One and a half million United States citizens are without fresh water.

Started by Vekseid, September 30, 2017, 12:16:21 PM

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The United States territory of Puerto Rico is home to:

- Three and a half million American Citizens - nearly all without electricity or access to communication.
- Over one hundred thousand veterans
- Dozens of our own website's members.

When Maria's eyewall passed over the island, over 60,000 Puerto Ricans were still without power from Irma.

Media attention to hurricane Maria has been comparatively tepid, as has the destruction it wrought on Puerto Rico. More attention is given to the island by British media than American. Now, the mayor of San Juan has said that the situation is approaching a genocide.

Complicating this situation is the financial situation Puerto Rico has been suffering for years. Through corruption in its own government and inability to obtain or influence reforms in US Congress, the government of Puerto Rico is bankrupt. With its best talent constantly emigrating due to these conditions, economic recovery was a difficult prospect even before Maria.

Federal response has also been weak. It took two days to get Jones act exemptions for Texas and Florida. A week after Maria, Trump cited business interests as the reason for not making the same exemption for Puerto Rico. He caved the next morning, though this exemption is only for ten days.

Less than ten thousand members of the US military are currently providing aid to PR and the US Virgin Islands. A part of this is because resources are still needed in recovery from Harvey and Irma. The more serious issue is the political priorities of the United States are currently in a horrific place.

The logistical situation on Puerto Rico that is seriously hampering aid. Ten thousand containers of supplies sit idle - many of which will end up being spoiled soon - because the island's ability to unload and distribute these resources no longer exists. Much of the hardware to unload this material was destroyed by Maria, many of the roads that would distribute it are also destroyed, and only 20% of truckers are even available, as 80% of them either cannot be reached, or themselves cannot reach their jobs. More than anything, the island needs its own ability to help itself restored.

An thorough summary of PR's situation is here, if you are interested in details.

Spread the word

The leading indicator of support for funding Puerto Rico's recovery is awareness that these people are United States citizens.

More than money, and much more than supplies, what the people of Puerto Rico need is attention.

* Find your elected officials and tell them the people of Puerto Rico need more help.

* Let your friends and family know. Talk about it. This is going to be one of the greatest humanitarian crises the United States has faced.

* No financial donation can make up for the one-in-a thousand chance that you may sway a congressperson on this.


As mentioned above, thousands of containers of physical aid already sit undelivered. If you are going to donate, send cash. You should not even consider sending goods before you know they can actually get to the people who need them.

* United for Puerto Rico - run by Puerto Rico's first lady. This will aid Puerto Rico directly.

* One America Appeal - managed by all five living previous presidents, this charity is specifically run under George H.W. Bush's, as it describes below. 100% of all funds will go to hurricane relief efforts, for all hurricanes.

* Consumer Reports has reviewed other charities that have good reputations.


* You can volunteer through VOAD here.

* All Hands is also responding to the US Virgin Islands.

Thank you, everyone.

Lustful Bride

Don't forget to donate blood. Since refrigeration has failed in many hospitals and clinics (due to loss of power) they will need anything and everything really.


Thank you for this, Veks. I will help spread the word and see what else I can do.


Thank you, Veks. This means a lot.

Most of my family is in Puerto Rico and it's been heartbreaking to see the lack of coverage and just how many people are REALLY shocked when they learn that Puerto Ricans are American citizens.

We've yet to hear from my Grandma on my Father's side - the hurricane passed right over her town.

It's scary. It's heartbreaking. And the more coverage, the more awareness Puerto Rico gets...the more help they will get.

<3 #PuertoRicoStrong <3
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Orange Marmalade

Also throwing this link out there:

Especially the part around rumors and the Federal Response Updates section.

Be wary of what you see on the news, get your info from the source, and make sure to donate to worthy causes like the ones Veks linked to.


I sent some money their way.  I hope they get the help they need.


We've donated 250 Euro last week and the husband is supposed to go there in a couple of days with the Red Cross.


This is amazingly beautiful. Making awareness of this magnitude.

I actually talked to a friend about this Friday. Between him and I, we constantly look for where we can be helpful anonymously for those in needs. So as a favor to me since I have no funds currently, and because he is very pro helping others himself, he donated a grand. Planning to donate more at the end of the week for this cause, and others.
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