Welcoming Applicants - FAQ

Started by Britwitch, August 14, 2024, 12:33:23 PM

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Remember when you joined Elliquiy? All those friendly faces who stopped by your introduction thread to help you feel welcome and excited about joining our creative little corner of the net?

Elliquiy is more than just a site to write, we are also a community and as a community, we both need and want our members to help us welcome new potential members. New applicants are potential writing partners and friends!

Unfortunately, the Muse tag that was available for members who were regular posters in the Introductions was a casualty of the move to our new software but it'd be awesome to have more people stopping by, even if it's just to say hello!

We do know there are some questions involved with this, so we hope to be able to answer some of these below.

Welcoming FAQs

What can I post in the introductions?

We encourage our members to stop by the introduction threads, say hello to new applicants and ask them questions to help show what an amazing community this is!

Can I post in an intro even if a staff member has not posted yet?

Yes! Feel free to welcome new members at any time but avoid trying to post anything that looks like the official posts made by Staffers to help prevent any confusion and to make sure new applications aren't missed.

Do I have to ask questions?

Absolutely not. Please feel free to just stop in and say hello - questions are not mandatory. Sometimes just seeing friendly faces in the thread will make someone feel very welcome.

What should I avoid?

Please don't post anything that assumes approval. Wording comments in the style of 'if you're approved' rather than 'when' is ideal.

Please keep questions to one per post and recognize that not all applicants want fun or silly questions. If they haven't asked for them, and you can see their preferences in their questionnaire answers, please ask about their writing style and preferences. Oh, and if you take the time to leave a question, do pop back to see how they answered. ;D

What if I hit it off with the applicant and they aren't approved yet?

To make sure that the Approvals Team don't get caught up or lost in pages of entertaining conversation while trying to process an application, if you find you're getting on particularly well with a new applicant please take your conversation over to the Doormat for chatter.

Again, we thank every member who takes a little time to come help welcome new applicants!

If you have any more questions or feel something can be added please feel free to PM any of our staff team or post here and we will add to this as needed. If you ask a question that we feel may be better suited for a private conversation we may PM you to follow up as well.

Thank you!!

Current status : Selectively seeking new stories