Blades' search

Started by Dualomniblades, August 08, 2012, 11:39:36 AM

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  Greetings to any and all, being that I am a newly excepted member of this wonderful universe, I am here to seek out a few one on one role play partners interested in writing both captivating and exciting stories.
   I am most comfortable in the realms of medieval fantasy, or high medieval fantasy where we sort of just make up the world, rules, and all of that lovely stuff.
   Currently however, I am very eager to do a more... Futuristic-almost story about a mob or a mafia where the main characters are obviously from aforesaid mob/mafia although the one I would like to play would be an assassin or hitman from an opposing group that somehow worms his way into the group whose Boss he is supposed to take out. Anyway, more about that in a little bit for anyone curious enough to come play that with me.

  I've got loads of ideas and excitement to start writing! If you're interested, please please please let me know!