Global quoting in PM

Started by gaggedLouise, September 29, 2012, 09:08:28 AM

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When you're in a PM conversation here, and both parties (or more, if it's a group convo) include the pm they're replying to as a  quotation, to help set the context or remind the other about what they are answering, the pm sprogram will drop that earlier quote next time you send a reply within the conversation. The default setting is that you only get a quote of the (last) pm you are answering on. At some other sites I've been active at, an entire chain of nested quotes can be kept within a pm for each reply, as long as you click "reply with quote", so one will get a 'playback' of the entire convo for a while back, without having to edit in the actual messages one is quoting.

That's really neat if you are chatting, RP'ing in private messages or discussing something with more than one person involved. Could we have that option here too? To avoid having extremely long chain-pm's weighing down on the message database, I suppose a limit could be set on how many quotes-within-quotes would be allowed within a pm, perhaps twenty. Such an option (which could be set as a special, not as default) would make it easier, too, when you're looking at a conversation in your back log of messages.

Good girl but bad  -- Proud sister of the amazing, blackberry-sweet Violet Girl

Sometimes bound and cuntrolled, sometimes free and easy 

"I'm a pretty good cook, I'm sitting on my groceries.
Come up to my kitchen, I'll show you my best recipes"


That would be a great option to have.  ;D The best place for a suggestion like this would be in this thread so that Veks will see it!
I can go from southern belle to ghetto thug faster than you can say "Bless your heart".
Status:  All caught up and loving it!