My Bullet Journal Journey

Started by Caedy, August 02, 2016, 02:26:10 PM

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First off, hello.  Thank you for coming to my little corner of the blog forums. 

My name is Caedy, and among other things I suffer from both depression and anxiety.  Both of which have a tendency to make me forget to do things, or leave me with the lack of desire to do things.  However, I have found something that allows me to map out and keep a running tab of organization for things like appointments, bills, pay days, events, and things for my book review blog.  I realize that there are digital things that can ultimately do this, however, I am also trying to limit my time spent dealing with trying to hunt down apps and things like that.  Most of which do not offer customization or take up too much space on my phone or tablet. 

That is how I came across the bullet journal system.  It is quite literally an analog system for the digital age.  It allows for customization of pretty much anything and can do anything the user needs to do. 

I do monthly spreads, weekly spreads, keep track of reviews, books that I intend on reading through out the month, a gratitude log as well as so much more.  I'll be including pictures throughout this blog, as well as supplies and things that I currently use in mine.  Beyond that, this can also be a place where others can share their own spreads, and things of that nature. 

The best part of bullet journals is that they are fluid, they can change.  If one thing doesn't work for you, but something else does, that's all that matters.  You find what works for you, what needs to be tracked, and things of that nature.  It has helped greatly with my anxiety as well as pulling me a bit out of various depression slumps because I can do brain dumps and things of that nature. 

That's about all I have for right now, I'm sure I'll be adding lots and lots more as time goes on!

No New Games At This Time
A/A updated Important: 6/2/17
Caedy's Pretty Things (SFW&NSFW)
Blog: My Bullet Journal Journey
Word of the Day
~...still like air, I'll Rise...~ Maya Angelou


*bookmarks!* This looks very neat; I'll be reading along with interest!


Okay, for one I apologize for some of the quality of these pics.

This is my August monthly spread.  I have my work schedule, I have repeat blog posts listed on their.  I have important pay dates down on the bottom, things of that nature.  This just gives me a month at a glance and allows me to easily flip back and add things to my weekly or daily spreads whatever I choose to make for that particular month.  There's a variety of things that you can do for a monthly thread.  I also have a few other monthly things that are repeatedly used during my bullet journal, and I will be sharing those in a couple other posts as well as glimpses into my weekly's for this month. 
No New Games At This Time
A/A updated Important: 6/2/17
Caedy's Pretty Things (SFW&NSFW)
Blog: My Bullet Journal Journey
Word of the Day
~...still like air, I'll Rise...~ Maya Angelou

The Lioness

Ooh...I just started journaling myself this past Christmas. While I have been using a Filofax for my storage, I have found my biggest problem is getting the right paper for the thing I need. For instance, I love using graph paper for bullet journaling to be specific. There is so much you can do! The only downside is that I'm too cheap to go out and buy a5 graph paper, so I make it myself through excel and have to It is tedious, and I have to admit it has pulled me away for a bit from proper journaling. It certainly helps with my ADD though!

If I may ask...what sort of system are you using for your journaling? Have you seen the tremendous amount of ideas for bullet journals on Pinterest?
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The Lioness,

Ideally I want either squared (grid/graph paper) or dotted pages.  However, most of the journals I have been starting with are just plain sketchbook type journals.  They work well, and I've no shame in using a ruler to attempt to create simple boxes and things.  I don't use a specific system to be honest.  I have been simply numbering my to do lists and migrating them as needed or if I finish them I go over them with a, usually, yellow highlighter.  My system will probably be altered somewhat when I start working on my new journal.  There are, however, two main schools of thought for bullet journaling as far as what notebooks/journals/diaries are used for things and that is the Moleskine and Leuchetturm1917.  Both are in all honesty fantastic books and ultimately I think the one that I priced that will be my first squared off journal is this Molskine.  However, I do have a Leuchtturm1917 on my amazon wishlist as well that is squared.  Aside from a few other little things, the only real difference between the two journals is that the Leuchtturm 1917 is .75in wider than the Moleskine.

Oh, trust me, I've been following various youtubers, Pinterest pages, tumblrs, Instagrams, and I am even in a Facebook group for bullet journal newbies.  I know how much information is out there, and I also know that I've only scratched the surface.  However, my favorite thing is that the entire system allows for 100% customization.  Simply because, something that works for you won't necessarily work for me.

No New Games At This Time
A/A updated Important: 6/2/17
Caedy's Pretty Things (SFW&NSFW)
Blog: My Bullet Journal Journey
Word of the Day
~...still like air, I'll Rise...~ Maya Angelou


The spread pictured below is by far one of the most important things in my bullet journal.  This is something I take time to actually sit and think over for a little while each night.  Why? Because it allows me to reflect over my day and actually think about what I am thankful and grateful for.  I try to ultimately think of two to three things that I am thankful for each day and I go back at the end of the month and I can, just by what is on that list, pick out the good days and the bad days from the list. 

I'm also going to include a picture of my July gratitude log to give you an example of what my completed log looks like.

Do any of you include a gratitude at some point in your bullet journals?

No New Games At This Time
A/A updated Important: 6/2/17
Caedy's Pretty Things (SFW&NSFW)
Blog: My Bullet Journal Journey
Word of the Day
~...still like air, I'll Rise...~ Maya Angelou

Beguile's Mistress

I use quad ruled paper for journaling and by 500 sheet packs of 11" x 8.5" for around $10.00.  You need to check to make sure the paper is lined on both sides if that is what you need.  I fold mine in half to fit in my notebook and use a rubber band around the spine and though the fold of the paper to hold it in place.  I can draw in lines to make the monthly, weekly and hourly formats I need.  It's easy for me because I learned to do it as a child.


You can also create your own personalised notebooks and journals on CafePress. A 5x8'' spiralbound with 160 pages of your choice of pattern paper is currently £8, which isn't bad at all as such things go over here, but since I'm auto-redirected to the UK site, I can't say how that corresponds to USD.
To go in the dark with a light is to know the light.
To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight,
and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings,
and is traveled by dark feet and dark wings.
~Wendell Berry

Double Os <> Double As (updated May 10) <> The Hoard <> 50 Tales 2024 <> The Lab <> ELLUIKI

Beguile's Mistress

That would be around $10.00 US.

Beautiful Mystery

Quote from: Caedy on August 03, 2016, 12:51:52 PM
Do any of you include a gratitude at some point in your bullet journals?

So I have been reading around and seeing what you have posted. Myself, I should do a planner/journal to keep myself organized. However, I don't. =P But the section you mentioned about gratitude struck a chord with me.

A few years ago in college, I was in a group called LEAD that was to help us develop as leaders. They were new on campus (established on other campuses across the nation) and we had journals to work through. We talked about how to become a better leader in our lives, relationships and such. But I was in a rather down state at that time. One of the group leaders (who I met with every week to discuss my goals and such) suggested something to me.

She wanted me to text her every day, saying 5 things I am thankful for. While every day wasn't something super insightful (something like I am thankful for good food, internet connection, etc.), it made me take a step back in my day and not focus on the negative. I had gotten in a habit of "Ugh, my computer isn't work, stupid piece of junk! Why does all the bad things happen to me?!" and a whole lot of negativity there. But taking a step back and thinking "I have a roof over my head, clean water, food on the table...I am doing better than a whole lot of people in the world" gave me clarity in my day.

Just wanted to say that doing that helped me out a lot in my life when it seems everything is bad and nothing is going right. I hope that it helps you!
Check A/A
The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns.
He comes dressed as everything you have wished for.


Quote from: Caedy on August 03, 2016, 12:37:03 PM
The Lioness,

Ideally I want either squared (grid/graph paper) or dotted pages.  However, most of the journals I have been starting with are just plain sketchbook type journals.  They work well, and I've no shame in using a ruler to attempt to create simple boxes and things.  I don't use a specific system to be honest.  I have been simply numbering my to do lists and migrating them as needed or if I finish them I go over them with a, usually, yellow highlighter.  My system will probably be altered somewhat when I start working on my new journal.  There are, however, two main schools of thought for bullet journaling as far as what notebooks/journals/diaries are used for things and that is the Moleskine and Leuchetturm1917.  Both are in all honesty fantastic books and ultimately I think the one that I priced that will be my first squared off journal is this Molskine.  However, I do have a Leuchtturm1917 on my amazon wishlist as well that is squared.  Aside from a few other little things, the only real difference between the two journals is that the Leuchtturm 1917 is .75in wider than the Moleskine.

Oh, trust me, I've been following various youtubers, Pinterest pages, tumblrs, Instagrams, and I am even in a Facebook group for bullet journal newbies.  I know how much information is out there, and I also know that I've only scratched the surface.  However, my favorite thing is that the entire system allows for 100% customization.  Simply because, something that works for you won't necessarily work for me.


If you don't mind the effort of hole-punching and looseleaf, this might be of some use:
"Language was invented for one reason, boys - to woo women.~*~*~Don't think it's all been done before
And in that endeavor, laziness will not do." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think we're never gonna win this war
Robin Williams-Dead Poets Society ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think your world's gonna fall apart
I do have a cause, though.  It's obscenity.  I'm for it.  - Tom Lehrer~*~All you need is your beautiful heart
O/O's Updated 5/11/21 - A/A's - Current Status! - Writing a novel - all draws for Fool of Fire up!
Requests updated March 17


These are something that are a big part of the bullet journal community, and while I do not have a current habit tracker in my bullet journal, I am very much considering adding one.  There are quite a few things that I need to track and start getting things back on a more even keel for me so to speak.  I've already started creating a simple list of some things that I intend on including upon a habit tracker (which chances are I'll start on a page or so in my current journal) for the remainder of August.

1. Morning Pills 20 min after wake-up
2. Evening Pills at 530pm
3. 1 Soda Daily
4. 30 min exercise (aside from walk to work)
5. 15 minutes cleaning
6. Off the comp 30 min before bedtime
7. In Bed by 1130pm on Days Off

These are a few things that I'm considering adding, because I am trying to cut out the soda, and attempting to limit myself to 1 soda daily because moderation is the key to just about anything.  Also, the additional exercise will do me good. 

I also am considering adding a blog post, E post, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter posting tracker for my blog as well as writing here on E. 

What sort of things do you track in your bujo?

Sorry no pictures this time :)

No New Games At This Time
A/A updated Important: 6/2/17
Caedy's Pretty Things (SFW&NSFW)
Blog: My Bullet Journal Journey
Word of the Day
~...still like air, I'll Rise...~ Maya Angelou


This week's current spread is down below, and ultimately there isn't much to it.  There will be more added throughout as I have tasks to get done.  I will also be putting things in to remind me of my crew trainer stuff for work. 

I very much love the daily stickers that I'd found at Dollar Tree.  However, I'm not sure that they will stick around beyond August's spreads.  I also, was not ultimately fond of the pink flag stickers.  So I'm not sure when or where those will show up again in my systems.  This journal is nearly complete, and then I get to move into my new one. 

Today was rainy here, so I've spent some time filling in more of a couple of things on pages that will be showing up in a future post or three.  Including my Series Tracker for various shows on Netflix, one for face claims, and one for upcoming football season. 

No New Games At This Time
A/A updated Important: 6/2/17
Caedy's Pretty Things (SFW&NSFW)
Blog: My Bullet Journal Journey
Word of the Day
~...still like air, I'll Rise...~ Maya Angelou


Okay, so I've been a little quiet over here. 

My journaling has also suffered because the tail end of this month has pretty much slammed me in the face with a massive depression episode, and pretty much everything around me has suffered and I'm working on clawing my way back to the surface.  I have finished my last pages in my old journal, and at this time have moved into my second journal which I absolutely love!  I've also recently (thanks to an unsupervised trip to Michaels) have new supplies!

The new things that I'd bought were the two rolls of washi tape, the big blue eraser, and the top ziploc bag which has some brushtip markers in it which I absolutely adore using!  A lot of the rest I'd already had, the sharpies were picked up during a back to school sale, and were $10 at Walmart for 24 markers.  The pretty pink, purple, green, orange and blue gel pens at the bottom were found at the dollar store for like 2 bucks. 

I already have quite a few collections moved over, and I've got my September weekly's planned out and I'll have those to share soon :D
No New Games At This Time
A/A updated Important: 6/2/17
Caedy's Pretty Things (SFW&NSFW)
Blog: My Bullet Journal Journey
Word of the Day
~...still like air, I'll Rise...~ Maya Angelou


The stationery fetishist in me approves muchly! ;D
To go in the dark with a light is to know the light.
To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight,
and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings,
and is traveled by dark feet and dark wings.
~Wendell Berry

Double Os <> Double As (updated May 10) <> The Hoard <> 50 Tales 2024 <> The Lab <> ELLUIKI

The Lioness

Ooh! I forgot about GetGlue stickers! Now I need to go find my stash...

Have any of you found stationary, markers, paperclips, etc too nice to use? It might just be the hoarder in me, but if I find matching colored paperclips or find a nice sticky pad...I tend to be picky about what I use them for.
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I originally thought my washi was too pretty to use....however, I tend to be a bit picky on what I use them for.  Otherwise, I will occasionally color code my weekly spreads to a particular washi.  Which you'll see in my current spreads once I post them :D
No New Games At This Time
A/A updated Important: 6/2/17
Caedy's Pretty Things (SFW&NSFW)
Blog: My Bullet Journal Journey
Word of the Day
~...still like air, I'll Rise...~ Maya Angelou


Wow, I love the new supplies. I love stationery too and that's like a haul of awesomeness.

Out of curiousity, what's a washi?


Washi tape is also essentially decorative tape.

Washi Tape

The above link has some examples.  :D
No New Games At This Time
A/A updated Important: 6/2/17
Caedy's Pretty Things (SFW&NSFW)
Blog: My Bullet Journal Journey
Word of the Day
~...still like air, I'll Rise...~ Maya Angelou


Those are cool and not that expensive. I might see if I could pick up some rolls online. I already make my own storage boxes out of cardboard boxes, but I've been using black electrical tape, along with decorative paper. It sounds like an odd combination but it kind of works and the tape's stronger than regular tape. Is this tape kind of thick or more the thickness of regular tape?


Kinda like regular tape.  I love it though, and it honestly makes my bullet journal look awesome :D
No New Games At This Time
A/A updated Important: 6/2/17
Caedy's Pretty Things (SFW&NSFW)
Blog: My Bullet Journal Journey
Word of the Day
~...still like air, I'll Rise...~ Maya Angelou


My spiritual belief system is pulled somewhat heavily from Christianity, as well as other religions such as Wiccan, Taoism, Buddhism, and even Hinduism.  There are several pages in my bullet journal that bring ties to my spiritual beliefs - as of right now, the majority of them are based on Christianity, and it's origins with the Judaic people. 

This page was inspired by a bible study that I'd done a few months ago, and I've considered making this a larger image to put on my wall in my bedroom. 

These words are commonly used words in our daily life, and the fact that they have a spiritual meaning and a tie to my own spiritual issues.  I've been dealing with a lot, including battling my own demons of depression and anxiety (neither of which I am being medically treated for at this point in time).  I have been focusing on a few of these words throughout some of my darker days and slowly finding my way back to the light until I can ultimately begin gaining treatment for my mental health issues.
No New Games At This Time
A/A updated Important: 6/2/17
Caedy's Pretty Things (SFW&NSFW)
Blog: My Bullet Journal Journey
Word of the Day
~...still like air, I'll Rise...~ Maya Angelou


Depression.  Anxiety.  Panic Attacks.  All of these things plague me, often on a daily basis, and I need something to focus on to help try and bring me out of the panic attack, or at least ensure that I can keep something close to level footing while the world around me is threatening to close itself in.  Lately, some of my attacks are coming at work, and that is not a place where I can in any way, shape or form lose my shit or I run the risk of getting fired.  No matter if a customer hits multiple triggers that send me plummeting.  Or an instance, a smell, something that smashes a trigger hard that on more than one occasion has almost sent me sprinting to the bathroom to curl in a tear-stained balling mess on the floor of the it did the day after the Pulse attack in Orlando where I'd lost friends and the community I am a part of was devastated by the hatred of a single individual. 

This is a mantra I repeate to myself, and as soon as I get a chance, I refer to one of the verses down at the bottom of the page and use that as my meditation verse for my next meditation session so I can once more bring myself back to center, back to focus. 

No New Games At This Time
A/A updated Important: 6/2/17
Caedy's Pretty Things (SFW&NSFW)
Blog: My Bullet Journal Journey
Word of the Day
~...still like air, I'll Rise...~ Maya Angelou


I am in the process of getting photos edited for the month of September for a walk through of the entire month, and I will have a complete flip through of October in the next couple of days.  I just have two more days to finish up, and then I get to start November's spreads!!!!! YAY!

Thank you for those who have been following, I know I've not kept up with this blog for a bit.
No New Games At This Time
A/A updated Important: 6/2/17
Caedy's Pretty Things (SFW&NSFW)
Blog: My Bullet Journal Journey
Word of the Day
~...still like air, I'll Rise...~ Maya Angelou

Cassandra LeMay

I while ago I found a site that has some customizable templates for several types of lined or squared paper (among others). Maybe someone will find it useful for journaling:
ONs, OFFs, and writing samples | Oath of the Drake

You can not value dreams according to the odds of their becoming true.
(Sonia Sotomayor)