10 items or less

Started by Duchess, March 16, 2009, 08:45:56 PM

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I watch the movie 10 items or less and it made me think what are the most important things I want in my live and if I could name ten of them which one would they be?
Therefore, I will start my list:

1.   Become independent: I depend too much on other people and find it hard to stand up and do things my self, even considering my age.
2.   become a better mother: start acting more like a mothers instead of trying to be my child friend and confident
3.   Find a job that makes me happy: I work so many places in a short period and none gave me the gratification and the value enough to say I will stay.
4.   Get a degree: I wan to finish school and get a degree to provide for my family and me. I regret not taking that chance when it was offered to me; people use to see me as that smart girl so why do I make such dumb mistake?
5.   Becoming financially stable: same as it say, I need to be able to provide my self.
6.   Meet mister right: I still have not given up on love, even when I found it before time and it was the real thing but an illusion. I still hope to find that person.
7.   Make my father and myself proud: his opinion matter the most to me, even after disappointing him times after times, he still was there to help me stand up again. He told me once: “you have to help yourself to, make others want to help you.” It is hard to do but it does make sense to me.
8.   Visit Mexico again: I went there for only 7 seven days and fell in love with the place and the people, the most humble and friendly kinds. Made good friends over there and I am so sad I lost there email address. In addition, no way to find it again.
9.   Expose my talent as a designer and painter: drawing and painting is my passion and everybody that knows me from small has seen my talent. However, getting pregnant was a hug stone in my dream. In addition, I stop drawing for six years now. Still wish that one day I would have the chance to be known for it.
10.   Finally be happy again: I known so many disappointments and deceive, its hard to know what happiness mean. Even if it was dropped in my lap and what will make me happy again is, achieving some of all of the items previously mention or seeing my child happy smile and know that he is happy.
i mean one want everything in the world and if i had to narrow it all to 10 , those would be my choices even when sometimes in the back of my head i think , what if i wanted something els. what makes it more important than those i collected already.  well just putting them on a list give me somewhere to start.