Wrath of the Dragonkin

Started by Lady Jenn, January 12, 2015, 07:00:32 PM

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Lady Jenn

"We can't cover this forest on foot," Ariadne replied as she slung her bow over her shoulder. "There's a man who keeps horses a short distance from here, we can go to him first then head out of here."

She grabbed a map she had hiding in an alcove and spread it on the ground.

"The best we can do before nightfall is to reach Dermer, the old trading town just north of the edge of the forest, we can make a more solid plan once we've found a place to stay there."

Lady Temptress

" Dermer, father has told me of the town."

She nods her head and relief washes over her, the girl is an expert horse rider.

" Finally, something I'm good at, riding horses."
Lady Dreamer

Lady Jenn

"You haven't seen the horses my friend has," she said with a laugh, before leading her through to a large clearing, in the centre of which was a small house. Ariadne stopped outside the door. "Sarak, an old friend has come to visit you."

"I don't like visitors," came a voice from inside the house as the door opened to reveal a tall, aging, blind man. He reached out, meeting Ariadne's hand on which was a strange ring, smiling as he felt the ring. "Princess, my apologies, I did not realise who it was."

"That's fine old friend," Ariadne replied, smiling herself. "We need horses, are yours ready?"

"Of course," the man replied. "Silver has been missing her mistress." He lead them over to a smaller clearing where four horses lived. One stood out, a huge, powerful looking black horse.

"I've missed you old friend," Ariadne said, approaching the black horse, who nuzzled her affectionately. "Choose whichever you want of the others," she said to Callista.

Lady Temptress

Calista just lets the two chat since they are old friends.

She nods her head and arches her brows at the lady being a Princess as well.

Calista greets the man with a curtsey and she nods her head again.

" Thank you, sir and nice to meet you."

Calista then goes off to pick the horse that she wishes to ride.
Lady Dreamer

Lady Jenn

"You should feel honoured to be in the presence of Silver," Ariadne said as she jumped onto the horse. "She is the last of the great Elven steeds to be born this side of the Southern Seas, she has no match for speed or endurance in the world."

"And one of the few creatures you have ever loved," Sarak said, squeezing Ariadne's hand. He found his way carefully over to Callista. "Keep an eye on her," he whispered. "She is not as strong as she acts, she may need you as much as you need her."

Lady Temptress

" Don't worry, I'll take good care of Sliver  and thank you for helping us."
She nods her head to Ariadne 's comment of Silver and she waited for them to continue on their journey.
Lady Dreamer

Lady Jenn

"Follow me," Ariadne said as she turned Silver north. "We are going to have to ride hard and fast if we are to reach the inn by nightfall, make sure you follow my route exactly. I know this forest better than anyone else."

Lady Temptress

"Yes, M' Lady."

Princess Calista replied as she climbed onto her horse and she rides off behind her.
Lady Dreamer

Lady Jenn

Just as the sun was going down they reached the town, Ariadne leading them to an old inn, in front of which was a young man who was half-asleep, leaning on an old spear. A faint smile crossed Ariadne's face as she saw him.

"I was told this inn was guarded by a great warrior," she said to Callista, pretending to ignore the other.

"Hey, I'm-" the young man started to say as he sprung up before grinning as he saw Ariadne getting down from her horse. "It has been far too long m'lady, you are as beautiful as ever."

"And you are as cheeky as ever," Ariadne replied, hugging him and ruffling his hair playfully. "Take our horses to the stable and tell your father we must speak to him urgently."

Lady Temptress

Calista simply watches the exchange of words and actions. The Princess nods a polite greeting to the woman's friend and she climbs down off of her horse

She stands next to her companion and waits to go inside.
Lady Dreamer

Lady Jenn

"That was Carl," Ariadne said as she got them a drink each and found a seat in a quiet part of the inn. "The innkeeper isn't really his father, I found him in the forest as a baby by his real parents' bodies. What they were doing there or what happened to them I do not know, but the innkeeper has raised him like the son he never had."

"One day I will have to tell him the truth," an aging man said as he walked over and took the spare seat at the table. "It is good to see you again Ariadne, Carl tells me you wanted to talk." He gave a sweet smile to Callista. "Since our mutual friend has forgotten to introduce us I am Derrin, the owner of this fine establishment," he said, taking Callista's hand and kissing it. "What brings you two this far north?"

Lady Temptress

Calista flashes a a shy smile towards the man and she gives a polite courtesy.

" It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir and thanks for assisting us."

She let Ariadne answer his latter question.
Lady Dreamer

Lady Jenn

"We are visiting the dragons," Ariadne replied. "The time for Myraz's fall is long overdue, but I have not ventured north of here in a very long time. What is waiting for us?"

"Beyond the Badlands you most likely know better than me," Derrin said with a laugh. "The Orcs on the other hand are lead by a particularly nasty new ruler known as Bloodfang. Considering you cannot avoid the Badlands I would advise you tread very carefully."

"Let's hope we don't run into him then," Ariadne said, starting to laugh before stopping suddenly. "Derrin, when were you going to tell us you have company?"

"This is an inn," Derrin replied. "I always have customers."

"Yes, but most of them don't give off large amounts of magic," Ariadne persisted. "Who are they?"

"I had hoped I had done a better job of hiding her," Derrin said with a sigh. "I can take you to her but...you must swear you will tell no-one."

Lady Temptress

-Ooc Never mind, I'll just post here after work.-
Lady Dreamer

Lady Jenn

<I don't mind emailing if it's easier :-)>

Lady Temptress

Princess Calista simply listens to them talk and discuss things while she stands there quietly and patiently.
Lady Dreamer

Lady Jenn

"Follow me," he said, leading them behind the bar and upstairs to a corridor which was deathly quiet. He reached the door at the end of the corridor and knocked.

"I thought we had made it clear we were to be left undisturbed?" came a gruff voice from the other side of the door.

"Your mistress will want to meet these visitors," Derrin replied. There was the sound of floor boards creaking behind the door and it opened to reveal a tall, brown-skinned young man whose face was covered in strange tattoo-like markings. "How is she Terdil?"

"The same as the last time you asked about visitors," Terdil grunted. "I'm not allowing you to disturb her, she-"

"SHE can speak for herself youngling," came a frail voice from somewhere behind him. "Now let them past." Terdil moved aside to reveal a sight which made Ariadne gasp with surprise. A beautiful but aged and fragil-looking woman was lying on the bed, silver hair draped over her shoulders and a pair of silver eyes watching from beneath heavy eyelids.

"Calista, this..." Ariadne paused as she tried to gather her thoughts. "This is no elf, this is one of the Sidhe, they were thought dead centuries ago, few elves have met one, nevermind humans."

Lady Temptress

Caliata curtseys to everyone and she looks around curiously but also shyly.

" It's a pleasure to meet you all."

She feels very honoured to be here and a faint nervous at that. She is also missing her home and she tries to not let that part be known.
Lady Dreamer

Lady Jenn

"Take a seat," the Sidhe said, indicating two chairs placed either side of the bed. "I fear I bring news of interest to both of you."

"You speak of the lands north of the Orcs?" Ariadne asked.

"Word has come to my kin of a great gathering of the dragonkin to the north, it is rumoured that the Lord of the Dragons plans to march south, and he is sending the Dawnstorm ahead of him sooner than we had hoped," she coughed suddenly, turning to Ariadne and the men. "Leave us, I would speak to Callista alone." The others reluctantly left, closing the door behind them.

Lady Temptress

Calista takes a seat on the right side of the bed and she listens intently at what's being said to them. A heavy sigh escapes her and she arches her brows when her friend , along with the men are asked to leave the room. Thusly, this peeksvthe Princess's attention greatly.

" What do you wish to speak with me about?"
Lady Dreamer

Lady Jenn

"Child, I have little time so I will be quick," she said taking a moment to try and breathe easier. "Ariadne's strength is a mask she wears to protect you as much as her. Before this journey is out you will discover her secret but...you cannot force it from her. There is a reason she wears a locket beneath her armour."

As she felt a coughing fit setting in she sat up slightly, taking a sip of the water beside her bed.

"Do not dally long on the road," she continued. "The Dawnstorm will travel at speed once they have been released, and trust no-one. There are few north of the Badlands who will aid creatures such as you." She laid back on the bed. "Now, leave me...my time in this world is coming to an end, and the passing of a Sidhe is not for the eyes of any but my kind."

Lady Temptress

Calista nods her head and she heaves a sigh, with a worried, and a sad   gaze is lingering within in her eyes.

" Thank you for your kindness and explaining things to me, may you rest in peace."

She didn't completely understand what all was going on and the Princess stands and she leaves the room quietly.
Lady Dreamer

Lady Jenn

"I've made a room for you at the end of the hall," Derrin, who was sat on a chair a short distance from the door, said. "The other two have gone to bed." He walked towards the door to his room, stopping and turning to face her. "Tell me what you want to eat in the morning, I can't imagine you and the other two have similar diets."

A short distance down the hall Ariadne had left her door open in case, but was asleep on the bed, her sword close to hand and two trinkets just visible beneath her hair. Other than the sound of Derrin going to bed the inn was eerily quiet.

Lady Temptress

Calista nods her head with a tired yaen followed by answering Derrin in a soft tone of voice.

" Eggs and toast will be fine, or whatever you have. Thank you."

The girl is missing her family and she falls onto the bed with her door open too, her weapons are placed on the night stand by the bed and the Princess falls asleep upon the bed in her attire that she arrived in.
Lady Dreamer

Lady Jenn

In the morning Ariadne woke up, finding Derrin and Terdil had already gone downstairs. She walked softly into Callista's room, kissing her cheek lightly.

"I'll make sure your breakfast is ready," she whispered. "We can't wait too long here though."

She went downstairs, taking her breakfast outside so that she could help Terdil prepare the horses for the journey.