Game of Thrones Fantasy (5th DnD, custom rules)

Started by Zaer Darkwail, May 21, 2016, 06:37:50 PM

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Zaer Darkwail

Game of the Thrones begins

In the known world there are three contignents; Westeros, Essos and mysterious Sothoryos. Ancient times there was magical kingdom of Valyria which was ruled by forty noble families which sported dragonlords. Nobleborn Valyrian is striking sight indeed, displaying draconic features thanks mingling with sorcery and dragons and ancestors drinking dragon-blood and ascending into these majestic creatures. However era of Valyrians conquest, reign and rule came to end with mysterious disaster simply told; Doom. It ended Valyrian bloodlines and much of their spells, lore, history and treasures simply vanished without trace or got scattered across the world.

The vassal states of Valyria soon declared independence and any surviving Valyrian freeholds were overrun by their former slaves who then started figthing each other for territory and power in absence of dragonlords. So thus from single kingdom Essos became several kingdoms. However a single pure Valyrian bloodline did survive; House Targaryen. It was small freehold who just only got three dragons, but in world without dragons, three dragons was now plenty enough for them grow bold and ambittious and go conquer Westeros! They fought seven kingdoms and succeeded conquer six of them under their banner by power of blood and fire! So thus house Targaryen became royal family which ruled Westeros centuries.

Until overtime curse of the family caught up; everytime a Targaryen is born, gods flip a coin. Then child of Targaryen is destined to be either a genius or a madman. Just by whim a heir of the Targaryen house stole someone's wife, arresting and executing brother and father of the wife from protesting about it. Then husband of said wife, relative of the wife and foster father figure of both united three great noble houses to end mad tyranny of Targaryen's once and for all! The three men were Eddard Stark, Robert Baratheon and Jon Arryn. It was biggest war since house Targaryen set on shores of Westeros! Unlike earlier times, the house Targaryen no longer sported any live dragons to wield in field of battle, so it all came down to alliances, politics and up front honest bloodshed and tactics.

The trio triumphed but there is no happy ending, Robert's wife was found dead along with the children the mad prince had kidnapped. However kingdom was liberated but already restless nobles pondered who shall sit upon the Throne of Swords and rule Westeros. Then Robert step up and became king of Westeros and to respect the critically timed alliance of aid from house Lannister he married Cersei Lannister and also appease other great houses (as they were deeply in debt for house Lannister anyways and did not want cross them during after war crisis).

Albeit it's no little secret there are some marriage problems between Cersei and Robert, everything is going well on Westeros overall and it has been nice summer.....but now winter is coming and thus time of changes are once more upon Westeros and world at large.

Welcome to recruitment for Game of Thrones 5th DnD game. The game follows mostly the Game of Throne universe and setting, however DnD flavor as you can see with some links above that there are non-human races in the game. Also there will be magic, wizards, sorcerers. So more magic. However I have custom ruled how they relate to setting (and especially to Westeros where game focuses on) and some custom archtypes which would help add flavor to every class. Firstly comes bit lore, then house rules/custom stuff and then actual char gen.


How common fantasy elements interact in Westeros

Lifespan of different races vs time line/events: Elves example can live several times longer than humans and dwarves two or three times as long etc. So overall answer is that any past events made by precessor are either done by present relevant head of the house or add two or three centuries more to different reigns/eras or simply the influential individual somereason or other retired other reasons (or did deeds while not being head of house example). It would take several pages of writing work to write everything anew but these are the general guidelines I go by than just cut every race lifespan short as humans.

Magic spells, cantrips and casters: Even if casters (clerics, druids, wizards) are more known and common their still rare. Example not every priest of seven knows how to cast a cleric cantrip or cast a spell! It could be said 1 vs 10 priest actually holds real magical powers. Also wizards are heavily related to maesters or rich/noble born people (meaning commoners rarely if ever get acces to right education to learn do magic). Only expection is sorcery which is most common but any spells learned by sorcerer comes from personal experience and by a emotional event than learned it via studies. So even if someone is 12th level sorcerer he may not learn teleportation circle unless someone tells him/teaches or discovers a arcane scroll which depicts how teleportation circles work. In this game learned spells (both as prepared and spontaneous systems) need roleplayed out.

Magic Items: Most magic items are relics from Valkyria and are coveted by rich and great houses/nobles. There is almost no one able to craft magic items and magic healing/cure potions can only bought from temples where there is actual real spellcasting cleric (so mostly capital or big cities than from village alchemy shop). Magic item creation has no feats or guidelines; mostly needing discovered and some methods can be dangerous or costly (like somebody could learn make elixir of fire breathing by needing dragon's blood while somebody else just mixes bit gunpowder, pepper and infuses fire spell energy on it). usually anyone who can create magic items are coveted as well as magic items themselves.

Dragons: Unlike normal DnD in this game dragons do not talk nor know how cast spells etc. Their more akin to massive magical beasts than inteligent centuries old creatures. However they are infused strongly by magic and often than not can empower/reinforce magic near them (and thus items made with dragon parts are very potent).

Monsters: There will be monsters and in Westeros they are often in north than southern lands in Westeros and come beyond from the Great Wall. Essos overall have monsters anywhere.

Great Houses

There are many noble houses in Westeros and some noble houses are vassals to great houses which rule specific regions in Westeros. A mild change to Noble background is given following; if you come (as blood related or adopted) from a great house you gain a single profiency for free related to said house. If you come from lesser noble house you do not gain additional benefit. Links provide detailed history/info while I focus write about what races make up the house (so you know if you play dwarf from Arryn house your odd case). As note drows do not excist anywhere on great houses (even if elf is listed in them).

Baratheon of King's Landing: This fairly new royal house mixes dwarven and half-elven bloodlines from houses Baratheon and Lannister. So far Baratheon's children have been half-elves but it's not unheard when half-elf weds to husban who is different race than her, the children would be born as half-elves (or father's race with smaller chance). This house deals with lots of politics with other noble houses to those who were born to this house gain profiency for persuasion skill.

Tully: Majority house Tully members are gnomes but there is significant number of halflings and in minority a short heigthened half-elves. Because living in riverlands you spend much time in boats and ships those from house Tully gain profiency for Vechile (water).

House Baratheon: House Baraethon has majorly dwarven members with minority stocky gnomes in far off branches in riverlands. House Baraethon have always having natural knack being imposing and intimidating when needed so they gain profiency for intimidate skill.

Martell: House Martel is major numbers having human members and then small number of dragonborns thanks marriage to Targaryens. They are fierce tempered house which has chip on their shoulders in regards Robert's Rebellion. But also have pride that they were last and only kingdom from seven kingdoms who retained their indepence longest until they were brought on fold by royal marriage and are only great house who uses 'prince' or 'princess' as official titles. Because their natural skill in using poisons in everyday life and combat those of house Martel gain profiency for poisoner's tool kit.

Greyjoy: Greyjoy family major members are half-orcs, related to distant orcish pirate ancestors who then pillaged and raped coasts of Westeros and mixed their blood with locals. Because of their skills in seafare (and also fishing) they get vechile (water) profiency for free.

Arryn of the Eyrie: Arryn of the Eyrie have mostly elf raced members and then significant number of half-elves thanks various cross marriages. Because rocky terrain and need keep balance even regular movement in area, house Arryn gains profiency for acrobatics.

Stark: Stark family members are mainly humans with bit half-elves in family ranks thanks cross marriages to Arryn and Tully families. Thanks living far north and needing to survive harsh climates and winters which last very long in Westeros and are coldest in north, house Stark grants profiency for survival skill.

Tyrell: Major number of house Tyrell members are elves with small number of half-elves amongst their numbers. Because being in land of classic chivalry, beautiful gardens and being wealthy beyond most great houses they have time for relaxing pursuits. However underneath the beautiful facade they are keenly observing and reading their enemies and friends alike and thus rose has it's thorns. Those from house Tyrell gain profiency for insight.

Lannister of Casterly Rock: Lannisters majorly have half-elf members and small number of humans. House Lannister has reputation being cunning dealers and skilled at negotiation. So those from house Lannister gain profiency for persuasion skill.

Targaryen (exiled): House Targaryen is largerly believed to be wiped out but is not. Even at peak house Targaryen sported only dragonborn members in their house even while they married members from other houses which were different raced than themselves. Going so far as marry siblings to keep bloodlines pure (and thus their Valyrian features). However Targaryen's need lay low profile now and deceive to survive and thus presently house Targaryen members gain profiency for deception skill. However their purity pays off with additional trait; they have immunity to non-magical heat and flame (against magical fire they have resistance like all red dragon ancestry having dragonborn usually do have). There has been some non-red dragonborn Targaryen and they do not possess immunity to non-magical flames and heat. However there are rumors some surviving members from Valyrian ancient freehold families who possess immunities to other elements and thus are pure Valyrian dragonblood of their respective ancestry.

Races in Westeros

Dragonborn: Dragonborns are what most would call possess Valyrian features and blood. As Valyria was dragonborn kingdom and since it's fall there are dragonborn everywhere on Essos. While in Westeros dragonborn are suspected to be from Targaryen house or off shoot from one (after there was genocide on dragonborns across Westeros at aftermath of Robert's Rebellion). However if your foreigner or merchant from Essos you should have no trouble do business albeit you would definately draw stares. Especially if your red dragon ancestry having dragonborn.

Dwarf: Dwarves are mostly living at either far north or at around Eyrie where in both cases have been miners and crafters somesort. In Essos they are highly valued slaves (thanks to their hardiness and skill) or members of Iron Bank thanks their sense for business and logistic affairs. Overall dwarves hold respect as craftsmen and as those who know numbers and logistics.

Elf: Elves are rare in general population but most do live in Riverlands or at Eyrie. Working as farmers, woodsmen or artisans of high skill or work as scholars in cities if they have got finer education. Overall elves are viewed as exotic and naturally attractive (expections do excist).

Gnome: Gnomes do live same areas as dwarves do, albeit there is large population also at Riverlands living on hills on fishing or farming along the rivers. Gnomes are considered on earth common sense holding people who enjoys simple pleasures in life.

Half-Elf: Half-elves overall reside where elves and humans can mingle, so at riverlands or at eyrie. Although many believe half-elves ancestry can be traced back to prostitute who was bred by one noble houses (Lannisters mostly). Besides that half-elves are viewed bit like charming scoundrels and troublemakers.

Half-Orc: Half-orcs at large reside only at Iron Islands and other island cities, ports and towns. Some number live in Riverlands in small number. Overall people are intimidated and put off by half-orcs who are feared especially if encountered on waters (or when their drunk).

Halfling: Only at riverlands halflings are counted in large numbers and are only race which has no great house in major number of them. Their appearance wise look similar to gnomes but they are cunning and undercutting lot. Often scheming how con people money and overall not trusted much even if their charming and make good performers at many weddings. Also unlike gnomes they do wander around lot more and can be met more around Westeros than a gnome would be. Other raced people often underestimate and look down upon a halfling.

Human: Humans are most generic race in Westeros even if most great houses are not human race dominated. Most humans have ancestry to Essos or from north before spreading to other areas in Westeros before it was conquered by Targaryens centuries ago.

Tiefling: Tieflings originate from shadowlands and have crept up across Essos and Westeros over aeons. Usually it's considered bad omen if tiefling is born into family and often than not tiefling children are killed or abandoned when their born. Only rare cases tiefling is raised in the original family but they suffer entire life stigma being born from darkness and often grow bitter people because of this. Because most tieflings are orphans at best they often get involved in criminal activity or shameless prostitution (or both).

Classes in Westeros

Barbarians: Wildlings are without doubt barbarians before being figthers. However some northern warriors in Westeros embracing Old Gods teachings and thus are capable embracing feral sort rage in battle and fight fiercely when cornered. Also those who are raised in gladiator pits of Essos or are slave figthers often embrace this class as means to survive.

Bard: Bards are wandering scholars who are always taught in mentoring process where a bond forms between mentor and apprentice which runs deep. Bard's teachings and methods are all oral tradition taught by mentor and knowlegde and lore is taught across centuries. All bards from college of lore are maesters and were educated at Citadel.

Cleric: There are eight religions in Westeros and Essos. Overall clerics can pick any domains which feel right to teachings of the given religion. Example Drowned god cleric can have War domain or even Life domain. But unlikely a tempest domain which is more associated by drowned god's adversary; Storm God. However amongst all religions only Old Gods have clerics with Nature domain but are also smallest in number (as true practioners of Old Gods way are druids but druids are even rarely found in cities so usual city shrine devoted to Old Gods have clerics instead).

Druid: Druids are part of wildling communities as spiritual leaders or more rural and backwater communities in far north of Westeros where they preach and teach of Old Gods way to locals and in north and in amongst Iron Island Old Gods way are stronger than in southern Westeros. Overall druids are very rare individuals compared to clerics as divine casters as they usually live in forests, woods and harsh wilderness.

Figther: Knights, bannermen, mercenaries, unsullied, they all are figthers one or other sort. Any warrior who is well trained and educated to arts of using weapons, armor and warfare.

Monk: From monasteries of seven there are well educated followers who are taught solve conflicts without weapons, which does create situation where one needs defend itself unarmed and unarmored in sudden case of violence. However in Westeros monks and nuns are not viewed as warriors but teachers and mentors and often associated with faith of Seven. However in Essos there excist still exotic monasteries of five elements which has roots to Valyrian and order of shadows which is most secretive monastery and often associated with training assassins and killers for hire. Also there are gladiatorial schools where slaves are taught how to fight unarmed effectively and entertaining fashion.

Paladin: Paladin is simply a figther with sense of faith and said faith gives them form of blessings which give them strong charismatic presence in battle and conflict thanks to faith they hold. Paladins can come from any religion; Old Gods paladins usually take oath of ancients while paladins who take oath of devotion hail from Reach or even from Highgarden. However paladins who take oath of vengeance (like king Robert) are driven by vendetta, blood feud or grudge between noble families or great houses.

Ranger: Rangers can hail anywhere civilization and wilderness collide and meet. This usually means rangers hail from northern lands than south of Westeros but basically any woodsman or those who crave survival in wilderness can become a ranger.

Rogue: Same as rangers but more in urban environment; anyone who carves survival in urban or in settlement can become a rogue. However in Essos (especially in Braavos) rogues can be flashy sword play users called bravos who practice art of water dancing.

Sorcerer: Since fall of Valyria most source of spells and magic in Westeros and Essos comes from sorcerers. Most sorcerers come from lineage or family of sorcerers and sorcerer's blood added to any house hold (noble and merchants alike) is high boon even if bride or groom itself lacks ability to cast spells. Also thanks Valyrian influence most magic is dragon magic.

Warlock: Besides sorcerers in from shadowlands (through dark cabals led by tieflings) are taught alternative magic known as pact magic where warlock swears oath to supernatural being, entity or force and in return of sacrifice (which is usually dark) a pact is formed. Warlocks are overall considered disdain and being suspicious about, in both Essos and Westeros albeit in Westeros there are very few and rare warlocks and they are usually from Essos.

Wizard: In Westeros all wizards are maesters as Citadel holds all arcane lore and knowlegde of wizardry craft and jealously guards their secrets with lethal force if need be. In ancient times Targaryen's brought wizard's art to Westeros and taught it upon their favored servants which they forced to make a magical binding oath (upon graduation) to use their magic only for service of Westeros and to the king of Westeros or household they are planted in. This helped cement great houses loyalty to Targaryen's early on and the system developed created Citadel. Bards graduated from Citadel are binded by same oath but despite lack of wizardry art they are considered maesters none the less (albeit they are often than not more versatile in skill set than pure magic studying maesters and may know something about combat also). However in Essos there are wizard guilds who for a fee educate rich children of merchant houses how to wield magic and some families run wizard's art as tradition. Also Targaryen house educated their own children for wizardry if sorcery was not their calling.

Custom stuff/house rules

House rules

Polearm Master (feat): The target also provokes attack of oppoturnity when they move without disengagin inside your threatened reach besides entering and leaving your threatened area.

Inspiring Leader (feat): You gain also +1 to charisma and by DM's decision gain followers and have easier time gather people under your banner/command or have favorable odds being chosen as leader.

Custom Backgrounds

You owe a military service to your lord (to a head of great house). Sworn to come when summoned by your lord when he departs on battlefield and follow his commands in battlefield. The debt can come either from your personal dealings or by dealings what your ancestors did with said great house. Perhaps get huge amount of money during serious trouble, a great house saved your parents life during wildling attack or other deed which made either you or your family debted to great house and make you a bannerman.

Skill Proficiencies: (one related to great house), History
Tool Proficiencies: Artisan tools (your choice)
Languages: One related to major race present at the house (in case of Martell's and Stark's you can pick any one language common in their holdings)
Eguipment: Artisan tools (your choice), Tabard/Banner devoted to your lord, Common clothes, money pouch containing 15gp

Feature: Lord's favor
As bannerman you have pledged already for military service. However your pledge also makes you favored in your lord's eyes and it allows potential to ask favor from your lord. It's entirely related to what lord you owe the military service and how you present your case to your lord and how you ask the favor and what favor in end your asking from him. Success is not quaranteed, but very least lord listens to you and your worries more compared to smallfolks.

Slavery is illegal in Westeros but not so in Essos. Either you were well bred and raised slave from Free Cities or from harsh brutal Slaver's Bay. Perhaps one treasured Unsullied or bed slave from Yunkai. Whatever exact origins you have lived a slave's life and either are owned or free and living in Westeros where your former masters cannot find you.

Skill Proficiencies: One physical stat related (Str, Dex) and one mental (Int, Wis, Cha) related.
Tool Proficiencies: Artisan's tools (your choice) and Vechile (land or water)
Eguipment: Common clothes, money pouch containing 5gp

Feature: Slave's Determination
You have endured much as a slave and survived where many haven't not and learned to be diligent and hardworking. Thus you have advantage to any rolls while performing any physical labors or work where you were trained as a slave.

Custom Archtypes

Kingsguard (figther)
The Kingsguard, also known poetically as the White Swords or white cloaks, are the royal bodyguards of the Iron Throne. Supposedly the finest knights in the Seven Kingdoms, they are sworn to protect their king and the royal family with their own lives, to obey his commands, and to keep his secrets. They are sworn for life and are forbidden from owning land, taking a wife, or fathering children, although they can have non-hereditary commands, such as being warden or Hand of the King.

Requirement: Must forsake all inheritance rights and former great house or noble house or bannerman associations upon entry and take oath of service.

Gaze of Vigilant Watcher
At 3th level you gain profiency for perception skill (if not already having it) and gains advantage to perception checks while he is guarding a area, location or a person.

For the King
At 3th level your position as Kingsguard allows in King's Landing and anywhere else with written name and seal from the king to get away from breaking the law without consequence, but only if you declare your said action was done for best of the king and the kingdom (and makes sense). Kingsguards who often abuse this right are firstly send harsh talks, second times given harsh physical punishment and third time expelled from the order.

Kingsguard Stance
At 7th level when foe either enters, leaves or moves in your threatened area without disengaging, you can use your reaction to do single attack against the foe. Also if foe makes attack roll upon someone other than yourself who is adjacent to you, you can use reaction to move intercept the attack and make foe compare the attack roll against your AC. If foe hits your AC you take the hit instead but you recover a use of second wind if haven't used it yet. You can benefit only one second wind recovery this manner once before short rest.

Kingsguard training
10th level you gain half profiency bonus to all wisdom related skills and now you always have advantage to perception rolls.

Honor of White Knight
At 15th level you gain profiency bonus twice to wisdom saving throws.

Protector of Seven Kingdoms
At 18th level you learn to push yourself beyond natural limits to endure even gruesome punishment against odds. As once you are reduced to 0 HP by a attack, you can spend Action Surge to go instead to 1 HP. You can do this many times as you got action surges left to use. This feature does not block effects or spells which can kill you off right or send you to 0 HP without damage roll. If you got inspiration point, you can use it instead using action surge.

Ranger of Night's Watch (ranger)
Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.

Fortitude of Long Winter
At 3th level you gain advantage to any saving throws in regards resisting natural wind and cold weather condittions. Also you need 1/5 less food and water to survive and need only four hours to get benefits of long rest.

Vigil of Black Knight
At 7th level you become immune to frigthened condittion and also gain darkvision.

Slayer of Cold Darkness
At 11th level you gain advantage either to attack or damage rolls against Others and wights. You can decide after rolling both rolls which you take advantage on but before DM announces the result.

Heart of Winter
At 15th level you gain resistance to magical cold and become immune to regular cold. Also you become immune to becoming a wight and you treat any weapon you wield as obsidian against wigths and Others.

Faceless Man (rogue)
'My time is done.' Jaqen passed a hand down his face from forehead to chin, and where it went he changed. His cheeks grew fuller, his eyes closer; his nose hooked, a scar appeared on his right cheek where no scar had been before. And when he shook his head, his long straight hair, half red and half white, dissolved away to reveal a cap of tight black curls.
- observations of Arya Stark

Bonus Proficiencies
You gain at 3th level bonus profiency to poisoner's kit and disguise kit.

Delivering the Gift
At 3th level whenever you use poison against someone (through injury or ingested), they have disadvantage on saving throw against the poison and gain no profiency bonus on said save if any nor apply their resistance to poison damage (but immunity still blocks poisons).

Faceless Face
At 9th level you can use disguise self at-will and divinations will reveal nothing about your true identity and for all purposes your former identity before becoming faceless man is dead according to all divinations.

Parting Gift
At 17th level when someone kills you, your body turns into shadow and disappears along with your belongings. The person who did killing blow needs roll a charisma saving throw difficulty 8 + faceless man's inteligence bonus + profiency bonus. On failure next time they are asleep they die as soul of faceless man occupies the body and replaces the original soul and transforms the body into their own body and they regain their possessions. Remove Curse cast on target before they fall asleep prevents attack from working. You can do Parting Gift attack only once per year.

Char Generation Rules

Starting level: 6
Stats: 27pts point buy or use pre-arranged array; 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8.
HD: Max first level, then default average per level.
Eguipment: 2,000 gold, 50gp = common magic items, 500gp for uncommon magic items, 1,000gp for rare magic items (1,500 for weapons&armor).
Alignment: Any, so long it gets along with the party without poisoning/backstabbing/betraying on first meeting.
Races: Any expect drows and eladrins.

Now, starting setting depends what sort chars I do get but game would start at King's Landing and revolve around events in there at season 1 around during or before episode 1 so think with your char background how/why he or she is on King's Landing. Also you can come from any great houses (so long you do not overtake any canon roles already filled by canon NPC's. You can be example be a adopted son/daugther of Ned Stark or cousin of Cersei).


I'm intrigued by this. A multi-racial, slightly magic-heavier westeros? Sure! Why not!

Elven Sex Goddess

Zaer Darkwail

Nice hear your interest :). You can use online charsheets (like mythweavers) or typed versions, whichever you prefer.


Also interested! Throwing a few ideas around.

Just to double check -- is Variant Human an option?
Like what you see? I am currently looking for new plots!

Detailed List of O/Os and Plot Seeds

All of my image links were previously photobucket and broken -- I'm fixing them as I use the avatars again, or for current games. Please let me know if there is something that needs updating!


Elven Sex Goddess

Felisi, half elf, monk

Felisi backstory
Born into the life of a bed slave from Yunkai.   Felisi whose mother was a bed slave before her and her mother's mother before her.   In a long tradition of being a slave.   For the entirety of her life she has been a slave.   But she is more then a whore to be used.   More then a bed slave who is trained in the way of the seven sighs and the sixteen seats of pleasure.  Felisi  was also trained to protect, be  a bodyguard to he or her to who she serves. 

Property of a merchant from Slaver's bay.   Who regularly traveled between  Essos and Westeros with his spice trade.   Felisi comes under the eye of Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish.   Who as master of coin had purchase numerous brothels.   Littlefinger seen perhaps a asset that could be used in the future.   He would purchase her from the merchant and place her working in the brothel in King's Landing.   She is often given to those that he wants to keep tabs on for use or companionship.   

The collar that Felisi wears is been imbued with the properties of like a periapt  against poisons.  Her former merchant master was convinced in a paranoid way that his competitors were out to get him.    The bracers work are imbued with magical defense.   A mercenary she been gifted to for a night.   While in training would leave them.  Before she is sold to the merchant.

Currently in King's Landing working at the brothel as one of its prostitutes.  Still owned and a slave by Littlefinger.    Who uses her to put close to those that he wishes information from.   With a high wisdom she is adept at being perceptive and gaining information.   While not bright in intellgence,  to piece together the whole picture in what information she gains and passes along.   Nor is she asked to gain such information.   Her genial nature and what she is, gains her many a loose tongue that gives up information to her.

Felisi knows only slavery.   To her it is a way of life.   Perhaps it is easier not to make decisions.   To have someone else with such responsibility.  Her goals are to serve her master and the brothel or to whoever she has been given to.  In the best of her abilities.   She takes pride in such.   On the reverse having been on the streets of King's Landing.   She abhors how this gem city of Westeros as the focal center piece have so many living in squalor homeless and starving.  Do not the masters of this great city care for their property. 


Anyone have a decent online source of items (magic & mundane) with costs?

Zaer Darkwail

The costs for common, uncommon or rare items I have listed in first post. Despite what item is, it costs indicated amount (the rarity determines the cost). But for reference a +1 armor is considered a rare item while +1 weapon is uncommon (and rare armors and weapons both costs for this game for 1,500 so you can have only one of those per char). But besides just google and searching for PDF's you can ask for DMG items and I list their rarity (and function changes if any as some items got changed in 5th edition). Example healing potion heals 2d4 and their common items (and cost 50gp each and their only common magic item I know is listed as common).

Elven Sex Goddess: Char looks fine to me and ready to go once game starts :). But note to others; I pick 4-6 chars for the game after a week and build party based on idea I how get party members meet and form group together (it's enough time for anyone to make char and study bit GoT lore via season episodes or from wiki). So it's not first served picks.

Elven Sex Goddess

Quote from: Zaer Darkwail on May 22, 2016, 03:34:39 PM
The costs for common, uncommon or rare items I have listed in first post. Despite what item is, it costs indicated amount (the rarity determines the cost). But for reference a +1 armor is considered a rare item while +1 weapon is uncommon (and rare armors and weapons both costs for this game for 1,500 so you can have only one of those per char). But besides just google and searching for PDF's you can ask for DMG items and I list their rarity (and function changes if any as some items got changed in 5th edition). Example healing potion heals 2d4 and their common items (and cost 50gp each and their only common magic item I know is listed as common).

Elven Sex Goddess: Char looks fine to me and ready to go once game starts :). But note to others; I pick 4-6 chars for the game after a week and build party based on idea I how get party members meet and form group together (it's enough time for anyone to make char and study bit GoT lore via season episodes or from wiki). So it's not first served picks.

Sounds good to me.   I also want to put out a clarification and what party role for the character;   With the background of being a slave and one that is a bed slave.  Immediately screams of one that goes from one sex scene to another.   Which I hope not.  For the character is more then just that.   The background and tying her into the syndicate of shadow dealings of Littlefingers   In which said character is a perfect complimentary character for rogues and fighters in flanking.  The one who goes first.   Quick, alert, enough and well rounded to overcome traps or other such possible ambushes by being first through in a scene.   An in monk spirit relishing such as a test to ones prowess.   Yet at the same time adhering to what she knows and what she is.   

I am also willing to be tied in with another character.    Basically Felisi is to the party in what Alfred the butler is to Batman i.e. Bruce Wayne.   Not the major player, but a player that fills out the game and is  a good asset in as a secondary character in what is the Game of Thrones.    So she is not a nympho looking to go from one sex scene to another.   She is not out to seduce in a overt way.   The very nature of what she is lends to a passive such seduction.   Yet she is not driven by sex.  She is driven to serve and be the best possible slave she can be.   If called on to protect another.  She will do with a zealous and discipline.  If called upon just to be perceptive and learn of something, she will do that.       

Finally a effective spy,  for she has no ulterior motive other then to as aforementioned accomplish what is given her be it gather information even if she is not smart enough  to see the big picture.   In being the best at serving.  So the politics of who is claimant with such clams upon the seats of power.  Matters not only in the realm of who she serves.  And such servitude will come with multiple layers.   From Littlefingers down to his agent that handles her to those that she serves in where she is placed.     


Zaer Darkwail

Yeah, I imagined your char more spy/info collecting role or sort as subtle bodyguard. However without doubt Littlefinger had pressed on that in public you do not call yourself as slave (as slavery is outlawed in Westeros even if smallfolk live sort in slavery under their lords). But Littlefinger none the less treats you as his (like he does with any girls who work for him). Anycase I imagine in fantasy version of GoT he would be a half-elf rogue (the mastermind archtype). But as expected sex/smut can occur in the game both it being located in E and also GoT setting sex (and even sexual abuse) is quite common in the world (but they are player driven desires but some plots or even actual planning wise a sexual seduction could be used for some goals).


I'm interested.  Not familar with Games of Thrones, but I can learn.  No fighters?
Every great dream begins with a dreamer.  Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.  – Harriet Tubman


One more question on setting. Is D&D Westeros more open to gender parity than as-written Westeros? 'Cause in the books and show, women who fight and adventure are seen as freaks of nature by society at large - except maybe in Dorne, the Iron Islands, and among the Wildlings and Hill Clans. It's very patriarchal with very defined gender roles. Buuuut... D&D makes no such assumptions, and of course, a gorgeous woman with a big ol' sword is very much a thing that appeals in fantasy games. Plus we've got all these races, I would rahter doubt elves (for instance) who live 3 or more centuries, would notice what's between a knight's legs, unless they're admiring said knight's horse.

Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: Lyku on May 24, 2016, 01:05:09 AM
I'm interested.  Not familar with Games of Thrones, but I can learn.  No fighters?

There are figthers in Westeros, just forgot add them in lore section :P.

Chulanowa: The gender parity is in place yes, albeit some great houses or some areas it's viewed less as issue. But because of spread of faith of seven (which has similarities to Christianity) would encourage women to be house wives, caretakers of home or otherwise take more passive roles. Reason is mostly because some story/plot elements would not make sense if genders are equal. However women can go become figthers even without noble backgrounds but it would be very rare and would viewed as freaks of society.


Progress so far

Gabriel Rook
Class: Thief [Assassin

Alightment: LN
Level: 6
Race: Human [Varient]
AC - 20
HP - 45

Strength - 10
Dexterity - 16
Constitution - 14
Intelligence - 14
Wisdom - 10
Charisma - 10

Medium Armor Proficiency
Medium Armor Mastery


+1 Short Sword of Warning (1d6 + 1) [Uncommon]
Boots of Elvenkind [Uncommon]
Half Plate
Bag of Holding [Uncommon]

Sneak Attack - 3d6
Expertise - [Stealth, Acrobatics, Thieves' Tools, Perform]
Thieve's Cant
Every great dream begins with a dreamer.  Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.  – Harriet Tubman


Pretty sure I'm planning on going a Fighter/Battle Master, aligned to Stark (either the base family or a banner house) -- trying to decide between polearm or greatsword.
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All of my image links were previously photobucket and broken -- I'm fixing them as I use the avatars again, or for current games. Please let me know if there is something that needs updating!

Zaer Darkwail

Lyku: Looks good so far. lockepick: Also sounds good idea :). I do hope I do get more than just 3 char ideas/concepts before end of this week, or else I extend the recruit by another week.


I'mma put in the work tomorrow after I get home and into Friday. Right now I'm looking at a dwarf or Halfling of some sort. Maybe some sort of poncy elf guy from Highgarden. ;D


Quick Question on magic item costs: You mention a specific price for weapons/armor -- is that 1,500 only for rare weapons/armor? Do Uncommon Weapons/Armor cost 1,000 instead? Or is the 1,500 for Rare or Less?
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All of my image links were previously photobucket and broken -- I'm fixing them as I use the avatars again, or for current games. Please let me know if there is something that needs updating!

Zaer Darkwail

The 1,500gp price is for rare quality magic weapons or armor only. Uncommon weapons and armor costs 500gp while any other rare items which are not armor or weapons costs 1,000gp. armor this case means armor which you dress on and wear for protection than something which gives you armor bonus (like cloak or ring of protection).


Boladyn Cerwyn
Bannerman of House Stark
Human (Varient) Fighter (Battle Master)

Myth-Weavers Sheet


WIP; but TL;DR: Second son to House Cerwyn, a Bannerhouse of Stark located right to the south of Winterfell. Was thinking he goes to King's Landing to fight in the tournament, depending on where we're starting.
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All of my image links were previously photobucket and broken -- I'm fixing them as I use the avatars again, or for current games. Please let me know if there is something that needs updating!


Having posted the start of my character -- I had some questions:
1) I have Boldayn as a member of House Cerwyn, but Bannerman to Stark. I didn't give him the free Stark proficiency or anything -- but basically trying to tie him to the Stark's without mucking up canon too much.
2) Is there any rules for Valyrian steel weapons? I don't see rules for having adamantine weapons, or else I'd just suggest that.
3) I went with a Halberd for a weapon, but was hoping for entirely cosmetic reasons to have it double-headed -- which is just to more properly match the Cerwyn Sigil of a double-bladed axe.
4) Where is the game starting? Do we all need reasons to be in King's Landing, for example?
5) Where in the story are we starting?

I think I had more, but now I don't remember them. I'm sure they'll come to me later.
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All of my image links were previously photobucket and broken -- I'm fixing them as I use the avatars again, or for current games. Please let me know if there is something that needs updating!

Zaer Darkwail


1) Well, for house Cerwyn their skill profiency also would had been survival (any northern noble houses have that skill as there is tundra/wilderness and everyone in north gets basics of survival because of harsher climates and even great lords themselves practicing hunting both as sport but also means to feed themselves and their families). Overall it fits as house Cerwyn is little known house and there is no denial nor confirm of second eldest son in the lineage. Anycase you got the history and survival from background choice.
2) No rules for valyrian steel specifically but it's a idea that valyrian steel is own unique thing and related to adamantine. Overall any weapon of +2 or higher is likely made from valyrian steel (and so far only property what I can think off is that it ignores regular unenchanted steel made weapons and armor/material and thus can break them more easily and armor of invulrenabillity could be rare example of valyrian steel armor).
3) Like this? Overall design of halberd is to swing and chop from single direction but there can be smaller blade other side to allow reverse swing motion (but for a great axe look would not be that practical but if you want to your halberd can look even this so far as I am concerned so long you treat it in combat like halberd otherwise :P).
4) All need reason to be in King's Landing as in interest thread most wanted King's Landing focused game than to north or to Essos based.
5) We start at around bit before or during episode 1 in season 1. Basically game could start with announcement of king's hand had died.


1) Right, we're on the same page there. I figured Survival was the most fitting -- I just meant I didn't get the additional free proficiency that coming from a major house seems to go.
2) When I wrote that question, I thought there were more things that were weak against Valyrian Steel -- but it's really just White Walkers. As well as being a status symbol.
3) I'm just expecting it to be a halberd in every way mechanically -- I just know that having a double-'edged' halberd is bordering on 'Dynasty Warriors' territory -- and I'm fine with toning it down if it's out of theme. I'm comfortable with it looking unwieldy, and just being a show of Boladyn's strength that he uses it. Again -- mechanically the same.
4) I might need some help with that one given the answer to #5... but I'll do some thinking and get back to you.
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All of my image links were previously photobucket and broken -- I'm fixing them as I use the avatars again, or for current games. Please let me know if there is something that needs updating!

Zaer Darkwail

Well, you get the additional free profiency from being part of great house only if you take noble background to said great house (so nobles from great houses get three profiency; the two normal ones to said background as norm plus one related to the noble house). I may have not checked did some profiencies overlap but idea is that being noble from great house gets more profiency stuff than regular noble.


GOnna have my whatever-it-is up today. Did not count on 16 hour shifts at work. GAAAAH

Zaer Darkwail

No worries, I likely extend the recruit time by 1 week so give time for people to create char concept and create the charsheet. So far we got only two completed chars (a monk and figther) and progressing assassin concept/char. I would recruit 4-6 players for this game (preferably +5 as there is drop out rate even on E and I wish to have solid 4 party members anycase).

Zaer Darkwail


Just remind folks this game is still waiting for three or more applicants before I will start the game.


I'm new here, but I concluded the 5th Edition Princes of the Apocalypse, Hoard of the Dragon Queen and Rise of Tiamat campaigns over the past 2 years. Would like to join this.

Planning to have a Human Female Paladin, Eastern Oriental Background. is that allowed?

Zaer Darkwail

Are you familiar with the Game of Thrones world Relikai? So far as I recall there has been not even single mention (or sight of) oriental looking people. But I imagine they would be from far east of Essos from a unexplored lands (or less known lands). But reason why one would be all that way in Westeros would need a good reason for it.


One of the reasons I could come up with would be a slave traded from place to place via nobles. It's a long shot, but if it's too inconvenient then it's back to the culture of the British Isles.

Hold the door there.

Zaer Darkwail

Slave trading is possible, then someone bought her and then trained to become a paladin (a knight), in Westeros slavery is illegal so it's possible a slave ring was attacked by a local lord/knights and then one knights got fond of her and adopted her. However in Westeros for a woman to become a knight is very rare (considered to be freaks by many). Another potential is that you got martial training elsewhere (from Essos example as part of mercenary group), but being paladin is nothing to do being a knight but being idealistic.


Agreed, was not planning for her to be a Brienne. However, seeing that the party is quite loaded on Martials, she might be a spellcaster or a person who could support from range.

Or a healer. Who wants a healer who's submissive due to her past?

Also, are we RPing according to D&D style, or Storytelling where we would do our actions while keeping track of our consumable abilities?

Zaer Darkwail

According 5th edition DnD rules we run things.


So it will be tabletop style ? Waiting for everyone to post an action before a round is over?

Zaer Darkwail

Yeah, you post your actions first and then I post foes actions (so this way you as player do not need me wait to write foe's initiative based actions). I mostly roll which team (yours or foes) gets to act first in given round. Ofc this is based on average total between the party members (so Alertness feat does not go waste example).


Alright works, can give it a try. I'm assuming no Multi-classing ?

Will be working on Char now.

Zaer Darkwail

Multiclassing is possible but needs background story ofc.


Interesting. Thinking of an Iron Isles merc ranger.

Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: Landshark on June 07, 2016, 01:56:17 PM
Interesting. Thinking of an Iron Isles merc ranger.

Sounds like interesting start of a concept :)


Just voicing that I'm still interested. Boladyn was pretty much done. Just need to fluff out the backstory.
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All of my image links were previously photobucket and broken -- I'm fixing them as I use the avatars again, or for current games. Please let me know if there is something that needs updating!


Every great dream begins with a dreamer.  Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.  – Harriet Tubman


I am a bit interested in this, perhaps a traveling bard from the free cities, or maybe a paladin from oldtown (devotion). I wanna play someone who can hit things, but the party sort of has an abundance on that, and we could use someone who can keep others on their feet. Though with Lyku making a bard, a paladin seems more likely.

Elven Sex Goddess


I visualizing Romero more of a middle class.  Not of the major houses, but his presence perhaps that his music had earned him a request to perform by individuals far above his station and when nobility makes such a request, it would be rude to not oblige.
Every great dream begins with a dreamer.  Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.  – Harriet Tubman

Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: Changingsaint on June 07, 2016, 04:35:39 PM
I am a bit interested in this, perhaps a traveling bard from the free cities, or maybe a paladin from oldtown (devotion). I wanna play someone who can hit things, but the party sort of has an abundance on that, and we could use someone who can keep others on their feet. Though with Lyku making a bard, a paladin seems more likely.

Paladin could be interesting choice, as Relikai aimed for oriental sort char thought paladin first but he decided he could roll for a submissive sort healer (cleric maybe?).

Quote from: Lyku on June 07, 2016, 05:07:43 PM
I visualizing Romero more of a middle class.  Not of the major houses, but his presence perhaps that his music had earned him a request to perform by individuals far above his station and when nobility makes such a request, it would be rude to not oblige.

Yeah, there are plenty of bards but not that many who perform at request for great houses (to get that you need high reputation and connections along with a talent).


Probably human paladin. Maybe someone who started off as just a sellsword, but the more he saw the wrongs in the world, the more he wanted to try and make them right - though swordplay is all he really knows. His faith is in the protection of the few remaining good people, thinking that it takes man to protect man (Well, man as in the races of westeros), not the gods or higher powers. Of course, being a virtuous character in game of thrones is a death wish so I am kinda ready to deal with that too.


Very interested in this! Hopefully I'll have time to hammer out a concept, but right now it looks like an arcanist is the major niche that needs filling. I'm thinking of a warlock from Qarth, perhaps, but we'll see.


Is this a world where bards are more plentiful?  The world is full of entertainers... but not every entertainer is a bard.  I'm ready to try and impress.
Every great dream begins with a dreamer.  Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.  – Harriet Tubman

Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: Lyku on June 07, 2016, 06:11:09 PM
Is this a world where bards are more plentiful?  The world is full of entertainers... but not every entertainer is a bard.  I'm ready to try and impress.

Not that plentifull, but besides the PC there could be two hundred or so bards in the global sense.


Question, Zaer. Are uncommon items just 500 GP or the base cost and an additional 500 GP? IE: Would plate armor +1 be 500 GP or 2,000 GP since plate costs 1,500 by itself?


Every great dream begins with a dreamer.  Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.  – Harriet Tubman


Aha, didn't know it was rare! I just noticed Locke's character had adamantite full at 500g, so I wasn't sure.


Weapons and Shields are +1 (uncommon), +2 (rare), +3 (very rare), but armor is rare, very rare and legendary
Every great dream begins with a dreamer.  Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.  – Harriet Tubman


Doesn't matter too much, full plate is 1.5k base for me, so I can't buy too much in the way of magic items. :) If I buy it, that is. Which I may as well, it'd be the best protection I can get.


Adamantine Armor is an Uncommon item. I assumed it wasn't on top of the price of full plate -- but if I'm wrong -- let me know so I can correct it!
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All of my image links were previously photobucket and broken -- I'm fixing them as I use the avatars again, or for current games. Please let me know if there is something that needs updating!


That's all i'm trying to make sure of is all too! 500 GP is cheaper than 1,500, so getting other item's be nice. Not trying to make you sound like a bad guy! just trying to make sure i'm on the same page is all, my apologies!


Depends.  Plate +1 is the same cost as regular plate, costing you 1500 gold for an account of 19... 21 if you have a shield.  You can  get splint and a +1 Shield for 20 ac and it costs you 700 gold.  You can then grabe a cloak of protection for 500 gold and you're at 21 ac and up a saving throw and it cost you 1200g, leaving you with each for a +1 sword or something else.

Locke, seems legit to me.  Only the dmv will know
Every great dream begins with a dreamer.  Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.  – Harriet Tubman


Hrmm, if only the DMV knows we might be here the rest of the afternoon.  :P


Every great dream begins with a dreamer.  Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.  – Harriet Tubman


Quote from: Lyku on June 07, 2016, 09:20:24 PM
Depends.  Plate +1 is the same cost as regular plate, costing you 1500 gold for an account of 19... 21 if you have a shield.  You can  get splint and a +1 Shield for 20 ac and it costs you 700 gold.  You can then grabe a cloak of protection for 500 gold and you're at 21 ac and up a saving throw and it cost you 1200g, leaving you with each for a +1 sword or something else.

Locke, seems legit to me.  Only the dmv will know

For the rest of this though that's also a good point. I'll have to do the number crunching when i'm not as distracted by the D&D session i'm currently in. The idea behind my paladin is I want him to be pretty tough with sword and board and being in the thick of things with Sentinel feat.


I did the crunching for a warrior build then went easy mode for a bard.
Every great dream begins with a dreamer.  Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.  – Harriet Tubman

Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: Changingsaint on June 07, 2016, 06:48:11 PM
Question, Zaer. Are uncommon items just 500 GP or the base cost and an additional 500 GP? IE: Would plate armor +1 be 500 GP or 2,000 GP since plate costs 1,500 by itself?

The cost of the magic item overwrites the regular cost of the mundane item in this scenario. So a rare +1 full plate costs a 1,000gp than 1,500gp or 2,500gp. So this case if you want enchanted full plate, it's cheaper to get it during char gen than go and buy it in-game. So adamantine full plate costs 500gp, reason for this is that I simplify things a lot in char gen in regards magic items (or otherwise exotic items as adamantine full plate is not magical but made from rare materials).


Character Sheet will be attached in this post.

Name - Konayama Miyuki
Race - Human Variant
Class - Fighter(1) Paladin [Oath of the Ancients] (4) Warlock [Fey Pact] (1)

My character will still be relatively submissive due to her background as a slave throughout her youth in Essos, but trained as a fighter and taught the ways of the Forest before traveling to King's Landing upon hearing about a group of travelers whose actions could determine the fate of the world. She has naturally above average constitution, strength and dexterity from her training as a slave, and high Charisma stats due to how she carries herself as a former prostitute to the higher powers who control her life with gold. Her intelligence score is average, and suffers from low wisdom due to her submissive nature and previously broken mind.

Trained as a personal bodyguard and plaything by the merchants of Far East Essos, Miyuki was traded from merchant to merchant, her price ever increasing the further she was from Home. A kind master has pitifully imparted the ability for Miyuki to heal her own wounds through the faith of Nature. This obsession with Nature during her quiet hours would lead to a Fey visiting her in her dreams, telling her about a castle across the Sea. Initially confused, Miyuki realised that she has a brand on her left breastbone visible only by Magical Flames. It was the brand which the Children of the Forest carve into trees, the shape of a Face.

Fate would bring her to Meereen, where a rich Westerosi man dealt with her master in trade goods. However, to sweeten a potential trade contract, her Master offered Miyuki to the Westerosi merchant who accepted it on the spot. The trip back to King's Landing was harsh, but the merchant recognised something more in Miyuki. Having the deal settled was getting more out of the Essossian merchant, with Miyuki as a bonus. Deciding to let her go instead of being seen as a slave, the merchant passed her a seemingly useless belt and a sword, rewards for being exceptionally pleasing in bed, as well as some equipment so she won't be torn apart by a simple wolf or drunkard in the streets of King's Landing.

What she does - Tries to avoid being seen as a slave or a courtesan, an average fighter with healing capabilities. She's mostly silent, unwilling to speak up unless she reluctantly uses her body to convince someone to make a decision on the party's favour.

Detailed Character Sheet.

Konayama Miyuki
Human Variant Fighter 1 Paladin 4 Warlock 1 6 CN

AC  HP 51 Speed 30ft

Str 21 (5) Dex 14 (2) Con 14 (2) Wis 9 (-1) Int 10 (0) Cha 16 (3)

Longsword +1 +9 +6
Longsword +8 +5

Slave's Determination - Sex / Seduction

Fighting Style - Two Weapon Fighting
Fighting Style - Defence

Feats - Resilience (Dexterity)
Feats - Dual Wielding

Fighter -
Second Wind

Paladin (Oath of the Ancients) -
Lay on Hands (20)
Divine Sense (4)
Divine Smite
Divine Health

Warlock (Pact of the Fey) -
Fey Presence

Zaer Darkwail

She looks promising Relikai :). Just need find good pic for her (a mix of figther but also concubine/courtesan). Also what pact in mind? Tome, chain or blade for warlock side?


That's how she'd look like originally.

I try not to give her too much metal, because while she's strong, she doesn't actually understand the magic from the belt. She'll be relying more on her Warlock abilities before the journey toughen her up martially, and she'll either go the Fighter or Paladin. This is not an extreme focus build, purely one that's for fun and RPing (My D&D group will impale me with such a set up).

She'll try to hide the fact that she's statistically a warrior type, although she does have Dual Wielder as a feat which means 2x Longswords to be drawn when backed into a corner.


Hrm, with a sort of paladin role filled i'll have to get back to the drawing board on class, i'll have a backup character done a bit later.


She could be one who takes up apprenticeship under you, gives us room to create backstory while other roles are yet to be filled


That's a possibility! I just don't like doubling up on classes too much, and since you had already made a paladin I wouldn't want to lessen the characters identity with a second, I tend to prefer when characters can feel unique is all. But if you don't mind a second paladin I could do something like have him being a mentor.


Of course. Treat my character as the one who leans more to nature, yours could be the full Paladin who finds her looking lost in King's Landing, and brings her to the gathering which was the direction of the Fey all along, but none of the characters know :p


Sheet so far, then! with 22 AC i'm intending for him to be one hell of a tough nut to crack. Anyway, sheet will be done later, getting dragged off to do something for a bit.


Modified my char page. Good to have peeps to check for errors.


One might say Jacob was lucky growing up, but Jacob hardly believes in fate and luck. Born in Oldtown, the now warrior of righteousness had a humble beginning, born to middle class merchants in the city. Jacob was a little different from his more mercantile parents, lacking their acumen for business but keeping some of their influential personality, and making up for what he lacked in merchantry with strength. The blonde haired youth was quite a fighter, and getting into scraps and other conflicts wasn’t an uncommon thing for him – and it did earn him a few unfortunate punishments as he grew up. However such things tempered him, and he quickly learned ‘right’ from wrong, and in particular there was a budding sense that seeing others doing wrong to people who did not deserve it instilled something of a quiet anger in him. It was no surprise to his family when he opted out of taking his families career and instead opted to join the city watch, where he could have easily had a good life as an enforcer of the law. Even then however, there was something different about him that set him aside from the normal guards. For Jacob, trying to do good meant more than merely doing his job. There was a sense of wanting to do more, of trying to strive for more when other guards were content to simply limit the thieves, or curb them.

As such, despite the chance of promotion and comfort, he left the life of a watchmen to attempt the life of a sellsword. It was different from his old life, but there was a sense of comfort in guarding others, even if the pay wasn’t as good, or when conditions weren’t perfect. He had made something of a name for himself around the reach, known as a bandit slayer, a guardian of merchants, a protector of the meek. These titles didn’t pay as much as the guard did, but he made due how he could. One could tell his armor was a tad worn if sturdy, and his blade was not the most lavishly crafted, but the youth inside the armor held the blade with a dedicated hand, one that did not go unnoticed by other powers who could use such a dedicated defender...

Sheet and history, done. Image is in the sheet.

Zaer Darkwail

Cannot see the image in the sheet Changingsaint. Relikai, I cannot see your mythweaver sheet (have you put it on private viewing only?).


Knocking together a CS right now. Quick few questions....
The bonus Skills under houses is ONLY if your a noble?
Will there be dice rolling in the game? Just curious as to how systemy its gonna be?

Zaer Darkwail

The bonus skill/profiency comes when your noble (background wise) from said house. Bannermen get the same bonus profiency as one profincies which they get via background. Where as noble from great house gets three profiency (two standard skill profiency being noble + house specific). Rolling will be involved and you do need completed charsheets.


Also i know this was asked above but please clearify... When buying magical weapons or armor is it a set 1500gp regardless or is it just 1500 for rare weapons and armor. So would a +1 sword (uncommon) be 500gp or 1500gp?


Rare weapons and armor are 1500.  A +1 weapon or shield is an uncommon magical item and would cost 500.  A +1 piece of armor is rare and would cost 1500g.  Likewise, a +2 weapon or shield is a rare magic item and would cost 1500 g
Every great dream begins with a dreamer.  Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.  – Harriet Tubman

Zaer Darkwail

Yeah, Lyku got it right. 1,500 price tag for rare armor or weapon. The +1 armor is rare quality item (so thus more valued than weapon by default) and +2 weapon is rare quality. +1 weapon is uncommon and adamantine (or mithril) armor is uncommon (but has no +1 bonus). Also you can choose is weapon made from silver or not when picking it as +1 or +2 weapon.


Ok i think we have a character ready.
Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide
Name: Halaster Mahngda
Race: Half Orc   Sex: Male   Ht/Wt: 5’10/160
Class: Ranger(Unearthed Arcana variant)   Lv: 6
Hp: 58   AC:14/15   Prof. Bonus: +3   Background: Sailor (Pirate)
Age: 23      Alignment: NE   Speed: 30ft
Faith: The Drowned God

Str: 16 (+3)
Dex: 10 (+0)
Con: 16 (+3)
Int: 10 (+0)
Wis: 12 (+1)
Cha: 11 (+0)
   Armor: Light armor, Medium armor, Shields
   Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial weapons
   Tools: Navigators tools, vehicles (water)
   Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
   Languages: Common, Orc
Racial Features:
   Darkvision: 60ft.
   Menacing: Gain intimidation skill
   Relentless Endurance: When dropped to 0 hp but not killed, you can drop to 1 hp instead. Usable 1x/ short or long rest.
   Savage Attacks: When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon, you can roll one of the weapons dice an extra time and add it to the damage.

   Dual Wielder:
• You gain a +1 bonus to AC while you are wielding a
separate melee weapon in each hand.
• You can use two-weapon fighting even when the one-handed
melee weapons you are wielding aren’t light.
• You can draw or stow two one-handed weapons when
you would normally be able to draw or stow only one.

Background Feature:
   Bad Reputation
No matter where you go, people are afraid of you due to your reputation. When you are in a civilized settlement, you can get away with minor criminal offenses, such as refusing to pay for food at a tavern or breaking down doors at a local shop, since most people will not report your activity to the authorities.

Class Features:
   Combat Superiority
At 2nd level, you learn maneuvers that are fueled by special dice called superiority dice.
   Maneuvers: You learn two maneuvers of your choice, which are chosen from the list of maneuvers available to fighters with the Battle Master archetype. You can use only one maneuver per attack. You learn one additional maneuver of your choice at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels. Each time you learn a new maneuver, you can also replace one maneuver you know with a different one. Superiority Dice. You have four superiority dice, which are d8s. A superiority die is expended when you use it. You regain all of your expended superiority dice when you finish a short or long rest. You gain another superiority die at 9th level and one more at 17th level. Saving Throws. Some of your maneuvers require your target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuver’s effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows: Maneuver save DC = 14
List of chosen maneuvers:
   Disarming Attack. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to attempt to disarm the target, forcing it to drop one item of your choice that it’s holding. You add the superiority die to the attack’s damage roll, and the target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, it drops the object you choose. The object lands at its feet.
   Menacing Attack. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to attempt to frighten the target. You add the superiority die to the attack’s damage roll, and the target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, it is frightened o f you until the end of your next turn.

At 3rd level, you can create special herbal poultices that have healing power comparable to some potions. You can spend 1 hour gathering herbs and preparing herbal poultices using treated bandages to create a number of such poultices equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). You can carry a number of poultices at one time equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). The poultices you create cannot be applied by anyone but you. After 24 hours, any poultices that you have not used lose their potency. If you spend 1 minute applying one of your poultices to a wounded humanoid creature, thereby expending its use, that creature regains 1d6 hit points for every two ranger levels you have (rounded up).

Ranger Archetype (Hunter)

Horde Breaker. Once on each of your turns when you make a weapon attack, you can make another attack with the same weapon against a different creature that is within 5 feet of the original target and within range of your weapon.

Explorer’s pack
   Iron spikes (10), Chalk (4), candles (2), fishing tackle, grappling hook, manacles(2), sack (3), waterskin (ale) , 50ft silk rope
Riding horse (saddle, saddlebags, bit and bridle.) 
Breastplate (ac 14)
   +1 Silver Warhammer:   Att bonus: +7   Damage: 1d8+4/1d10+4
   Battleaxe:      Att bonus: +6   Damage: 1d8+3/1d10+3
   Crossbow,hand      Att bonus: +3   Damage: 1d8
Cloak of the Manta Ray: Water breathing and swim speed of 60ft.

   Gold: 200    Silver: 192    Copper: 51

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Halaster had your typical Ironborn upbringing. He was the son of a sailor, which meant he would be a sailor. From the time he was old enough to grip a haft he was trained in weapons. During the rare times he wasn't in training with weapons, seamanship or scrounging for whatever he could find, his mother taught him the wilds of their isle and the herbs of the land. When he turned 14 his father took him on his first raid. He was left to guard the landing boats but it was still a big day. Just a year later he was taken along with the warriors where he took his first life, making him a man. His father was a better sailor than a warrior and fell a year later. Halaster had earned his place on a ship under a bold captain, too bold. Just after his 20th birthday they set upon the mainland hoping to catch a caravan headed north. What they found instead was a heavily armed contingent. The ensuing battle was valiant but short. Halaster could see they didn't stand a chance and as he and a few others turned to escape to the boats they could hear the screams of their rear guard being chopped down by the armored cavalry. The handful of survivors scattered in all directions, Halaster never saw them again. Now marooned on the mainland he had to make his way as best he could. Ditching his house seals and blatant Ironborn gear, he assumed the roll of a mercenary. One day he will return home but until then he will learn all he can of the ways of the mainland and take what he can in return for what was lost.

Zaer Darkwail

Halaster looks very nice :). So far I have got enough applicants to start OOC at the weekend and the IC also. I start formulate idea how you meet each other (or how wound up together) at King's Landing.


Weekend sounds great! Assuming my character is ready, I'll be good to go!


Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: Changingsaint on June 08, 2016, 06:32:15 PM
Weekend sounds great! Assuming my character is ready, I'll be good to go!

He is ready to go :).

Quote from: Relikai on June 08, 2016, 07:00:16 PM
Should be non-private now.

Nice, she looks ready to go as well :)


Character should be completed with picture and background.
Every great dream begins with a dreamer.  Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.  – Harriet Tubman


Any room for an elf rogue whose an acrobatic burglar, seems to me no one is focusing on stealing properly for a living?


Stealing is more of a hobby... er... I mean.... umm.... stealing is bad?
Every great dream begins with a dreamer.  Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.  – Harriet Tubman


Its not stealing if they are too scared to report it  >:)

Zaer Darkwail

Yeah, if King Geofrey would steal sweet roll from a tavern, the innkeeper would not report the theft and be rather view it as honor that king came to take sweet roll from his tavern! Where as Geofrey the homeless would not be let in the tavern at all and if somehow steal sweet roll he would be beaten to death.


I was planning on making her a black sheep of a noble family, but she would not steal sweet roles but things of value which would also be a challenge like a family sword of a high placed noble just to prove she could take it. But a question can I take background variants in your game like for noble the Waterhavian Noble (well would be rather a major family say in Westeros but would do the same variant thing) for the different benefit from that one if I wish?

Zaer Darkwail

I need link or direct quote how Waterhavian Noble differs from regular noble. However if your not from great house (as noble) you can be from other lesser noble houses as there are dozens lesser noble houses in Westeros and thus I do not mind variants (so long I know what is replaced and by what). What comes to stealing; you would not be black sheep but outright either killed or exiled from your house of origin if caught. If not caught, then everything is fine. However stealing a family sword, which is always a magical sword (usually a +2 one with unique properties but some can be +1 weapons with specific history) are heavily guarded in vaults or in hands of owners you do not want make enemies with (the later ones are the clearly only sensible targets for theft compared to sneaking to magic warded vaults). There is difference in stealing trinkets (uncommon magic items or expensive piece of jewelry) and with stealing rare class magical artifacts.

As usual manner how thefts done by house x towards other noble house has always resulted your own house massacred on the spot (either in public warfare or outright assassination like in Red Wedding event sort style) or your own house executing you to preserve themselves (or secretly kill and then return item to owners discreet manner and earn favor for 'finding item and punish the thief' so to speak). So theft is okay but going after rare magical artifacts is something what only very suicidal thrillseeker would do (if doing it on whim than by careful laid plan that is). You could snatch some noble's favorite ring or goblet and it causes less fuss than centuries old magic item in house possession.

Anyways, besides confirmation above in regards item thefts in Westeros nobility (and just confirm would Ruby want run a char which runs risk being horribly murdered or assassinated if caught or worse) here is link for OOC Thread for this game! I open actual IC thread on saturday or sunday. Anycase players who had got completed (or almost) their charsheets feel free post in OOC and post to charsheet thread their chars. Also makes for me easier to see who all are in for this game (as some people posts charsheets and then do not show up at all and this recruitment has been up +2 weeks). So those who post to charsheet I do count to be in for actual IC thread which comes out at late saturday or early sunday.


Credits to Changingsaint, who sportingly allowed our characters to have an acquaintance before meeting up with the rest of the party!


The key is to steal such a family heirloom and successful plant it on another house and leave a "careless" trail to guide those who were robbed.
Every great dream begins with a dreamer.  Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.  – Harriet Tubman

Zaer Darkwail

Yeah, that is one way how to go about it if you want ruin other house reputation or send serious wrench of trouble at them.


When a house is going through Hell and getting executed for treacherous ways, they don't notice their own vaults as tightly.

Every great dream begins with a dreamer.  Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.  – Harriet Tubman

Zaer Darkwail

Indeed, anycase IC thread had been opened up now! So please go post at OOC and also post completed charsheets at charsheet thread. You can post in IC thread also and place yourself at King's Landing if got good idea for scene or opening post. I then navigate/shuffle things so party gets together (or meets and starts cooperate somereason or other).


I've decided to be a Rogue ,they don't have to be criminals, but rather a woman focusing on her own special skill set from a Noble background from a banner house. Very classy but if she needs to survive the worse she can tap into her skills as an Assassin her father saw her trained in and she uses the skills to aid her family. After all you kill a commander then you cripple the enemy more than she could leading men into battle and it would be a justified use of her skills.

Zaer Darkwail

Rogue which has assassin archtype who was trained by one noble houses is workable idea :).


I will need some setting information are the Lannisters still in play maybe her family are bannerman to them and known for two things making money since the gold mines were depleted they lifted up some merchant houses with extensive trade to a proper house, and with it added their ample coin. And the family uses their large fortunes to buy respectability and place many assets into play their children all got the finest training. My character would be a daughter trained in the lethal arts but on the surface be a proper wealthy merchants daughter doing something respectable.

Oh and Waterhavian Nobles only difference is the Feature which is this cut and pasted from my PDF copy of the book:

While you are in Waterdeep or elsewhere in the North
your house sees to your everyday needs. Your name a~d
signet are sufficient to cover most of your expenses; the
inns, taverns, and festhalls you frequent are glad to record
your debt and send an accounting to your family's
estate in Waterdeep to settle what you owe.
This advantage enables you to live a comfortable lifestyle
without having to pay 2 gp a day for it, or reduces
the cost of a wealthy or aristocratic lifestyle by that
amount. You may not maintain a less affluent lifestyle
and use the difference as income-the benefit is a line of
credit, not an actual monetary reward.

My view is pick King's Landing or another big city then if your anywhere in that region she doesn't need to spend money on a Good Lifestyle and minor purchases like she wants to get a adventuring pack and buy everything piecemeal then it would be free but not a nice nobles outfitl. Its a good lifestyle so would be decent and have some comforts over common people. It does fit the setting how often does a Lannister pull out coin for small purchases for example back home or King's Landing? I just think setting wise this option fits well to. In return she would be beholding to her family after all they are paying her mundane bills. ^_^

Zaer Darkwail

I accept that variant offered feature. Anycase Lannisters indeed are similar to the regular GoT universe; wealth based on gold mines which had long since dried up. But with addittion that they have deep and firm fingers in on magic item trade (so one branch of family focused on gold mine operations and trade and other on exploring and escavating old Valyrian ruins for artifacts of power/magic or find items and buy them with cheap cost as owner was not aware they were magical, also some darker tales descripe how they without shame loot any magical artifacts from defeated noble houses).


 Half tempted by this... if only because 5e. Question would be, Changeling allowed?
Call me Shadow
My A/A

Zaer Darkwail

Depends, what are changeling stats in 5th edition?


 They're in the Eberron UA material:

+1 Dex, +1 charisma, start with Deception trained, can shapeshift into a humanoid form as an action, as long as they've seen it first.
Call me Shadow
My A/A

Zaer Darkwail

Ok, I allow that race. In GoT lore the first (or founder) of faceless men could had been changeling.

Zaer Darkwail


Just remind some players who had submited completed chars (like Elven Sex Goddess) that IC thread is up and she can post soon as she posts her char in charsheet section.


Every great dream begins with a dreamer.  Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.  – Harriet Tubman

Elven Sex Goddess

Quote from: Zaer Darkwail on June 17, 2016, 05:13:11 PM

Just remind some players who had submited completed chars (like Elven Sex Goddess) that IC thread is up and she can post soon as she posts her char in charsheet section.

Will do tonight

Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: Lyku on June 17, 2016, 06:04:19 PM
How will we know if we were accepted?

So far I counted 5 completed chars. So Elven Sex Goddess and you have not posted IC yet and you, Elven Sex Goddess and Changingsaint needs post chars on charsheet section. Shadowfox and RubySlippers I consider adding in also if they complete their chars. Plus anyone else as there is drop rates for group games so I prefer take just couple more players to ensure I get decent sized group going.


 There's a class I'd like to ask about, made by Matt Mercer (voice actor, dm, actor). Totally not a Witcher.

I was thinking add white walkers to the list next to fey, undead, and outsiders?
Call me Shadow
My A/A

Zaer Darkwail

I allow the blood hunter class, order of the mutant is literally Witcher class though :P. Anyways whitewalkers can be added to besides fey, undead and outsiders. Or rather whitewalkers (the blue eye glowing ones) count both as fey and undead. The wights (people risen to do violence) count as undead.


Working on my character will get her in by Tuesday night at the latest.


If you've still got spots I'd be up for joining! Thinking of a Wildling Druid who climbed the wall to come South to answer a calling from her old gods, though the calling wasn't being very forthcoming on what or why so for now she's just trying to get by in a world that's not of her own.

Likely be hanging out with Shadowfox as a duo! Oh what a pair we'll be.


I could definitely confirm Premier being pretty cool & sticking in things for the long haul.


Call me Shadow
My A/A

Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: ShadowFox89 on June 19, 2016, 06:00:26 PM
Zaer knows who Premier is, or should :P

From exalted game at Nexus? Anyways wildling druid works for me, so long you can figure out how/why she has come to King's Landing (a heavily urban area). I would assume she had used animal forms to blend in or fly there.


Frenna will be a partner for the Changeling, who took her when she was young from the north after killing her family. Unknown to herself that he had done so.

It was likely for the best, for her family were cannibals who eat human and monster alike. Even the Children of the Forest were not able to escape their hungers and she was born with their stolen blood running through her, an excuse to explain where Wood Elves come from, even if she might be the only one still living.

Too young for the Changeling to feel comfortable killing her after offing her family he took her on as a rather troublesome daughter, especially when it turned out the Old Magic ran strong in her blood. Frenna is now all grown up although far from fully civilized. Even if you only lived off human flesh as a child it leaves you with an outlook on the world that's considerably different to the norm. Frenna's very religious when it come to the Old Gods, who she feels have a plan for her they'll reveal someday, if that's a good or bad thing she couldn't say.

Exotic in look, she tends to gravitate towards similar freaks who don't mind so much though she knows even they won't be accepting of her past so she's got good at just not talking about it. When mixing in better company her elven and exotic looks can help her pass, providing she plays it carefully and doesn't try to punch above her station. Which is difficult, because it comes to the Game she is singularly terrible at it, she likes people plain spoken, honest and passionate. All things in short supply in the more hallowed halls of Kings Landing.

Zaer Darkwail

Good background to me, I assume part reason why leaving north is associated with return of whitewalkers?


Well she got taken in by ShadowFox's character, who wasn't about to leave her to die just because of what her parents did. Now she's their partner in whatever work they fall into, even if it's more because she's no where else to go.

She's a wildling with a bit of experience in Westaros so she isn't going to be a complete sore thumb, she's just never really ever going to fit in because of her memories of her childhood, which were about as bad as you can get. She really doesn't want to go back North, especially if it sounds like the Whitewalkers are on the march again. It'd take the Old Gods giving her signs she needs to do just that to get her up there and the South is not a place they touch often. There is a godswood in King's Landing though! So who knows, maybe they're not done with her yet.

Zaer Darkwail

Aha, I see. Well if ShadowFox hails originally from the north (being a wildling changeling) or does he hail at from Westeros but somehow bypasses the wall and the rangers of black?


Quote from: Zaer Darkwail on June 20, 2016, 06:23:04 PM
Aha, I see. Well if ShadowFox hails originally from the north (being a wildling changeling) or does he hail at from Westeros but somehow bypasses the wall and the rangers of black?

I'm thinking probably found a small path through the mountains, and uses that path if people decide to hire her to find their Ranger family (despite the whole oath of no family but the Night Watch)
Call me Shadow
My A/A

Zaer Darkwail

Oath does forbid family ties (or rather severs them entirely) but the family can potentially still hire someone go retrieve body or figure what happened to their relative (or spouse) who was ranger of night watch. Or some cases hire someone kill said ranger (not satisfied for mere oath exile to northest military outpost for rest of their life as punishment from major crime). Or make some ranger 'disappear' from the watch and in truth get smuggled back to Westeros.



Semi-civilized Wildling
Wood Elf Druid (Grasslands)

Raised by cannibals who killed and ate anything with the warm blood flowing in it, even as a child she took lives and ate her fill. When she partook of the flesh of one of the Children of the Forest though even in death they would not go quietly. Their roots took hold in her and put her into a fugue, giving her disturbing visions of what was and what may be. It's left her memories up to that point a jumble and she's unsure how much of her savagery was even real.

Her family was put down by a man who'd been paid to get revenge upon them shortly after and as she was the last and still only a child, he could not bear to kill her and instead took her South with him. She's grown up with memories of a cold and harsh north full of blood, death and horrors, a place which she does not wish to return to and yet cannot fully shake. She's grown up well, her looks are beautifully elfin but with an exotic touch to it that the learned will know is not of Westeros at all. She treats her stolen Children magic as a gift from the Old Gods and tries to use it to better the lives of others. The Old Gods don't demand much, but she feels like she has a price to pay for her power none the less. She might be right.

For now she works with the Changeling who rescued her from the north, unaware that he was the one who took the lives of her kin. She's more accustomed to the civilized world than most Wildlings, but she's never quite settled into it. The dreams of blood and the lingering taste of flesh keep her from ever settling down and she has no ties to noble houses or even a common family. Her magic is Wildling Magic and while most South have never seen it, those that have are not likely to treat her with kindness if they know where she comes from. She tries to stay out of politics, but that's so rarely an option in Kings Landing and the more people the resist, the worse fate the game eventually has in store for them...


Sheet is a work in process, so it'll be a bit. Just click Frenna's name to get to it!



Sheets mostly done, just need to fill out the spells, buy equipment and finish up some small details. I wonder what her Background will be. hrm.


Windows 10 ate my character sheet when downloaded, I will get her in I have hand written notes to work off of, but permission to assassinate Windows 10 after the game starts is requested. ^_^

Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: Premier on June 22, 2016, 04:21:51 PM
Sheets mostly done, just need to fill out the spells, buy equipment and finish up some small details. I wonder what her Background will be. hrm.

Perhaps outlander? Would fit really. Anyways post sheet when your computer is not bonkers RubySlippers :)


I went with Outlander! Since I am pretty much that.

Just need to do magic items then done, we got an idea of when we wanna start?

Also I get one free language and since it's likely Frenna used to be a Thenn, what's this games equivalent of the Old Tongue? Dwarven fits for the rune based nature of it, but Dwarves are more Notherners here than the old guard.

Zaer Darkwail

I say dwarven/giant are part of older local languages and the game is basically had been started already (you can get still in and I write intro for you).


Oh it has? Dang I didn't even notice. Where's the thread and please do. I'll pick the magic items now


Quote from: Zaer Darkwail on July 09, 2016, 06:09:47 PM
I say dwarven/giant are part of older local languages and the game is basically had been started already (you can get still in and I write intro for you).

It did? Nothing was posted about it...
Call me Shadow
My A/A

Zaer Darkwail

Here is the OOC thread;

Here is charsheet thread where chars are posted to when complete;

Here is the IC thread;

You can wait for me tomorrow (going sleep now) make intro or write yourself a intro and I work from there :)

Quote from: ShadowFox89 on July 09, 2016, 06:18:50 PM
It did? Nothing was posted about it...

Well, I had in truth thought how 'old tongue' would had been translated to DnD or fantasy version. So I decided go with that in Westeros the northern areas/older areas have dwarven/giant writings in ruins and such in regards old tongue. So humans who did live in north spoke more dwarvish than common. The dwarves in other side of wall speak partly old tongue but they have some modern dialects (simply evolved out from old tongue). But I could rule that old tongue needs own sepparated language known than it related to any racial language.


 I should have Zizi finished shortly. Ended up scrapping bloodhunter for straight rogue-assassin... though Swashbuckler is tempting.
Call me Shadow
My A/A


 Actually, we seem to have plenty of melee beaters.... I'm thinking maybe sorcerer >.>
Call me Shadow
My A/A


 Right, mechanics finally done for Zizi, working on background. Finally settled on a class too >.<
Call me Shadow
My A/A

Zaer Darkwail

Looks good, just need for you pick archtype :).


Call me Shadow
My A/A

Zaer Darkwail

Ah, did not spot it. Anyways it looks good to me :). Just find pic, write down background and post it in charsheet section. Plus ofc pick background. Also funny you list Tyrion as deity :P