under a character of mine.. There's also a merchant, a character of Kakihara, running his own trading company.

>3> The possibilities are endless!
Goodness they are.
All I came up with was a blacksmith XD


Quote from: Timeless on February 07, 2024, 06:22:08 AMIf it helps, we have a few captains who don't have a quartermaster as PC. I'm sure the players, who plays Captains, would be more than happy to work something out with you and ensure your character is part of their crew. Master of Sails.. Cabin boys. Cooks.. Navigator.. Gunner. Just to name a couple of positions.

There are two brothel madames (One is a NPC) who always need employees under them..

There's also a mercenary guild running under a character of mine.. There's also a merchant, a character of Kakihara, running his own trading company.

>3> The possibilities are endless!

I am going to use this to blatantly advertise for a need of crewmembers for Anne Bonny's ship! Quartermaster, Navigator, woodworkers, and able seamen are all welcome!


Well, my flag is planted and the idea generated ... I think I might have to give it one more try .... 
CURRENT STATUS: 1-2 Posts a Week
Faces of Xiomara
On's & Off's: 7/12/23
Absences: 2/20/24
Discord: xiomara_andas


Flag planted. Will have to generate some ideas, but definitely wanted to make my interest known.


Quote from: Xiomara on February 12, 2024, 01:14:05 AM
Well, my flag is planted and the idea generated ... I think I might have to give it one more try ....

Quote from: LocusVonErich on February 12, 2024, 10:07:16 AMFlag planted. Will have to generate some ideas, but definitely wanted to make my interest known.

We look forward to seeing what you'll come up with! If you need any help, ask either Kakihara or myself. We can toss some ideas over.


I’m thinking about a quartermaster, but I will admit that my knowledge of the setting is somewhat limited.


Quote from: LocusVonErich on February 12, 2024, 07:56:01 PMI’m thinking about a quartermaster, but I will admit that my knowledge of the setting is somewhat limited.
When it comes to the setting, it was mostly inspired by a show - but honestly, all the information you really need is from reading here. I'm not too familiar with the setting myself, but doing some research definitely helps.

There are two Captains who definitely need a quartermaster. I know @WhatLiesAbove is open to it - her character, Anne Bonny, still needs a quartermaster and more crewmembers.


Quote from: LocusVonErich on February 12, 2024, 07:56:01 PMI’m thinking about a quartermaster, but I will admit that my knowledge of the setting is somewhat limited.
I can help you out with a Quartermaster character if you need a connection!


Quote from: WhatLiesAbove on February 13, 2024, 10:53:24 AMI can help you out with a Quartermaster character if you need a connection!
I would rather appreciate that.


Awesome. I'll DM you a basic understanding of what a Quartermasters job is, and you can let me know what your thinking in regards to a character!


Quote from: WhatLiesAbove on February 13, 2024, 02:07:25 PMAwesome. I'll DM you a basic understanding of what a Quartermasters job is, and you can let me know what your thinking in regards to a character!
Sounds good, will keep an ear out.


Name: Daniel Barrett
Nickname: Danny(privately), Mister Barrett(publicly)
Age: 38
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Blood Status: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian(British)
Occupation/Rank: Quartermaster under Anne Bonny

Height: 6’0”
Weight: 210 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Distinguishing Features: Sword scars on his hands, chest, and legs
Face Claim: Toby Stephens

Personality: Straight-laced to a point, disciplined, and conditioned, he is ruthless when necessary and obedient on his own whim.

History: Born in Liverpool to a British Naval officer for a father and a mother who dreaded her husband being lost to the sea, the water was a second home for Daniel Barrett. Upon the completion of his studies, he enlisted in the Royal Navy, spending his first few years without so much as the thought of leaving British waters.

However, that would change when he began studying under the quartermaster of one of His Majesty’s ships based out of what would become Nassau during Britain’s declining rule of the island, spending several years learning how to navigate, how to maintain a ship’s weapons, every duty required.

During what was supposed to be a journey back to England for the bereavement of his mother, the ship he was on was beset upon by the same pirate ship that had captured the future Anne Bonny. His training in the Navy had been what saved him from meeting a grisly fate. As he assimilated into the crew, he grew close to Bonny, becoming one of her staunchest supporters, casting one of the first votes for her to assume the rank of Captain. In the meantime, he grew to enjoy the freedom pirate life brought, even if it didn’t break the habits instilled by the Navy.

Weapons: A flintlock pistol and a cutlass

Skills/Abilities: Caring for a ship, maintaining morale, maintaining weapons, following the command of his captain




Just want to note here that we're still accepting new players! There's an ongoing event which your character could easily join, but we do plan to have a GM-planned event soon too!

If you have any questions, you can ask either Kakihara or myself!

Sara Nilsson

And we don't bite*

*some restrictions apply, bites may happen but only if you are ok with biting, not applicable in all areas, call your doctor if bites last longer than 4 hours, bitee must pay their own bite taxes.

Black Howling

Very interested. 

I'm gonna read things over more thoroughly and pitch a concept soon. 


Quote from: Black Howling on February 23, 2024, 11:30:08 PMVery interested.

I'm gonna read things over more thoroughly and pitch a concept soon.

Howling! <3 Good to see you here! If you have any question, don't hesitate to ask!

Black Howling

Quote from: Timeless on February 23, 2024, 11:44:43 PMHowling! <3 Good to see you here! If you have any question, don't hesitate to ask!
I had to squint at the forum for a while first,  you know me. >_>

Ahem,  that said, I'm having just a wee bit of difficulty assessing what ships and captains need more crew. Would prefer something of a quartermaster or boatswain role, so if anyone knows or needs one, help a wolf out?


Quote from: Black Howling on February 24, 2024, 08:21:45 PMI had to squint at the forum for a while first,  you know me. >_>

Ahem,  that said, I'm having just a wee bit of difficulty assessing what ships and captains need more crew. Would prefer something of a quartermaster or boatswain role, so if anyone knows or needs one, help a wolf out?

You can check here, but it isn't fully updated yet. I do know that @Mediocre Author - Captain Prudence - doesn't have a quartermaster, and Mediocre is open to having that role filled in.

There are no boatswains, from what I recall.

Black Howling

Quote from: Timeless on February 24, 2024, 08:35:46 PMYou can check here, but it isn't fully updated yet. I do know that @Mediocre Author - Captain Prudence - doesn't have a quartermaster, and Mediocre is open to having that role filled in.

There are no boatswains, from what I recall.
Thank you,  will look it over. 

Mediocre Author

Quote from: Black Howling on February 24, 2024, 08:42:41 PMThank you,  will look it over.
I sent you a PM with all our crew currently. Hopefully you'd like to join :D

Black Howling

Quote from: Mediocre Author on February 24, 2024, 09:29:02 PMI sent you a PM with all our crew currently. Hopefully you'd like to join :D
Thank you!

I'll be sending you a reply on that PM shortly. 


Hey guys, I am tentatively interested but wanted to see if there were any balance issues I may resolve with a potential character. (I.E to many pirate captains, to many crew, etc.) 

I have a few concepts I have played in past games so that it may line up differently from this game but I would edit/update it to fit. 

This one was based on a "Westworld" spinoff and a captain.

This guy is a total bastard, my favorite types of characters to play. this was another pirate game from a long time ago (2015)

These last two are from Game of Thrones games that have sailed into the sunset, but I can adapt into a merc or trader role.


@Aiden  - Firstly.. Aiden! <3!! Ahhh, so glad you're interested! Also happy to see you around.

When it comes to your character concepts, all of them look good to me, honestly. My recommendation is to make someone who would join a pirate crew, so that it would be easier for you to make character connections. I do have a mercenary guild leader, named Eadan, and you could place your merc character in her guild if you want.

There are also some roles needed to be filled. You can check here. But if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!


Hey, it's been a minute, right? 

I think I will repurpose either Garen or Varok and make them a shipwright or similar role in the docks/shipyard who is open to joining a crew or supporting from the main land. 


Quote from: Aiden on March 05, 2024, 04:27:31 PM@Timey
Hey, it's been a minute, right?

I think I will repurpose either Garen or Varok and make them a shipwright or similar role in the docks/shipyard who is open to joining a crew or supporting from the main land.

Let me know if you have any questions or such, can pm me and Timeless who's co-gming.


Hoist the color me intrigued....

Wait, that doesn't work.

Point is, feeling a bit of fae-blooded inspiration for Austin Butler.

Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


Quote from: Deamonbane on March 14, 2024, 02:39:33 AMHoist the color me intrigued....

Wait, that doesn't work.

Point is, feeling a bit of fae-blooded inspiration for Austin Butler.

Nice.  Well if you have any questions feel free to PM me and Timeless with them.  Intrigued to see what you will come up with.


We have some GM inspired plot threads happening as well as some PC inspired plots happening in game.  In addition, we will be changing over to the second in game week here in April while wrapping up the prior week.  So great time to slip in as we have a lovely group of players currently and an interesting collection of player characters.