M/M Conan RP

Started by Armot, September 06, 2013, 09:58:09 AM

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Seeking an experienced, creative writing partner to role play as a "romantic" dominant in the following M/M scene:

Conan the Barbarian (as portrayed by Jason Momoa) and a young male (ex) slave (this younger character is very open to changes) randomly cross paths and find that they are potently attracted to one another. This scene would be set in an environment where homosexuality is an extreme taboo. In addition to the more mature Conan and the younger male having to manage and come to terms with their evolving attraction while traveling amongst others of the culture/cities/locations explored throughout the RP, the two men would eventually aim to find a way to sate their desires whilst keeping their love secret. This element of secrecy, longing, and angst should be an important, and well conveyed component of this RP.

Additionally, I am also fascinated by the possibilities of how these two male characters could be played as lovers, while still remaining masculine survivors/warriors. I feel this will be a particular challenge for the individual role playing as Conan. This scenario will prove an intriguing canvas for writing the many faceted ways in which real human beings are what they are, that being masculine lovers in this case, despite the macho stereotypes which seem to govern most ancient, medieval, and in this case, fantastical (Hyborian) ages.

Simplified, how would Conan, a stereotypical man in every raw, primal sense of the word, come to show intimate affection for another, albeit younger, man? Would he be unashamed, or initially restricted by his reputation as a fierce warrior? Or perhaps he would restrain himself from following his heart for the sake of his lover, since acting on his true feelings would put both men in mortal danger. I hope to find a fellow writer interested in fleshing out the character of Conan on many of these levels, as well as eventually enjoying some hot, sweaty barbarian sex (of course!).

Please, contact me via a reply to this post, or by way of PM if you are interested in taking on the role of Conan. Female or male writers are both perfectly acceptable. Also, I am very flexible with creating the look and feel of my own character to best suit my partners tastes, so, if interested, please don't hesitate to offer ample amounts of input on who you would like to play opposite of.
Joint input on the atmosphere, setting, and direction of the RP as a whole is something I always look for in a new partner, so please, express your creativity!

I hope to hear from an interested writer soon!