Seeking casually paced non or light system group RP

Started by karmawg, July 19, 2019, 08:04:43 PM

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I'm new and looking for a group roleplay that will let me take things at my own pace while I get used to roleplaying here in the forums! I would prefer it was either no system or something light and easy to learn (so nothing heavy like most DnD systems). I'm a big horror fan so gruesome violence won't scare me off. Groups still in the stage of an Interest check are perfectly good too! I mostly play male characters but I'm happy to play a female one if needed to balance out a group. I also prefer human/humanoid monster over furry but again, not a dealbreaker.

My Ons/Offs

What I Want:

  • For non-smut roleplays, I like any setting/theme other than school or academy. Horror, drama, or just supernatural stuff is a big plus.
  • A casual pace so I don't feel I need to constantly worry I'm falling behind. Events with a specific schedule are fine.
  • For fetish based groups, I'd only be interested if there is story/driving plot of some kind or just a lot of opportunity for regular character interaction. Wouldn't want a fully sex oriented role, so typically NPC type roles are fine if needed.
  • Weight gain/expansion themes are my favorite but not at all a requirement.

What I Want To Avoid:

  • Required photo face claims (I can do written description if art isn't allowed)
  • Rape / non-con themes
  • Futanari themed settings
  • Bestiality/ Playing as feral animals at all
  • Fandom settings
  • Groups where the goal is romance/finding a sexual partner