A Few Loose Cannons On Deck! Interest checks from the MadPanda

Started by MadPanda, January 01, 2012, 01:30:30 PM

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Someone who shall remain nameless (but who deserves many virtual hugs for the obvious suggestion) told me a while back to start a 'rolling idea' thread for my One on Ones.  This is the same one for the (rarer) group games that my evil little brain feels need discussing--feel free to discuss below.  This initial post will occasionally be updated as things get kicked off or added.

Please do not debate the merit of various systems here: what I've listed for any given project is what I want to run (or play).  Feel free to ask questions if something isn't clear, but there's a reason I don't offer some systems.  (Synnibar?  *shudder*)

New Suggestion!  Uncharted Worlds
Space Opera Powered by the Apocalypse!  I have a major jones for this baby, in no small part because anything PbtA appeals to my sense of shared creativity and narrative fun.  (And yes, also because the MC never has to roll dice, which lets me escape accidental TPK syndrome when my usual poor luck with the polyhedrals flips...).  The particular idea that hits my evil little bamboo-fueled brain?  An all-cat-girl reskin of Firefly!

PDQ# / Swashbuckling! 

I'm a BIG fan of Chad Unterkoffler's excellent Prose Descriptive Quality Sharp rules--crunchier than Wushu, more Narrativist than the OGL, and excellent for light-hearted, laid-back, free-flowing cinematic fun.  Inevitably my tastes return to this one, no matter the season.

Sword and Sorcery

I'm also a big fan of Ron Edwards's Sorcerer, which is a great indie game geared toward narrativist play and emergent stories.  Now, maybe it's the John Carter of Mars previews, and maybe it's just me, but a hoped-for back-burner project of mine is something along the lines of the early days of S&S.  (Muse shares some of the blame and credit for this one, since we discussed it once upon a whim.)

Here's the springboard--the description of a setting from Sorcerer and Sword:
Xar is the setting for fierce, exotic, erotic fantasy and adventure. It’s got a strong Arabian Nights and medieval China influence, with perhaps a fair amount of Tanith Lee ( Night’s Master and Cyrion) mixed in. There are teeming masses of people living by ancient traditions in stone cities; they interact with deadly politeness and hot-blooded recklessness. Magic is fun, wild, and colorful, with urbane, delightful, surrealistic demons. A land of feathered serpents, clashing castanets, and sultry, intelligent, gorgeous women.

Doesn't that sound like fun?   >:)  Some assembly, again, is required...I, for one, would like to try something with a stronger touch of India in it, as opposed to the usual Arabian/Persian thing.

Another Sorcerer idea...I just got to see the last half-hour or so of Fight Club.  Just enough to get my mitts on the whole Tyler Durdan thing.  Somewhere out there, there's a free playtest document for Sorcerer that uses the idea of one's dark reflection as a demon.  Three guesses where I'm going with that thought!

Doing It Old School

For Dungeon Crawls: Basic Fantasy!  Dungeon crawling for those of us who remember when Elf was a Class and there were only three Alignments.  Streamlined with input from the OGL, it's good old fashioned nostalgia with pointy sticks and the invariable horde o' goblins thrown in.  I have no clear plot or world concept for this, but I'd be willing to work on something.  Also, the rules are available for free...

For alternate Dungeon Crawls:  The same bright fellow who came up with Stars Without Number (see below) has published a fantasy sandbox game called Spears of the Dawn.  It's fantasy gaming with an African base instead of the usual pseduo-European stuff.  Definitely very cool!

For Starfaring Sandboxes: Stars Without Number!  It's like the best features from Traveler and Basic D&D tossed in a blender and released into the wild for aggressive stress-testing.  Looks playable.  Also, there is a free version for download (with fewer bells and whistles than the re-release via Mongoose).

Post-Apoc  Sandbox gaming is covered by Other Dust.  Much grittier than Gamma World 7e, no laugh track, but the Aftermath has a grim logic and internal consistency that is a welcome change from, say, the 'radiation is magic' approach we all know and love from GW.

Solo Sandbox!  Sine Nomine just launched a kickstarter for something called Scarlet Heroes, which is pretty much one-player and GM gaming.  While it uses another of Mr. Crawford's worlds as a setting, there's nothing stopping a conversion to something more traditional (like, say, a generic D&D world) or even one of his other games.  Plus now he's added rules for solo play in Stars Without Number.  Woo hoo!

Cultural Mash-up!

There is only one thing here: the soon-to-be-released Far West.  This is ALL Hairy Heretic's fault, since he introduced me to it.  Either H2 or I, if not both of us, will be all over this one as soon as it's out (with some possible help from mi amigo Lanzlo, who is a fellow Backer).

CURRENT STATUS: They've failed to meet every single deadline they've ever announced, but the first sixty-five pages are in my grubby ikkle pawses.  It's nearly here, folks!  Nearly here.  But that last five percent seems to be taking forever--and a recent stay in the hospital by the person responsible for finishing it all off isn't helping.  But we've been patient this long, so a bit longer won't hurt.

Gamma World 7e
This is the newest version, and now that I've stopped chuckling over the calamari cheesecake on the box cover, I have to admit that this is post-apoc RPing with a sense of humor.  (Long story short, I only got these rules recently but have been in a game on another forum in which I was playing a vaguely humanoid swarm of flaming rats.)  It's a bit like D&D 4e, and not really all like the original 1978 version...or its successors.  I also have the Famine in Far-Go expansion and Legion of Gold is on its way, and am pleased to note that the Gallus Gallus 5/13 are still very much in business.  If anything, they're now much meaner.  Not at all for serious play, but perfect for beer and pretzels RPing.

(Can't help laughing at the Neep Neeps, though, which strike me as a cross between Doctor Bunsen Honeydew and certain Doctor Who enemies.)

Mortal Coil
Diceless, narrativist, and built around emergent stories (notice a trend here?), this one actually edges out Sorcerer as a massive wanna-play...reason being that Sorcerer hinges on demons and requires a particular mood, whereas MC is a bit more open ended on the build.  I also took the liberty of picking up the campaign framework compilation, mostly for Old Gods (Scion-like) and Twisted 50's (Cast A Deadly Spell) and then found that I liked the Saint-Germaine Legacy, especially on the wilder settings!  Has a few problems with play-by-forum format, but nothing that can't be worked around, granted a bit of trust.  Warning--requires world-building!

Tenra Bansho Zero!
Hyper-Asian fantasy.  This is Ninja Scroll cranked up to eleven.  Mystically powered mecha.  Kickass supersoldiers who can take on armies singlehanded and win.  Dark Jedi given a mindwipe, trapped in a magic mirror, and used to power killer androids.  Ninja and onmiyoji and Buddhist Magic in a grim world of never-ending war.  VERY Japanese.  Very cool.  Very different than we'd expect.

Anima Prime and Monkey
Two more very Asian little games.  AP (not to be confused with Anima) is basically Final Fantasy, the pen-and-paper RPG.  It's a pick-up-and-play sort of thing, with light and flexible rules.  Monkey is based on Journey To The West, and is just plain cool...immortal, deifically empowered PCs working off their misdeeds in service to the Eastern Heaven.  I particularly like the Ministry of Thunder idea contained therein, largely because it frees the PCs from having their very own monk-shaped not-a-damsel in distress in tow.

This falls under the heading of 'want to play'...I also like Truth & Justice, from Atomic Sock Monkey, but this has a FATE-like system that's more popular than PDQ.

Short version--this is Scion, at least for the Greek Pantheon, redone as a variant of Amber Diceless RPG.  I like the adjustments to the system--the attributes were renamed, Stuff is now Luck (which makes MUCH better sense anyway), the magic system is definitely improved, and that pesky high-end budget problem with the elders was resolved in a nicely elegant fashion that remains consistent with the rest of the mechanics.  (And since they DO include hints about other pantheons, and released an open license for derivative works, there's room to introduce a few extra godlings now and again.)

This is very much a back-burner interest, at the moment, but it's on the radar.

More to come!
Voluptas ailuri fulgentis decretum est!
Omnis nimis, temperantia ob coenobitae.
(Jes, tiuj frazoj estas malĝustaj. Pandoj fakte ne komprenas la latinan!)

One on Ones Suggestion Box
Group Game Suggestion Box
Pandariffic Ons and Otherwise
In Memory of Bishrook


A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)



Too many cool ideas, too many neat indie systems, never enough players or time...the traditional GM's lament.
Voluptas ailuri fulgentis decretum est!
Omnis nimis, temperantia ob coenobitae.
(Jes, tiuj frazoj estas malĝustaj. Pandoj fakte ne komprenas la latinan!)

One on Ones Suggestion Box
Group Game Suggestion Box
Pandariffic Ons and Otherwise
In Memory of Bishrook


If Into the Far West holds off til I actually have free time again, that'd be nice :P
Hairys Likes, Dislikes, Games n Stuff

Cattle die, kinsmen die
You too one day shall die
I know a thing that will never die
Fair fame of one who has earned it.


Given the unfortunate delays due to (let's see) the artist's RL concerns, the printer closing down for the holiday season, and assorted other last-minute concerns, there's a fair possibility that might happen   ;D
Voluptas ailuri fulgentis decretum est!
Omnis nimis, temperantia ob coenobitae.
(Jes, tiuj frazoj estas malĝustaj. Pandoj fakte ne komprenas la latinan!)

One on Ones Suggestion Box
Group Game Suggestion Box
Pandariffic Ons and Otherwise
In Memory of Bishrook


I don't seem to recognize ANY of the names in bold, but I'd be interested.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!


Quote from: AndyZ on January 21, 2012, 08:40:59 PM
I don't seem to recognize ANY of the names in bold, but I'd be interested.

That, ah, might be because some of those bolded bits (Basic Fantasy, Stars Without Number, and Houses of the Blooded) are systems while others (Avatar:the Last Airbender) are not.  Mea culpa.

Cross my paw with virtual silver and I'll dig up some links for you.    ;)

One vote for Aegis Forge, so noted.  (You'll have to wait to play a mecha pilot for a few missions if we do the Long War arc, though.)
Voluptas ailuri fulgentis decretum est!
Omnis nimis, temperantia ob coenobitae.
(Jes, tiuj frazoj estas malĝustaj. Pandoj fakte ne komprenas la latinan!)

One on Ones Suggestion Box
Group Game Suggestion Box
Pandariffic Ons and Otherwise
In Memory of Bishrook


I'm definitely in swashbuckler mode right now...perhaps something piratical, since for some reason never quite clear to me pirates seem more popular than musketeers (and I'm more of a D'Artagnan at heart than a Jack Sparrow.  Or maybe a Porthos.  Hard to tell).

The initial dial settings will probably look like this:

Thumbnail: Pirates of the Caribbean with a hint of Avatar: Last Airbender, a soupcon of Castle Falkenstein, and a wee bit of Jules Verne thrown in for good measure!
Underlying Aesthetic: Pirate
Concentration: Humor, Action/Adventure, Romance, Naughtiness
Themes: Honor, Loyalty, Friendship, Revenge
Style: Semi-Episodic
Why are the PCs together?  PCs are crew on the same pirate vessel.

Anyway, a new game or two has been added up above.
Voluptas ailuri fulgentis decretum est!
Omnis nimis, temperantia ob coenobitae.
(Jes, tiuj frazoj estas malĝustaj. Pandoj fakte ne komprenas la latinan!)

One on Ones Suggestion Box
Group Game Suggestion Box
Pandariffic Ons and Otherwise
In Memory of Bishrook


I'd be up for a fair bit of dashingly handsome swashbuckling, or perhaps buckling on a swash.  One never knows when it gets truly dire in His Majesty's service.


I am entirely unfamiliar with any of your systems. That said color me interested on all fronts, just send me a link to the rules and tell me which one your running and I'll break out the virtual character sheets. Just let me know if you need me to bring my rapier (+5 to wit checks), the mono-edge fruit slices (for when the dread pickle ray isn't enough), the cyanide capsule (the trick always seems to be getting the other guy to swallow it), or the micro nuke (for when you absolutely, positively must  take as many of the bastards with you as you can). The outside of the box is, as always, required adventuring gear.
"I believe in dragons, good men, and other fantasy creatures." - Slovotsky's Law #42

“Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.”― Neil Gaiman, Coraline

“The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.” - Terry Pratchett (Rest in Peace, Master Storyteller)


You've forgotten the two most essential pieces of gear for any swashbuckler!  For shame...

You must have a gloriously fabulous hat, and an egregiously poofy shirt.


Quote from: Aoife on February 07, 2012, 04:54:26 PM
You've forgotten the two most essential pieces of gear for any swashbuckler!  For shame...

You must have a gloriously fabulous hat, and an egregiously poofy shirt.

While this is true, I was volunteering for a selection of settings and listing only the bare essentials. After all a true swashbuckler is fully dressed wearing naught but his sword and his wits.
"I believe in dragons, good men, and other fantasy creatures." - Slovotsky's Law #42

“Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.”― Neil Gaiman, Coraline

“The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.” - Terry Pratchett (Rest in Peace, Master Storyteller)


There is an NPC in Swashbucklers of the Seven Skies (the sadly not-free game that uses PDQ#) who has a Technique called Situation: Semi-clad.  Apparently she has a lot of experience with angry wives, mistresses, mothers, et cetera interrupting her liaisons with handsome men.

If we can but muster four or five reasonably reliable persons to dare all, we can get something launched!

Any preferences between Damsels and something piratical?

I must hasten to add that I have not been quite clear on this--posting the dial settings, which I've done for both swashbuckling ideas, provides a starting point for discussion.  That is, this is what I as GM have in mind, but players are free to suggest things they want to see or ask for changes...they aren't set in stone.

(There are also a couple more that need to be hammered out, but we can worry about that when we know what we'll be doing.  Things like...do guns do the same damage as other weapons, or are they deadlier?  What does poison do?  Do we want to have mad mojo slinging around, and if so how rare and difficult do we want it to be?)
Voluptas ailuri fulgentis decretum est!
Omnis nimis, temperantia ob coenobitae.
(Jes, tiuj frazoj estas malĝustaj. Pandoj fakte ne komprenas la latinan!)

One on Ones Suggestion Box
Group Game Suggestion Box
Pandariffic Ons and Otherwise
In Memory of Bishrook


Quote from: Saric on February 07, 2012, 07:42:21 PM
While this is true, I was volunteering for a selection of settings and listing only the bare essentials. After all a true swashbuckler is fully dressed wearing naught but his sword and his wits.

Only partly true.  Are they running from the King's bedchambers?

And, personally, I'd prefer the non-piratical version, simply for the fun that comes of being onland and not being bound to the same tired old tropes every pirate game seems to run into.


Quote from: MadPanda on February 07, 2012, 08:22:47 PM
There is an NPC in Swashbucklers of the Seven Skies (the sadly not-free game that uses PDQ#) who has a Technique called Situation: Semi-clad.  Apparently she has a lot of experience with angry wives, mistresses, mothers, et cetera interrupting her liaisons with handsome men.

If we can but muster four or five reasonably reliable persons to dare all, we can get something launched!

Any preferences between Damsels and something piratical?

I must hasten to add that I have not been quite clear on this--posting the dial settings, which I've done for both swashbuckling ideas, provides a starting point for discussion.  That is, this is what I as GM have in mind, but players are free to suggest things they want to see or ask for changes...they aren't set in stone.

(There are also a couple more that need to be hammered out, but we can worry about that when we know what we'll be doing.  Things like...do guns do the same damage as other weapons, or are they deadlier?  What does poison do?  Do we want to have mad mojo slinging around, and if so how rare and difficult do we want it to be?)
I'd take anything but my preference would be for the Spelljammer setting. Also how wedded to the idea of the whole party being damsels are you? Other then that I like the dials as are.

As for guns and poisons... I'd say your just as dead with a musket ball through your heart as a rapier, so same; for poison I'd say go with the book suggestion of using all options and just changing the cost based on what it does. I have no real position on mojo, ether it's existence or difficulty.

Quote from: Aoife on February 08, 2012, 12:52:30 AM
Only partly true.  Are they running from the King's bedchambers?

And, personally, I'd prefer the non-piratical version, simply for the fun that comes of being onland and not being bound to the same tired old tropes every pirate game seems to run into.

You disappoint me M'Lady! The question is not "Are they running from the King's bedchambers?" it's "What kind of swashbuckler runs out of bedchambers when there are windows to leap dramatically out of?". The answer? "One who is afraid of heights!" or "One who doesn't want their hat to get wet!" The first case is an transient answer that leads only to more questions. The second lets you know that the swashbuckler has their hat, in which case everything is fine.
"I believe in dragons, good men, and other fantasy creatures." - Slovotsky's Law #42

“Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.”― Neil Gaiman, Coraline

“The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.” - Terry Pratchett (Rest in Peace, Master Storyteller)


I have no real setting preferences so long as it's vaguely Victorian, and at a technology level that supports at least a modicum of what constitutes civilized society.  I'd also like to state I've got no problem with a 'King's Guard' style frame, with both genders represented.

Balancing between gunpowder and melee weapons should be right in the middle.  Either/or really.  Poison should probably be played down a bit, or otherwise used in a narrative sense.  No one particularly likes being poisoned in a lighthearted swashbuckling game. Despite any realism it may have.

I'm also fine with mojo, so long as it's used in a narrative context or by the devious men of dastardly intentions.  I'd prefer players stick with the overall theme.

And I daresay one only leaps out of windows when one lacks a convenient chandelier.  If lacking a chandelier, one must improvise using a ladies petticoats as an improvised parachute, or simply pray there is a convenient cabbage cart lying underneath said window.  Heavens knows that we swashbucklers are the only things that keep cabbage sellers in business after all.


  I'd favor the Leauge of Extraodrinary Damsels idea over the pirate one, but eihter one I'm there! 

  A bit of mojo woudl make a fun add in.  :) 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


The Spelljammer bit is mostly for the Space Opera version.

Two for League of Extraordinary Damsels it is!  And yes, I'm afraid that, given the inspiration, that the idea of a trio (or quartet, or quintet) of female musketeer types is pretty much what I had in mind.  The good news is that you're allowed to be perfectly straight...but if someone wants to play a rather effeminate young man (eyes many an anime reference) that would be acceptable.  That said, if we have at least three damsels, I can let someone play Bosley.   ;D

The general rule on 'mojo' with PDQ# is as follows: if you're using it in a fight, it counts like any other Forte.  If you're using it out of combat, it costs a Style Die and may also require a Challenge to work.

On Guns and Poison...this is not a particularly lethal system, unless you're an un-named Extra.  Consider the source material, in which the heroes and heroines often take massive amounts of injury and yet still rise to fight again.  It's Romantic rather than Realistic.   :-)  While you can kill your archnemesis, you must first wear them down in a nicely cinematic duel--just sniping the guy from five hundred paces would be Bad Form.

I do indeed have a few setting bits in mind, and since Players can use Style Dice to add facts to the world, a mere sketch is all we need.  But yes, there's a women's branch of the Musketeers!  The Crown Princess wanted her own bodyguards...

Further discussion should probably have to wait for an OOC thread!  Where would you nutty funsters like to play--Light or Bondage?  (NC and Extreme would be kind of inappropriate for the genre.  Bodice-ripping is one thing, actual ravishing is another.)
Voluptas ailuri fulgentis decretum est!
Omnis nimis, temperantia ob coenobitae.
(Jes, tiuj frazoj estas malĝustaj. Pandoj fakte ne komprenas la latinan!)

One on Ones Suggestion Box
Group Game Suggestion Box
Pandariffic Ons and Otherwise
In Memory of Bishrook


Probably Light.  This game seems like it would be significantly more fun if the main focus didn't lie entirely in one another's knickers ;)

Bodice ripping is just part of the daily job description.  You wouldn't expect me to wear armor, now would you?  A lady has to maintain her sense of exquisite style.


Quote from: MadPanda on February 08, 2012, 09:38:22 AM
The Spelljammer bit is mostly for the Space Opera version.

Two for League of Extraordinary Damsels it is!  And yes, I'm afraid that, given the inspiration, that the idea of a trio (or quartet, or quintet) of female musketeer types is pretty much what I had in mind.  The good news is that you're allowed to be perfectly straight...but if someone wants to play a rather effeminate young man (eyes many an anime reference) that would be acceptable.  That said, if we have at least three damsels, I can let someone play Bosley.   ;D

The general rule on 'mojo' with PDQ# is as follows: if you're using it in a fight, it counts like any other Forte.  If you're using it out of combat, it costs a Style Die and may also require a Challenge to work.

On Guns and Poison...this is not a particularly lethal system, unless you're an un-named Extra.  Consider the source material, in which the heroes and heroines often take massive amounts of injury and yet still rise to fight again.  It's Romantic rather than Realistic.   :-)  While you can kill your archnemesis, you must first wear them down in a nicely cinematic duel--just sniping the guy from five hundred paces would be Bad Form.

I do indeed have a few setting bits in mind, and since Players can use Style Dice to add facts to the world, a mere sketch is all we need.  But yes, there's a women's branch of the Musketeers!  The Crown Princess wanted her own bodyguards...

Further discussion should probably have to wait for an OOC thread!  Where would you nutty funsters like to play--Light or Bondage?  (NC and Extreme would be kind of inappropriate for the genre.  Bodice-ripping is one thing, actual ravishing is another.)

When I said Spelljammer I think what I had more in mind was the League of Extraordinary Damsels in a flying islands and skyships kind of setting. That way be can get a dramatic boarding action scene or two (in the middle of a storm perhaps?) without getting stuck in with everything happening on ship or in the dock and taverns section of town like we might if we were actually pirates. That said I'm good ordinary romantic Victoria.

Dibs on Bosley if we get four... (I'm fine with running a damsel if I need too, just the character idea I've had works better as a man... in my mind anyway.)

What about Flashy Challenges and cantrips (small, minor uses like lighting a cigar or knocking over a flask of oil. The kinds of things you could accomplish with a match or a pebble but didn't for flavor reasons)?

Clearly you challenge him to a duel of wits by sniping the feather from his hat and 'favored' minion#7 over his shoulder. His attacks and defenses then consist of trying to figure out where you are and sending troops after you and hiding behind guards or having smoky fires lit. You meanwhile use your skill with firearms, knowledge of the terrain, and skill at hiding and disguise to counter. Admittedly, even if you win, this kind of duel does tend to result in the archnemesis escaping rather then falling before you but it still allows for those long range duels of fate.

Doesn't that mean the game is more "Regimental Comrades" rather then "League of Extraordinary X"? Or am I reading this description of shared PC structures wrong?

I'd say put it in bondage to be safe. If no bondage happens, fine. But if we're in light and some characters get it on and happen to have a few kinks... it becomes a denied area rather then an optional one.

Quote from: Aoife on February 08, 2012, 05:00:26 AM
And I daresay one only leaps out of windows when one lacks a convenient chandelier.  If lacking a chandelier, one must improvise using a ladies petticoats as an improvised parachute, or simply pray there is a convenient cabbage cart lying underneath said window.  Heavens knows that we swashbucklers are the only things that keep cabbage sellers in business after all.

Know you nothing at all? Clearly the King's bedchamber window is surrounded by thick vine trellises, to grab hold of and climb or hide in, and overlooks the moat! And cabbage carts? Clearly you aim for the hay cart containing an impressionable young lady or driven by an impressionable young man, to taste of course, if only for the quips about a roll in the hay to say nothing of the chance to make up for lost opportunity! Cabbage carts are for using to block carriages and pursuing cavalrymen or for overturning to block chases by men on foot. I will concede the use of chandeliers and application of ladies petticoats as parachutes but there is a time and place for such things! Ladies petticoats are for when you are found with an innkeeper's wife or when leaping from the castle tower that holds the chambers of your true love (Whose station prevents someone of low birth, like yourself, from ever being openly with them. Being declared an outlaw is also an accepted alternative to incompatible stations in life.). Chandeliers are for use in the Great Hall of the castle or tavern main rooms, they can be used in warehouses in a pinch but only when ambushed and dramatically outnumbered.
"I believe in dragons, good men, and other fantasy creatures." - Slovotsky's Law #42

“Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.”― Neil Gaiman, Coraline

“The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.” - Terry Pratchett (Rest in Peace, Master Storyteller)


Alas, it seems we have a vast difference in methods.  I daresay a hay cart is all well and good if you don't mind picking out prickly bits from your bodice for the next few days, in the meantime though, I'll take my cabbages. (and merchant carts make a much better distraction than cabbages!) Not to mention such a low class pun is surely the realm of lesser swashbuckling personalities.

And, unless the king is particularly foolish or has particularly inept guards, no vines would ever surround the King's bedchamber (the Queen and the Princess, however...)  Regardless, quips are always appropriate, and I must surely cede ground in this regard.


It is League of Extraordinary Damsels because not everybody is going to want to play a King's Musketeer (or any variation thereof, such as a Queen's Champion, Cardinal's Guard, or Maidenguard).  Unless everybody wants to play one.

Flashy Challenges are part of the Duel sequence.

I misunderstood you IRT the skyships.  Rest assured, we can still do exciting boarding actions.  They just won't be a constant event.  'Course, if you really want to do skyships, I'd heartily encourage you to pick up a copy of Swashbucklers of the Seven Skies, which is more or less what you're talking about!  (I just ported it into the Space Opera hack written by the game designer, because even Buck Rogers deserves to board an enemy vessel via zipline.)

One for Light, one for Bondage.  I have one person who deserves right of first refusal, and her character might be getting ported straight over from our S7S solo game if she accepts.  Anyone else want to chip in so I can get a-building in my spare moments?
Voluptas ailuri fulgentis decretum est!
Omnis nimis, temperantia ob coenobitae.
(Jes, tiuj frazoj estas malĝustaj. Pandoj fakte ne komprenas la latinan!)

One on Ones Suggestion Box
Group Game Suggestion Box
Pandariffic Ons and Otherwise
In Memory of Bishrook


Nope, I'm pretty happy so long as wit, swordplay, and sheer classiness are the core elements.


A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)