Willful Words: Painful Truths

Started by DiverseDesires, March 21, 2011, 12:28:24 PM

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Painful Truths

Which of the echos comes first?
Which one is it that in the end
Opens the door to the truth?
The taste of each bitter fruit
As you start to recognise them
Become more easily found
Until the banquet before you
Is fully recognised
Every dish spiced with the pain.
But the worst is still to come
The swallowing of the lumps
As they catch in your throat
Taking the lessons
That are dished out to you
Day after day.
Choices are for fools
Now you know there are none.
Your ear becomes attuned
Until not one syllable of betrayal is missed
The picture painted
In its cruel detail
Until the colours
Become to bright
For your heart to bear.
Keep your truths
I wish I never knew them
It was easier when I didn't
Ignorant bliss
"The imagination is the spur of delights… all depends upon it, it is the mainspring of everything; now, is it not by means of the imagination one knows joy? Is it not of the imagination that the sharpest pleasures arise?" ~Marquis de Sade~

Imaginings  ~  Desirables  ~  Wilful Words  ~  Diary - A/A  Updated September 15th