Our Shadows Remain (Current Status: Closed)

Started by Intimate Ink, April 04, 2016, 11:58:18 PM

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Intimate Ink


Our Shadows Remain: World of Darkness São Paulo

As a city rarely defined by either it's beauty or lack of remarkability, São Paulo stands as a city of contrasts.  Well-groomed executives fill this center of skyscrapers signing business deals that turn the world's economy, even as unchecked hunger and rage swells in the slums outside boardroom windows.  Even as another steel monument to rationality is built, folk healers harvest animals in the name of their craft, zealots and evangelists ignite the passions of forsaken citizens, and Umbanda practitioners plea to their Orixás.  With 11 million inhabitants within the city itself, and another 8 million within the outlying areas, the city stands as a looming reminder to the finite resources that humanity will either compromise with or die over; a simple glance out of any window can grimly challenge the notion that a single individual can matter, as well as testify to the difficulty of finding unity in the face of such overwhelming diversity.  Whether one chooses to see it as a demon that exhales scorched fumes from the city streets, or an imperfect angel working towards redemption through the encouraging cleanup efforts of the Tietê river it once defiled, it is only too easy to see the city as a symbol that portends a future yet to come.

A city that attracts such a disparate web of human interest, should only be expected to likewise attract the attention of competing supernatural forces.  For Vampires, São Paulo is among the fraught network of South American cities where the Camarilla and Sabbat are locked in one of their most evidant and brutal wars for control.  The Catedral da Sé de São Paulo now stands as one of the most potent of Sabbat locales, a place where both power and decision is born that often affects the sect on a global scale.  The Fera encroach the city from beyond it's borders, often times with harsh judgments, even while urban-tribed Garou use the city as a base for the brutal South American battle against Pentex. 

For the Awakened, the city feels like a microcosm itself for the Ascension War that was proclaimed over, and yet has never truly ended.  Void Engineers cling desperately to what was once a site of their greatest strongholds in the form of a research and training base for their Neutralization Specialist Corps (NSC) division.  With the coming of the devastating storms, which wracked the spirit realm and tore apart the bodies of their machinations and leaders alike, however, their crowning achievement has all but crumbled into the ground.  The less sizable, though noticeable, New World Order presence now feels the absurdity of the Technocratic victory lap made only two decades ago: a renewal of folk medicine surges even among what was thought to be the most predictable sleeper populations, evangelists and radicals assume positions of political power, and the Technocracy as a whole struggles under the weight of new self-doubts and rampant infernal infiltration.

Despite these events, the Traditions have not been without heavy burden.  Once easily the domain of Dreamspeakers, the march of time and modernity gnawed at their ranks within São Paulo.  Of all the traditions, the Avatar Storms affected them the most as their leaders perished or worse, and a realm that was once considered their domain became hostile and unforgiving.  Even now that the storms have largely passed, the spirit realms they once knew are no more; those few masters who survived not only found the realms they took for granted in devastated conditions, but once reliable pathways had changed.  Even  the denizens themselves seemed somehow touched by the maelstrom, and with that strange new internal chaos, once-reliable trusts were broken.  Even as they celebrated the slow death of the storm, many did not return or came back wholly broken from unknown circumstances.

The Sons of Ether have made strange bedfellows in the wake of such events.  The shifts that have often been received with an air of dismal acceptance and grief by the  Dreamspeakers have ignited the adventuring and innovative spirit in their mad scientist-esque Council-mates.  What was once old and explored was new again, and alliances have been made to combine the Etherites' enthusiasm with the remains of the  Dreamspeaker's resources in the hopes of elevating each of the traditions to new heights.

The story of Our Shadows Remain: São Paulo World of Darkness begins with a call from the city to tradition Mages across the globe with a wish to start again.  With the fall of  many chantries, the loss of  many mentors, and a thickening of the gauntlet due to the now-dying storm, those among the Awakened who are not content to wallow in their past must coalesce around the few centers of power and resources that still remain.  Even those unwilling to explore shall perish or inevitably face the reality that the mortal world, spiritual realms, figures of power, and the rules of the Ascension War itself have all fundamentally changed.  As for the newly awakened, they are often charged with being the enthusiasm in this new realm, while alternately cautioned that fates far worse than death await them with a single wrong step.  Some among them see  the transgressions of their predecessors that allowed the Technocracy its' momentary victory; others even perceive the hubris that allowed that same victory to slip from the Conventions' grip.  Whether this new world is a chance for redemption, or simply a cruel demonstration that one generation is destined to inherit and repeat the sins of their predecessors, is a reality yet known.

Interesting, tell me more...

  • Our Shadows Remain: World of Darkness São Paulo will be run in the style of a guided-sandbox style game.  Typically, one or more threads will be open and advancing a GM-led plot line.  Other threads will exist outside of these plots for players to lead their own stories, develop relationships between each other, and chronicle the life and actions of their characters.  This will often (though not necessarily always,) take the form of a chapter- or mission-based approach where certain in-character dates and times are reserved for formal game events, and players may opt to establish their own events around these reserved time periods.  Obviously, actions taken in these threads will be just as "real" and will affect game play in the mission threads.  Direct GM involvement will be available upon request in any thread, regardless if it is player initiated or not.
  • The out-of-character tone of the game will be relaxed and newbie-friendly.  Players new to Mage: The Ascension, or the World of Darkness in general, are welcome.  In the spirit of this I will try to minimize  Mage 'jargon' that I have not provided prior explanations to.  I also ask that advanced Mage players adjust their expectations of their fellow players accordingly; the new primary sourcebook alone is 700 large-format pages.  Let's be respectful of everyone's experience level and not expect them to remember the two paragraphs on page 'x' that detailed concept 'y'.  Please also be advised that I may not always stick to canon because of this; the writers' themselves stress flexibility in storytelling, a value that I am very much in agreement with.
  • Though this is a system game, please be aware I am not a dice-heavy GM in any context, especially not on boards.  The themes of Our Shadows Remain will include exploration, adventure, corruption, imperfect options, unexpected allies, and team-building.  Combat will occur, but will not be the focus of the game.  I value creative thinking over dice-rolls, and character development over power aggrandizement; the story will unfold reflecting those values.
  • At this time, participants may have one (1) player character each, who should be a member of the Tradition sect.  For those players interested in playing Technocracy, I plan to provide some NPC and quasi-NPC Void Engineer and New World Order positions in the future.  (I am defining quasi-NPC as a PC that the player has agreed to following  a certain set of attitudes and actions with me prior to their approval.)  If you really want to play a sect or supernatural type that I have not listed here, and don't mind an uphill battle, I am willing to consider it if you can help me understand why the concept would be an asset to the other players within the game.
  • Just as I have no expectation for a player to be an expert on Mage: The Ascension, I have no expectation for players to be particularly familiar with São Paulo.  While players are welcome to play a long-time resident, I have deliberately structured the storyline so people may play newly arrived transplants without compromising realism.  I do strongly recommend (though will not outright require) that characters have a passing knowledge of Portuguese, which they may purchase for 'free' in character generation.  Since Elliquiy is an English-based site, all posts, regardless of what language a character is currently speaking, should be in English.  If any section of a post is not in English, the translation should also be provided, as a convenience to players whose character's linguistic ability and their own are not shared.

Non-System Rules

  • Be familiar with and adhere to all Elliquiy Site Rules.
  • Be respectful of each other.  Actually, be nice to one another.  I don't want this to be a stressful experience for anyone.  As an extension of this, please be mindful that this is a beginner-friendly game for a notoriously complex gaming system and storyline.  I do not recommend this game to people who only want to be surrounded by exclusively savvy players, such as those who do not need basic explanations and reminders of the many concepts within the game.
  • Similarly, please know that I may not always opt for the most canon-friendly interpretation at every given turn.  I believe in making the rules work with your story and players rather than forcing them into every possible pre-made mold provided.  Furthermore, I strongly believe this flexibility is in line with the game-makers' intentions.
  • Be respectful, and willing to play with, the diverse set of genders and sexualities that compromise the Elliquiy player base.  Understand that your character will likewise be exposed to a wide range of genders and sexuality during their play.
  • Be respectful that while this is a smut friendly game, it will not be smut-focused.  The main story threads will likely rarely deal with sexuality directly, though you are encouraged to weigh that along every other aspect of your character when determining their response to in-game situations.  The choice to place this game on the 'extreme' board is more to allow players to interact in any way they mutually consent to subject their character to, and not necessarily a reflection of the main plot.  Obviously, players may smut it up as much or as little as they want in side threads dedicated to the times between 'chapters'.
  • That being said, please realize that this is a World of Darkness game.  The system and canon are filled with examples of madness, death, violence, sexualized violence, brainwashing, torture, and other extreme plots.  I have no intention of 'sanitizing' the setting, and strongly encourage players to pursue other games if the system tenants are upsetting to them.
  • In order to preserve flow, I will expect players to post within seven days on the main story line if I have not heard from them stating otherwise.  I don't require intrusive explanations as to why you need more time; I just need to know that you are around, aware that it is your turn, and that you are interested in continuing.  This is to preserve the game from atrophying because a character goes MIA with no expected return date, not to punish someone for having a case of 'real life' that needs to come first.

Character Sheets

  • This is currently an invite-only game.  Consequently, if you have not been invited, I strongly recommend that you talk to me before doing any character work.  I'm going to be much more confused than impressed if I get an unsolicited application.
  • Character concepts should be basically starting stats.  I say basically because if you go over a few freebies, I'm not going to sweat it too much, as long as I can see why everything makes sense for your character to have.
  • All characters have an optional, yet strongly recommended, 'free' language point to spend on Portuguese.  Before you choose not to take it, I urge you to consider what this will mean for a character who will be living in a city that uses it as the dominant language.
  • House Rule: If your character's background and paradigm support it, you may opt for one of the more technocratic interpretations of the spheres, such as replacing Dimensional Science for Spirit.  Please adjust it on your sheet accordingly, or let me know so I can send you a pre-adjusted one.  Obviously, this will be a very difficult sell for me if your character does not have a paradigm of one of the ex-Technocrat traditions (That is, an Son of Ether or Virtual Adept.)
  • Merits and flaws are allowed as an aspect of character generation.
  • Please be advised that I will take the liberty of adjusting any sheets that I receive to the format I have decided upon for posted character sheets, which will likely involve converting them to a more traditional looking graphic.  I mean no offense, my inner technocrat just likes uniformity in such things.
  • At this time I am largely open to any concept provided it is a tradition-based mage.  I will adjust this post if I begin to see a growing imbalance that needs to be addressed.  While I have no requirement or expectation for them, I will confess that I would love to see a Dreamspeaker and/or Son of Ether to float my way.
  • Since there is no better place to put this:  I am actually pro character sheet development, even though experience systems (formal and informal,) sometimes gets overlooked on games run over boards.  I encourage you to think about not only where your character is in terms of abilities (mundane and Magical,) but where they might be going.
  • Many, many thanks to the wonderful Blythe for providing some optional code for you to communicate your character sheet to me in.

[float=left][anch=SHEET1][img height=300 padding=8]https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/001/668/505/fb5122d92138dff264d6b4fa369e168e_large.png[/img][/anch][/float] [i]

[table][tr][td][b]Name[/b]:[/td][td]? ? ?[/td][td][/td][td][b]Player:[/b][/td] [td]? ? ?[/td][td][/td][td][b]Experience:[/b][/td][td]? ? ?[/td][/tr]
[tr][td][b]Concept[/b]:[/td][td]? ? ?[/td][td][/td][td][b]Nature:[/b][/td] [td]? ? ?[/td][td][/td][td][b]Demeanor:[/b][/td][td]? ? ?[/td][/tr]
[tr][td][b]Chronicle[/b]:[/td][td]Our Shadows Remain[/td][td][/td][td][b]Affiliation[/b]:[/td] [td]? ? ?[/td][td][/td][td][b]Face-claim:[/b][/td][td]? ? ?[/td][/tr]
[tr][td][b]Sect[/b]:[/td][td]? ? ?[/td][td][/td][td][b]Essence[/b]:[/td] [td]? ? ?[/td][/tr]

[center][b][i]~Abilities: Talents/Skills/Knowledges~[/i][/b][/center]


[tr][td][b]Crafts[/b]:[/td][td]○○○○○[/td][td][/td][td][b]Drive[/b]:[/td][td]○○○○○[/td][td][/td][td][b]Etiquette[/b]:[/td][td]○○○○○[/td][td][/td][td][b]Firearms[/b]:[/td][td]○○○○○[/td][td][/td][td][b]Martial Arts[/b]:[/td][td]○○○○○[/td][/tr]



[tr][td][b]Background 1[/b]:[/td][td]○○○○○[/td][td][/td][td][b]Background 2[/b]:[/td][td]○○○○○[/td][td][/td][td][b]Background 3[/b]:[/td][td]○○○○○[/td][td][b]Background 4[/b]:[/td][td]○○○○○[/td][td][b]Background 5[/b]:[/td][td]○○○○○[/td][/tr][/table]

[b]Arete[/b]: ○○○○○  ○○○○○
[b]Willpower[/b]: ○○○○○  ○○○○○
[b]Quintessence[/b]: ○○○○○  ○○○○○
[b]Paradox[/b]: ○○○○○  ○○○○○



[b]Sphere Name:[/b] (Is a focus required for this sphere? Y/N) - List of currently utilized focus/foci.

** Due to the often changing nature of a Mage's paradigm, please do not feel the need to include foci for spheres you do not have.**

[b]Attribute/Ability:[/b] Specialization

[center][b]Background / History[/b][/center]

[center][b]~Notable Gear/Equipment/Wonders~[/b][/center]

[center][b]~Anything Else You Want Shared~[/b][/center]

Confirmed Interest
Orange Marmalade


You know I'm in, of course! I'm one of the "new to M:tA" individuals that was invited to play. ^^;

For the others invited who might be on board, I'm likely going to play a Virtual Adept of some sort. I'm not yet sure of specifics (like gender, age, ethnicity, although I'm definitely taking the free point to learn Portuguese for my character), but the general personality will be someone very sarcastic/scathing, but who ultimately will be a team player.

Intimate Ink

A wise man urged me to point out:  This is living where it is, so that if the first round of invitations does not generate enough participants, I will be opening this thread up to another round of invitations and/or general applications.  (Since I am intending this to be a small game, I simply do not want a large number of people giving me wonderful looking characters that I have to turn away.)

Orange Marmalade

Intimate Ink

Quote from: Orange Marmalade on April 05, 2016, 12:22:14 AM
Ugh I guess I'll join :p

There, there.  You are so brave -- I do know how you hate playing with me, so.



  Good morning, gentlemen.  I'm simply ecstatic to have been invited this way.  (I hope I'm not posting in here too soon.) 

  I'm somewhat torn between a Society of Ether steampunk girl and an African descended member of the Akashic Brotherhood (again female.) 

  Having read the setting introduction, I'm leaning strongly towards the steam punk girl.   

  Ink, could you elaborate a bit on the opportunities that might come up for exploring or even restoring the Umbra?  :) 

  Also, pretty much everyone I've ever played mage with has house ruled that Arate 3 is a bonus.  (I've even had one Storyteller give us Arate 3, then ask us to limit our spheres to 2.)  Will you be doing anything like that? 

A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)

Intimate Ink

Welcome Muse!

So glad to have you aboard!!!

Let's get you some answers:

Quote from: Muse on April 05, 2016, 02:36:22 AM

Ink, could you elaborate a bit on the opportunities that might come up for exploring or even restoring the Umbra?  :) 

I'm going to paint with deliberately broad strokes while still answering your question here.  I am happy to respond with more specifics through PMs; I don't want to 'spoil' anyone who doesn't want to know what is coming.  I realize some people would rather have some spoilers, though, so I will somewhat (but not fully) accommodate that through other communication methods.

The Umbra will very much surface in play, and be integral to major plot-lines.  Do keep in mind that until circumstances arise that might allow otherwise, your character may have limited player-to-player interaction in the Umbra since not everyone is going to have an easy route of access.  I'll do my best as a GM to make any purchases that seem largely intended for umbra travel/interaction still feel like 'points well spent' for you, even if it feels lonely there without your buddies. ;)

As for restoring the umbra, I am guessing that there might be people... things... out there that like it the way it is, so you're probably going to have to take up those ideas with them.

Quote from: Muse on April 05, 2016, 02:36:22 AM

Also, pretty much everyone I've ever played mage with has house ruled that Arate 3 is a bonus.  (I've even had one Storyteller give us Arate 3, then ask us to limit our spheres to 2.)  Will you be doing anything like that? 

No house rules on Arete limits; just make sure it fits the background and more or less adheres to standard character generation.  (In other words: If you have an Arete 3 and your character has been a Mage for five months it's gonna get my attention.  ;)  If it looks completely expected, I won't give it a second thought.)   I realize that the system (some versions much more than others,) is a bit notorious for allowing world-crushing characters at beginning levels if you get creative enough.  I feel like I've stalked the threads-past of all invites enough to believe that everyone will 'get' the relaxed flavor of this particular M20 game, though, and isn't going down that route.  So, no, please have fun, and explore something that not every game accommodates.


I hope all of this helps, and don't hesitate to ask further questions if I was too broad.  I'm also happy to talk any concepts you have.  I just wait until asked so my urge to be helpful is not misinterpreted as 'IInk really wants me to play this concept, so I guess I should do that one.'


I already have a character sheet going (though of course I will adapt it to fit more in the game, especially when it comes to Spheres to reduce crossover).

Basically my character atm is a Society of Ether character, I'll not mention spheres as I have a spread of them and I'll more than likely shift them around to suit the party. Their whole schtick is a quantum worldview where they reality hack using the observer effect and quantum collapse, their instruments basically work as things to achieve a zen state to see the quantum flow...

It sounds on paper like more of a Technocracy thing, though I read about how the Technocracy accidentally let quantum theory and dark matter slip the cracks when they were clamping down things that didn't fit their version of science for the masses and I'm sure I read somewhere modern Etherites basically refer to ether as dark matter now.

Anyways, interested (of course!) and that's the general pitch for my Mage. :)

Intimate Ink

Quote from: wander on April 05, 2016, 05:29:39 AM
I already have a character sheet going (though of course I will adapt it to fit more in the game, especially when it comes to Spheres to reduce crossover).

Basically my character atm is a Society of Ether character, I'll not mention spheres as I have a spread of them and I'll more than likely shift them around to suit the party. Their whole schtick is a quantum worldview where they reality hack using the observer effect and quantum collapse, their instruments basically work as things to achieve a zen state to see the quantum flow...

It sounds on paper like more of a Technocracy thing, though I read about how the Technocracy accidentally let quantum theory and dark matter slip the cracks when they were clamping down things that didn't fit their version of science for the masses and I'm sure I read somewhere modern Etherites basically refer to ether as dark matter now.

Anyways, interested (of course!) and that's the general pitch for my Mage. :)

Sounds great, wander!  You aren't going to get friction from me if you end up with spheres that are common to other group members; however, you are also welcome to make sure that they are a distinctive set.  I'm trying to be careful what I say since I don't have anyone misinterpreting my random thoughts as  requests... but, with that concept I would say Prime seems like a particularly interesting fit to me.  Then again, this article leaves me feeling that it's all about the Entropy.

Intimate Ink

Just as a heads-up to everyone I just realized there was someone whom I intended to put on the original invite list that I realize I accidentally omitted yesterday.  I have since fixed that, so if someone you all didn't see on the list starts posting, that is why.

Intimate Ink

Quote from: Muse on April 05, 2016, 02:36:22 AM

  Also, pretty much everyone I've ever played mage with has house ruled that Arate 3 is a bonus.  (I've even had one Storyteller give us Arate 3, then ask us to limit our spheres to 2.)  Will you be doing anything like that? 

So, a fellow player pointed out that I may have misinterpreted part of your question.  Let me answer it the other way, if so:

1) I am not limiting sphere purchases in any way other than what standard game mechanics forbid (IE no sphere level above arete, etc.)

2) I am not comfortable giving a blanket Arete 3 for 'free' on the basis that I know some people are debating some very 'wet behind the ear' character concepts to represent their own unfamiliarity with the game.  (I definitely am not asking people to do this, mind you, that is their personal choice.)  If someone has Arete 3 on their sheet, I want an in-character background that reflects their experience with magic; I don't want to 'force' that history on anyone.

However, as I mentioned I'm not going to be pouring over every freebie point with a calculator, so there is some wiggle room there.

I do know some people aren't comfortable with ambiguity, though, especially since some of you don't know me.  If people would be more comfortable with it, I am willing to just say everyone gets 8 extra freebie points and whether they spend them on Arete or something else, that is their business. Anyone want to chime in?


I'm okay if other people want the bonus Arete with extra freebies.

Since I'm playing a newbie-concept, I might not initially take that bonus for Arete (or if I do, it's not going to represent anything like long-term training, but perhaps one dot of extra Arete, and my character is just a 'natural talent' with things?).

Anyways, the general gist is that I do not object to others having higher Aretes~


I'm playing a more new Mage myself, just because officially this will be my first proper game, though I wouldn't call myself a complete newb to the lore. Just gives me some wriggle room and random chance added into the dice rolls for fun. :)

Anyways, my own character will be normal char gen with the usual point lay as detailed in the core. :)

Oh and with my guy, yeah Prime is in there (with eye contact as an instrument), though I have a wanting to add some kooky stuff in, such as Time using their demense as their instrument.  :-)


I've got a partial sheet done. Still working on it!  ;D

I'm vaguely thinking of a Virtual Adept who's gone to ground in São Paulo after some complications with a previous hacking group based on the stats I was contemplating--I'm thinking of a character who might be a bit more 'physical' than what one would expect of a Virtual Adept (might have some good knowledge of hand-to-hand combat or firearms), mostly because I like the idea of a slightly atypical route, a Virtual Adept who's a bit more than what might be expected on the surface. ^^

(Still trying to debate what Backgrounds I like. I know Avatar is pretty necessary, and Resources is looking pretty appealing right now)

Thinking of playing a character who is mid 20s to mid 30s in age (somewhere in that range). Any suggestions as to a gender for my character? I'm open to playing whatever gender would balance things up.

Orange Marmalade

I'm still toying with ideas, but kinda leaning towards Akashic Brotherhood right now.

Quote from: BlytheThinking of playing a character who is mid 20s to mid 30s in age (somewhere in that range). Any suggestions as to character gender for my character? I'm open to playing whatever gender would balance things up.

I'd say play whatever you like! I always vote for more homofriendly dudes :D But so far we may lack females who like males. Still not sure yet though.

Intimate Ink


New House Rule: Due to the opinion blowing that way, rather than being a bit more ambiguous with my stat policies, every character gets an extra eight freebies.  While this is being provided pointedly due to people wanting to start with an Arete of 3, you do NOT need to spend it on Arete.

Furthermore, for those who do not want to spend it on Arete:  If you feel like you are shooting yourself in the foot by not buying it, even though you don't want your character to start out that way, you are free to let me know that you are 'holding back/banking' the extra freebies at this time.  I will note it, and we can say that your character is close to a seeking, but not quite there yet.  You may choose to then roleplay the seeking out in game (with or without my assistance, your choice,), at which time I'll release the freebie points that you banked and give you the Arete point at that time.


Silly question;

In regards to the sheet, whats the coding to do the filled in circles compared to the empty ones? I usually do stats like so; "ooxxx" but some help would be good.

As for preferences, I'll be playing a male character and they will have preference for women, feminine looking men and transfemales. If that helps with gender choices and decisions for those on the fence. :)


Quote from: Intimate Ink on April 05, 2016, 06:08:03 PM
Furthermore, for those who do not want to spend it on Arete:  If you feel like you are sooting yourself in the foot by not buying it, even though you don't want your character to start out that way, you are free to let me know that you are 'holding back/banking' the extra freebies at this time.  I will note it, and we can say that your character is close to a seeking, but not quite there yet.  You may choose to then roleplay the seeking out in game (with or without my assistance, your choice,), at which time I'll release the freebie points that you banked and give you the Arete point at that time.

I like this, thank you!  :D This lets me sort of have my cake and eat it, too, without feeling as if those who'd like the extra Arete would be held back by me.

I'm fairly sure that whatever gender of character I play, they'll probably be pansexual and if involved in sexual scenes, likely a dominant. I do know that
much at least.  ;D

Intimate Ink

I'm going to let Blythe field that question, wander, since he was kind enough to provide me with the sheet.  I just used copy/paste when I was filling it out.  Regardless, know I am very fine with just 'ooxxx' instead of the filled circle, if it is easier for you.  Like I say, I'm happy to fix any formatting issues when I am going over the sheets so that it all looks uniform.  As long as I understand what you mean I don't care too much.


Cool :)

It's late for me now, so kinda powering down and doing lighter things, though tomorrow I'll see about getting the sheet up to look over. :)


Quote from: wander on April 05, 2016, 06:12:57 PM
In regards to the sheet, whats the coding to do the filled in circles compared to the empty ones? I usually do stats like so; "ooxxx" but some help would be good.

Can vary. For me, I just located the character map on my computer and found "White Circle" and "Black Circle," and formatted accordingly.

Some people can get those characters with alt codes.

If you prefer not to do that, I'd let Ink format/fix as needed.

Pumpkin Seeds

Looking through the Traditions and sorta finding things I like about each.  Still being drawn to Euthanatos though.


  Whoo hoo! 

  *Pounces on Pumpkin* 

  Great to see you here! 

  Hmm...  one Akashic, one etherite, and one virtual adept already. 

  Let's see... 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)

Pumpkin Seeds

I am kind of wandering if I can play up the storm that decimated the Dream Speakers with a very spiritual type of Euthantos.  Perhaps one that came to sort of weed out the darkness in the Spirit World here along with the mortal ways.  My idea is certainly taking this character to an "other-worldly" type of person.  While I wouldn't mind playing a Dream Speaker, I do like this sort of weeding out corruption aspect to the Euthantos along with the Entropy Sphere.  So sort of merging the notions at least in my mind.  Not sure if anyone sees where I'm going here.

Orange Marmalade

^ sounds interesting!

Alright now I'm leaning a bit more towards Cult of Ecstasy rather than Akashic Brotherhood, although there's a number of surprising similarities (whee!) in this concept.