What are some interests.

Started by Eranil Morathim, May 31, 2011, 12:03:31 PM

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Eranil Morathim

Well as i'm waiting for my approval to go through i figured i would do a bit of a survey and see what people enjoy roleplaying here. I've tried a few different things, based on what site i'm on. Some of the roleplays i've enjoyed are as follows.
Chance meeting
Skate team
Royalty falling for commoner
Sci Fi

those are the main ones i can think of off hand i'm sure there are more in fact i know there are i just can;t think of what to classify them as. What do the rest of you like?


 Chance meeting (Love this)
Royalty falling for commoner (We could combine this with the chance meeting)
Sci Fi (Love)
Fantasy (Love)

Now to decide if the royal person who has a chance meeting with the commoner is in space or in a fantasy land.