How was your day? -- In Haiku!

Started by Frozen Flame, February 16, 2012, 02:50:50 AM

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Frozen Flame

(the rules: describe your day in a 3 line poem. Use 5 syllables on the first line, 7 on the second, and 5 on the third.)

Toddlers can be fun,
Blazing papers, catching fire
Don't play with matches!


         Errors have occurred.
            We won't tell you where or why.
               Lazy programmers.


A crash reduces
      your expensive computer
            to a simple stone.


Chilling in my box,
     Velvet lined, it kinda rocks,
           Watching jello blocks.
*See Pillory*


Dogs Barking Like Mad.
Bags under eyes from sleepless night.
Time to call the pound


Sleeping in till the
sun dips below the world's edge
--it's time to get up.


full of laughter, but
suddenly out of sync, so
balance is needed
O.Os~A.As (around but not seeking)
Ideas (up-to-date)
How the men of Elliquiy have ruined me[/td][/tr][/table]


Bright morning feels fresh
   The day's path laid clear and calm
        Now to execute

Ons/Offs, Stories & Poems, Currently Not Available for RP


Finally rested
Looking forward to smiling
And laughing again
O.Os~A.As (around but not seeking)
Ideas (up-to-date)
How the men of Elliquiy have ruined me[/td][/tr][/table]


With searching comes loss
      and the presence of absence:
            "My Novel" not found.


                  body mind spirit
not in tune with each other
          how can I find peace
O.Os~A.As (around but not seeking)
Ideas (up-to-date)
How the men of Elliquiy have ruined me[/td][/tr][/table]

Old Lady Willow

So very tired,
laying in bed with a song
always in my head.


happy to be free
                          sun is shining, breeze blowing
why am I inside?
O.Os~A.As (around but not seeking)
Ideas (up-to-date)
How the men of Elliquiy have ruined me[/td][/tr][/table]

Tsumi Okazaki

Fell into a slump.
Sadness and sorrow hit hard.
Can I see the light?


Cool rainy day
soft breezes blow
perfect day to be
Be the change you wish to see.


"Everything I do"
    Not heard it for like ten years
       Meh.  Still don't like it


Kids and dogs invade
Laundry all over the place
Salvation needed


Rain is falling near
I wish I were still in bed
No reason not to

Frozen Flame

Pink Floyd in my head,
    Joy Division in my heart,
               Love tears us apart.


Still hot outside
Lots of work to do
Too lazy
Now we live, tomorrow not
Enjoy your pleasures, lest they rot
Let not them pass this very day
For on the morrow regret may with you stay


Very high highs,
  not quite so lows,
mixed bags here
Be the change you wish to see.


first it was coffee
then a burst of energy
soon met a pillow
“I bleed myself to be your drink:  Is not the blood of poets—ink?”   ―William Soutar
My Ink Blood Spilled | Who I Am | Where I Am (A/A) | Intro | Avi Source
My Poly/Kink/Random Blogs | My Drawer | My Concupiscence (O/O)
I, with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels my strength, who makes enormous demands on me, who does not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naive or innocent, who has the courage to treat me like a woman.” ~Nin  Working on: Ink Blood Spilled


waking up is fun
open fridge, get a soda
hop over to E
To some, steampunk is a catchall term, a concept in search of a visual identity. To me, it’s essentially the intersection of technology and romance. – Jake von Slatt
Saturn Reads Tarot (Free) & E*rotic Readings,
Lickable Limericks, Saturn's Celestial Void, Saturn's Celestial Sojourn


I can't believe it,
This day is going so slow,
I want to go home.


Watched Pan's Labyrinth
At first I was very sad,
until the ending.
To some, steampunk is a catchall term, a concept in search of a visual identity. To me, it’s essentially the intersection of technology and romance. – Jake von Slatt
Saturn Reads Tarot (Free) & E*rotic Readings,
Lickable Limericks, Saturn's Celestial Void, Saturn's Celestial Sojourn