**Interest Chect**[EX/Gladiator RP] Gods Of Capua

Started by Angzyn, October 19, 2010, 01:28:29 PM

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Gods of Capua
A Ludus in Capua, Italy 79BC
The home that of a wealthy Lanista and is made up of the main floor home, a basement keep where the gladiators are kept, a small two level guest home and a grand ludus with a  balcony over looking the training grounds. It found on the edge of town on top a rather large cliff that over looks the city and arena. The family also owns a number of vine yards on the outskirts of Capua and is over seen by one of the Lanista's three sons.

(Cinderella meets Spartacus type plot)
Aurora was the child of a well liked political member of Rome. However, when elections grew close Aurora (age 10 at the time) was sent to live with her uncle a well known Lanista in Capua. Not long after living there new was delivered about her father's death. Finding herself growing up in her uncle's Ludus. Over the years it was clear that the girl was growing into quite the woman and would fetch a high Tocher (Dowry), but with three sons of his own her uncle found no reason to pay such a large amount of money to marry off a child that was not his own. Leaving her only to day dream about such a live and fighters her uncle trained.

Yet the Lanista's niece is not the only thing he has to worry about. As of late it seems someone has been stealing wine from his vine yard. Is this the work of poor thieves or just the start of the storm. And with a not a drop of rain in months water is becoming more valuable then his wine and small fires threaten his field. Not to even start about the threat of a new Ludus that started up on the other end of town.

-No more the two characters per-player
-Please only post two times a day per-character. Seeing the others can post more the some I don't want to leave anyone behind.
-Please be able to post at less 3 paragraphs per-post. I would like to see some quality role playing.

Characters Needed
**NPCs**The Lanista, Sons (more will be added as needed)

The Lanista's wife:

Niece: Angzyn

Slave (f):
Slave (f):
Slave (f):
Slave (m):

Trainer of Gladiators: (PM ME FIRST)

House Champion:

Gladiator (m):
Gladiator (m):
Gladiator (m):
Gladiator (m):

Gladiator (f):
Gladiator (f):

Quote# Cubiculum: A bedroom.
# Culina: Kitchen
# Atrium: In the most ancient times of Rome the atrium was the area where much of family life went on. The atrium was rather like a central courtyard in the house with a rectangular opening in the roof above it (the compluvium) providing air and light. A rectangular basin in the ground (impluvium) corresponded to the opening above in order to collect rain water. All major living areas of Roman homes had direct access to the atrium.
# Impluvium: A rectangular section dug into the ground of the atrium into which rain water was collected as and when it fell in from the compluvium.
# Triclinium: The dining room
# Piscina: Pool/fountain in the centre of the peristyle/garden.
# Posticum: Back entrance to the house.
# Tablinum: In Rome's earliest days the tablinum was the pater familias' private study. A sort of drawing room or lounge.
# Oecus: A hall which could be used for receptions and meetings with friends.
# * Villas would even have their own roman baths. In their simplest form there would be two rooms: the first would be used as changing room and as Tepidarium (luke warm water bath). The second was the Caldarium (Hot water bath). The rooms would have few if any windows in order to preserve the heat of the water. The bath might therefore be excavated in a basement area where it would be easiest to conserve heat.
    * *The richest houses would have an extra bath called a Frigidarium (an indoor cold bath) and a Natatio (an open air swimming pool).
Adams and Eves
World of Warcraft
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For people that are already approved (you know who you are) send me a pm and check our the plotting thread.
Adams and Eves
World of Warcraft
Thundercats (2011)
Legend of Zelda