The Fall of LV-593(Interest Check for An Aliens/Predator Universe Survival Game)

Started by Urbanzorro, February 21, 2015, 05:59:04 PM

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Weyland-Yutani Corp. Transmission EH-842; Priority: Extreme
Recipient: John Bishop Weyland, CEO
Originator: MOTHER

Contact lost with research station on LV-593(Thedus). The occurrence of an incident has been confirmed. Research station's primary project is xenomorph bio-weapons application. Secondary projects include reverse engineering xeno-tech and improved synthetic designs. Transmissions from the research station's security system indicate the high likelihood of a containment breach. Human presence on LV-593 is limited to a single colony and a small USCM garrison. Research & Development projects that the combat data and information on xenomorph threat response patterns this situation will produce are worth several times the material loss associated with the loss of the facility. Backup surveillance systems have been activated, recommend no further action.


Sender:Maj. Van Hotten, Fort Baxter Commanding Officer
Recipient: USCM 5th Company Command HQ, 3rd Battalion, 5th Regiment.
Urgency: Low
-Operations Brief # 57532-

We have lost contact with the Weyland-Yutani Corporation facility on planet. The facility is a small training center for low level staff so it is unlikely to be corporate warfare and much more likely that we have a downed transmitter. In following with Colonial Law which states that the USCM is authorized to take action to insure peace within colonial boarders and with Thedus's Colonial Charter which requires USCM personnel to insure the security of all United Americas citizens on planet I am dispatching 2nd Squad to the facility in order to re-establish contact and insure that no foul-play has occurred. Will update when squad returns and has been debriefed.

-Maj. Van Hotten
-Brief Ends-

Sector: Outer Rim
Security Priority: Low
Threat Likelihood: Low
Clasification: Moon
Colonization Status: Colonized
Terraformation Status: Incomplete, majority of surface still uninhabitable. Intense electromagnetic storms remain common
Primary Financier: Federal Government
Secondary Financier: Weyland-Yutani Corp.
Established Colonies: 1
Military Complexes: 1 (United States Colonial Marine Corps.)
Indigenous Life: None
Atmospheric Status: Breathable Atmosphere Achieved

LV-593, or Thedus as those that call it home have come to know it, is a small moon orbiting a large gas giant. It is located at the far opposite edge of United Americas territory from the boarder of the Chinese/Asian Nations Cooperative. Placing it in one of the most stable areas of the known galaxy. As a result LV-593 is considered a low security priority by United Americas' military command. Despite this fact, LV-593's presence at one of the far edges of U.A. territory still mandates that a, small, garrison be present on the moon. All in all LV-593 is a quite, out of the way place in the universe who's only justification for colonization is the moon's large number of subterranean caves which have been slated to eventually become algae farms in order to provide LV-593 with a profitable export.

At present, despite the development of a breathable atmosphere, over 90% of the moon's surface is still barren rock, largely unexplored, and incapable of supporting life.. The only exception to this state being the small canyon in which the moon's colony was established. Thanks to the efforts of the moon's colonists a small but lush area of vegetation has taken root in the canyon's heavily terraformed soil. Giving Thedus it's first jungle. In addition the moon is often ravaged by intense electromagnetic storms which prevent flight to or from the planet

All in all, those who call LV-593 home know that it is currently not much to look at, but with a now self sufficient colony, steadily progressing terraforming, and the foundation of a lucrative export business it may one day grow to become an extremely successful and profitable place to live.

Albert's Venture

Status: Active
Affiliation: Civilian/Weyland-Yutani Corp.
Population: 500
Dependency: Self-Sufficient
Exports: None (Commercial Grade Algae Predicted)
Garrison: Minimal

Albert's Venture is the name of the colony on LV-593. It was named for the colony's founder and has been in existence for 65 years. In accordance with standard colonization procedure, the first 40 years of initial construction, preparation, and 'hard terraforming' were completed by a skeleton crew while the main body of colonists continued to remain suspended in hyper-sleep. After which the remaining colonists were woken from hyper sleep in order to maintain a sustainable population while avoiding gene pool stagnation. Most civilian colonists know that despite the hardships present LV-593 presents them and their future families the opportunity to make fortunes once the moon's exporting business begins. In conjunction with this most corporate representatives, who are not affiliated with the Weyland-Yutani training facility, on the moon view a post there as somewhat lucrative, primarily due to the opportunities for advancement that a successful colonization process will make available to them.

Fort Baxter

In addition to the civilian colony there is also Fort Baxter, a small USCM base which houses the military personnel assigned to garrison duty on LV-593. For the most part those members of the USCM who find themselves on LV-593 view it as a curse. A tour of duty on LV-593 means having to put up with being placed in one of the USCM's many 'dumping grounds.' Though never officially acknowledged to exist such places are, typically, small out of the way locations with minimal equipment and little to no risk of possible threats. They are often used to wet the feet of marines fresh out of basic training, allow longstanding veterans to ride out their last months before retirement in peace, quarantine undesirable marines, and keep officers who have gained the ire of Marine High Command well out of the way. Fort Baxter itself is a simple facility, comprised of a small enlisted barracks, an officers' barracks, a vehicle hangar, an armory, and office space for the fort's command staff. Its current garrison consists of a single platoon worth of marines. Broken down into four combat squads, and the base's command staff.

The Atmo

The Atmo on Thedus is a large automated reactor capable of "converting" an unbreathable, toxic or otherwise inhospitable atmosphere into one suitable for human habitation. While the atmospheric conversion process itself is entirely automated, the Atmo still requires a constant crew oversee it's maintenance. While breathable atmosphere has already been achieved, an optimal balance for Earth based life has yet to be reached. Meaning that the Atmo is still fully operational and constantly continuing the process of transforming Thedus' air into that of Earth. This makes working at the Atmo one of the most common professions for colonists of Albert's Venture.

Reed Spaceport

Reed Spaceport is Thedus's only constructed landing area for space craft and is named after Winona Reed, the pilot who first landed the colonists' ships on LV-593. The spaceport consists of a small landing pad for incoming or outgoing ships, four 'parking pads' for ships who are to remain on planet for any amount of time, and a single traffic control tower. Currently the spaceport is nowhere near what one would call busy. In fact the only regular traffic that one can expect through it is Weyland-Yutani personnel on their way to the training facility, and the occasional freelance trader seeking to peddle his goods within the colony. Currently there are four ships 'parked' at Reed Spaceport. These are original ship used to transport the colonist to the LV-593, a small trade vessel belonging a private merchant who is making business in the colony, a Weyland-Yutani transport ship that has just dropped off the latest batch of trainees for the facility, and a small private transport under the use of the training facility's director. 

The Training Facility

From the outside the Training Facility seems to be a standard building, one of hundreds of others scattered around colonized space and used for nothing more than to train low level functionaries in the Weyland-Yutani way of filing paperwork. However, in truth, not much is known about the training facility, other than Weyland-Yutani opened it two years ago. This is because the corporation made it very clear that no colonists are allowed within the facility's doors. The facility and its staff have remained entirely self contained. Which is perfectly fine by most of the colonists who tend to view it as little more than the corporation attempting to remind them just who's in charge of Thedus. So far there has been no problems from the facility, and most people can easily forget it is even there.


Albert's Venture, Fort Baxter, The Atmo, The Training Facility, and Reed Spaceport are all connected via an underground monorail system. Each set of tracks connecting the different locations consists of two lanes. Each lane possesses it's own tram, consisting of an engine, a passenger car, and a cargo car. The monorail system is utilitarian and by no means could one call it luxurious. But it is also ruggedly reliable and has yet to suffer a breakdown.

Notes Aliens/Predator Universe

These are just to help everyone get a better feel for the setting that their characters will be a part of.

Technologically, humans are at what can easily be described as a ‘high point’ in their existence and most humans know this for a fact. This having been said, mankind is far from a utopian state. Man still has wars with man, and many people and organizations are still driven by greed, the lust for power, and self-interest.

Mankind is currently in the process of colonizing as much of known space as it can, as quickly as it can. Terraforming technology  has advanced to a point where nearly any planet, moon, or planetoid that is within it sun’s ‘Goldilocks’ zone(the area between being too close and too far from the sun to support life) is able to be colonized. These colonies can, and are, founded by nearly anyone with the capability and authorization to do so. Such as corporations, private citizens, religious groups, governments, etc. Exactly how much leeway they are given to govern themselves is often decided by the government who’s authority they fall under. For instance many United Americas’ colonies are allowed to self-govern in nearly all forms so long as they are willing to pay taxes, yield to UA government orders, and avoid aiding the UA’s enemies.

There have been very few known discoveries of life forms outside of those originating from Earth, the few discoveries that have been made are mostly bacteria, plants, and lower level animals. None of which have ever posed a threat to humans in any realistic way.

The Political Climate

As it currently stands, the individual nations that once populated earth during the 21st century have given way to larger, multi-nation-state alliances.  These alliances are comprised of several ‘old world’ nations, who banded together for mutual protection and profit when man first began to colonize the stars.  At this point the two most powerful of such nations are
The United Americas: which is comprised of nearly all the ‘old world’ nations that occupy North and South America and is led by the United States of America. The United Americas' current agenda can most easily be summed up in one word "Expansionism"


The Chinese /Asian Nations Cooperative: which is a communist government comprised of the former nations of The Peoples’ Republic of China, Korea (after the reunification of North and South Korea), and several smaller territories within the Asian continent. Currently the C.A.N.C. is focused on competing with the U.A. in the race to become the most influential force in colonized space.

Both of these groups are currently in a state of cold war with one another.

Other notable governments include
The Western-European Commonwealth Formed from the member nations of the European Union, as well as several former colonies who kept strong cultural ties to their mother nations. The Western-European Commonwealth is currently an isolationist nation who's primary concerns seem to be the protection of its boarders from all outside influence, and the development of its already existing colonies.

The Principality of Russia Formed of Russia and several of it's Eastern European neighbors The Principality of Russia seeks to establish it's own interstellar empire and further solidify its status amongst the international community.

The African/Middle Eastern Alliance An alliance of the majority of the smaller nations that once comprised Africa and the Middle East. Their overriding agenda is the establishment of territorial claims far away from the rest of humanity in order to further re-enforce their own independence.

Life in U.A. Space

Life in United Americas' space is very similar to life within the old world 'free nations.' Citizens are allowed freedom of religion, speech, sexual orientation, and all other basic human rights. Currently there are several factors within U.A. territory which have a massive impact on the day to day life of the average U.A. citizen but the largest is, by far, the corporations.

The Corporations

The Big Five
Many private corporations, through mergers, buyouts, and simply shrewd business have grown into extremely large conglomerates with interests in a wide variety of areas. The corporations often wield exceptionally large levels of power and influence. As a rule, most people view the corporations as being uncaring of ‘the little man’ and only driven by the desire for profits. The most influential of these corporations, collectively referred to as "The Big Five"

Bio-National International: Bio-National is the largest medical conglomerate in existence. They are also known to be one of, if not the most ruthless corporation in business today. This means that Bio-National is always kept under a watchful eye by its competitors because of their committed posture of resorting to aggressive corporate buyouts, espionage, and 'armed incidents' when  their status as the only major medical supplier to the U.A.'s colonies is threatened.  They are managed by a board of directors comprised of the ten largest shareholders within the company.

GrantCorp: A young company, GrantCorp was not considered a threat by other corporations until it patented the smallest plasma generator on the market.  This Phased Plasma Drive was quickly used in more than ten different fields of expertise. This included propulsion, defense, and assault. This led to a near overnight skyrocketing of GrantCorp’s profit margins and launched the company to the highest levels of influence. So much so that the collective name for the galaxy's most important corporations was changed from "The Big Four" to "The Big Five" in order to include GrantCorp. GrantCorp's greatest strength is in its security. As every attempt by rival corporations to steal their designs and innovations has proven fruitless. It is currently a privately owned company run by it's founder, owner, and CEO David Grant.

Weyland-Yutani: Weyland-Yutani is a joint stock corporation that works closely with world governments in the areas of space exploration, commerce, colonization, and military supply. Weyland-Yutani works closely with the U.A. government in the development of new weapons technology in order to ensure the safety of its terraforming projects, transport ships, and the lives of important company employees who serve on them. They are widely considered to be the most powerful of all the corporations. They have been run by the Weyland family ever since the company's original founding. The current Weyland in charge of the corporation is the elusive John Bishop Weyland who serves as the company's CEO.

Hyperdyne Systems: Hyperdyne Systems builds designs, builds, and sells more spaceship designs than any other corporation. In addition, through decades worth of the skillful use of corporate spies they managed to pirate many cutting edge innovations in the design of synthetics. Allowing them to spearheaded the development of said androids to it's current state. Because of this Hyperdyne is still the force in the manufacturing of Synthetics, with 7 in 10 synthetics in existence being a Hyperdyne model. They are controlled by a board of trusties.

The Chigusa Corporation The Chigusa Corporation was once a subsidiary of the Yutani Corporation, before Yutani's buyout/merger with Weyland Industries. It was at this time, when the Yutani Corporation was reeling from substantial losses caused by an unexplained incident at their primary R&D facility, that several Yutani executives who did not wish to become a part of Weyland Industries broke ties with the Yutani Corporation and spun Chigusa off into its own separate business entity. From that point forward they have attempted to regain dominance and eventually overtake Weyland-Yutani entirely. The Chigusa Corporation often finds itself competing directly with Weyland-Yutani in almost all of Weyland-Yutani's key markets. Such as colonization, exploration, and military contracts. They are considered the greatest rival to Weyland-Yutani and have even managed to edge W-Y out of it's number 1 position in some markets. They are controlled by a board of directors comprised of the heads of the corporation's different departments and a single company president, the current president is Ms. Tomoko Chigusa 

Other Corporations
In addition to The Big Five there are several smaller corporations, many of which focus on providing niche products to very specific markets. Some of these are

Alphatech Hardware INC. Alphatech was, and still is, a major military contractor but usually for other corporations, and colonial militias rather than governments. They have a reputation for providing high quality goods at reasonable prices.

Boriga Industries Boriga Industries was once a defunct corporation who's demise was finalized in a buyout by Weyland Industries. However in the past 50 years the name has resurfaced under the direction of a man named Andrew Borgia. Nowhere near large enough to challenge most other corporations Borgia Industries instead focuses on doing business with those who would normally prefer to avoid the corporations. Labeling themselves as a provider of goods and services without the strings that normally come attached to other corporation's products.

Lock-Mart Boeing Inc.
Lock-Mart Boeing, commonly referred to as Lock-Mart currently stands as one of the oldest corporation still in business. Lock-Mart built the original spacecraft used to venture outside the solar system. They constructed the first interstellar drive and for decades after were considered the king in space travel. However, they never ventured into colony management and soon, they found themselves under pressure as growing corporations like Hyperdyne and Weyland-Yutani, encroached on their field of expertise. Now and days Lock-Mart builds few civilian designs, instead focusing on providing spacecraft to its longest standing customer, the military. Despite never having grown to the massive stature of the younger corporations who make up The Big Five Lock-Mart continues to report solid earnings each quarter and shows no sign of ever slowing down.

The Corporate Wars
The phrase ‘Corporate Wars’ is the common terminology for the extreme levels of competition between the major corporations in business today. This competition and conflict primarily consists of corporate espionage but has also been known to spill over into open combat between the ‘private security teams’ of differing corporations. It is seen as one of the larger security issues within U.A. boarders, with several such conflicts having resulted in U.A. military forces being deployed to end the fighting and bring the corporations to heel.


The United States Colonial Marines(USCM) is America’s force in readiness, their task is to act as a quick response force to any threat to the United Americas, or their colonies. While the U.S. Army can be seen as a large broadsword used best to crush and cleave its targets, the USCM is better described as a scalpel, used best to quickly and precisely remove small and moderate threats before they can grow into larger ones.

The USCM prides itself on being an elite fighting force and the instilling of that same pride is one of the cornerstones of the USCM’s training process. Marines are taught that upon their graduation from basic training they are not simply members of an organization, but are instead part of a proud ‘brother and sisterhood’ who’s heritage stretches through their nation’s own history.  The USCM’s training process also includes several screening methods to insure that those who are more prone to harbor views which would detract from the successful completion of their duties are less likely to complete basic training. All of this tends to result in giving marines an attitude of superiority when comparing themselves to the other armed services.

Rank Structure
The USCM uses the same rank structure that it’s forbearer (The United States Marine Corps) used. These ranks, excluding warrant officers, in order from greatest to least are as follows
General(Gen): The highest rank a marine can achieve Generals are given command of entire Battle Groups and are often seen heading entire theaters of war. No members of the squad would be likely to carry this rank
Lieutenant General(LtGen):The rank just below General, Lieutenant Generals are often tasked with helping to control and co-ordinate theater wide operations at the strategic level.  No members of the squad would be likely to carry this rank
Major General(MajGen): Major Generals are often seen assisting Lieutenant Generals, they are often tasked with overseeing the successful completion of  specific strategic operations. No members of the squad would be likely to carry this rank
Brigadier General (BGen): Brigadier Generals are often tasked with overall command of forces within a strategic area of operations. They are tasked with insuring that combat units reach the appropriate destinations and are given appropriate orders to insure the success of strategic objectives. No members of the squad would be likely to carry this rank
Colonel (Col): The highest possible rank for a "Field Officer." Colonels are often tasked with commanding of Marine Battalions, large facilities, or several small facilities.  No members of the squad would be likely to carry this rank
Lieutenant Colonel(Lt Col): Lieutenant Colonels are often tasked with aiding Colonels in the command of their units. They are often seen in a Second-In-Command function within Marine Battalions and large facilities. Though if no Colonel is present a Lieutenant Colonel is often the one fulfilling the role of commander.  No members of the squad would be likely to carry this rank
Major(Maj): Majors are often seen working as sub-commanders under the direction of a Colonel or Lieutenant Colonel. They are often seen commanding Companies within a Battalion, or directly running smaller facilities which are overseen by a higher ranking officer tasked with the control of several small facilities. No members of the squad would be likely to carry this rank
Captain(Cpt): The highest rank that one will normally see a "Line Officer' hold. Captains are normally tasked with commanding a Platoon of 3-5 Combat Squads. Though it is not entirely unheard of for a Captain to remain as a squad leader when there is no opening for a higher post but a promotion in rank has already been earned. If very experienced the squad’s leader could carry this rank
First Lieutenant(1st Lt): The second most commonly found officer rank. First Lieutenants are "Line Officers" tasked with leading their Combat Squads into battle and insuring the completions of objectives at the squad level. If experienced the squad’s leader could carry this rank
Second Lieutenant(2nd Lt): The most commonly found officer rank. Second Lieutenants are "Line Officers" tasked with leading their Combat Squads into battle and insuring the completions of objectives at the squad level. The Squad’s Leader could carry this rank if inexperienced
Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps(SgtMajMarCor): The highest ranked Non-Commissioned Officer(NCO) within the entire USCM, the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps. is often seen as a ceremonial rank earned by an outstanding NCO who more than deserves the right to end their career in the relative peace of being tasked with assisting the USCM's Inspector General in the task of insuring USCM facilities and personnel are kept up to standards. No members of the squad would be likely to carry this rank
Sergeant Major(SgtMaj):The highest non-ceremonial NCO rank. Sergeant Majors are extremely veteran marines who have often learned more about leading men into combat then can ever be taught at an academy. There is normally one Sergeant Major within every company and USCM facility. Their task is to assist their Officers and directly oversee the NCOs. No members of the squad would be likely to carry this rank
Master Gunnery Sergeant(MGySgt) Master Gunnery Sergeants are highly veteran marines. Often having served the Corps. for many years. There is little they do not know when it comes to being a marine and surviving in combat. The Squad’s Sergeant could carry this rank if experienced
First Sergeant(1st Sgt) Often considered the dividing line between NCOs tasked with command and those yet to be given such responsibility. First Sergeants are experienced, respected, and skillful warriors.  The Squad’s Sergeant could carry this rank
Master Sergeant(MSgt)Veteran marine NCOs who have proven themselves in combat and are on the fast track to higher ranks can often be found carrying the rank of Master Sergeant.   Experienced Smartgunners and Flamethrower Marines would carry this rank
Gunnery Sergeant(GySgt) Marines who have shown an aptitude for combat and have developed a strong skillset can often be found carrying the rank of Gunnery Sergeant. Average Smartgunners and Flamehrower Marines would carry this rank
Staff Sergeant((SSgt) Marines who show an aptitude for further promotion while in the lower ranks can often find themselves promoted to Staff Sergeant, marking them as someone who's future within the Corps may be bright, assuming they continue to succeed. Inexperienced Smartgunners and Flamethrower Marines Squad members with very high levels of experience would carry this rank.
Sergeant(Sgt): Marines who show an aptitude for further promotion while in the lower ranks can often find themselves promoted to Sergeant, marking them as someone who's future within the Corps may be bright, assuming they continue to succeed. Riflemen with very high levels of experience or Inexperienced Smartgunners and Flamethrower Marines would carry this rank
Corporal(Cpl): The highest of the lowest ranks. Corporals are just a step and a half above privates and often given little direct responsibility when outside of combat. Most Riflemen would be able to carry this rank
Lance Corporal(LCpl): Lance Corporals are just a step above privates and often given little direct responsibility when outside of combat.  Most Riflemen would be able to carry this rank
Private First Class(Pfc):Only slightly higher than the lowest rank in the USCM. Private First Class is used to denote that a private has some potential for further advancement in the future. Most Riflemen would be able to carry this rank
Private(Pvt):The lowest rank in the USCM reserved for rookies fresh out of bootcamp, and marines who should not be expecting promotions anytime soon. Rookies and recently disciplined squad members would most likely carry this rank.

The Combat Squad
A Combat Squad is smallest organizational unit of fighting marines. Upon which all other units are built. A single squad of marines consists of a Squad Leader who is tasked with commanding the squad, a First Sergeant who is the highest ranking NCO in the squad and tasked with being the unit's second in command, a Smartgunner who serves as the squad's automatic fire support, a Flamethrower Man who serves as the point man when assaulting enemy positions, three Riflemen forming the backbone of the squad's firepower, and a single Synthetic for combat support duties.

Squad Unity
As a whole, Combat Squads are tight knit groups, with most if not all of the marines easily able to get along with their fellow squad members and genuinely caring for one another after having served alongside each other in combat situations.

It is common practice for marines to carry callsigns/nicknames in addition to their rank and name. These are often given by fellow marines and signify defining, or simply amusing, character traits within their bearer.  For instance, 3nd Squad’s Flamethrower marine is known as “Firebug” due to his mild obsession with flame.

Common Terminology
There are several terms used throughout the USCM, most of which are abbreviations for longer official terms. Some of the most common are as follows.
FUBAR(Pronounced foo-bar): An acronym for the phrase “Fucked Up Beyond Any Recognition”
SOL(Spoken as each separate letter): Officially it is the USCM abbreviation for Standard Of Living inspections, though it is more commonly considered to mean Shit Outa Luck.
ChiComs: A term used for Chinese /Asian Nations Cooperative troops.
LZ(Spoken as each separate letter): A slang term for a dropship’s Landing Zone
Civvies: A slang term for civilians and non-combatants
Overwatch: A dedicated, second line, fire-support position often taken up by the heaviest weapons within a fighting force in order to provide constant cover fire for advancing forces
Chop: Air turbulence, particularly when inside a dropship.
Section 8:  A term used for those suffering from mental instability, referencing the section of the USCM’s policies which addresses said issues.


Ok, so this is my idea for a role play in the Aliens/Predator universe. It will tell the story of a group of marines (specifically the 2nd squad of the base's garrison force), as they first attempt to complete their mission, and later simply attempt to survive. It will ideally be filled with action, suspense, interpersonal interaction, and fun! I’ll be playing the part of the world around them, as well as that of the Alien Hive, I’m looking for some people to play the marines. The game will be what I like to call Limited Freeform in that a highly simple system, made by me, will be used in which each player will have to first assign stats to their character, then choose what weapons and equipment his/her marine carries. The system will then be used to determine how successful/unsuccessful the marines and aliens are at combating one another, as well as being used to determine the results of a few important interaction options with the world around the marines. Though from the players' perspective the game will be played as if it is entirely freeform with no need for players to make dice rolls or stat comparisons or anything like that. Hopefully this will apple to many people because it leaves room for creativity, as well as allows for unpredictability/fairness.

I'm currently looking for eight players, enough to fill out a full squad of marines, to start the game with. Ideally I'd like to find people who love the setting, as I do, and are able to post at least once every two days. As I can commit myself to such a posting schedule as well.

So if you’re still interested the character list, character sheet, a stats explanation, a weapons/equipment list, some background material,  and a system explanation can all be found below.


First off the system will be used in two situations, which are as follows: 

Normal Combat: The system will be used to determine how effective the characters are at killing their foe, as well as how effective the Aliens are at attacking the characters. For example here is a simple scenario to show what I mean.

A marine is walking down a hall way he/she encounters an Alien and opens fire the Alien runs to attack the marine the marine manages to shoot the Alien in the head and the Alien dies without harming him/her. 

The posting for such a scene would go something like this, though hopefully much more creatively of course:

Player "My marine is walking down the hallway"
GM "An alien appears in the hallway"
Player" I shoot at it aiming for the head"
GM "The alien gets shot in the head and dies"

So, as far as our marine player is concerned the game is essentially freeform with them simply posting using statements such as "My character shoots at the alien aiming for its head" rather than "My character shoots the alien in the head." This allows the GM to control the action from behind the scenes by being the one to use statements such as "the bullets hit the alien" or "The bullets miss the alien" without bogging the players down in dice rolls, stat comparisons, etc. Ideally this allows for both the player and GM to add a bit of creativity without the normal problems of freeform combat games(God modding, disputable outcomes, ect) or the problems of a system game (long amounts of rolling and stat comparison work for relatively small amounts of posts.)

World Interaction: The system will also be used to determine the characters' ability to interact with some aspects of the world around them. For instance, if a door locked and a marine tries to hack/pick the door their stats can be used to determine their success or failure in the attempt. Or if a character comes across a very heavy weapon/object their strength may decide if they are able to move/use it.

Now that you've read that, if you're still interested and wish to create a character the following sections will give you all the tools you need to do so.

-P.S. Don't worry about the math sideif you can add, and subtract then you can easily make a character, also if you get confused feel free to ask and I'll explain anything you need.

Character Creation

First off I'll start with a quick list of the steps you'll go through in order to create a character. (Don't worry it's a short list)
1) Decide what position in the squad you want your character to occupy.

2) Assign stats to your character as described in one of the lower sections

3) Select equipment for your character as described in one of the lower sections.

4) Fill out the character sheet if you have not already done so

5) Post your character sheet.

That's it. There's no rolling for skills, no charts to compare values on, or any other such difficult stuff. With that said, here is a list of the stats that the game will use. Followed by a general introduction the equipment concept.
Game Stats

Each character's stats are divided into two categories. Primary Stats, which are the stats that the players can directly modify and add values to. And Derived Stats which are stats determined by the GM based on formulas which use the character's Primary Stats. So while you cannot directly alter a Derived Stat you can still influence it by how you balance your Primary Stats.

Primary Stats
Each player gets 45 points to use as he or she sees fit.  The stats start at 0 each and the maximum value for each one is 10 with the exception of Health who's max is 20,  So you can have a health of 11 but not an agility of 11.

Health: How much damage your character can take before they die.

Strength:  How strong your character is. It effects how easily they can use heavy equipment, as well as their ability to interact with the world around them.

Accuracy: How likely your character is to hit what they are attacking. Accuracy effects how often your attacks hit their intended target

Agility: How quick your character is. Agility effects how quickly your character's actions are taken into account during combat, how often they can avoid incoming attacks, and your character's ability to escape or chase down others.

Intelligence: How smart your character is. Intelligence effects your character's ability to interact with the world around them.

Defense: How tough your character is to injure. Defense effects how much received damage is counteracted by your character's armor.

Perception: How likely your character is to notice what’s creeping in the shadows. Perception effects how easily your character can detect others, as well as how likely they are to notice important details about the world around them.

Stealth: How sneaky your character can be. Stealth effects how easily your character can avoid being detected by others.

Luck: How often good (or bad) things just seem to happen to your character. Luck effects how often your character scores critical hits, as well as how often the world around them seems to conspire to help (or hinder) them.

Derived Stats
These stats are generated based of your character's stats/equipment. They can only be altered by adjusting your character's primary stats or their equipment selection.

Ranged Damage: How much damage your character's ranged attacks do. = The Damage value of the ranged weapon your character is using

Ranged Penetration How effective your character's ranged attacks are at bypassing an enemy's defense. = The Penetration value of the ranged weapon your character is using. 

Melee Damage:How much damage your character's melee attacks do.  = The Damage value of the melee weapon your character is using + (Strength/2)

Melee Penetration How effective your character's melee attacks are at bypassing an enemy's defense. = The Penetration value of the melee weapon your character is using. 

Critical Hit Chance: The percentage chance of how often your character can score a critical hit. Critical Hits cause more damage and can occasionally have additional effects = (Luckx2)+5


Equipment represents the weapons, armor, and tools that the player characters carry into battle.  Each equipment entry has a short description of what it is, the amount of Supply Points it costs, and how it effects your character’s stats. Also some weapons and equipment are exclusive to a specific character slot, for example it wouldn’t make much sense for anyone but a smart gunner to actually have a smart gun... Every player character gets 20 Supply Points to select equipment with. The equipment lists themselves are divided by squad position and listed after the character sheets.

Alright, now that we've gotten that stuff out of the way we can get on to the more fun parts. Namely, the character list, character sheet, and equipment lists. The first of which to be listed is the character list.

Character List
Below are the positions available for players to play as. Currently they are all empty. I will be posting this list some place more visible and updating it as slots are filled.
Squad Leader: The officer in charge of the squad.
First Sergeant: The squad's second in command.
Smart Gunner: The marine assigned to use the squad's smart gun
Flamethrower Man: The marine assigned to use the squad's flamethrower
Rifleman: A 'standard' member of the squad.
Rifleman: A 'standard' member of the squad.
Rifleman: A 'standard' member of the squad.
Synthetic : The squad's combat support synthetic.

Character Sheet
[float=left][img]Place Your Character's Image Link here[/img][/float]
[size=14pt][b][u]Place Your Character's First Name Here[/u][/b][/size][size=14pt]"[b][u]Place Your Character's Nickname Here(if they have one)[/u][/b]"[/size][size=14pt][b][u]Place Your Character's Last Name Here[/u][/b][/size]
[u]Rank:[/u] What is your character's rank?
[u]Age:[/u] How old are they?
[u]Position:[/u] What position do they occupy in the squad?
[u]Personality:[/u] What are they like? How do they behave with other people?
[u]Personal history:[/u] What has their life been like so far?

[u]Stats Before Equipment: [/u]


Now all you need to create a character is the appropriate equipment list so that you can choose what cool stuff you want them to have. These lists are provided below, in the thread's first reply posts.

Ok, If you've finished reading everything and you feel like you want to be a part of this game please feel free to voice interest, and/or post up a character.

-Thanks for your time, and hope to see some interest in this game.

I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

My Idea Page
Things I Enjoy 
My Apologies.


Here is the first portion of the equipment lists. Each player only needs to read the section devoted to the position they want to fill. But obviously everyone is more than welcome to read the whole thing.


Primary Weapon

M41A Pulse Rifle:
Description: The standard USMC firearm, it is as much a symbol of mankind’s mastery of technology and warfare as it is a deadly weapon, the M41A is capable of firing in either semi-automatic, 3 round burst, or full auto modes. It fires the standard high velocity armor piercing round, and is capable of supporting multiple modifications. It is light, compact, easy to use, and even easier to maintain, the only thing that’s hard to do is break it. Every marine must qualify with the M41A before completing their training to insure that, should the need arise any member of the USMC is able to pick up a rifle and join the fight.
Damage 5
Penetration 5
Special Rules

  • Two-Handed:Requires both hands to use
Cost 5

M33 Shotgun:
Description:  The M33 is a pump action shotgun, designed for use in close quarters and urban settings, it is made to offer the greatest amount of punching power while remaining as compact and manageable as possible, it is somewhat less effective at range due to the large spread of its shot as a result of its shortened barrel.   
Damage 6
Penetration 3
Special Rules

  • Up Close and Personal:Enemies within close range of the target, and the Shotgun's user are also struck by the Shotgun's Ranged Attacks
  • Two-Handed:Requires both hands to use
Cost 5

Secondary Weapon

VP70 Pistol
DescriptionA non-standard issue sidearm used by the USCM, the VP70 fires 9mm rounds, and possesses a level of accuracy that is superior to that of the M4A3, albeit at the sacrifice of stopping power. Marines are advised to use the VP70 only on ‘soft targets’ or as a weapon of last resort should their heavier armaments be exhausted. A common joke amongst Marine grunts about the VP70 being that the only way to really put down a target with it is to score a head shot….and even then you may have to do it twice just to be sure.
Damage: 2
Penetration: 2
Special Rules

  • Easy to Handle: +1 Accuracy when in use
Cost: 2

M4A3 Pistol:
Description: The USMC’s standard issue sidearm, the M4A3 fires 9mm rounds, and possesses respectable accuracy as well as a moderate punch. Making it slightly stronger than the VP70. However marines are still advised to make use of their heavier armaments for general combat purposes and to use the M4A3 only when their heavier armaments be exhausted.
Damage: 3
Penetration: 2
Special Rules None
Cost: 2


M10 Pattern Ballistic Armor:
Description:  The current model of body armor issued to USMC marines consists of a chest and back plate, in addition to a helmet, it is designed to effectively stop  small arms fire, as well as rifle fire, but is outclassed when pitted against larger caliber weapons.

  • +5 Health
  • +4 Defense
Special Rules None
Cost: 3

M12 Pattern Advanced Personal Armor:
Description:  The current model of body armor issued to USMC marines consists of a chest and back plate, in addition to a helmet, it is designed to effectively stop small arms fire, as well as rifle fire, but is outclassed when pitted against larger caliber weapons, in an effort to correct this problem the M12 Advanced Armor is in development. While outwardly similar to M10 armor, M12 armor sports a thicker layer of protection, as well as chemical resistance treatments for protection against enemy who choose to ignore conventional rules of combat.

  • +7 Health
  • +5 Defense
Special Rules

  • Acid Resistant: User takes half damage from acid based attacks
Cost: 5

M190 Key Personnel Body Armor 
Description:  Despite accusations of being ‘cold’, ‘inhuman’, and ‘heartless’ the USMC openly acknowledges that it values the lives of its officers  more than that of its standard grunts, stating that the amount of time and training put into creating an officer far outweighs that of a grunt. With this in mind the M190 Key Personnel Body Armor is made available to all marines who achieve officer rank. Designed to protect its wearer from all known threats the M190 is considered by many to be the top of the line in personal battle field protection.

  • +9 Health
  • +5 Defense
Special Rules

  • Acid ResistantUser takes half damage from acid based attacks
  • Flame ResistantUser takes half damage from flame based attacks
  • Shielded FaceUser is immune to facehugger attacks.
Cost 6

Additional Items

L7 Personal Computer:
Description:  A high speed, compact, personal computer designed to offer the command and control capabilities of the M557 APC, without the APC’s high profile.  The computer is capable of providing radio contact with all members of the platoon, tracking each platoon member’s movements, and analyzing any machine or deceased organic specimen , programs allowing it to analyze living organisms are currently said to be in development.

  • +2 Intelligence
Special Rules

  • Radio ContactAllows its user to communicate with anyone who also possesses radio equipment. Regardless of location as long as there is nothing jamming the signal.
  • Equipment AnalysisThe user can analyze previously unknown equipment when not in combat. Allowing them to learn the strengths, abilities, and weaknesses of any piece of technology
  • Bio-Analysis: The user can analyze deceased organisms when not in combat. Allowing them to learn the strengths, abilities, and weaknesses of any organic lifeform.
  • Positional TrackingThe user can determine the location of anyone identified as a 'squad member' and given a locator bracelet.
Cost 3

Uplink to FATHER(L7 Personal Computer Upgrade):
Description:  A high bandwidth connection to the planet's USCM HQ, which in turn is connected to FATHER, the bio-computer at the heart of the United States Military Computer System, by relaying received information to FATHER any battlefield analysis can be made near instantaneously.
Special Rules:

  • Live Specimen AnalysisOrganic lifeforms can now be analyzed while still alive.
  • Combat Analysis: Equipment, and organic lifeforms, can now be analyzed while in combat.
Cost: 2

AURORA Uplink(L7 Personal Computer Upgrade):
Description:  A high bandwidth connection to USCM satellites in low orbit around the planet, and their fire control computers. Allowing the use of the AURORA space based assassination system.
Special Rules:

  • AURORA Strike The AURORA system will fire on enemies whenever they are engaged outdoors. Can be set to automatically prioritize targets or fire on the squad leader's target.
Cost: 2

Academy Ring
Description: Little more than a symbol, it is the skills and training received during the USCM's Officer Candidacy School that are the true value of this ring. Currently the USCM maintains five separate facilities where an aspiring officer may go through his or her training. Each of these facilities has its own reputation and tends to produce officers more adept at certain styles of combat leadership.

  • Allows Selection of One of The Following Academies
Special Rules None
Cost: 2

Academy Selection

The oldest military academy in use by the USCM, Annapolis is a place of tradition, honor, and history. It is this focus on the history of the USCM, and the details of its many battles, that allows officers who graduate from Annapolis to better recognize the details of their situations, increasing the battlefield awareness of themselves and those under their command.

  • +2 Intelligence
Special Rules

  • Keep Your Eyes Open: All allies within the Squad Leader's presence receive +1 Perception

Ferguson Military Academy
Ferguson Military Academy is located on the Sea of Clouds on the moon. Not entirely far from one of Weyland-Yutani's corporate headquarters, which is located on the Sea of Tranquility. Though not officially sanctioned, many instructors at Ferguson take their training squads on 'field trips' to infiltrate Weyland-Yutani's facilities. As a result of this, officers who have attended Ferguson tend to show an above average aptitude for infiltration missions

  • +2 Intelligence
Special Rules

  • Stay Quiet: All allies within the Squad Leader's presence receive +1 Stealth

Wake Island Academy
Built upon the site of a former battle within the Pacific Ocean, Wake Island Academy's instructors use the site's history to drill into their students the importance of strong and effective defensive positions.

  • +2 Intelligence
Special Rules

  • Keep Your Heads Down: All allies within the Squad Leader's presence receive +1 Defense

Pendleton Command School
Located in Camp Pendleton, the largest USCM base in existence and is also one of the USCM's primary training facilities for all it's personnel. As a result of this the ratio of training instructors to students at Pendleton Officer School is higher than at any other USCM officer program. This allows for increased personal instruction in all areas, particularly marksmanship.

  • +2 Intelligence
Special Rules

  • Make Your Shots Count: All allies within the Squad Leader's presence receive +1 Accuracy

Every officer has one as far as the men and women under his command are concerned. Whether its one for being kind, cruel, stern, wild, or anything else almost all reputations have been earned by the actions of the officer and serve to endear or infuriate those under their command. 

  • Allows Selection of One of The Following Reputations
Special Rules: None
Cost: 2

An Officer and a Gentleman(Lady)
They have a reputation for holding them self, to the highest of standards from the morals of honorable combat, to physical fitness. In many ways they represent Marine Command's ideal image of what an officer should be. Those ranked higher then him/her cannot help but realize that they are destined for more and those below them are often found striving to be more like them.

  • +2 Agility
Special Rules None

Not everyone can have hundreds of missions under their belt, everyone has to start somewhere! Fresh out of O.C.S.(Officer Candidacy School) the Squad Leader is still very green...and it shows...But hey...every marine knows that God loves rookies!

  • +2 Luck
Special Rules None

He's comin' in. I feel safer already.
It must have been brains that got them through OCS, because it sure as hell wasn't brawn or marksmanship....The Squad Leader has developed a reputation for being a little 'ineffective' in the use of their weapons. But their mastery of combat tactics is very impressive and everyone knows it.

  • +2 Intelligence
  • +1 Perception
  • -1 Accuracy
Special RulesNone

Ultimate badass! State of the badass art!
Some commanders win battles through finesse, maneuvering, and superior tactics. Others do it by simply steamrolling over their opposition... 

  • +2 Strength
Special Rules None

He's a damn loose cannon!
This Squad Leader puts their men before the mission and has proven more than willing to destroy corporate property for the sake of saving civilian lives. In short they are a loose cannon, the kind that Marine Command would much rather have die quietly at the ass end of the galaxy, where they can't raise up a mess. The fact that the Squad Leader is still alive only goes to show just how tough to kill the Squad Leader is.

  • +2 Health
Special Rules None

You don't see them fucking each other over a goddamn percentage
A corporation slime-ball in a marine uniform. He/she's been secretly on the company's payroll for quite a while and even though no one has ever proven anything his/her reputation for putting corporate interests before the safety of his/her men and those they are supposed to protect is pretty well known.

  • +2 Stealth
Special Rules None

Officer’s Saber:
Description:  Commonly used for ceremony, but still kept razor sharp a USMC Officer’s Saber is rarely located far away from its owner due to its symbolizing the officer’s honor….and the fact that it is a required piece of attire when attempting to enter any USMC Officers’ Club for a drink.
Damage: 3
Penetration: 3
Special Rules: None
Cost: 1

Vehicle Pool Access
The officer has been granted access to the base's vehicle pool. This means that they are able to enter areas where USMC vehicles and as an authorized user they have the ignition codes required to activate USCM vehicles that they come across.
Special Rules

  • Vehicle Access Codes: The Squad Leader has the access codes to the USCM Vehicles on the planet, allowing them to activate any USCM vehicle without the need to hack into/hotwire it's systems.
Cost: 2

Upper Command Frequency
The officer's radio equipment is patched in to the USCM's upper level command frequencies. Allowing them to listen in on the command decisions of those ranked higher than them.
Special Rules

  • Situation Update:Whenever there is a change in the strategic situation the Squad Leader is made aware of it.

Under slung grenade launcher (M41A Pulse Rifle Upgrade):
Description:  An under slung grenade launcher for the M41A Pulse Rifle, it fires shaped charge grenades at long range giving the average marine a way to effectively eliminate heavily armored opponents. 
Damage: 6
Penetration: 4
Special Rules

  • Blast Radius: Anyone within close range of the target will also suffer the same attack
  • Limited Supply:This weapon can only be used 3 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.
Cost 2

Side Mounted Flame Caster: (M41A Pulse Rifle Upgrade)
Description:  An side mounted light flame thrower for the M41A Pulse Rifle, it is capable of projecting a small gout of flame at any close range target in bursts of 3 seconds, any longer is unadvised due to the possibly of overheating, it is in no way a replacement for the M240B, as it is  lacking in range and power by comparison to the USMC’s flame thrower. In addition to this, the standard infantry man's armor lacks the heat shielding of the flamethrower man's "Ape Suit" and prolonged exposure to the heat and light created by the flame caster has been known to have negative effects on the senses of sight and touch.
Damage: 3
Penetration: 5
Special Rules:

  • Fire Damage The weapon's attacks are fire based. Targets with weakness to fire take additional Damage and targets with resistance to fire take less Damage accordingly. 
  • Up Close and Personal:Enemies within close range of the target, and the Shotgun's user are also struck by the Shotgun's Ranged Attacks.
  • Limited Supply This weapon can only be used 3 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.
Cost 2

Full Auto(M33 Shotgun Upgrade):
Description:  Replacing the M33's pump action with a fully automatic loading system, the M33 is now capable of fully automatic firing, allowing it's user to literally paint an area with firepower. The recoil on a fully automatic M33 is many times stronger than that of the standard shotgun, giving it the nickname "the mule" amongst weapon's manufacturers with regards to its kick.

  • -2 Accuracy
Special Rules

  • Rapid Fire: Allows user to make 2 Ranged Attacks, against the same target, per turn
Cost 1

Heavy Gauge Shells(M33 Shotgun Upgrade)
Description: The M33 already packs a heavy punch at close range against 'soft' targets. But it is occasionally found lacking against 'hard' targets. However, the use of heavier gauge ammunition makes this problem a thing of the past. These shells give the M33 increased penetrating power and, when fired accurately, can easily knock a man off his feet.

  • +2 Penetration
Special Rules

  • Knock Back: Critical Hits cause the target to suffer -5 Agility for the next turn
Cost 2

AP Rounds(Pistol Upgrade):
Description: Many marines find their service pistols lacking in the ability to penetrate its target’s defenses, with this in mind many arms manufacturers have taken to producing alternate forms of ammunition to be sold privately to the marines, the most popular is the armor piercing round, replacing the standard 9mm round with a uranium tipped round more capable of penetrating most  light armors.

  • +1 Penetration when using a Pistol
Special Rules: None
Cost: 1

Laser Sight(Pistol Upgrade):
Description: A flaw inherent in the pistol's design is the loss of accuracy it's user's typically suffer when attempting to use such weapons at longer ranges. To minimize this loss many marines place a laser sight on their pistols. Taking the form of a small red beam of light projected by a laser pointer that has been attached to the weapon's barrel. Laser sights can make it much easier to fire accurately with a pistol.

  • +2 Accuracy when using a Pistol
Special Rules: None
Cost: 1

Combat Knife:
Description: Blades, in one form or another have been used by men and women for thousands of years, this primitive weapon is still in use within the USMC which prides itself on training marines who are not only expert shots, but excellent hand to hand combatants. A combat knife is standard issue to every marine both for its usefulness in combat, and as a simple tool.
Damage: 1
Penetration: 1
Special Rules: None
Cost: 1

XV35 Motion Tracker:
Description:  An optional motion sensor. By detecting micro changes in air density the XV35 is able to sense movement in every direction regardless of where it is pointed. It relays this information to its user through an attached screen, as well as through a series of mechanical beeps, which grow louder and closer together as the movement draws nearer.

  • +3 Perception
  • -1 Stealth
Special Rules:

  • Partial Detection: When carried in one of the user's hands the squad will become aware of the presence and general location of enemies who would not normally be detected
Cost: 2

M111 Combat Helmet:
Description:  A stronger combat helmet, than the standard issue, the M111 possesses a radio transmitter and receiver, and is also capable of supporting a side mounted camera.   

  • +2 Health
Special Rules:

  • Radio Contact: Allows its user to communicate with anyone who also possesses radio equipment. Regardless of location as long as there is nothing jamming the signal.
Cost: 1

Side Mounted Helmet Camera (M111 Combat Helmet Upgrade):
Description:  A side mounted camera for the M111 Helmet, it provides a constant feed to the platoon's officer, allowing him/her to evaluate the tactical situation of every member of his/her squad.   

  • +1 Perception
Special Rules: None
Cost: 1

Fragmentation Grenade:
Description: A standard grenade, designed to explode 3 seconds after its pin has been pulled, showering the immediate area with high speed, razor sharp shrapnel. Marines are encouraged to use grenades when large numbers of enemies are grouped together.
Damage: 5
Penetration: 4
Special Rules:

  • Blast Radius: Anyone within close range of the target will also suffer the same attack
  • Limited Supply:This weapon can only be used 3 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.
Cost: 2

Incendiary Grenade:
Description: A non-standard grenade, designed to explode 3 seconds after its pin has been pulled, blanketing the immediate area with flames. Marines are encouraged to use grenades when large numbers of enemies are grouped together, as well as to provide cover for an escape, or keep an advancing enemy at bay.
Damage: 3
Penetration: 6
Special Rules:

  • Fire Damage: The weapon's attacks are fire based. Targets with weakness to fire take additional Damage and targets with resistance to fire take less Damage accordingly. 
  • Continuous Flames: Targets struck by this weapon suffer 2 points of Damage for an additional 2 turns.
  • Blast Radius:Anyone within close range of the target will also suffer the same attack
  • Limited Supply: This weapon can only be used 3 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.
Cost: 2

Combat Stims:
Description: A set of stimulants issued to marines to be taken at their own discretion, these drugs increase their physical abilities for a short period of time with not immediate adverse effects, though they have been known to be habit forming.
Special Rules:

  • In The Zone: +2 Accuracy when in use
  • Shrug It Off: +4 Health when in use
  • Heightened Reflexes: +2 Agility when in use
  • Overdrive: +4 Strength when in use
  • Limited Supply: This item can only be used 3 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.
  • Addictive: This item is addictive, each time it is used the user runs a risk of getting addicted. If addicted they suffer -2 Accuracy, -2 Perception, and -1 Intelligence when they have gone too long without using the item again. It is possible for addictions to be cured.
Cost: 2

MS3 Medical Kit:
Description:  A large first aid kit, in the right hands it can be used to handle almost any battlefield injury.
Special Rules:

  • First Aid: When used, the target regains up to 4 Health.
  • Limited Supply: This item can only be used 3 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.
Cost: 2

Smoke Grenade
Description: A non-standard grenade, designed to activate 3 seconds after its pin has been pulled, blanketing the immediate area with a thick cloud of smoke. Marines are encouraged to use grenades when large numbers of enemies are grouped together, as well as to provide cover for an escape, or keep an advancing enemy at bay.
Special Rules:

  • Blinding Smoke: Attackers suffer -2 Accuracy when attempting to hit targets within the area of effect.
  • Blast Radius: Anyone within close range of the target will also be within the area of effect
  • Limited Supply: This weapon can only be used 3 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.
Cost: 2

Description: A disposable chemical torch used to light up dark areas.
Special Rules

  • Illuminated Surroundings: When used all enemies suffer -9 Stealth for 3 turns
  • Limited SupplyThis weapon can only be used 3 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.
Cost 2

First Sergeant

Primary Weapon

M41A Pulse Rifle:
Description: The standard USMC firearm, it is as much a symbol of mankind’s mastery of technology and warfare as it is a deadly weapon, the M41A is capable of firing in either semi-automatic, 3 round burst, or full auto modes. It fires the standard high velocity armor piercing round, and is capable of supporting multiple modifications. It is light, compact, easy to use, and even easier to maintain, the only thing that’s hard to do is break it. Every marine must qualify with the M41A before completing their training to insure that, should the need arise any member of the USMC is able to pick up a rifle and join the fight.
Damage 5
Penetration 5
Special Rules

  • Two-Handed:Requires both hands to use
Cost 5

M33 Shotgun:
Description:  The M33 is a pump action shotgun, designed for use in close quarters and urban settings, it is made to offer the greatest amount of punching power while remaining as compact and manageable as possible, it is somewhat less effective at range due to the large spread of its shot as a result of its shortened barrel.   
Damage 6
Penetration 3
Special Rules

  • Up Close and Personal:Enemies within close range of the target, and the Shotgun's user are also struck by the Shotgun's Ranged Attacks
  • Two-Handed:Requires both hands to use
Cost 5
Secondary Weapon

VP70 Pistol
DescriptionA non-standard issue sidearm used by the USCM, the VP70 fires 9mm rounds, and possesses a level of accuracy that is superior to that of the M4A3, albeit at the sacrifice of stopping power. Marines are advised to use the VP70 only on ‘soft targets’ or as a weapon of last resort should their heavier armaments be exhausted. A common joke amongst Marine grunts about the VP70 being that the only way to really put down a target with it is to score a head shot….and even then you may have to do it twice just to be sure.
Damage: 2
Penetration: 2
Special Rules

  • Easy to Handle: +1 Accuracy when in use
Cost: 2

M4A3 Pistol:
Description: The USMC’s standard issue sidearm, the M4A3 fires 9mm rounds, and possesses respectable accuracy as well as a moderate punch. Making it slightly stronger than the VP70. However marines are still advised to make use of their heavier armaments for general combat purposes and to use the M4A3 only when their heavier armaments be exhausted.
Damage: 3
Penetration: 2
Special Rules None
Cost: 2

357 Magnum Revolver:
Description:  Any marine who’s ever seen combat can attest to the near uselessness of the USCM's standard issue sidearms, with this in mind many NCO’s choose to carry ‘non-uniform’ side arms which are able to provide much more stopping power.
Damage: 4
Penetration: 4
Special Rules None
Cost: 3


M10 Pattern Ballistic Armor:
Description:  The current model of body armor issued to USMC marines consists of a chest and back plate, in addition to a helmet, it is designed to effectively stop  small arms fire, as well as rifle fire, but is outclassed when pitted against larger caliber weapons.

  • +5 Health
  • +4 Defense
Special Rules None
Cost: 3

M12 Pattern Advanced Personal Armor:
Description:  The current model of body armor issued to USMC marines consists of a chest and back plate, in addition to a helmet, it is designed to effectively stop small arms fire, as well as rifle fire, but is outclassed when pitted against larger caliber weapons, in an effort to correct this problem the M12 Advanced Armor is in development. While outwardly similar to M10 armor, M12 armor sports a thicker layer of protection, as well as chemical resistance treatments for protection against enemy who choose to ignore conventional rules of combat.

  • +7 Health
  • +5 Defense
Special Rules

  • Acid Resistant: User takes half damage from acid based attacks
Cost: 5
Additional Items

Under slung grenade launcher (M41A Pulse Rifle Upgrade):
Description:  An under slung grenade launcher for the M41A Pulse Rifle, it fires shaped charge grenades at long range giving the average marine a way to effectively eliminate heavily armored opponents. 
Damage: 6
Penetration: 4
Special Rules

  • Blast Radius: Anyone within close range of the target will also suffer the same attack
  • Limited Supply:This weapon can only be used 3 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.
Cost 2

Side Mounted Flame Caster: (M41A Pulse Rifle Upgrade)
Description:  An side mounted light flame thrower for the M41A Pulse Rifle, it is capable of projecting a small gout of flame at any close range target in bursts of 3 seconds, any longer is unadvised due to the possibly of overheating, it is in no way a replacement for the M240B, as it is  lacking in range and power by comparison to the USMC’s flame thrower. In addition to this, the standard infantry man's armor lacks the heat shielding of the flamethrower man's "Ape Suit" and prolonged exposure to the heat and light created by the flame caster has been known to have negative effects on the senses of sight and touch.
Damage: 3
Penetration: 5
Special Rules:

  • Fire Damage The weapon's attacks are fire based. Targets with weakness to fire take additional Damage and targets with resistance to fire take less Damage accordingly. 
  • Up Close and Personal:Enemies within close range of the target, and the Shotgun's user are also struck by the Shotgun's Ranged Attacks.
  • Limited Supply This weapon can only be used 3 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.

M38 HEAP Round(Under-Slung Grenade Launcher Upgrade)
The M38 HEAP(High Explosive Armor Piercing) round is a replacement for the standard grenade round used in the M41A's underslung grenade launcher. Capable of penetrating 7cm of steel this round is extremely useful against 'hard' targets.

  • +3 Penetration when in use
Special Rules
  • Blast Radius Anyone within close range of the target will also suffer the same attack
  • Limited Supply This weapon can only be used 3 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly
Cost: 1

Heavy Anti-Personal Rounds(Pulse Rifle Upgrade) :
Description:  VERY non-standard rounds, they are designed to cause maximum damage against human targets and are currently considered contraband by the USMC due to the fact that there is currently a case being made in Geneva by several governments to make them a breach in the rules of combat.

  • +2 Penetration when in use
  • +2 Damage when in use
Special Rules None
Cost: 3

Customized Scope(Requires Pulse Rifle)
Sometimes the sights on the M41A just aren't enough to make sure that you're able to 'reach out and touch someone.' And so some of the more experienced marines in the Corps. know its a good investment to set aside some of their money for a nice rifle scope. So that when the time comes they can pick off anyone who's trying to hide in the distance.

  • +2 Accuracy
Special Rules None
Cost: 2

Full Auto(M33 Shotgun Upgrade):
Description:  Replacing the M33's pump action with a fully automatic loading system, the M33 is now capable of fully automatic firing, allowing it's user to literally paint an area with firepower. The recoil on a fully automatic M33 is many times stronger than that of the standard shotgun, giving it the nickname "the mule" amongst weapon's manufacturers with regards to its kick.

  • -2 Accuracy
Special Rules

  • Rapid Fire: Allows user to make 2 Ranged Attacks, against the same target, per turn

Heavy Gauge Shells(M33 Shotgun Upgrade)
Description: The M33 already packs a heavy punch at close range against 'soft' targets. But it is occasionally found lacking against 'hard' targets. However, the use of heavier gauge ammunition makes this problem a thing of the past. These shells give the M33 increased penetrating power and, when fired accurately, can easily knock a man off his feet.

  • +2 Penetration
Special Rules

  • Knock Back: Critical Hits cause the target to suffer -5 Agility for the next turn

Description:  Bad for your health, but good for your nerves, frowned upon by doctors yet smiled upon by fighting men and women for years. 

  • +2 Accuracy
  • +1 Luck
  • -1 Health
Special Rules None
Cost 2

A little bit of liquid courage never hurt anyone! Despite what the medics say, it puts a little hair on your chest and lets you ignore a little pain....Sadly, Marine Command doesn't share this opinion due to the adverse effects it has on marksmanship and so the only ones who seem able to get away with holding onto a little booze are those who have been in the Corps for quite a while.

  • +3 Health
  • -1 Accuracy
Special Rules None
Cost 2

Advanced Communications Gear:
Description:  The communication between NCOs and Officers is vital, with this in mind Platoon Sergeants are granted access to better radio communications gear.
Special Rules

  • Boosted Signal Allows its user to communicate with anyone who also possesses radio equipment. Regardless of any attempts to jam the signal
Cost 2

Body Hardening
Slang terminology for a practice commonly considered a 'tradition' amongst the USCM's Non-Commissioned Officers. 'Body Hardening' consists of NCO's constantly 'helping' one another to learn how to deal with pain, particularly when a member of their number receives a promotion or pay increase.

  • +2 Health
  • +1 Defense
Special Rules: None
Cost 2

Combat Knife:
Description: Blades, in one form or another have been used by men and women for thousands of years, this primitive weapon is still in use within the USMC which prides itself on training marines who are not only expert shots, but excellent hand to hand combatants. A combat knife is standard issue to every marine both for its usefulness in combat, and as a simple tool.
Damage: 1
Penetration: 1
Special Rules: None
Cost: 1

XV35 Motion Tracker:
Description:  An optional motion sensor. By detecting micro changes in air density the XV35 is able to sense movement in every direction regardless of where it is pointed. It relays this information to its user through an attached screen, as well as through a series of mechanical beeps, which grow louder and closer together as the movement draws nearer.

  • +3 Perception
  • -1 Stealth
Special Rules:

  • Partial Detection: When carried in one of the user's hands the squad will become aware of the presence and general location of enemies who would not normally be detected
Cost: 2

M111 Combat Helmet:
Description:  A stronger combat helmet, than the standard issue, the M111 possesses a radio transmitter and receiver, and is also capable of supporting a side mounted camera.   

  • +2 Health
Special Rules:

  • Radio Contact: Allows its user to communicate with anyone who also possesses radio equipment. Regardless of location as long as there is nothing jamming the signal.

Side Mounted Helmet Camera (M111 Combat Helmet Upgrade):
Description:  A side mounted camera for the M111 Helmet, it provides a constant feed to the platoon's officer, allowing him/her to evaluate the tactical situation of every member of his/her squad.   

  • +1 Perception
Special Rules: None
Cost: 1

Fragmentation Grenade:
Description: A standard grenade, designed to explode 3 seconds after its pin has been pulled, showering the immediate area with high speed, razor sharp shrapnel. Marines are encouraged to use grenades when large numbers of enemies are grouped together.
Damage: 5
Penetration: 4
Special Rules:

  • Blast Radius: Anyone within close range of the target will also suffer the same attack
  • Limited Supply:This weapon can only be used 3 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.
Cost: 2

Incendiary Grenade:
Description: A non-standard grenade, designed to explode 3 seconds after its pin has been pulled, blanketing the immediate area with flames. Marines are encouraged to use grenades when large numbers of enemies are grouped together, as well as to provide cover for an escape, or keep an advancing enemy at bay.
Damage: 3
Penetration: 6
Special Rules:

  • Fire Damage: The weapon's attacks are fire based. Targets with weakness to fire take additional Damage and targets with resistance to fire take less Damage accordingly. 
  • Continuous Flames: Targets struck by this weapon suffer 2 points of Damage for an additional 2 turns.
  • Blast Radius:Anyone within close range of the target will also suffer the same attack
  • Limited Supply: This weapon can only be used 3 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.
Cost: 2

Combat Stims:
Description: A set of stimulants issued to marines to be taken at their own discretion, these drugs increase their physical abilities for a short period of time with not immediate adverse effects, though they have been known to be habit forming.
Special Rules:

  • In The Zone: +2 Accuracy when in use
  • Shrug It Off: +4 Health when in use
  • Heightened Reflexes: +2 Agility when in use
  • Overdrive: +4 Strength when in use
  • Limited Supply: This item can only be used 3 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.
  • Addictive: This item is addictive, each time it is used the user runs a risk of getting addicted. If addicted they suffer -2 Accuracy, -2 Perception, and -1 Intelligence when they have gone too long without using the item again. It is possible for addictions to be cured.
Cost: 2

MS3 Medical Kit:
Description:  A large first aid kit, in the right hands it can be used to handle almost any battlefield injury.
Special Rules:

  • First Aid: When used, the target regains up to 4 Health.
  • Limited Supply: This item can only be used 3 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.
Cost: 2

Smoke Grenade
Description: A non-standard grenade, designed to activate 3 seconds after its pin has been pulled, blanketing the immediate area with a thick cloud of smoke. Marines are encouraged to use grenades when large numbers of enemies are grouped together, as well as to provide cover for an escape, or keep an advancing enemy at bay.
Special Rules:

  • Blinding Smoke: Attackers suffer -2 Accuracy when attempting to hit targets within the area of effect.
  • Blast Radius: Anyone within close range of the target will also be within the area of effect
  • Limited Supply: This weapon can only be used 3 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.
Cost: 2

Description: A disposable chemical torch used to light up dark areas.
Special Rules

  • Illuminated Surroundings: When used all enemies suffer -9 Stealth for 3 turns
  • Limited SupplyThis weapon can only be used 3 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.
Cost 2

Smart Gunner

This equipment is only available to the squad's smart gunner
Primary Weapon

M56 Smart Gun
Description:  The standard machine gun of the USMC. Despite the fact that the weapon weighs nearly 40 pounds, it can be easily carried and operated with the assistance of a servo-controlled harness. It is called a "smart gun" because the weapons fire is guided by an infrared tracking system on top of the gun's barrel and on a head-mounted goggle system, guided by a targeting processor in the harness. When a target is designated by the tracking system, the harness automatically guides the operator and gun to the target. Switching targets is as simple as pointing the gun's barrel at a new target. The gun can fire in a three round burst or in fully automatic
Damage: 7
Penetration: 3
Special Rules

  • Rapid Fire: Allows the user to launch three Ranged Attacks per turn at the same, or different, targets.
  • Auto Targeting: Any Ranged Attacks remaining after the designated target(s) have been killed will auto target the nearest enemy
  • Two-Handed:Requires both hands to use
Cost: 5

Secondary Weapon

VP70 Pistol
DescriptionA non-standard issue sidearm used by the USCM, the VP70 fires 9mm rounds, and possesses a level of accuracy that is superior to that of the M4A3, albeit at the sacrifice of stopping power. Marines are advised to use the VP70 only on ‘soft targets’ or as a weapon of last resort should their heavier armaments be exhausted. A common joke amongst Marine grunts about the VP70 being that the only way to really put down a target with it is to score a head shot….and even then you may have to do it twice just to be sure.
Damage: 2
Penetration: 2
Special Rules

  • Easy to Handle: +1 Accuracy when in use
Cost: 2

M4A3 Pistol:
Description: The USMC’s standard issue sidearm, the M4A3 fires 9mm rounds, and possesses respectable accuracy as well as a moderate punch. Making it slightly stronger than the VP70. However marines are still advised to make use of their heavier armaments for general combat purposes and to use the M4A3 only when their heavier armaments be exhausted.
Damage: 3
Penetration: 2
Special Rules None
Cost: 2


M10 Pattern Ballistic Armor:
Description:  The current model of body armor issued to USMC marines consists of a chest and back plate, in addition to a helmet, it is designed to effectively stop  small arms fire, as well as rifle fire, but is outclassed when pitted against larger caliber weapons.

  • +5 Health
  • +4 Defense
Special Rules None
Cost: 3

M12 Pattern Advanced Personal Armor:
Description:  The current model of body armor issued to USMC marines consists of a chest and back plate, in addition to a helmet, it is designed to effectively stop small arms fire, as well as rifle fire, but is outclassed when pitted against larger caliber weapons, in an effort to correct this problem the M12 Advanced Armor is in development. While outwardly similar to M10 armor, M12 armor sports a thicker layer of protection, as well as chemical resistance treatments for protection against enemy who choose to ignore conventional rules of combat.

  • +7 Health
  • +5 Defense
Special Rules

  • Acid Resistant: User takes half damage from acid based attacks
Cost: 5

Additional Items

Radioactive Ammunition:(M56 Smart Gun Upgrade)
Description:  Recently approved for anti-terrorism operations, after a military tribunal’s decision that those who would target innocents do not deserve protection under the rules of war, using self contained radioactive slugs which shatter upon penetrating their target, the smart gun is able to cause wounds that slow down, and inevitably kill their victim without near instant medical care. Some marines have expressed hesitation to using radioactive rounds, claiming them to be ‘bad juju’

  • -2 Luck
Special Rules:

  • Radioactive Wounds: Targets attacked by the user's Smart Gun suffer a permanent  -2 Agility as well as -2 Health per turn until healed of radiation poisoning
Cost: 1

Continuous Cycling Barrel:(M56 Smart Gun Upgrade)
Description:Studys have shown that due to a maximum in human reaction speeds there exists a 1-1.5 second 'window' between when a Smart Gunner will spot a target and decide to open fire, and when the first round leaves the Smart Gun after the barrel has had time to cycle up. To counteract this a continuously cycling barrel system can be used.

  • +2 Damage when using the Smart Gun
Special Rules: None
Cost: 2

Magnetic Velocity Enhancer(M56 Smart Gun Upgrade)
The relatively light caliber of the smartgun's rounds has caused many members of USCM command to question whether a new round need be designed and produced. The costs of the associated re-fitting and re-supplying, to get these rounds into the field would be quite considerable. In order to avoid these costs Marine Command is experimenting with using magnetic coils built into the smartgun's barrel to accelerate the weapon's rounds even further before they exit the weapon. Hopes are high that this will offer the smart gun greater punching power at a much lower monetary cost.

  • +2 Penetration when using the Smart Gun
Special Rules: none
Cost 2

Secondary Heat Sink(M56 Smart Gun Upgrade)
Description: The intense heat produced by the smart gun's operation, while not always a factor during short skirmishes, can become a hindrance during longer firefights. So much so that smart gunners have been known to be forced to cease firing entirely for fear of overheating their weapon's barrel or it's computer processor. In order to fix this problem an additional heat sink can be attached to the weapon, allowing it to remain at optimal operating temperatures almost indefinitely.
Special Rules:

  • Pour It On Um!: Allows the Smart Gun's user to launch an additional Ranged Attack each turn. Bringing the total number of possible Ranged Attacks per turn to 4.
Cost: 2

Enhanced Computer Response(M56 Smart Gun Upgrade)
Description: Upgrades to the smart gun's computer processor's target acquisition software, as well as it's raw computing power, have allowed for upgraded smart guns to have improved accuracy against all targets.
Effects: + 2 Accuracy when using the Smart Gun
Special Rules: None
Cost: 2

E5 Advanced Targeting Lens:(M56 Smart Gun Upgrade)
Description: A lens fitted over the Smart Gunner’s eye it replaces the standard targeting lens and allows for the Smart Gunner to more easily prioritize targets, as well as better focus their fire on specific areas of said targets.
Special Rules:

  • Weak Point Targeting: +10% chances of a Critical Hit against targets who have already been analyzed.
  • Designated Auto Targeting The Smart Gun's Auto Targeting ability can be switched to target either the closest enemy, or the most dangerous one. 
Cost: 2

Lightened Frame:(M56 Smart Gun Upgrade)
The average Smartgun weighs in excess of 40lbs, even with a sevo-assisted harness this can prove to be quite a burden for the weapon's operator. As such newer production runs of the Smartgun have been constructed out of more advanced alloys which offer a lighter weight to mass ratio while still maintaining the weapon's toughness.

  • +2 Agility
Special Rules: None
Cost: 2

Polymer Chest Plate(M56 Smart Gun Upgrade)
Smartgunners normally come under more fire than other marines, this is simply because of the enemy's tendency to focus their fire on the one with the biggest gun. In order to compensate for this USMC command has begun issuing new polymer chest plates to smartgunners in the hopes that the added protection will help cut down on casualties.

  • +3 Health
Special Rules: None
Cost: 3

Rear View Mirror:
Description: Taken from a bike, a car, a bathroom, or a barbershop, a Smart Gunner's rear view mirror is exactly what it sounds like a mirror the smart gunner can use to make sure nothing is sneaking up behind him/her rather than having to turn around with his/her heavy harness

  • +2 Perception
Special Rules: None
Cost: 1

AP Rounds(Pistol Upgrade):
Description: Many marines find their service pistols lacking in the ability to penetrate its target’s defenses, with this in mind many arms manufacturers have taken to producing alternate forms of ammunition to be sold privately to the marines, the most popular is the armor piercing round, replacing the standard 9mm round with a uranium tipped round more capable of penetrating most  light armors.

  • +1 Penetration when using a Pistol
Special Rules: None
Cost: 1

Laser Sight(Pistol Upgrade):
Description: A flaw inherent in the pistol's design is the loss of accuracy it's user's typically suffer when attempting to use such weapons at longer ranges. To minimize this loss many marines place a laser sight on their pistols. Taking the form of a small red beam of light projected by a laser pointer that has been attached to the weapon's barrel. Laser sights can make it much easier to fire accurately with a pistol.

  • +2 Accuracy when using a Pistol
Special Rules: None
Cost: 1

Combat Knife:
Description: Blades, in one form or another have been used by men and women for thousands of years, this primitive weapon is still in use within the USMC which prides itself on training marines who are not only expert shots, but excellent hand to hand combatants. A combat knife is standard issue to every marine both for its usefulness in combat, and as a simple tool.
Damage: 1
Penetration: 1
Special Rules: None
Cost: 1

XV35 Motion Tracker:
Description:  An optional motion sensor. By detecting micro changes in air density the XV35 is able to sense movement in every direction regardless of where it is pointed. It relays this information to its user through an attached screen, as well as through a series of mechanical beeps, which grow louder and closer together as the movement draws nearer.

  • +3 Perception
  • -1 Stealth
Special Rules:

  • Partial Detection: When carried in one of the user's hands the squad will become aware of the presence and general location of enemies who would not normally be detected
Cost: 2

M111 Combat Helmet:
Description:  A stronger combat helmet, than the standard issue, the M111 possesses a radio transmitter and receiver, and is also capable of supporting a side mounted camera.   

  • +2 Health
Special Rules:

  • Radio Contact: Allows its user to communicate with anyone who also possesses radio equipment. Regardless of location as long as there is nothing jamming the signal.
Cost: 1

Side Mounted Helmet Camera (M111 Combat Helmet Upgrade):
Description:  A side mounted camera for the M111 Helmet, it provides a constant feed to the platoon's officer, allowing him/her to evaluate the tactical situation of every member of his/her squad.   

  • +1 Perception
Special Rules: None
Cost: 1

Fragmentation Grenade:
Description: A standard grenade, designed to explode 3 seconds after its pin has been pulled, showering the immediate area with high speed, razor sharp shrapnel. Marines are encouraged to use grenades when large numbers of enemies are grouped together.
Damage: 5
Penetration: 4
Special Rules:

  • Blast Radius: Anyone within close range of the target will also suffer the same attack
  • Limited Supply:This weapon can only be used 3 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.

I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

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Things I Enjoy 
My Apologies.


Here is the second portion of the equipment lists. Each player only needs to read the section devoted to the position they want to fill. But obviously everyone is more than welcome to read the whole thing.


    Primary Weapon

    M42A Scoped Rifle
    Description: The M42A Scoped Rifle is employed as the primary sniper weapon of the USCM. The M42A is equipped with a sensor scope offering up to twenty times magnification who's display shows a composite image based on visual and infrared emissions. Additionally the weapon features a fully adjustable stock, a folding bipod, and a barrel which is free-floating and contained within a protective shroud. All of these elements, in addition to the weapon's greater armor penetration than the M41A, combine to create an ideal weapon for the long range marksmen of the USCM.
    Damage 8
    Penetration 7
    Special Rules

    • Reach Out and Touch Someone+1 Accuracy against targets at long range.
    • Two-Handed:Requires both hands to use

    M41A Pulse Rifle:
    Description: The standard USMC firearm, it is as much a symbol of mankind’s mastery of technology and warfare as it is a deadly weapon, the M41A is capable of firing in either semi-automatic, 3 round burst, or full auto modes. It fires the standard high velocity armor piercing round, and is capable of supporting multiple modifications. It is light, compact, easy to use, and even easier to maintain, the only thing that’s hard to do is break it. Every marine must qualify with the M41A before completing their training to insure that, should the need arise any member of the USMC is able to pick up a rifle and join the fight.
    Damage 5
    Penetration 5
    Special Rules

    • Two-Handed:Requires both hands to use

    M33 Shotgun:
    Description:  The M33 is a pump action shotgun, designed for use in close quarters and urban settings, it is made to offer the greatest amount of punching power while remaining as compact and manageable as possible, it is somewhat less effective at range due to the large spread of its shot as a result of its shortened barrel.   
    Damage 6
    Penetration 3
    Special Rules

    • Up Close and Personal:Enemies within close range of the target, and the Shotgun's user are also struck by the Shotgun's Ranged Attacks
    • Two-Handed:Requires both hands to use
    Secondary Weapon

    VP70 Pistol
    DescriptionA non-standard issue sidearm used by the USCM, the VP70 fires 9mm rounds, and possesses a level of accuracy that is superior to that of the M4A3, albeit at the sacrifice of stopping power. Marines are advised to use the VP70 only on ‘soft targets’ or as a weapon of last resort should their heavier armaments be exhausted. A common joke amongst Marine grunts about the VP70 being that the only way to really put down a target with it is to score a head shot….and even then you may have to do it twice just to be sure.
    Damage: 2
    Penetration: 2
    Special Rules

    • Easy to Handle: +1 Accuracy when in use
    Cost: 2

    M4A3 Pistol:
    Description: The USMC’s standard issue sidearm, the M4A3 fires 9mm rounds, and possesses respectable accuracy as well as a moderate punch. Making it slightly stronger than the VP70. However marines are still advised to make use of their heavier armaments for general combat purposes and to use the M4A3 only when their heavier armaments be exhausted.
    Damage: 3
    Penetration: 2
    Special Rules None
    Cost: 2

    M5 RPG
    The M5 RPG (Rocket Propelled Grenade) is shoulder launched reloadable anti-armor weapon, while low tech compared to most other ant-armor weapons, its small size and light weight make it perfect for small infantry squads.
    Damage 12
    Penetration 8
    Special Rules

    • Blast RadiusAnyone within close range of the target will also suffer the same attack
    • Limited SupplyThis weapon can only be used 1 time before the user runs out of ammunition, selecting an upgrade for the RPG increases ammunition supply accordingly.
    • Two HandedRequires both hands to use
    Cost: 4


    M10 Pattern Ballistic Armor:
    Description:  The current model of body armor issued to USMC marines consists of a chest and back plate, in addition to a helmet, it is designed to effectively stop  small arms fire, as well as rifle fire, but is outclassed when pitted against larger caliber weapons.

    • +5 Health
    • +4 Defense
    Special Rules None
    Cost: 3

    M12 Pattern Advanced Personal Armor:
    Description:  The current model of body armor issued to USMC marines consists of a chest and back plate, in addition to a helmet, it is designed to effectively stop small arms fire, as well as rifle fire, but is outclassed when pitted against larger caliber weapons, in an effort to correct this problem the M12 Advanced Armor is in development. While outwardly similar to M10 armor, M12 armor sports a thicker layer of protection, as well as chemical resistance treatments for protection against enemy who choose to ignore conventional rules of combat.

    • +7 Health
    • +5 Defense
    Special Rules

    • Acid Resistant: User takes half damage from acid based attacks
    Cost: 5

    Additional Items

    Under slung grenade launcher (M41A Pulse Rifle Upgrade):
    Description:  An under slung grenade launcher for the M41A Pulse Rifle, it fires shaped charge grenades at long range giving the average marine a way to effectively eliminate heavily armored opponents. 
    Damage: 6
    Penetration: 4
    Special Rules

    • Blast Radius: Anyone within close range of the target will also suffer the same attack
    • Limited Supply:This weapon can only be used 3 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.
    Cost 2

    Side Mounted Flame Caster: (M41A Pulse Rifle Upgrade)
    Description:  An side mounted light flame thrower for the M41A Pulse Rifle, it is capable of projecting a small gout of flame at any close range target in bursts of 3 seconds, any longer is unadvised due to the possibly of overheating, it is in no way a replacement for the M240B, as it is  lacking in range and power by comparison to the USMC’s flame thrower. In addition to this, the standard infantry man's armor lacks the heat shielding of the flamethrower man's "Ape Suit" and prolonged exposure to the heat and light created by the flame caster has been known to have negative effects on the senses of sight and touch.
    Damage: 3
    Penetration: 5
    Special Rules:

    • Fire Damage The weapon's attacks are fire based. Targets with weakness to fire take additional Damage and targets with resistance to fire take less Damage accordingly. 
    • Up Close and Personal:Enemies within close range of the target, and the Shotgun's user are also struck by the Shotgun's Ranged Attacks.
    • Limited Supply This weapon can only be used 3 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.
    Cost 2

    Uranium Tipped Rounds(M41A Pulse Rifle Upgrade):
    Description: A M41A round type designed to penetrate heavy armor.

    • +2 Penetration when in use
    Special Rules None
    Cost  2

    Explosive Tipped Rounds(M41A Pulse Rifle Upgrade):
    Description: A M41A round type designed cause maximum damage to enemies while destroying any protection they may be hiding behind.

    • +10% Critical Hit Chance when in use
    Special Rules None
    Cost 2

    Hollow Point Rounds (M41A Pulse Rifle Upgrade):
    Description: A M41A round type designed to cause maximum damage against lighter armored foes.

    • +3 Damage when in use
    Special Rules None
    Cost 2

    Full Auto(M33 Shotgun Upgrade):
    Description:  Replacing the M33's pump action with a fully automatic loading system, the M33 is now capable of fully automatic firing, allowing it's user to literally paint an area with firepower. The recoil on a fully automatic M33 is many times stronger than that of the standard shotgun, giving it the nickname "the mule" amongst weapon's manufacturers with regards to its kick.

    • -2 Accuracy
    Special Rules

    • Rapid Fire: Allows user to make 2 Ranged Attacks, against the same target, per turn
    Cost 1

    Heavy Gauge Shells(M33 Shotgun Upgrade)
    Description: The M33 already packs a heavy punch at close range against 'soft' targets. But it is occasionally found lacking against 'hard' targets. However, the use of heavier gauge ammunition makes this problem a thing of the past. These shells give the M33 increased penetrating power and, when fired accurately, can easily knock a man off his feet.

    • +2 Penetration
    Special Rules

    • Knock Back: Critical Hits cause the target to suffer -5 Agility for the next turn
    Cost 2

    X-73 'Marker' Rounds(M42A Scoped Rifle Upgrade)
    Description: A part of The Chigusa Corporation's "Prometheus Tech" line of advanced weaponry, the X-73 'Marker' Round is a hollow point round that has been filled with a bright yellow liquid who's exact composition is highly classified. Any surface this liquid comes into contact with will, in addition to being made easily visible due the liquids color, will become easily detectible by any and all local targeting systems, including those utilized by the Smart Gun and the Sentry Gun. In short the X-73 allows marines equipped with the M42A to assist their squad mates with target acquisition.

    • -4 Damage when in use
    Special Rules

    • Marked Target: All allies gain +3 Accuracy against user's target.
    Cost 2

    X-70 'Shocker' Rounds(M42A Scoped Rifle Upgrade)
    Description: Another product of The Chigusa Corporation's 'Prometheus Tech' the X-70 is a fin stabilized, electrically charged slug. It is designed to disable or destroy an enemy's advanced weapon systems. When the X-70 impacts with it's target it delivers a high intensity electric shock. On organic targets this can result in temporary loss of motor function. Any advanced electronics struck by the round are likely to suffer near-catastrophic failure, with several successful hits even having proven effective against electromagnetically hardened targets.

    • -2 Damage
    Special Rules

    • Loss of Motor Control: Targets suffer -3 Agility when struck
    • Equipment Failure: Target has a 50% chance of having a piece of it's electrical equipment rendered useless for 2 turns.
    • Cumulative Effect: Repeated strikes can overwhelm a target's resistance to electric damage.
    Cost 2

    Spare RPG Rocket (M5 RPG Upgrade)
    Description: Extra rocket grenades for the M5 RPG.
    Special Rules

    • Reload!: Each selection of the Spare RPG Rocket allows the M5 RPG to be fired an additional time.
    • Limited Supply: This item can only be used 1 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.
    Cost 1

    Lucky Round:
    Description: It is common practice within the USMC for marines to save the casing of the very first round they fire with their issued rifle, the casing is said to bring good luck when it is needed most.

    • +3 Luck
    Special Rules None
    Cost 2

    Stun Grenades:
    Description: Specialty grenade used to stun an opponent with a flash of light and a loud concussive bang, causing temporary blindness, deafness, and disorientation. A bit more complicated to use than the average grenade they have been known to allow marines to clear an entire room without taking any fire at all.
    Special Rules

    • Stun Enemies struck by this weapon suffer -5 Accuracy, -2 Agility and -5 Perception for one turn.
    • Blast RadiusAnyone within close range of the target will also suffer the same attack
    • Limited Supply This weapon can only be used 3 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.
    Cost 2

    Satchel Charge:
    Description: Charges used to destroy walls, doors, and in large enough amounts buildings, they can prove a useful tool to a group of marines who need to make a new 'door'
    Damage 15
    Penetration 9
    Special Rules

    • Large Blast Radius Anyone within medium range of the target will also suffer the same attack
    • Adjustable DetonatorThe Satchel Charge can either be detonated via a remote control or via a timed fuse
    • Limited SupplyThis weapon can only be used 1 time before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.
    Cost 3

    Shoulder Born Flashlight:
    Description: A simple flashlight placed on the shoulder pads of an infantry man's armor, allowing him/her to make the dark a little easier to see in.

    • +3 Perception
    • -1 Stealth
    Special Rules: 2

    AP Rounds(Pistol Upgrade):
    Description: Many marines find their service pistols lacking in the ability to penetrate its target’s defenses, with this in mind many arms manufacturers have taken to producing alternate forms of ammunition to be sold privately to the marines, the most popular is the armor piercing round, replacing the standard 9mm round with a uranium tipped round more capable of penetrating most  light armors.

    • +1 Penetration when using a Pistol
    Special Rules: None
    Cost: 1

    Laser Sight(Pistol Upgrade):
    Description: A flaw inherent in the pistol's design is the loss of accuracy it's user's typically suffer when attempting to use such weapons at longer ranges. To minimize this loss many marines place a laser sight on their pistols. Taking the form of a small red beam of light projected by a laser pointer that has been attached to the weapon's barrel. Laser sights can make it much easier to fire accurately with a pistol.

    • +2 Accuracy when using a Pistol
    Special Rules: None
    Cost: 1

    Combat Knife:
    Description: Blades, in one form or another have been used by men and women for thousands of years, this primitive weapon is still in use within the USMC which prides itself on training marines who are not only expert shots, but excellent hand to hand combatants. A combat knife is standard issue to every marine both for its usefulness in combat, and as a simple tool.
    Damage: 1
    Penetration: 1
    Special Rules: None
    Cost: 1

    XV35 Motion Tracker:
    Description:  An optional motion sensor. By detecting micro changes in air density the XV35 is able to sense movement in every direction regardless of where it is pointed. It relays this information to its user through an attached screen, as well as through a series of mechanical beeps, which grow louder and closer together as the movement draws nearer.

    • +3 Perception
    • -1 Stealth
    Special Rules:

    • Partial Detection: When carried in one of the user's hands the squad will become aware of the presence and general location of enemies who would not normally be detected
    Cost: 2

    M111 Combat Helmet:
    Description:  A stronger combat helmet, than the standard issue, the M111 possesses a radio transmitter and receiver, and is also capable of supporting a side mounted camera.   

    • +2 Health
    Special Rules:

    • Radio Contact: Allows its user to communicate with anyone who also possesses radio equipment. Regardless of location as long as there is nothing jamming the signal.
    Cost: 1

    Side Mounted Helmet Camera (M111 Combat Helmet Upgrade):
    Description:  A side mounted camera for the M111 Helmet, it provides a constant feed to the platoon's officer, allowing him/her to evaluate the tactical situation of every member of his/her squad.   

    • +1 Perception
    Special Rules: None
    Cost: 1

    Fragmentation Grenade:
    Description: A standard grenade, designed to explode 3 seconds after its pin has been pulled, showering the immediate area with high speed, razor sharp shrapnel. Marines are encouraged to use grenades when large numbers of enemies are grouped together.
    Damage: 5
    Penetration: 4
    Special Rules:

    • Blast Radius: Anyone within close range of the target will also suffer the same attack
    • Limited Supply:This weapon can only be used 3 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.
    Cost: 2

    Incendiary Grenade:
    Description: A non-standard grenade, designed to explode 3 seconds after its pin has been pulled, blanketing the immediate area with flames. Marines are encouraged to use grenades when large numbers of enemies are grouped together, as well as to provide cover for an escape, or keep an advancing enemy at bay.
    Damage: 3
    Penetration: 6
    Special Rules:

    • Fire Damage: The weapon's attacks are fire based. Targets with weakness to fire take additional Damage and targets with resistance to fire take less Damage accordingly. 
    • Continuous Flames: Targets struck by this weapon suffer 2 points of Damage for an additional 2 turns.
    • Blast Radius:Anyone within close range of the target will also suffer the same attack
    • Limited Supply: This weapon can only be used 3 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.
    Cost: 2

    Combat Stims:
    Description: A set of stimulants issued to marines to be taken at their own discretion, these drugs increase their physical abilities for a short period of time with not immediate adverse effects, though they have been known to be habit forming.
    Special Rules:

    • In The Zone: +2 Accuracy when in use
    • Shrug It Off: +4 Health when in use
    • Heightened Reflexes: +2 Agility when in use
    • Overdrive: +4 Strength when in use
    • Limited Supply: This item can only be used 3 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.
    • Addictive: This item is addictive, each time it is used the user runs a risk of getting addicted. If addicted they suffer -2 Accuracy, -2 Perception, and -1 Intelligence when they have gone too long without using the item again. It is possible for addictions to be cured.
    Cost: 2

    MS3 Medical Kit:
    Description:  A large first aid kit, in the right hands it can be used to handle almost any battlefield injury.
    Special Rules:

    • First Aid: When used, the target regains up to 4 Health.
    • Limited Supply: This item can only be used 3 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.
    Cost: 2

    Smoke Grenade
    Description: A non-standard grenade, designed to activate 3 seconds after its pin has been pulled, blanketing the immediate area with a thick cloud of smoke. Marines are encouraged to use grenades when large numbers of enemies are grouped together, as well as to provide cover for an escape, or keep an advancing enemy at bay.
    Special Rules:

    • Blinding Smoke: Attackers suffer -2 Accuracy when attempting to hit targets within the area of effect.
    • Blast Radius: Anyone within close range of the target will also be within the area of effect
    • Limited Supply: This weapon can only be used 3 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.
    Cost: 2

    Description: A disposable chemical torch used to light up dark areas.
    Special Rules

    • Illuminated Surroundings: When used all enemies suffer -9 Stealth for 3 turns
    • Limited SupplyThis weapon can only be used 3 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.
    Cost 2

    Flamethrower Man

    Primary Weapon

    M260B Flamethrower(Required):
    Description: The M260B Incinerator Unit is a lightweight, carbine-style flamethrower which uses a pressurized ultra-thickened napthal fuel. The M260B Incinerator Unit can be supplied either through canisters or a direct mains supply.
    Damage 7
    Penetration 4
    Special Rules

    • Fire DamageThe weapon's attacks are fire based. Targets with weakness to fire take additional Damage and targets with resistance to fire take less Damage accordingly. 
    • Up Close and PersonalEnemies within close range of the target, and the M260B's user are also struck by the M260B's Ranged Attacks
    • Limited Range Suffers -5 Accuracy at Long Range
    • Two HandedRequires both hands to use

    Secondary Weapon

    VP70 Pistol
    DescriptionA non-standard issue sidearm used by the USCM, the VP70 fires 9mm rounds, and possesses a level of accuracy that is superior to that of the M4A3, albeit at the sacrifice of stopping power. Marines are advised to use the VP70 only on ‘soft targets’ or as a weapon of last resort should their heavier armaments be exhausted. A common joke amongst Marine grunts about the VP70 being that the only way to really put down a target with it is to score a head shot….and even then you may have to do it twice just to be sure.
    Damage: 2
    Penetration: 2
    Special Rules

    • Easy to Handle: +1 Accuracy when in use
    Cost: 2

    M4A3 Pistol:
    Description: The USMC’s standard issue sidearm, the M4A3 fires 9mm rounds, and possesses respectable accuracy as well as a moderate punch. Making it slightly stronger than the VP70. However marines are still advised to make use of their heavier armaments for general combat purposes and to use the M4A3 only when their heavier armaments be exhausted.
    Damage: 3
    Penetration: 2
    Special Rules None
    Cost: 2

    M119 Ape Suit:
    Description: The standard armor for a squad’s flame thrower man, it is capable of protecting its wearer from the M240’s flames as well as any other flames. The suit itself is completely sealed with a smooth, re-enforced faceplate.

    • +8 Health
    • +5 Defense
    Special Rules

    • Immune to Flame The Flamethrower Man is immune to fire based damage
    • Shielded Face The Flamethrower Man is immune to facehugger attacks
    Cost: 6

    M10 Pattern Ballistic Armor:
    Description:  The current model of body armor issued to USMC marines consists of a chest and back plate, in addition to a helmet, it is designed to effectively stop  small arms fire, as well as rifle fire, but is outclassed when pitted against larger caliber weapons.

    • +5 Health
    • +4 Defense
    Special Rules None
    Cost: 3

    M12 Pattern Advanced Personal Armor:
    Description:  The current model of body armor issued to USMC marines consists of a chest and back plate, in addition to a helmet, it is designed to effectively stop small arms fire, as well as rifle fire, but is outclassed when pitted against larger caliber weapons, in an effort to correct this problem the M12 Advanced Armor is in development. While outwardly similar to M10 armor, M12 armor sports a thicker layer of protection, as well as chemical resistance treatments for protection against enemy who choose to ignore conventional rules of combat.

    • +7 Health
    • +5 Defense
    Special Rules

    • Acid Resistant: User takes half damage from acid based attacks
    Cost: 5
    Additional Items

    Range Reactive Nozzle(M260B Flamethrower Upgrade):
    Description:A targeting system for the M240 Incinerator Unit, using a laser sight the M240 is able to measure the distance between its barrel and the target. The M240 responds by either expanding or contracting its flame nozzle, allowing it to project either a tight stream of flame or a wall of fire depending on which which will be more effective.
    Special Rules:

    • Increased Range: The M260B no longer suffers an Accuracy Penalty at Long Range
    Cost: 2

    Thermite-Plasma Remix(M260B Flamethrower Upgrade)
    Description: The replacement of the M240's napthal fuel with the currently top secret chemical substance known as Thermite-Plasma. Developed as part of the Chigusa Corporation's "Prometheus Tech" advanced weapons line, Thermite-Plasma offers a much hotter burn heat than napthal with no known drawbacks.

    • +2 Damage
    Special Rules:
    Cost: 2

    White Phosphorous Injection(M260B Flamethrower Upgrade)
    Description: Commonly used in incendiary grenades white phosphorous can also be added to flamethrower fuel. When a flamethrower that has had white phosphorous fires it not only projects flames but also tiny burning pieces of white phosphorous. Each one of these tiny pieces lets off extreme amounts of heat at levels so high that even those normally shielded from flame attacks are damaged.

    • +2 Penetration
    Special Rules:

    • Intense Flames Targets who would normally be Immune to Flames are only Resistant to Flames when attacked by the M260B
    Cost: 2

    Adhesive Napthal(M260B Flamethrower Upgrade)
    Description: The addition of adhesives to the M260B's Napthal fuel is one of the many 'home grown' modifications that marines have been known to utilize in order to make their weapons more effective. The adhesives, which for best effect should themselves be heat activated, allow the Napthal to stick to any surface it impacts on. Meaning that any targets struck by the M260B will continue to burn even after they have stopped taking direct fire from the M260B. 
    Special Rules:

    • Continuous FlamesTargets struck by this weapon suffer 2 points of Damage for an additional 2 turns.
    Cost: 2

    Fuel Tank Detonation (M260B Flamethrower Upgrade)
    Description: While Marine High Command tries to suppress it, nearly all flamethrower men know that a pair of pliers, and a bit of tape are all that is needed to transform the M260B into an incendiary explosive. When the weapon's fuel valve is pinched shut and it's trigger depressed, the M260B quickly builds up catastrophic levels of pressure which will quickly result in the flame thrower losing it's integrity and exploding in a blast of burning Napthal and shrapnel. While the weapon is lost in the process, the technique is still useful for when a large fiery explosion is needed.
    Damage 10
    Penetration: 8
    Special Rules

    • Fire DamageThe weapon's attacks are fire based. Targets with weakness to fire take additional Damage and targets with resistance to fire take less Damage accordingly. 
    • Continuous Flames: Targets struck by this weapon suffer 2 points of Damage for an additional 2 turns.
    • Blast Radius:Anyone within close range of the target will also suffer the same attack
    • Weapon Loss The use of this ability destroys the M260B
    • Limited Supply:This weapon can only be used 1 time before the user runs out of ammunition.
    Cost 1

    Air Burst Setting(M260B Flamethrower Upgrade)
    Description: The M260B can be upgraded with an 'air burst' firing mode. When set to 'air burst' the M260B will emit a fine mist of fuel for a split second, before it's igniter activates. The result is that as soon as the weapon ignites it's fuel a large ball of fire is produced as the mist of Napthal quickly catches flame. This setting is useful for forcing targets back and away from the user. 
    Special Rules:

    • Wall of Fire: Enemies attacked by the user are unable to make melee attacks against the user during their next turn.
    Cost 2

    M120 N.B.C. Warfare Kit(M119 Ape Suit Upgrade):
    Description: An upgrade The standard armor for a squad’s flame thrower man, with the realization that any battle involving flame throwers will most likely involve chemical warfare the Nuclear Biological Chemical Warfare Kit offers protection from almost all forms of non-standard attack.
    Special Rules

    • Acid Immunity User is immune to Acid based attacks
    Cost: 2

    Powered Joints(M119 Ape Suit Upgrade):
    Description: An upgrade The standard armor for a squad’s flame thrower man, mechanical motors are built into the joints of his/her suit allowing him/her to move with a before unknown level of grace for a heavy weapons specialist.

    • +2 Agility
    Special Rules None
    Cost 2

    Kinetic Dampeners(M119 Ape Suit Upgrade)
    An upgrade for the standard armor for a squad’s flame thrower man, kinetic dampening systems are built into the suit in order to allow the marine to have much more stable footing even when faced with forces that would normally knock them from their feet.
    Special Rules:

    • Sure Footed: User is immune to all but the most powerful of knockback causing attacks.
    Cost: 2

    AP Rounds(Pistol Upgrade):
    Description: Many marines find their service pistols lacking in the ability to penetrate its target’s defenses, with this in mind many arms manufacturers have taken to producing alternate forms of ammunition to be sold privately to the marines, the most popular is the armor piercing round, replacing the standard 9mm round with a uranium tipped round more capable of penetrating most  light armors.

    • +1 Penetration when using a Pistol
    Special Rules: None
    Cost: 1

    Laser Sight(Pistol Upgrade):
    Description: A flaw inherent in the pistol's design is the loss of accuracy it's user's typically suffer when attempting to use such weapons at longer ranges. To minimize this loss many marines place a laser sight on their pistols. Taking the form of a small red beam of light projected by a laser pointer that has been attached to the weapon's barrel. Laser sights can make it much easier to fire accurately with a pistol.

    • +2 Accuracy when using a Pistol
    Special Rules: None
    Cost: 1

    Combat Knife:
    Description: Blades, in one form or another have been used by men and women for thousands of years, this primitive weapon is still in use within the USMC which prides itself on training marines who are not only expert shots, but excellent hand to hand combatants. A combat knife is standard issue to every marine both for its usefulness in combat, and as a simple tool.
    Damage: 1
    Penetration: 1
    Special Rules: None
    Cost: 1

    XV35 Motion Tracker:
    Description:  An optional motion sensor. By detecting micro changes in air density the XV35 is able to sense movement in every direction regardless of where it is pointed. It relays this information to its user through an attached screen, as well as through a series of mechanical beeps, which grow louder and closer together as the movement draws nearer.

    • +3 Perception
    • -1 Stealth
    Special Rules:

    • Partial Detection: When carried in one of the user's hands the squad will become aware of the presence and general location of enemies who would not normally be detected
    Cost: 2

    M111 Combat Helmet:
    Description:  A stronger combat helmet, than the standard issue, the M111 possesses a radio transmitter and receiver, and is also capable of supporting a side mounted camera.   

    • +2 Health
    Special Rules:

    • Radio Contact: Allows its user to communicate with anyone who also possesses radio equipment. Regardless of location as long as there is nothing jamming the signal.
    Cost: 1

    Side Mounted Helmet Camera (M111 Combat Helmet Upgrade):
    Description:  A side mounted camera for the M111 Helmet, it provides a constant feed to the platoon's officer, allowing him/her to evaluate the tactical situation of every member of his/her squad.   

    • +1 Perception
    Special Rules: None
    Cost: 1

    Fragmentation Grenade:
    Description: A standard grenade, designed to explode 3 seconds after its pin has been pulled, showering the immediate area with high speed, razor sharp shrapnel. Marines are encouraged to use grenades when large numbers of enemies are grouped together.
    Damage: 5
    Penetration: 4
    Special Rules:

    • Blast Radius: Anyone within close range of the target will also suffer the same attack
    • Limited Supply:This weapon can only be used 3 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.
    Cost: 2

    Incendiary Grenade:
    Description: A non-standard grenade, designed to explode 3 seconds after its pin has been pulled, blanketing the immediate area with flames. Marines are encouraged to use grenades when large numbers of enemies are grouped together, as well as to provide cover for an escape, or keep an advancing enemy at bay.
    Damage: 3
    Penetration: 6
    Special Rules:

    • Fire Damage: The weapon's attacks are fire based. Targets with weakness to fire take additional Damage and targets with resistance to fire take less Damage accordingly. 
    • Continuous Flames: Targets struck by this weapon suffer 2 points of Damage for an additional 2 turns.
    • Blast Radius:Anyone within close range of the target will also suffer the same attack
    • Limited Supply: This weapon can only be used 3 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.
    Cost: 2

    Combat Stims:
    Description: A set of stimulants issued to marines to be taken at their own discretion, these drugs increase their physical abilities for a short period of time with not immediate adverse effects, though they have been known to be habit forming.
    Special Rules:

    • In The Zone: +2 Accuracy when in use
    • Shrug It Off: +4 Health when in use
    • Heightened Reflexes: +2 Agility when in use
    • Overdrive: +4 Strength when in use
    • Limited Supply: This item can only be used 3 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.
    • Addictive: This item is addictive, each time it is used the user runs a risk of getting addicted. If addicted they suffer -2 Accuracy, -2 Perception, and -1 Intelligence when they have gone too long without using the item again. It is possible for addictions to be cured.
    Cost: 2

    MS3 Medical Kit:
    Description:  A large first aid kit, in the right hands it can be used to handle almost any battlefield injury.
    Special Rules:

    • First Aid: When used, the target regains up to 4 Health.
    • Limited Supply: This item can only be used 3 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.
    Cost: 2

    Smoke Grenade
    Description: A non-standard grenade, designed to activate 3 seconds after its pin has been pulled, blanketing the immediate area with a thick cloud of smoke. Marines are encouraged to use grenades when large numbers of enemies are grouped together, as well as to provide cover for an escape, or keep an advancing enemy at bay.
    Special Rules:

    • Blinding Smoke: Attackers suffer -2 Accuracy when attempting to hit targets within the area of effect.
    • Blast Radius: Anyone within close range of the target will also be within the area of effect
    • Limited Supply: This weapon can only be used 3 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.
    Cost: 2


    Primary Weapon

    M33 Shotgun:
    Description:  The M33 is a pump action shotgun, designed for use in close quarters and urban settings, it is made to offer the greatest amount of punching power while remaining as compact and manageable as possible, it is somewhat less effective at range due to the large spread of its shot as a result of its shortened barrel.   
    Damage 5
    Penetration 3
    Special Rules

    • Up Close and Personal:Enemies within close range of the target, and the Shotgun's user are also struck by the Shotgun's Ranged Attacks
    • Two-Handed:Requires both hands to use
    Cost 5

    M27 Submachine Gun
    Description:  International law currently prohibits issuing pulse action firearms to synthetics. With this in mind Marine High Command has taken to using M27s as one of the replacement weapons for it's synthetic personnel. The weapon itself fires a relatively low-powered round when compared to the M41A, making the M27 less effective against armored opponents. However, it's lack of penetrating power also makes it useful in urban operations where collateral damage may be a concern, as walls and other obstacles in the environment will effectively stop stray rounds, thereby minimizing the risk to innocent bystanders. Additionally the weapon's prodigious rate of fire means that any targets who are not heavily armored can be easily put down by the M27.
    Special Rules

    • Rapid Fire  Allows user to make 2 Ranged Attacks, against the same target, per turn
    • Two Handed Requires both hands to use
    Cost 5

    Secondary Weapon

    VP70 Pistol
    DescriptionA non-standard issue sidearm used by the USCM, the VP70 fires 9mm rounds, and possesses a level of accuracy that is superior to that of the M4A3, albeit at the sacrifice of stopping power. Marines are advised to use the VP70 only on ‘soft targets’ or as a weapon of last resort should their heavier armaments be exhausted. A common joke amongst Marine grunts about the VP70 being that the only way to really put down a target with it is to score a head shot….and even then you may have to do it twice just to be sure.
    Damage: 2
    Penetration: 2
    Special Rules

    • Easy to Handle: +1 Accuracy when in use
    Cost: 2

    M4A3 Pistol:
    Description: The USMC’s standard issue sidearm, the M4A3 fires 9mm rounds, and possesses respectable accuracy as well as a moderate punch. Making it slightly stronger than the VP70. However marines are still advised to make use of their heavier armaments for general combat purposes and to use the M4A3 only when their heavier armaments be exhausted.
    Damage: 3
    Penetration: 2
    Special Rules None
    Cost: 2

    M112 HIMAT
    Description: The M112 HIMAT (Hypervelocity Intelligent Missile, Anti-Tank) is a man-portable anti-armor weapon employed by the United States Colonial Marine Corps. For deployment, the weapon is attached to an APS-100 Fire Controller, an 800 Gb intelligent system capable of importing data from the squad's synthetic as well as any sentry guns within the squad's data network. When active, the unit analyzes incoming sensor data, and if it positively identifies a target it will lock on with one or more of the ten missiles under its command. The HIMAT missile itself is a small, two-stage round with a 15cm tungsten kinetic penetrating rod surrounded by LX-28 explosive filling, which is detonated just before impact. The force of the explosion, combined with the hypervelocity of the missile, ensures penetration against all but the strongest tank armor. Despite it's intended purpose as an anti-armor weapon, the HIMAT is also somewhat successful at targeting low-flying aircraft such as dropships and helicopters. As a result, Marine High Command has begun allocating funds to develop a multi-purpose warhead for both the ground and air-defense role.
    Damage 10
    Penetration 6
    Special Rules

    • Limited Supply This weapon can only be used 5 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply accordingly.
    • Extreme Range Weapon is capable of firing on targets at any range regardless of it's deployment location
    • Handless Once deployed the weapon does not require the use of a hand to be fired.
    • Requires Deployment Weapon must be deployed before it can be used
    • Fire on Command Weapon will only fire on command at a designated target.
    • Immobile Weapon cannot be moved while deployed
    Cost 4


    BIMS-104 (Borgia Industries Military Synthetic-Model 104)
    Description:  Manufactured rather than born, synthetics can be looked at with both pity and envy, their programming forcing them to wish to be human, while their bodies are far superior in almost every way. On average they are stronger, faster, and tougher than will ever be humanly possible. The BIMS-104 line synthetic one of the older models still in service with the USCM. Designed to serve as front line scouts BIMS-104s can take quite a punch and keep on ticking. Additionally BIMS-104s are known to be brave, loyal, and to develop strong personalities if left active for long periods of time. These traits combined to make the very popular with USCM personnel. Most BIMS-104s realize they aren't top of the line anymore....and can sometimes be resentful of 'superior' models.

    • +8 Health
    • +5 Defense
    • +3 Strength
    Special Rules
    Cost 6

    AdCap-341 (Hyperdyne Systems-Advanced Capability Synthetic-Model 341) 
    Description: Manufactured rather than born, synthetics can be looked at with both pity and envy, their programming forcing them to wish to be human, while their bodies are far superior in almost every way. On average they are stronger, faster, and tougher than will ever be humanly possible. Hyperdyne Systems has long been the leader in the synthetic industry. This status has been achieved by company's willingness to both push the envelope when it comes to developing synthetic technology as well as it's ability to mass produce synthetics at a truly remarkable rate. Both of these traits are exemplified in the AdCap-341. Designed to incorporate the latest advancements in synthetic technology AdCap-341s are ideally suited to fields which require an extremly high degree of specialized knowledge. Such as specialized vehicle crews, legal aids, medical technicians, and repair technicians. The AdCap-341 currently makes up a sizable portion of the USCM's synthetic forces.

    • +5 Health
    • +3 Defense
    • +2 Strength
    • +4 Intelligence
    Special Rules
    Cost 6

    WY-284B(Weyland-Yutani Basic Synthetic-Model 284)
    Description: Manufactured rather than born, synthetics can be looked at with both pity and envy, their programming forcing them to wish to be human, while their bodies are far superior in almost every way. On average they are stronger, faster, and tougher than will ever be humanly possible. The WY-284B is meant to be Weyland-Yutani's answer to Hyperdyne Systems' dominance of the synthetic market. Thus far Weyland-Yutani's strategy has been to flood the market with non-specialized synthetics who's lower costs allow them to be marked as 'affordable' alternatives to more expensive models. WY-284B's are, at this point, the flagship model for this marketing strategy. Acceptably capable in most ares for which synthetics are commonly purchased. WY-284B synthetics also offer a somewhat higher degree of owner customization than other, more specialized, synthetic models.

    • +5 Health
    • +3 Defense
    • +2 Strength
    Special Rules

    Additional Items

    Advanced Motor Skill Upgrades
    Description: Upgrades to a synthetic’s body, these upgrades are focused on increasing said synthetic’s movement speed far beyond human capabilities.

    • +2 Agility
    Special Rules
    Cost 2

    Modular Construction
    Description:  Upgrades to a synthetic’s body, these upgrades are focused on increasing said synthetic’s survivability far beyond what any human can achieve.

    • +2 Health
    Special Rules

    • Terminal Damage Repair
    If the synthetic's Health is brought to 0 they can be revived by another squad member once outside of combat. Revived synthetics start at 50% their previous maximum health. This process can only take place twice
    Cost 2

    Guerilla Warfare Upgrade
    Description:  Upgrades to a synthetic’s body, these upgrades are focused on turning a synthetic into a warrior capable of spotting and surprising his enemies with minimal effort. This is accomplished by fine tuning the synthetic's stealth programming and incorporating a motion detector into the synthetic's construction.

    • +2 Stealth
    • +2 Perception
    Special Rules

    • Partial Detection: The synthetic is capable of  becoming aware of the presence and general location of enemies who would not normally be detected
    Cost 2

    Flame Retardant Treatment
    Description: Upgrades added during a  synthetic's original construction process. The synthetic's "skin" I coated several times over with flame retardant chemicals in order to allow it a substantial measure of protection against flames and heat.
    Special Rules

    • Resistant to Flames:User takes half damage from fire based attacks
    Cost 2

    Electronic Warfare Package
    The modern battlefield is one filled with a plethora of advanced technology. And to meet the challenges that this fact represents several suppliers of synthetics offer an electronic warfare package. Integrated equipment allows the synthetic to not only be protected from nearly all forms of anti-mechanical  weapons but also allows said synthetic to preform several functions which allow it to disable the technology of its enemies.
    Special Rules

    • Signal Jamming Enemy communication equipment is jammed when in the presence of the synthetic
    • Resistant to Electricity User takes half damage from fire based attacks
    Cost 2

    UA-571C Sentry Gun
    Description:  The sentry gun is the end all be all in automated defense systems, armed with a heavy machine gun, onboard motion tracker, infra red detection, and a “Smart Shot” targeting computer the sentry gun will find its target, and it will not miss. But all these abilities come at a heavy cost, the sentry gun weighs in at several hundred pounds over what would be humanly possible to carry, as such when deployed they are paired with a synthetic tasked with transporting and carrying the weapon
    Damage: 6
    Penetration: 6
    Special Rules

    • Requires DeploymentWeapon must be deployed to be fired
    • Selectable Targeting
    • Auto-Firing The weapon will automatically target and fire at targets within it's range of detection
    • Enhanced Detection When deployed the UA-571C Sentry Gun has a Perception of 7
    • HandlessOnce deployed the weapon does not require the use of a hand to be fired.
    Cost 4

    Hollow Point Rounds(M27 Submachine Gun Upgrade)
    Description: A M27 round designed to do maximum damage to light and unarmored targets.

    • +2 Damage
    Special Rules
    Cost 2

    Re-rifled Barrel(M27 Submachine Gun Upgrade)
    Description: While effective at close range, the M27 suffers from a marked drop in accuracy when compared to the Pulse Rifle. A simple fix for this problem is to have the weapon's barrel Re-rifled in order to place increased spin on the rounds fired by the M27 and thus coax slightly more accuracy out of the weapon.

    • +2 Accuracy
    Special Rules
    Cost 2

    Full Auto(M33 Shotgun Upgrade):
    Description:  Replacing the M33's pump action with a fully automatic loading system, the M33 is now capable of fully automatic firing, allowing it's user to literally paint an area with firepower. The recoil on a fully automatic M33 is many times stronger than that of the standard shotgun, giving it the nickname "the mule" amongst weapon's manufacturers with regards to its kick.

    • -2 Accuracy
    Special Rules

    • Rapid Fire: Allows user to make 2 Ranged Attacks, against the same target, per turn
    Cost 1

    Heavy Gauge Shells(M33 Shotgun Upgrade)
    Description: The M33 already packs a heavy punch at close range against 'soft' targets. But it is occasionally found lacking against 'hard' targets. However, the use of heavier gauge ammunition makes this problem a thing of the past. These shells give the M33 increased penetrating power and, when fired accurately, can easily knock a man off his feet.

    • +2 Penetration
    Special Rules

    • Knock Back: Critical Hits cause the target to suffer -5 Agility for the next turn
    Cost 2

    AP Rounds(Pistol Upgrade):
    Description: Many marines find their service pistols lacking in the ability to penetrate its target’s defenses, with this in mind many arms manufacturers have taken to producing alternate forms of ammunition to be sold privately to the marines, the most popular is the armor piercing round, replacing the standard 9mm round with a uranium tipped round more capable of penetrating most  light armors.

    • +1 Penetration when using a Pistol
    Special Rules: None
    Cost: 1

    Laser Sight(Pistol Upgrade):
    Description: A flaw inherent in the pistol's design is the loss of accuracy it's user's typically suffer when attempting to use such weapons at longer ranges. To minimize this loss many marines place a laser sight on their pistols. Taking the form of a small red beam of light projected by a laser pointer that has been attached to the weapon's barrel. Laser sights can make it much easier to fire accurately with a pistol.

    • +2 Accuracy when using a Pistol
    Special Rules: None
    Cost: 1

    Combat Knife:
    Description: Blades, in one form or another have been used by men and women for thousands of years, this primitive weapon is still in use within the USMC which prides itself on training marines who are not only expert shots, but excellent hand to hand combatants. A combat knife is standard issue to every marine both for its usefulness in combat, and as a simple tool.
    Damage: 1
    Penetration: 1
    Special Rules: None
    Cost: 1

    XV35 Motion Tracker:
    Description:  An optional motion sensor. By detecting micro changes in air density the XV35 is able to sense movement in every direction regardless of where it is pointed. It relays this information to its user through an attached screen, as well as through a series of mechanical beeps, which grow louder and closer together as the movement draws nearer.

    • +3 Perception
    • -1 Stealth
    Special Rules:

    • Partial Detection: When carried in one of the user's hands the squad will become aware of the presence and general location of enemies who would not normally be detected
    Cost: 2

    M111 Combat Helmet:
    Description:  A stronger combat helmet, than the standard issue, the M111 possesses a radio transmitter and receiver, and is also capable of supporting a side mounted camera.   

    • +2 Health
    Special Rules:

    • Radio Contact: Allows its user to communicate with anyone who also possesses radio equipment. Regardless of location as long as there is nothing jamming the signal.
    Cost: 1

    Side Mounted Helmet Camera (M111 Combat Helmet Upgrade):
    Description:  A side mounted camera for the M111 Helmet, it provides a constant feed to the platoon's officer, allowing him/her to evaluate the tactical situation of every member of his/her squad.   

    • +1 Perception
    Special Rules: None
    Cost: 1

    Fragmentation Grenade:
    Description: A standard grenade, designed to explode 3 seconds after its pin has been pulled, showering the immediate area with high speed, razor sharp shrapnel. Marines are encouraged to use grenades when large numbers of enemies are grouped together.
    Damage: 5
    Penetration: 4
    Special Rules:

    • Blast Radius: Anyone within close range of the target will also suffer the same attack
    • Limited Supply:This weapon can only be used 3 times before the user runs out of ammunition, multiple selections of the same item increases ammunition supply according
    I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

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