Star Wars re-imagined

Started by DemonessOfDeathValley, August 23, 2014, 05:02:01 PM

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I love the original Star Wars trilogy. My request is simple...

I'm looking to re - imagine the original trilogy. My character will be a Princess that doesn't know her true lineage. She became a Bounty Hunter and her newest bounty is....A handsome rogue that is now a smuggler. In short, action, adventure and hopefully some pretty steamy smut ensues.

The only canon required is the surrounding Star Wars Universe. Otherwise, it will be original. If this has caught your interest, feel free to pm and do not reply here. Thanks for reading.

~Approximate response time - 1-7 days plus ~ Muse cooperative~


I like the idea. Perhaps if you posted a little more of your Princess Bounty Hunter the fish would bite?