Firefly Role-Playing Game (rules-based) - Character Generation/Recruiting

Started by vin26m, August 23, 2014, 05:34:44 PM

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Firefly Role-Playing Game (rules-based) - Character Generation/Recruiting
Firefly RPG Playtest - Characters
Firefly RPG Playtest - OOC and Info
Firefly RPG Playtest - IC


I'm looking to start a fuzzy-system rules-based game based on Firefly.

There will be a Firefly-class ship.  I will play the Captain and whatever NPCs we need.  I'm looking for players for characters of any kind that would end up on a smuggler ship like Serenity doing honest, not-necessarily-legal day's work.

Play whatever you like.  I don't necessarily require diversity of character types.  I can have a ship full of pilots only, mechanics only, mercenaries only or Companions only.  Just keep in mind that if you play a pilot, you'll probably have to role-play flight scenes, mechanics repair scenes, mercs fight scenes and Companions... 

Just post to this thread if you're interested, and you can post your character sheets here, too.


This game is based on the new Firefly Role-Playing Game book that just came out, which is based on on the Cortex Plus system, which was based on the original Cortex system (now known as Cortex Classic), which was used for the Serenity Role-Playing game book that was published years ago. 

Although this game is based on the new book, I tweaked the rules a bit to simplify them.

This game revolves around using a combination of different kinds of dice and an in-game currency (called Plot Points) to help create stories. 


The familiar six-sided die is abbreviated as D6.  There are also dice abbreviated as D4, D8, D10 and D12.

Doing something risky and suspenseful?  Not sure of an outcome?  Then you're taking an Action.  An Action is resolved by rolling dice.

A bunch of dice is called a dice pool.

The defender, usually the Gamemaster (GM) but also possibly a player, rolls their dice pool first, then adds up the two highest dice. 

The attacker then rolls their dice pool, and adds up their two highest dice. 

Whoever has the higher total wins.  A tie goes to the defender.

The winner decides the result of the Action.

Besides the dice, there are also Plot Points, which are earned during the game and can be spent to do things like add extra dice before you roll to your dice pool or add extra dice to your total after you roll.

Dice Pools:

For a player, the typical dice pool will have at least two dice, and will be made up of:

- one die from an Attribute.  If it's just a character doing the action, use one of the character's three Attributes, i.e., Physical, Mental, or Social.  If it's a vehicle doing the action, use one of the vehicle's Attributes, i.e. Engine, Hulls or Systems for a spaceship.  The Attribute die ranges from D4 to D12.

- one die from one of 19 Skills, e.g., Fix, Fly, Influence, Know, Notice, Shoot, Treat, etc.  This Skill die ranges from D4 to D12.

- one die from a Specialty which is related to a Skill, but only if you have the Specialty, e.g., Fix (Engines), Fly (Transports), Influence (Seduction), Shoot (Rifles), etc., and only if it applies to the Action.  The Specialty die is a D6.

- one die from a Distinction, which is related to a character's role, personality or background, e.g., Ship's Mechanic, Ship's Pilot, Registered Companion, Mercenary, Sweet & Cheerful, A Little Nervous, Alluring, Crude, etc., and only if the Distinction applies to the situation.  Each character gets three Distinctions, but can only use one for an Action.  The Distinction die is a D8.

- one die from each Signature Asset, which is an item specific to a particular character, e.g., Serenity, Companion's Wardrobe, Vera, Medical Bag, Customized Toolkit, etc., and only if it applies to the situation.  More than one Signature Asset can apply.  Each Signature die is a D6 or D8.

- one or more dice from Assets, which are created in the scene, e.g., Kaylee Has Fixed That Before, Wash Has Flown Here Before, Inara Distracts Atherton, Jayne's Sniping Position, Big Pile of Crates, etc.  Assets are created by spending Plot Points.  Each Asset die starts as a D6, but can be stepped up.

If the GM rolls a 1 in his dice pool, the player can create an Asset for the scene.

If one of the dice in your dice pool is a 1, the Gamemaster can create a Complication, which is like an Asset, except that the die from a Complication goes into your opponent's dice pool to work against you, and not into your dicepool to help you.  To help offset this, you also get a Plot Point.  A Complication can be something like Mal Is Overconfident or Severe Gut Wound.

If your total exceeds your opponent's total by five or more, you earn a Big Damn Hero Die, which can be saved and used for another roll later on.  The Big Damn Hero Die you get is equal to the opponent's highest die in his dice pool.

If your opponent's total exceeds your total by five or more, you lose a Big Damn Hero Die that is equal to or less than the biggest die in his dice pool.

If the Action is a High Stakes Roll, one of the two opponents will get Taken Out (inactive for the rest of the scene).

Plot Points:

Plot Points are earned and spent during the game.

Each character starts with one Plot Point.

Plot Points are earned in a few ways:

If you roll a Distinction but use a D4 instead of a D8, you get a Plot Point.  (There are other ways of earning Plot Points related to Distinctions which I'm skipping for now).

If you roll a 1 in your dice pool and then the GM creates a Complication, you get a Plot Point.

If you make a snappy one-liner or an impressive setting description, the GM can reward you with a Plot Point.

Plot Points can be spent in a few ways:

After you roll your dice pool, spend a Plot Point to add an additional die from your dice pool to your total (you can use three dice instead of two for your total, and this can be done multiple times for multiple Plot Points).

Create an Asset (basically a possible extra die to add to your dice pool) that lasts until the end of the scene.

Make an existing Asset last beyond the current scene to the end of the episode.

After you roll your dice pool, spend a Plot Point to roll a Big Damn Hero Die and add it to your total.

After you get Taken Out in a High Stakes Roll, spend a Plot Point to stay in the fight.

Character generation:

1.  You have three Attributes - Mental, Physical and Social.  Assign dice to the three Attributes.  You can use either 3D8, or you can use 1D10, 1D8 and 1D6.  D6 is average, D8 is above average and D10 is exceptional.   For example, Simon and River have Mental D10, Jayne and Zoe have Physical D10 and Inara has Social D10.

2.  Pick 10 out of 19 Skills.  Assign dice to them.  You get 1D12, 2D10, 3D8 and 4D6.  You can think of them as your one primary skill, your two secondary skills, and on so on.  The other nine skills are assigned D4, but you don't have to list them.  On the character sheet, just pick the 10 skills you want, delete the rest, and add the type of die next to it.

The skills ratings by die type are:

D12 Grandmaster - You're so good at what you do, you might have a reputation as one of the best in the 'Verse.

D10 Master - You're one of the best in your field, and those who share your passion know it, too.

D8 Expert - Your talents are second nature to you.

D6 Competent - You've had sufficient training to get by.

D4 Untrained - You have no idea what you're doing, but you're going to try anyway.

The skills and their descriptions are:

Craft - Build, create and assemble items from scratch. 

Drive - Operate land and surface vehicles, including mules, boats and hover cars.

Fight - Attack with your weapons or fists in close combat.

Fix - Patch up and repair objects with working, replaceable parts.

Fly - Pilot ships and other airborne vehicles.

Focus - Concentrate to steel your will, to avoid getting intimidated, or to find a new solution.

Influence - Persuade others to do, think, act or feel the way you want them to.

Know - Recall or remember general knowledge about the 'Verse.

Labor - Lift, push, dig, pull and haul in tasks that require manual labor.

Move - Run, sprint, jump, climb trees and swim.

Notice - Spot someone or something out of the ordinary.

Operate - Use devices ranging from computers to thermal cutting torches.

Perform - Act or put on a big show to impress or entertain.

Shoot - Fire guns, bows and launchers.

Sneak - Avoid detection, such as by using camouflage on yourself, blending into a crowd, or using the environment.

Survive - Endure less-than-idea conditions and live to tell the tail.

Throw - Toss things like grenades, or throw opponents across the room.

Treat - Heal folks by treating injuries, or counsel them to make them feel better.

Trick - Spin a yarn, con an opponent, or use sleight of hand.

3.  If your Know Skill is D6 or better, add a Specialty to it for free.  After that, add three more Specialties, but only to skills that are also D6 or better.  You can have more than one Specialty in the same skill.  The Specialties listed are just examples.  You can come up with your own.

Craft - By specific purpose, such as Companion Ritual, or by specific type of item, such as Forgery, Clothing, Cooking, Bioweapons, or Experimental Equipment.

Drive - By vehicle type, such as Horses, Hovercraft, All-Terrain Vehicles or Boats.

Fight - By type of weapon, such as Knives, Swords, or Clubs.  By type of fighting style, such as Kung Fu or Grappling.  By specific move such as Right Hook.  By specific tactic, like Dirty Tricks.

Fix - By type of object, such as Engines, Hulls, Medical Tech, Networks, Shipboard Systems or Firearms.  By purpose, such as Vehicle Customization, Dismantling Spaceships or Scrapping.

Fly - By vehicle type, such as Transports, Shuttles or Military Vessels.

Focus - Calm, Willpower, Studying, Patience, Aiming, Confidence, Interrogation, Protecting Friends

Influence - Leadership, Intimidation, Charming, Seduction, Alliance, Triads, Interrogation, Politics, Gambling, Fast Talk, Bribery, Barter, Preaching, Criminals, Threats, Orders, Money, Noble Reputation, Bargaining, Teaching, Negotiation, Companions, Alliance Soldiers, Honest Eyes, Alliance Officials, Flirting

Know - Navigation, Celebrity Gossip, Diplomacy, Cultures of the 'Verse, Medicine, Science, History, Blue Sun Protocol, Core Politics, Docks, Trade Guild, Forensics, Scripture, Streetwise, Ship Parts, specific planet/colony, Spaceships, Alliance Military, Business, The Bible, Cons, Law, Companion Houses, Bureacracy, Black Ops Programs, Alliance Secrets, Torture, The Unification War, Earth-That-Was Artifacts, Earth-That-Was, Military Weapons, Religion, Guild Law, Readers

Labor - By type or aspect of action, such as Heavy Lifting or Stamina.  By purpose, such as Mining or Farming.

Move - By type of movement, such as Dodging, Evasion or Chases.

Notice - By specific type of object, such as Ship Malfunctions, Clues, Motives, Emotions, Outsiders, or Regulation Violations.  Also Appraisals, Psychology, Intuition, Search, Crime Scenes.

Operate - By type of object, such as Shipboard Computers, Medical Instruments, Secret Tech, Security Systems, or Ancient Tech.  Also, Cortex, Hacking, Sabotage, Laboratory.

Perform - Guitar, Dance, Acting, Singing, Parties.

Shoot - Pistols, Carbines, Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Shotguns, Rocket Launchers.

Sneak - Hiding, Vanish, Infiltration, Eavesdropping, In Plain Sight.

Survive - Zero-gravity, Desert.

Throw - Grenades, People, Knives.

Treat - Counseling, First Aid, Listening, Soothing Words.

Trick - Distractions, Outwit, Fast Talk, Cover Up, Sleight of Hand, Con Jobs, Lies, Undercover, Play Dead, Disguise, Long Cons, Traps.

4.  Pick three Distinctions.  They are broken up into categories of Role, Personality and Background, but you can take any combination.  These are just examples.  You can come up with your own.  Since only one Distinction can apply at a time, you should pick Distinctions that are somewhat... distinct from each other.  Each Distinction gets a D8.

Role Distinctions:

Bounty Hunter - There are wanted men everywhere in the 'Verse and people who'll pay money for 'em.  This is what you do.  You don't have to like it.

Con Artist - There's a sucker born every minute.  You just gotta put your line in the water.

First Mate - You're the captain's right hand, but as often as not you're his fist.

Goodwill Ambassador - Experienced in matters of diplomacy and deocum, you're the best candidate to send in to parley before the bullets start flying.

Mercenary - They don't pay you to look pretty.  They pay you to shoot things.

Registered Companion - You have an active license in the Companion Registry, which opens doors and brings you business.

Ship's Captain - A natural leader, you're responsible for the crew and the ship you fly in.

Ship's Doctor - Sometimes it seems whoever came up with "First, do no harm" never had to deal with the people you have to deal with.

Ship's Mechanic - A ship's a living thing, no matter what they say.  You can feel when she's sick, and she makes you proud when she's well.

Ship's Pilot - The list of folk wanting to hire you is longer than your arm.  You're just that good.

Ship's Shepherd - You don't fix faith.  Faith fixes you.

Personality Distinctions:

A Little Nervous - "Oh God, oh God, we're all gonna die."

Alluring - You're easy on the eyes and cunning enough to use those good looks to your advantage.

Caring - You've a courage and tenacity in caring for others that most folk don't.  you're the light in their darkness.

Code of Honor - To live with honor is difficult.  To live without honor is not living at all.

Crude - You're a little gorramn rough around the edges.

Eagle Eyed - Not much escapes your attention.

Fashionable - You attend the most exclusive parties, dress in the latest fashions, and hire the best Companions.

Free Spirit - You go where the wind takes you.

Heart of Gold - You may be rough around the edges, but deep down you're a good person.

Steady - It takes a lot to throw you off-balance.

Sweet and Cheerful - It doesn't seem like there's a power in the 'Verse that can keep you from being cheerful.

Background Distinctions:

Everything's Shiny - Don't worry, everything's going to come out shiny in the end.

Family Ties - Everybody is somebody's son, daughter, brother or sister.  You maintain a connection to your family that is as important to you as it is dysfunctional.

Government Experiment - You don't remember what they did to you.  Mostly.  But now that it's done, you can never go back.

Hitched - You ever been with a warrior woman?

Mysterious Past - You weren't born to the life you're living now.

On The Run - Someone's after you - Alliance, the Triads, the Guilds, maybe all three.  You're a fugitive and you're in trouble.

Reader - You know things you shouldn't.  Some call you a witch.  They're just scared of what you represent.

Things Don't Go Smooth - Life sure seems to be a string of mishaps, mistakes and misappropriations.  But you're still here, ain't you?

Veteran of the Unification War - It don't matter which side you fight on, war leaves a mark on your heart and soul.

5.  Create two Signature Assets.  Each Signature Asset gets a D6.  As an alternative, create one Signature Asset that gets a D8.

Character Sheet (just reply to this thread, follow then delete the [directions]):

[img width=300][Photos only, no art][/img]
[font=trebuchet ms][size=18pt]Name, Character Type[/i][/size][/font]

[Use 3D8 or 1D6, 1D8 and 1D10 and delete this line]

Skills (Specialties):
[Keep 10 Skills, delete 9 Skills]
[Assign one D12, two d10, three D8 and four D6]
[Add a Specialty to Know if Know is D6 or better]
[Add three other Specialties, and delete this line]

[Add first distinction here] D8
[Add second distinction here] D8
[Add third distinction here] D8

Signature Assets:
[Add first Signature Asset here] D6
[Add second Signature Asset here and delete next line] D6
[Or add single Signature Asset here and delete above two lines] D8

Sample character sheets:

Jayne Cobb, Mercenary

Mental D6
Physical D10
Social D8

Skills (Specialties):
Fight D10
Focus D6
Influence D8 (Intimidation)
Labor D10
Move D8
Notice D8
Shoot D12 (Rifles)
Sneak D6
Survive D6
Throw D6

Mercenary D8
Crude D8

Signature Assets:
Vera Assault Rifle D6
Orange Pompom Hat from His Mom D6

"Kaylee" Frye, Ship's Mechanic

Mental D8
Physical D8
Social D8

Skills (Specialties):
Craft D6
Fix D12 (Engines)
Focus D8
Influence D8
Knowledge (Spaceships) D8
Notice D10 (Malfunctions)
Operate D10 (Shipboard Systems)
Survive D6
Treat D6
Trick D6

Ship's Mechanic D8
Everything's Shiny D8
Sweet & Cheerful D8

Signature Assets:
Serenity D8

Inara Serra, Registered Companion

Mental D8
Physical D6
Social D10

Skills and Specialties:
Craft D6
Fly D6
Focus D8
Influence D12 (Seduction)
Know D8 (Diplomacy)
Notice D10 (Psychology)
Operate D6
Perform D8
Treat D10 (Counseling)
Trick D6

Registered Companion D8
Alluring D8
Goodwill Ambassador D8

Signature Assets:
Serenity Shuttle D6
Companion's Finery D6

"Wash" Washburne, Ship's Pilot

Mental D8
Physical D8
Social D8

Skills (Specialties):
[Keep 10 Skills, delete 9 Skills, assign 1D12, 2d10, 3D8 and 4D6, add a Specialty to Know D6 or better, add three Specialities, and delete this line]
Drive D6
Fix D8
Fly D12 (Transports)
Focus D8
Influence D6
Know D10 (Navigation)
Notice D8
Operate D10 (Shipboard Systems}
Survive D6
Trick D6

Ship's Pilot D8
A Little Nervous D8
Hitched D8

Signature Assets:
Serenity D8

2014-09-07 Updated character sheets (changed image width, added fonts for name and character type, clarified directions).  Added Distinctions.



Name: Serena Richardson, Registered Companion from Londinium

Mental  D8
Physical  D8
Social  D8

Skills (Specialties):
Drive  D6
Fly  D6
Fight  D10 (Fencing)
Focus  D6
Move  D6
Influence  D12 (Money)
Know  D8 (Cultures of the Verse')
Notice  D8
Perform  D10 (Parties)
Shoot  D8

Alluring  D8
Connections in the Verse'  D8
Registered Companion  D8

Signature Assets:
Companion's Finery  D6
Firefly Shuttle  D6

Clients Taken:
Men, Women, Couples

~ Comes from the Guild Temple Diana a very popular one devoted to physically active and fit Companions and simply put the business side of the Guild, based on Londinium and is currently pushing out to the Border to position Companions across known space.
~ She comes from a very wealthy and well placed family about a third are Companions, a third in the military as officers and a third in other work government service or elected offices or business. She is a Companion for the networking and prestige not income but takes the standard fees which she donates to charity on the Border.
~ Business is Business she is inclined to take clients from many levels of Border society including criminal bosses after all its a good area of business on the Border.

Colt Revolver
50 Rounds of Ammo
Dose of Lethal Poison (in event of Reavers)

Apple of Eris

I'm interested!

Character generation:

Name: Li Mei Prachalerm
Planet of Origin: Ariel

Mental- 1d10
Social- 1d8
Physical- 1d6
Drive – 1d6
Focus – 1d10 (calm)
Influence -1d8
Know – 1d8 (medical knowledge)
Move - 1d6
Notice – 1d10 (Examination - medical)
Operate - 1d8
Sneak - 1d6
Survive - 1d6
Treat – 1d12 (First Aid)
Trick - 1d6

Ship's Doctor 1d8
Mysterious Past 1d8
On the Run 1d8

Signature Asset:
Doctor's Bag 1d8
Men are those creatures with two legs and eight hands.  ~Jayne Mansfield
To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first, then call whatever you hit the target. ~Ashleigh Brilliant

Stories I'm Seeking


Totally in on this!  I'll put together a character later tonight, probably a pilot, maybe a merc


I've played a fair amount of Cortex, including the original Serenity, but a new version is news to me so kick me when I mess up. 

Hope Diamond aka Olivia Hope aka Hope Brown

Concept: Cheat, Swindler, and Professional Damsel in Distress
Conflict: Love v. Obfuscation
Personality: Dramatic flourish and magic; lying and cheating; inappropriate commentary from Spartacus

20 Years old
Brown hair, bright green eyes
5’ 3”, 125 lbs

Social d10
Mental d8
Physical d6

d12=Trick - (Fast Talk) & (Sleight of Hand) Spin a yarn, con an opponent, or use sleight of hand.
d10=Influence - Persuade others to do, think, act or feel the way you want them to.
d10=Perform - (Showmanship) Act or put on a big show to impress or entertain.
d8=Sneak - Avoid detection, such as by using camouflage on yourself, blending into a crowd, or using the environment.
d8=Know - (Streetwise) Recall or remember general knowledge about the 'Verse.
d8=Notice - Spot someone or something out of the ordinary.
d6=Craft - Build, create and assemble items from scratch.
d6=Fly - Pilot ships and other airborne vehicles.
d6=Focus - Concentrate to steel your will, to avoid getting intimidated, or to find a new solution.
d6=Operate - Use devices ranging from computers to thermal cutting torches.

d8 - Alluring
d8 - Things Don't Go Smooth
d8 - Forked Tongue - She lies a lot, but never to YOU!

Signature Assets:
d6 - Spartacus the Parrot
d6 - Mother's Necklace

“Shh!  He’s one of them – they’ve been tracking me down for years.  They know I hid those files my parents found when they were working as parliament operatives.  They’ll…they’ll torture me for it.  Please, you’ve got to hide me!”

Concept: Cheat, Swindler, and Professional Damsel in Distress
Conflict: Love v. Obfuscation
Personality: Dramatic flourish and magic; lying and cheating; inappropriate commentary

Replica laser pistol and holster, with realistic sounds and lights
Fedora and suits, complete with cane and spats
Pack of cards, lighter, cloves, makeup kit
Stage magic kit – several trunks of costumes, tricks, and various items of the trade
Marked cards (with an ink only visible through polarized lenses), polarized contacts, and a roll of deck-sealing stickers
Small holdout derringer

Hope Diamond was born Hope Brown shortly before the beginning of the war in a city on Hera.  Her parents were killed during a bombing.  She was evacuated to an orphanage on Londinium with little but her name. 

Over the following years Hope found herself repeatedly refused by adoptive families; she was too old, too bold, too imaginative, simply not what any family was looking for.  It impressed upon her mind that she was inadequate; and certainly she was up to that point an entirely unremarkable girl without any assets and little chance for bright future.  Her response was to reimagine herself as someone else - someone more interesting.  She fled the orphanage and took up a series of “impersonations” – involved bouts of acting that passed a hair’s breadth from confidence games. 

When she encountered stage magic, it seemed like a natural connection – illusion, drama, an air of mystery that seemed to pardon any fabrication.  People knew it wasn’t real, but they wanted to believe anyways – and would accept anything.  She taught herself many of the skills – or had learned them on the streets – and took up an apprenticeship by the age of 15. 

It turned out – somewhat predictably – that the magician, Zahn, was more interested in Hope’s other talents.  After a couple years Hope’s refusals came to a head.  She left Zahn whimpering and clutching the remains of his manhood and emptied his tricks and accounts.  She fell back on her old games, traveling the 'verse as a wealthy brat, a drug dealer, a musician, a professional gambler and even worked three months as a bodyguard with a replica laser pistol.  She acquired new wealth with each new identity. 

In possession of a respectable nest egg – and with a few reasons to make herself scarce – she chose to assume the life of an itinerant magician and gambler using a new name, “Olivia Hope,” and the stage name “Hope Diamond," with vague hints of a dark past and criminal connections.  She picked up a second-hand parrot, Spartacus, and has kept him alive despite her nearly complete lack of responsibility or knowledge of pets – he seems to have adopted her more than the opposite.  His provenance is unclear, but he seems surprisingly intelligent - when he's not busy being contrary.  He often manages to supply cutting commentary in the most inappropriate situations. 

At the moment, Hope has begun to feel an unusual sense of security and is considering turning legit.  She’s pledged to stop lying (unless she really needs to), cheating (unless they’re really asking for it) or generally getting into trouble (unless it finds her, first). 



Name: Alexander Briggs

Concept: Former Alliance deputy

Age: 28

Physical Description: Standing at 78kg and 186cm (6’1” / 171 lbs), Alexander’s toned frame is more lean than powerful, and speaks of time spent in metropolitan gyms rather than hard slogs outdoors. His auburn hair is neatly trimmed (when circumstances allow), though his blue eyes are often circled by dark smudges.

Personality: A dark sense of humour and professional detachment make him easy to work with, but his obsessive streak can worry those who get to know him. Proud, patient, and slow to forget (or forgive), his methods are usually an asset to his peers, but sometimes it ventures dangerously close to fanaticism.

“I think of this as sabbatical rather than desertion. After all, when you spend enough time staring at the outside of a smuggler’s ship, you start wondering what it looks like on the inside.”

Mental – d10
Physical – d8
Social – d6

Fly – d12 (Pursuit manoeuvrers); When all else fails, the ability to run down (or run away) can be invaluable. 
Notice – d10 (Investigative); A deliberate, methodical approach to fact finding has its merits.
Shoot – d10
Operate – d8 (Security systems); Understanding the operation and limitations of a security system is useful for both sides of the law.
Know – d8 (Alliance Military); More than just an organisation, the Alliance military has a culture all of its own.
Focus – d8
Craft – d6
Fix – d6
Survive – d6
Throw – d6

Ship’s Pilot - The list of folk wanting to hire you is longer than your arm.  You're just that good.
Obsessive – You're not one to leave a problem (or grudge) unresolved.
Alliance record – You served the Alliance well in simpler, more authoritarian days.

Signature assets:
Obscenely expensive gold pen (d6) – Tactile, reliable, and very shiny.
Lucky gas mask (d6) – Similar models are standard issue for all pilots, but this particular mask evokes sentiment and superstition.

Background Notes:
Alexander graduated from the Alliance combat pilot program towards the end of the Unification War. Combat Survival and High Speed Manoeuvres were his strongest courses, though his status as a rookie precluded him from being posted to any hotly contested warzones. He was instead posted to a border garrison, where the Alliance was attempting to consolidate newly conquered colonies. He saw active service for the last 18 months of the Unification War, aiding Alliance efforts to stymy unrest and insurgency. For combat pilots, this primarily comprised of intercepting ‘browncoat’ transport ships trying to slip under the radar; Alexander is credited with the destruction of four such vessels, and the surrender of two more. There were numerous other blockading and deterrent actions, though these events aren’t as well documented.

Following the successful conclusion of the war, the demand for combat pilots sharply diminished. Alexander was retrenched to be a deputy in the Border Integrity Unit – the Alliance’s anti-smuggler division. While the ability to chase down ships remained indispensable, the career change necessitated a few new skills: luckily, Alexander’s methodical (and arguably neurotic) disposition was well suited to investigating leads and tracking criminal activity. Over the next five years, Alexander’s service in the Border Integrity Unit was largely successful, but his record was blighted by numerous bungled attempts to capture a notorious regional smuggler, Jack Ryder. These failures ranged from the merely embarrassing (raiding a hideout, only to find a signed ‘goodbye’ note waiting for him) to the truly tragic (shootouts ending in a massacre). The hunt for Jack Ryder claimed the lives of three Alliance marshals, though curiously Alexander himself was always spared; where his superiors were shot, the deputy was often left stranded in a desert or drifting in space. It’s largely assumed this was the smuggler’s idea of humour rather than mercy.

The long running game of cat-and-mouse recently came to an abrupt end when, more by (mis)fortune than design, the notorious smuggler and his crew were killed by Deputy Briggs. The victory didn’t seem to bring much comfort to Alexander, though; amid concerns that he’s suffering ‘victor’s remorse’, Alexander recently stepped down from his position of deputy. Over the past six months, there has been no official record of his whereabouts. 

If anything else needs changing, just say the word.


Quote from: RubySlippers on August 23, 2014, 07:07:14 PM

Name: Serena Richardson, Registered Companion from Londinium

Mental  D8
Physical  D8
Social  D8

Skills (Specialties):
Drive  D6
Fly  D6
Fight  D10 (Fencing)
Focus  D6
Move  D6
Influence  D12 (Money)
Know  D8
Notice  D8
Perform  D10 (Parties)
Shoot  D8

Alluring  D8
Connections in the Verse'  D8
Registered Companion  D8

Signature Assets:
Companion's Finery  D6
Firefly Shuttle  D6

Looks good, just need a Know Specialty, which you get for free since your Know is D6 or better.

I did some hunting and found a better image of that actress.

For clarification, Companion's Finery would be stuff like her wardrobe as well as what she has in her shuttle to make it more of a love nest.  Comfy couches, silk covered bed, incense, etc.

In terms of her being with a rich client in her shuttle, her dice pool would be something like Social D8 + Influence D12 + Money D6 + Registered Companion D8 + Companion's Finery D6 + Firefly Shuttle D6. 


Quote from: Apple of Eris on August 23, 2014, 09:19:31 PM
I'm interested!

Character generation:

Name: Li Mei Prachalerm
Planet of Origin: Ariel

Mental- 1d10
Social- 1d8
Physical- 1d6
Drive – 1d6
Focus – 1d10 (calm)
Influence -1d8
Know – 1d8 (medical knowledge)
Move - 1d6
Notice – 1d10 (Examination - medical)
Operate - 1d8
Sneak - 1d6
Survive - 1d6
Treat – 1d12 (First Aid)
Trick - 1d6

Ship's Doctor 1d8
Mysterious Past 1d8
On the Run 1d8

Signature Asset:
Doctor's Bag 1d8

Looks good.  Any chance you can find a better picture of that woman's face?  Something bigger and higher resolution?  Or a similar looking face?

What do we call her?  Li?  Li Mei?


Quote from: eBadger on August 24, 2014, 03:18:25 AM
I've played a fair amount of Cortex, including the original Serenity, but a new version is news to me so kick me when I mess up. 

Hope Diamond aka Olivia Hope aka Hope Brown

Concept: Cheat, Swindler, and Professional Damsel in Distress
Conflict: Love v. Obfuscation
Personality: Dramatic flourish and magic; lying and cheating; inappropriate commentary from Spartacus

20 Years old
Brown hair, bright green eyes
5’ 3”, 125 lbs

Social d10
Mental d8
Physical d6

d12=Trick - (Fast Talk) & (Sleight of Hand) Spin a yarn, con an opponent, or use sleight of hand.
d10=Influence - Persuade others to do, think, act or feel the way you want them to.
d10=Perform - (Showmanship) Act or put on a big show to impress or entertain.
d8=Sneak - Avoid detection, such as by using camouflage on yourself, blending into a crowd, or using the environment.
d8=Know - (Streetwise) Recall or remember general knowledge about the 'Verse.
d8=Notice - Spot someone or something out of the ordinary.
d6=Craft - Build, create and assemble items from scratch.
d6=Fly - Pilot ships and other airborne vehicles.
d6=Focus - Concentrate to steel your will, to avoid getting intimidated, or to find a new solution.
d6=Operate - Use devices ranging from computers to thermal cutting torches.

d8 - Alluring
d8 - Things Don't Go Smooth
d8 - Forked Tongue - She lies a lot, but never to YOU!

Signature Assets:
d6 - Spartacus the Parrot
d6 - Mother's Necklace

“Shh!  He’s one of them – they’ve been tracking me down for years.  They know I hid those files my parents found when they were working as parliament operatives.  They’ll…they’ll torture me for it.  Please, you’ve got to hide me!”

Concept: Cheat, Swindler, and Professional Damsel in Distress
Conflict: Love v. Obfuscation
Personality: Dramatic flourish and magic; lying and cheating; inappropriate commentary

Replica laser pistol and holster, with realistic sounds and lights
Fedora and suits, complete with cane and spats
Pack of cards, lighter, cloves, makeup kit
Stage magic kit – several trunks of costumes, tricks, and various items of the trade
Marked cards (with an ink only visible through polarized lenses), polarized contacts, and a roll of deck-sealing stickers
Small holdout derringer

Hope Diamond was born Hope Brown shortly before the beginning of the war in a city on Hera.  Her parents were killed during a bombing.  She was evacuated to an orphanage on Londinium with little but her name. 

Over the following years Hope found herself repeatedly refused by adoptive families; she was too old, too bold, too imaginative, simply not what any family was looking for.  It impressed upon her mind that she was inadequate; and certainly she was up to that point an entirely unremarkable girl without any assets and little chance for bright future.  Her response was to reimagine herself as someone else - someone more interesting.  She fled the orphanage and took up a series of “impersonations” – involved bouts of acting that passed a hair’s breadth from confidence games. 

When she encountered stage magic, it seemed like a natural connection – illusion, drama, an air of mystery that seemed to pardon any fabrication.  People knew it wasn’t real, but they wanted to believe anyways – and would accept anything.  She taught herself many of the skills – or had learned them on the streets – and took up an apprenticeship by the age of 15. 

It turned out – somewhat predictably – that the magician, Zahn, was more interested in Hope’s other talents.  After a couple years Hope’s refusals came to a head.  She left Zahn whimpering and clutching the remains of his manhood and emptied his tricks and accounts.  She fell back on her old games, traveling the 'verse as a wealthy brat, a drug dealer, a musician, a professional gambler and even worked three months as a bodyguard with a replica laser pistol.  She acquired new wealth with each new identity. 

In possession of a respectable nest egg – and with a few reasons to make herself scarce – she chose to assume the life of an itinerant magician and gambler using a new name, “Olivia Hope,” and the stage name “Hope Diamond," with vague hints of a dark past and criminal connections.  She picked up a second-hand parrot, Spartacus, and has kept him alive despite her nearly complete lack of responsibility or knowledge of pets – he seems to have adopted her more than the opposite.  His provenance is unclear, but he seems surprisingly intelligent - when he's not busy being contrary.  He often manages to supply cutting commentary in the most inappropriate situations. 

At the moment, Hope has begun to feel an unusual sense of security and is considering turning legit.  She’s pledged to stop lying (unless she really needs to), cheating (unless they’re really asking for it) or generally getting into trouble (unless it finds her, first).

Looks good. 


Quote from: Ontan on August 24, 2014, 09:20:07 AM
Consider this character sheet (and in particular the picture) a place holder / expression of interest until I can do something more worthy of the thread. It’s too late for a full write up, but I want to reserve a spot  ;)

Name: Alexander Briggs
Concept: Former Alliance pilot

Mental – d10
Physical – d8
Social – d6

Craft – d6
Fix – d6
Fly – d12 (Pursuit manoeuvrers)
Focus – d8.
Know – d8 Alliance Military
Notice – d10 (Investigative)
Operate – d8 (Security systems)
Shoot – d10
Survive – d6
Throw – d6

Ship’s Pilot - The list of folk wanting to hire you is longer than your arm.  You're just that good.
Steady - It takes a lot to throw you off-balance.
Alliance record – You served the Alliance well in simpler, more authoritarian days.

Signature assets:
Lucky notebook (d6)
Obscenely expensive handgun (d6)

I know it's  bit skeletal at this point, but thoughts and opinions would be welcomed.

Don't worry about a full write-up.  I just care about the stats.

What you have looks fine for the crunch, although it's a bit all over the place (at the moment I imagine him being a former pilot who got grounded and went into military police investigation). 

Definitely get a new picture, something showing the face instead of the side of the head.  I'm making images for post headers where the image is 300 pixels wide and 400 pixels tall and mostly face.

Apple of Eris

Quote from: vin26m on August 24, 2014, 09:50:24 AM
Looks good.  Any chance you can find a better picture of that woman's face?  Something bigger and higher resolution?  Or a similar looking face?

What do we call her?  Li?  Li Mei?

Li Mei (though Li for short is fine).

And I'll find a new pic.

I also have some BG on her Distinctions I wanted to run past you when we get there :)
Men are those creatures with two legs and eight hands.  ~Jayne Mansfield
To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first, then call whatever you hit the target. ~Ashleigh Brilliant

Stories I'm Seeking


I added an OOC link to the first post.

I already have a message on there for RubySlippers, Apple of Eris and eBadger.

Ontan, I'll get you in once your sheet is more complete and when I have more time.


So we get one specialty per D6 the creation said we get three total, at least its implied.


Quote from: RubySlippers on August 24, 2014, 11:58:12 AM
So we get one specialty per D6 the creation said we get three total, at least its implied.

No, it's this:

3.  If your Know Skill is D6 or better, add a Specialty to it for free.  After that, add three more Specialties, but only to skills that are also D6 or better.  You can have more than one Specialty in the same skill.  The Specialties listed are just examples.  You can come up with your own.

Basically, everyone gets three Specialties.  Also, if your Know Skill is D6 or better, you get a fourth Specialty that goes with the Know Skill.


Okay I will take something I'm thinking of Cultures as in the various unique cultures in the "Verse, enough language knowledge to be respectful and low and high society and fringe groups. She likely spent time on the border just taking it in and networking. She is more business minded its her job to promote the expansion of the Guild and she supported Unification and supports the Alliance for now. But will see the Brown Coats as bold and fighting for a Cause that is honorable they just lost.

Oh I assume she has an Identi-Card being a Companion.

Prince Truhan

Let me know if there is anything I should change

Name: Eli Dawson

Mental 1d8
Physical 1d8
Social 1d8

Skills (Specialties):

Fight 1d10
Focus 1d10 Confidence
Influence 1d8 Threats
Know 1d6 Cultures of the 'Verse
Notice 1d8
Shoot 1d12 Rifles
Sneak 1d6
Move 1d6
Throw 1d8
Treat 1d6

Steady D8
Mercenary D8
Reader D8

Signature Assets:
Special rifle sight D8


Quote from: RubySlippers on August 24, 2014, 02:49:49 PM
Okay I will take something I'm thinking of Cultures as in the various unique cultures in the "Verse, enough language knowledge to be respectful and low and high society and fringe groups. She likely spent time on the border just taking it in and networking. She is more business minded its her job to promote the expansion of the Guild and she supported Unification and supports the Alliance for now. But will see the Brown Coats as bold and fighting for a Cause that is honorable they just lost.

Oh I assume she has an Identi-Card being a Companion.

Cultures of the 'Verse sounds good.

She can have an Identi-Card, but for her to be able to use it, you would spend a Plot Point to turn it into an Asset D6 that goes into her dice pool.


Quote from: Prince Truhan on August 24, 2014, 05:06:32 PM
Let me know if there is anything I should change

Name: Eli Dawson

Mental 1d10
Physical 1d10
Social 1d10

Skills (Specialties):

Fight 1d10
Focus 1d10 Confidence
Influence 1d8 Threats
Know 1d6 Cultures of the 'Verse
Notice 1d8
Shoot 1d12 Rifles
Sneak 1d6
Survive 1d6
Throw 1d8
Treat 1d6

Steady D8
Mercenary D8
Reader D8

Signature Assets:
Special rifle sight D8

Looks good.

Couple of things:

Attributes are either D8 D8 D8, or D10 D8 D6.

Maybe you want Move as a Skill instead of one of your current D6 Skills?  Would help with avoiding getting shot at or punched.


Name: John Vakir

Concept: Former Alliance Agent

Age: 26

Personality: Friendly on the outside for the sake of pretense. cautious on the inside, He can be quite paranoid about people and untrusting to others he does not know at first, He prefers to follow orders but will direct a plan to desire if it suits him.

“The Alliance is not bad.. its just lost its way.. several times and in many ways."

Mental - D10
Physical - D8
Social - D6

Skills (Specialties):

Influence -D12 Spec (Alliance Officials) Has a few favours and infuence with some officers he has yet to call in from his days fighting for Unification.

Know -D10 Spec (Black Ops Programs) Being part of a few of them he knows the deal with them. several codes used for them.
Notice -D10

Shoot -D8 Spec (Pistols) Specialised training in small firearms.
Trick -D8
Focus D8

Fight -D6
Move -D6
Sneak -D6
Survive -D6

Steady -D8 After the things you did and saw it takes quite a lot to throw you off
Government Experiment -D8 Test after test was done but still you remain alive.
Veteran of the Unification War -D8 You fought for the Alliance.

Signature Assets:
Matching Set of Pistols -D6 They match to the last detail, Custom made.
Optical Brain Implant -D6  Helps with aiming, general perception and the like.

First time filling a dice system out, please let me know if there is an error.
Just some quotes.
Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.”

"As time goes on, and our paths continue to unfold  though I do not know what will happen, whether we  continue together through life, all that I ask of you is that you remember me."

Prince Truhan

Quote from: vin26m on August 24, 2014, 05:31:09 PM
Looks good.

Couple of things:

Attributes are either D8 D8 D8, or D10 D8 D6.

Maybe you want Move as a Skill instead of one of your current D6 Skills?  Would help with avoiding getting shot at or punched.

Changed it to triple d8s which is what I had meant to do originally, and added move, I didn't realize the use of it thanks for the warning.


Quote from: Prince Truhan on August 24, 2014, 05:40:53 PM
Changed it to triple d8s which is what I had meant to do originally, and added move, I didn't realize the use of it thanks for the warning.

You're welcome.

I can let you all tweak your characters even after the game starts.

Head over to the OOC thread.  Link is in the first post of this thread.


Quote from: johnnyboyboy on August 24, 2014, 05:39:07 PM

Name: John Vakir

Mental - D10
Physical - D8
Social - D6

Skills (Specialties):

Influence -D12 Spec (Alliance Officials) Has a few favours and infuence that he could use.

Know -D10 Spec (Black Ops Programs) Being part of a few of them he knows the deal with them.
Notice -D10

Shoot -D8 Spec (Pistols) Specialised training in small firearms.
Trick -D8
Focus D8

Fight -D6
Move -D6
Sneak -D6
Survive -D6

Steady -D8
Government Experiment -D8
Veteran of the Unification War -D8

Signature Assets:
Matching Set of Pistols -D6
Optical Brain Implant -D6

First time filling a dice system out, please let me know if there is an error.

Looks good.  Head over to the OOC thread.  Link is in the first post of this thread.


Need a pilot? If so, I'll write up a character in the next couple days. (as soon as I have a moment free)


Quote from: vin26m on August 24, 2014, 11:13:19 AM
Ontan, I'll get you in once your sheet is more complete and when I have more time.

Speaking of which, I’ve updated my character sheet and added a few more details, which hopefully makes the character concept a bit clearer. I also tweaked the distinctions and assets a bit, if only for character variety; we probably don’t need three males with 'steady' and signature weapons.


Quote from: 1SAZ on August 24, 2014, 11:57:36 PM
Need a pilot? If so, I'll write up a character in the next couple days. (as soon as I have a moment free)

There is currently one pilot.  I don't need another, but you can play one if you like and I'll figure out how to use all the pilots I have. 

Play a character you will enjoy, and I will set up the game around that.  (One pilot could be injured, so a co-pilot is taking over, or one pilot could be in a shuttle while the other is in the transport, etc.)

Quote from: Ontan on August 25, 2014, 03:30:40 AM
Speaking of which, I’ve updated my character sheet and added a few more details, which hopefully makes the character concept a bit clearer. I also tweaked the distinctions and assets a bit, if only for character variety; we probably don’t need three males with 'steady' and signature weapons.

Variety is good.  Thanks!  I'll check him out later today.


Quote from: Ontan on August 25, 2014, 03:30:40 AM
Speaking of which, I’ve updated my character sheet and added a few more details, which hopefully makes the character concept a bit clearer. I also tweaked the distinctions and assets a bit, if only for character variety; we probably don’t need three males with 'steady' and signature weapons.

That depends on the weapon.  ;D


More updates! In line with some of the other profiles, I've added a short background section.


I also added some flesh to mine, Not much still need a background.
Just some quotes.
Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.”

"As time goes on, and our paths continue to unfold  though I do not know what will happen, whether we  continue together through life, all that I ask of you is that you remember me."


I'm interested if there is still room.  :-)

I'll come up with a character concept shortly.
~ My Ons/Offs, Characters and general RP info ~ Where am I?

"If you get hurt, hurt them back. If they kill you... walk it off."


Gabe take 1

Name: Gabriel Bailong

Mental 1D10
Physical 1D6
Social 1D8

Skills (Specialties):
Fight 1D10 (Martial Arts)
Fix 1D8
Fly 1D6
Focus 1D10
Influence 1D8
Know 1D6 (Diplomacy)
Move 1D6 (Rebounding - like found in Parkour or Gymnastics)
Notice 1D8
Operate 1D6
Perform 1D12 (Acting)

Ship's Mechanic D8
Registered Companion D8
Alluring D8

Signature Assets:
Companion's Finery D6
Flashbang Incense Sticks D6

Note: Gabe is happy performing the role of mechanic while on board the Thundercracker. He does the bare minimum to continue as a Registered Companion, mostly preferring to keep a more humble facade. Some few aboard the ship (like the captain and anyone who's had companion training) would probably know about his other job, but he tries not to bring unneeded attention to it. He rarely takes clients - usually at the captain's request (for GM plot goodies) or if the money is particularly tight... or the client is particularly interesting?
~ My Ons/Offs, Characters and general RP info ~ Where am I?

"If you get hurt, hurt them back. If they kill you... walk it off."


Do you really want my character to have to report him to the Guild for disgracing the Guild, its not like he is bringing much to the table my character is from a prominent family with her own wealth and is actively supporting Guild expansion on the Border. Unless he is from a suitable family she wouldn't want to be offending.

Its not like he is an Artist his main work is a Mechanic, kind of common.


Quote from: RubySlippers on September 01, 2014, 03:49:07 PM
Do you really want my character to have to report him to the Guild for disgracing the Guild, its not like he is bringing much to the table my character is from a prominent family with her own wealth and is actively supporting Guild expansion on the Border. Unless he is from a suitable family she wouldn't want to be offending.

Its not like he is an Artist his main work is a Mechanic, kind of common.

I'm still working out the details with Spiral in PM's.

But that kind of IC conflict could be interesting.


Quote from: RubySlippers on September 01, 2014, 03:49:07 PM
Do you really want my character to have to report him to the Guild for disgracing the Guild, its not like he is bringing much to the table my character is from a prominent family with her own wealth and is actively supporting Guild expansion on the Border. Unless he is from a suitable family she wouldn't want to be offending.

Its not like he is an Artist his main work is a Mechanic, kind of common.

Wow... feeling pretty confused here. I don't see what about Gabe the way I originally wrote him up.. would lead to him 'disgracing' the Guild. I said he did the bare minimum required, so he wouldn't be breaking any rules. I'm working out details with Vin - the idea is that Gabe's a bit of a social chameleon and mechanic work can serve as a cover if he needs to fade into the woodwork at any time. My original concept was that he doesn't know what he wants out of life yet and is travelling around, learning new things, meeting new people.... Seems like I have to make a few adjustments. I picked up mechanic skills specifically since there wasn't one on the ship at the time, but I could change that to some other viable cover occupation.

If it bothers you that there's another companion on board I understand, just say so.

Edit: I sent a revised Gabe Vin's way. He's got a more prestigious cover occupation that I hope you'll like a bit more, Slippers. ^.^
~ My Ons/Offs, Characters and general RP info ~ Where am I?

"If you get hurt, hurt them back. If they kill you... walk it off."


Quote from: SpiralSpider on September 02, 2014, 02:47:37 PM
I picked up mechanic skills specifically since there wasn't one on the ship at the time, but I could change that to some other viable cover occupation.
Edit: I sent a revised Gabe Vin's way. He's got a more prestigious cover occupation that I hope you'll like a bit more, Slippers. ^.^

It could of course go the other way – he started out life as a ship’s mechanic, but a passing Companion took note of his natural charms, and referred him for training to join their ranks. It’d explain why he’s handy with repairs, notwithstanding the prospects of a more illustrious career at his fingertips. Just a thought, of course; the character is yours, and nobody else's.

As for the lack of mechanic... there’s no rule saying we must have all archetypal roles fulfilled, and admittedly there’s an argument for having an atypical crew rather than one that ticks all the figurative boxes… but it all comes down to what people want to play. Generally speaking, playing a unique role (the ship’s mechanic) is going to be a lot more fun than playing a redundant one (the other other fighter).


Quote from: SpiralSpider on September 02, 2014, 02:47:37 PM

Wow... feeling pretty confused here. I don't see what about Gabe the way I originally wrote him up.. would lead to him 'disgracing' the Guild. I said he did the bare minimum required, so he wouldn't be breaking any rules. I'm working out details with Vin - the idea is that Gabe's a bit of a social chameleon and mechanic work can serve as a cover if he needs to fade into the woodwork at any time. My original concept was that he doesn't know what he wants out of life yet and is travelling around, learning new things, meeting new people.... Seems like I have to make a few adjustments. I picked up mechanic skills specifically since there wasn't one on the ship at the time, but I could change that to some other viable cover occupation.

If it bothers you that there's another companion on board I understand, just say so.

Edit: I sent a revised Gabe Vin's way. He's got a more prestigious cover occupation that I hope you'll like a bit more, Slippers. ^.^

No, its fine, but to her your either a full time Companion or an amateur doing a hobby but he could be from the border training temple, they tend to be less refined, I personally think its going to be interesting role-playing. Her hobby is studying cultures of the verse' she doesn't get paid for it. LOL

There is no need for a cover occupation.


I have returned from a long hiatus due to personal reasons.  Apologies for the unplanned absence.

O/Os & Braindump



Here's Gabe's final, approved sheet:

Name: Gabriel Bailong

Mental 1D10
Physical 1D6
Social 1D8

Skills (Specialties):
Craft 1D10
Fight 1D8 (Martial Arts)
Fix 1D6
Focus 1D10
Influence 1D6
Know 1D8 (Appraisal)
Move 1D6 (Rebounding - like found in Parkour or Gymnastics)
Notice 1D8
Perform 1D12 (Acting)
Trick 1D6

Registered Companion D8
Alluring D8
Free Spirit D8 - Gabe thrives in new experiences. He's able to adapt quickly to a new environment and does well finding a niche in just about any social encounter.

Signature Assets:
Companion's Finery D6
Jeweler's kit D6
~ My Ons/Offs, Characters and general RP info ~ Where am I?

"If you get hurt, hurt them back. If they kill you... walk it off."