Good ol' Family Fun [MxM]

Started by Fredasce, November 13, 2019, 09:23:05 AM

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Status: Looking
Hello, one and all! You don't know me, and I don't know you, but we have something in common: we both like to craft stories. So say, why don't we create one together?

Pointers about me
  • I go by Fred, F, or any (friendly) nickname you can think of.
  • I prefer to play male-identifying characters, who also are somewhere in the LGBTQ+ spectrum. NPCs can be of any gender and sexuality. Partner can be of any gender and sexuality, as long as they're okay with playing MxM.
  • ALL of my characters are over 18 years old, and that is non-negotiable.
  • I like to roleplay via threads, PMs, or Discord.
  • I love writing, but that doesn't mean each of my posts will have the length of the Bible. I tend to write 2+ paragraphs at least, and more if I'm inspired.
  • I work two jobs, so I do ask my partner to be patient with me. And of course, I will be patient with you!
  • And last but not least, here's a link to my O/Os

What you can expect*

  • Communication: If I can't post for an extended period of time, of I don't vibe with how the story is developing, I will let you know. I don't like being ghosted, so I try not to do it to others.
  • Collaboration: It takes two to tango. Even if a scenario asks for a GM, I prefer when the player characters adds to the story. Railroading a story for someone is not as fun as it sounds for me.
  • Silliness: IC and OOC. I love to have fun, in and outside a story. Of course, there will be moments where we will get serious (and sexy!), but it's the moments of levity that really get me going.
  • Plot: Even if the plot is a background curtain for sex, I can't get into it if there isn't a hint of motivation.
  • Development: If we're in for the long haul, then I'd like to have our characters experience some kind of change in their lives.

*Everything I promise above (or at least some of them), I'd like to see it in my partner.

The Sexy Ones™
Smut-to-story ratio: 90-10
Currently craving

"The Secret Compound"

Nobody knows much about the Billington family. They are very influential and extremely well-off, so much so that they live in a private compound, detached from the trifles of daily life and away from prying eyes. They are the talk of every benefit gala and event they attended, what with them being so charming and suave. Many women had fallen and bedded these men, and if the product of that union happened to be a boy, he would be escorted into the compound to be raised as a Billington.

No woman has ever set foot inside the compound, nor has any been inducted into the family. The Billingtons are all men, and whenever one becomes of age, they are introduced to the family tradition: they all fuck each other.

"The Animal Within"

There comes a time in a young man's life when his body starts to change. Muscles grow, facial and body hair appear, nipples become more sensitive, and they become incredibly horny. But for this family it involves something else. When a boy becomes a man, he is taken to a secluded village where the male side of the family resides. All of these men are able to shapeshift to a werebeast form at will, and they have constant need to breed.

"Dad's new husband"

Dad remarried when we were old enough to go to college. Our new stepdad was a surprise, as we did not know dad was bisexual. But the bigger surprise came after their honeymoon. Little by little, and without anyone noticing, he began to corrupt us, to show us how good it feels to walk around the house in just your underwear, how good it feels to suck your own brother's nipples, and to get pounded by your dad while his new husband recorded it. He made us all his new toys, and it turned out that we loved it.

"Double Trouble"

Twins can be a handful, huh? Especially when they are as close as these two. They share the same bed, they go to the same classes; hell, they even share their special toys with each other. But how did that come to be? When and why? Is dad also in the know? Was he the one that started us off? Are we corrupting the whole family Let's find out!

My O/O's
Request Thread
Let my heart be still a moment, and this mystery explore


Updated with new Plot-heavy and smut-heavy plots and images :3

My O/O's
Request Thread
Let my heart be still a moment, and this mystery explore


My O/O's
Request Thread
Let my heart be still a moment, and this mystery explore


My O/O's
Request Thread
Let my heart be still a moment, and this mystery explore