[Open RP] The Sunray Tavern & Inn

Started by Lady RageQueen, June 05, 2022, 04:39:15 AM

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Lady RageQueen

Welcome to The Sunray Tavern & Inn!

I have created this place for those that are both waiting approval and those that are already joined.
For those of you that are waiting approval, I hope this place enables you to get your RP fix.


+ Third person perspective posts, please.

+ Once engaged with a character or more in RP, try to keep turn based posts.

+ The beauty of this place is that it doesn't have to be an ongoing story for you.
Come and leave the tavern and inn as you please!

+ Please make your exit post to your inn room or by leaving if possible when you won't be available.
That way, others won't be left hanging when making a post directed at your character.

+ The tavern is self-serve so to say. Anyone is free to RP servicing the bar and kitchen.
You may also RP some NPCs that are servicing your character in the story.
I will not be here as often as I'd like as I do work full time, but am here waiting the approval process myself.

+ Please use your imagination for how many inn rooms there could actually be, folks. I just need some art and layout reference.

+ Be respectful to one another. If there is a tavern brawl, let it be for RP entertainment and agreed OOC between both parties. No discrimination or harassment!

+ The RPs in this Non-Adult section must be kept PG13 as these role play forums state. Please abide.

Music Inspiration


The great wooden door of the tavern is heavy and gives way slowly with a deep creak as it is pushed open. From the moment one enters, there are warm lambent glows from the plentiful candlelight fixtures; they look inviting against the wood grains of the white oak heartwood making up the interior, and stained cedar for the furniture. Upon further entrance, there are notable coupling hints of unnamed brews and spices inside that begin to pervade the olfactory senses. The white oak of the tavern leaves a subtle smell that is similar to vanilla, while the cedar from the furniture is more camphoraceous. However, these wood scents are more noticeable to linger from within the inn room walls that are left undisturbed by the lobby aromas. The fire in the hearth towards the back of the tavern lobby is well stoked, burning with bright undulating flames that gift heat to the entire establishment. At various times of the day, sounds from soft murmurs to boisterous laughter can be heard from the other patrons seated, enjoying their stay. Plenty of seating is available for a table or a stool at the bar.
Won't you have a meal or drink and tary a while?

Lady RageQueen

The Valkyrie & The Hawk

The front door entrance whined as a dark armored maiden with a shapely frame and a hawk on her shoulder entered the establishment. A winged visor adorned the woman’s head that was practically abditive for her eyes, and long heliotrope tresses tumbled past her shoulders that appeared almost weightless. Her sabatons made soft thuds as she walked across the floor, and with movement that was relaxed yet poised, causing her lengthy skirt to ever so gently flow. Her eyes, behind the visor, scanned the room of its patrons while she made her way to the bar counter. The barkeep, seemingly recognizing the woman, smiled and gave her a nod before he began filling a teacup on a saucer. The woman approached to take her drink and slid some coins across the counter to pay for it.

After their brief exchange, she gave a nod back to the barkeep and was careful not to spill her drink as she made way to one of her self-proclaimed seats near the fire, choosing the armchair on the right of the three to sit down with her tea. The dancing, mesmeric flames reflected against her polished black mithril armor, and the light illuminated her fair skin, while also casting an aliferous shadow formation on the floor behind her. She listened to the crackle of the burning wood and felt the comfort of its incalescence on her skin as she allowed herself to settle in her surroundings. Quieter moments like this were much to her preference before the bustle of other folks could accumulate within the tavern lobby. She raised the fine porcelain teacup to her lips, but would momentarily inhale the exotic blend of ginger and turmeric that was ameliorated with licorice root, and orange peel, and black pepper. Upon taking a sip she tasted the playful mixture of sweet, citrus, and spice on her palate. The tea had a warming effect inside her body that was pleasing as she continued to drink its contents.

The hawk on her left shoulder was exceptionally clean looking. The front of the body was quite leukos in the light. The back and tail feathers may have seemed gray from a distance but at close range the color was rather a clair de lune with an almost nacreous iridescent sheen. Dark spotting ran down the mantle and back that turned into a striping pattern along the covert and tail feathers. His eyes, though seemingly brown at first glance, were actually a deep maroon.

Clarence: “Kerrr…”

The hawk made a low noise in her ear.

Odysseia: “Yes, but you need to wait until I am finished.”

She replied in a calm and quiet voice before continuing to sip from her invigorating drink.