Axiom -- .oO^Oo. -- {IC Posts}

Started by ClockworkShadow, July 16, 2011, 01:01:37 AM

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Please remember, at all times, that the main RP concerning Axiom is to remain PG-13 in content.  If you are an approved member, and wish to establish an adult-content side story-arc, you may PM me, ClockworkShadow, for my rules/guidelines concerning this.  Hard set rule:  automatons, in the true spirit of steampunk and clockwork punk, will not ever be capable of intimacy with a human... even with sentience taken into consideration.

This RP world involves elements of: steampunk and clockwork punk (complex gears and cogs); a splash of cyberpunk (complex, automatonic implants, artificial blood, etc.); logic & chaos; lifestyle D/s involving automaton/human interaction; ascetic buddhism; metaphysics & mysticism; feudal/imperial-era conflict; quantum physics.

Welcome to the
Axiom -- .oO^Oo. -- {IC Post} thread!  Please make sure that I, your Mme. GM, "green light" your character's final-draft profile in the {Final-Draft Profile Cache} thread before posting here, thanks!  Having a "green lighted" profile requires you to have discussed, proofed, and spell- and grammar-checked it previously, in the {OOC Musings} thread.  It is also very strongly encouraged for you to have established at least two other players - in your chosen story-arc/continent - that you would like to interact with, in character.  Enjoy!

Please visit the OOC Musings for the rest of the description concerning the world of Axiom.

A List of Energy Manipulation Masteries
Saear Daomasu - Fire Manipulation - a beginning mastery pertaining to the base element of fire; pyrokinesis may be achieved at high-level mastery

D'aoi Daomasu - Water Manipulation - a beginning mastery pertaining to the base element of water; aquakinesis may be achieved at high-level mastery

Gaear Daomasu - Terra Manipulation - a beginning mastery pertaining to the base element of terra; terrakinesis may be achieved at high-level mastery; saear and gaear, as elements, are very closely related to each other, and often counterbalance each the other mastery

     sub-mastery: Ramnaear Daomasu - Strength Manipulation - typically, this is a very minor, beginning sub-mastery, which pertains to the temporary (only) enhancement of one's own strength; duration of the manipulation may be improved with the level of mastery

Aenaoi Daomasu - Air Manipulation - a beginning mastery pertaining to the base element of air; aerokinesis may be achieved at high-level mastery; aenaoi and danaoi, as elements, are very closely related to each other, and often counterbalance each the other mastery

-- .oO^Oo. --

Saokei Daomasu - Metal Manipulation - a journeyman mastery pertaining to objects that contain a percentage of a metallic element; low- to mid-level mastery involves the extractino of quantities above 50 percent

Meilar Daomasu - Wood Manipulation - a journeyman mastery pertaining to objects that contain a percentage of wood; low- to mid-level mastery involves the extraction of quantities above 50 percent

     sub-mastery: Meilaoi Daomasu - Growth Manipulation - a journeyman mastery pertaining to anything that would be the equivalent of Earth's term "flora"

-- .oO^Oo. --

Ikaoi Daomasu - Life Manipulation - a moderately advanced mastery pertaining to the ability to sense, then gently encourage, then actively redirect a human subject's natural static electricity (chi)

Keiar Daomasu - Electricity Manipulation - a moderately advanced mastery pertaining to the manipulation of electricity from various natural sources; increased mastery greatly improves how well electricity can be sensed despite the difficulty of the focal target

-- .oO^Oo. --

Seitaoi Daomasu - Spectrum Manipulation - a Idaeo'suzeima mastery pertaining to light, dark, ultraviolet, etc.

Seitaomar Daomasu - Gravitational Manipulation - a Idaeo'suzeima mastery pertaining to, essentially, telekinesis; one never manipulates the orbital motion of, i.e. a moon, but channels the essence of gravity to then apply the manipulation upon a closer object; high-level mastery of this manipulation may be applied upon one's self.

     sub-mastery: Taomar Daomasu - Time Manipulation - a Idaeo'suzeima sub-mastery pertaining to the flow and passage of time, itself, as a controllable element

Glossary of Nu Logikan and Paramnarma Terminology

(All players are encouraged to think up more of their own, unique terms based on the words here.  Nu Logikan terms are based on word histories rooted in Latin, Greek and Gothic; Paramnarma terms are very loosely based on multiple, asian equivalents of a modern word.)

-'s (.) -
a suffix (Nu Logikan or Paramnarma) denoting possession belonging to the associated term

-an (ahn) -
a Nu Logikan suffix denoting relation of the associated term to the subsequent term/phrase

-i (ee) -
a Paramnarma suffix denoting the associated term in its plural form

-ma (mah) -
a Paramnarma suffix denoting relation of the associated term to the subsequent term/phrase

-um (oom) -
a Nu Logikan suffix denoting the associated term in its plural form

aenaoi (eye'now'ee) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "air"

bestia (beh'stee'ah) -
any native fauna of Nu Logikus

byzamut (beye'zah'moot) -
a low-value chemical element that is used, in small quantities, as a component in the smelting of pultir; the Earth equivalent is bismuth

chyklos (cheye'klohs) -
a cycle; also a calendar month in Nu Logikus (there are thirteen chyklos in an orus)

charik (chah'reek) -
a mined material used primarily for heating (steam power) and smelting; used to assist in the creation of trade goods, and automaton parts; the Earth equivalent is coal

danaoi (dahn'ow'ee) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "H2O"

daomasu (dow'mah'shoo) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "manipulation," as in the manipulation of internal or external energies by natural, metaphysical skill

daorei (dow'ray) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "illusion;" when a daomasu results in a visually-apparent alteration of another's perception, it is considered a daorei

doktir (dohk'teer) -
an educated professional whose job is the equivalent of a profession in any Earth medical field

dynamir (deye'nahm'eer) -
the equivalent, Nu Logikan term for "strength"

Enphorkir (ehn'fohr'keer) -
an Nu Logikan "Enforcer" (typically of citizen harmony)

etir (eh'teer)-
the equivalent, Nu Logikan term for "air"

formatir (fohr'mah'teer) -
the equivalent, Nu Logikan term for "manipulator," as one who manipulates internal or external energies by natural, metaphysical skill

formatos (fohr'mah'teer) -
the equivalent, Nu Logikan term for "manipulation," in reference to the manipulation of internal or external energies by natural, metaphysical skill

Gaeamnar (geye'ahm'nahr) -
the Paramnarma name for Axiom

gaear (geye'ahr) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "terra"

Idaeo'an (ee'deye'oh'ahn) -
a lifebound, oathsworn devout of a Monaznar, and one in perpetual pursuit of Param Idaeo

Idaeo'ani (ee'deye'oh'ahn'ee) -
the entire group of Idaeo'an at a Monaznar

Idaeo'suzei (ee'deye'oh'shoo'zay) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "Master"

Idaeo'suzeima Daorei (ee'deye'oh'shoo'zay'mah  dow'ray) -
in approximate terms, "Illusion of the Master;" to successfully implement a Idaeoramic Daorei, the manipulator must have mastered every associated manipulation to a very high level; it is extremely rare to encounter an individual, even on Paramnar, who is born with the ability to even tap such a high degree of expertise

ignir (eeg'neer) -
the equivalent, Nu Logikan term for "fire"

ikaoi (ee'kow'ee) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "life" (life energy/chi), specifically in reference to the manipulation

Ikaoi Taesa (ee'kow'ee  teye'shah) -
The name of the Param's great temple; roughly translated, it would mean "the Life Shrine"

kapir (kah'peer) -
a mined material that is smeltable, and is a staple (lesser valuable) component in the creation of common-utility trade goods, and low-grade automaton parts; lesser-value kerimatum may be made from kapir; the Earth equivalent is copper

kapeltir (kah'pehl'teer) -
a smelted material comprised mainly of kapir and zybeltir; it is a staple (moderately valuable) component in the creation of trade and artisan goods, and mid-grade automaton parts; the Earth equivalent is brass

kapanum (kah'pahn'oom) -
a smelted material comprised mainly of kapir and zydanum; it is a staple (moderately valuable) component in the creation of trade and artisan goods, and mid-grade automaton parts; the Earth equivalent is bronze

kamoa (kah'moh'ah) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "beast"

ikei asao (ee'kay  ahsh'ow) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "kimono"

keiar (kay'ahr) -
the Paramnarma term approximating "electrical current," in reference to the manipulation

kerima (kehr'ee'mah) -
an individual coin of Nu Logikan kerimatum

kerimatum (kehr'ee'mah'toom) -
a quantity of kerima; if capitalized, the name of Nu Logikan currency

Konsulatus (kohn'sool'aht'oos) -
a respected group of humans (equivalent to a council), who assist governmental automatons in determining the innocence or guilt of a person being questioned for disruption of citizen harmony

Konsulir (kohn'sool'eer) -
a member of the Konsulatus; may be the leader, or another respected member, of a Tradak or Konvant; each seat is inherited to an heir from that passing member's family.

Konvant (kohn'vahnt) -
a Nu Logikan family of energy manipulators

kraphtir (krahf'teer) -
a human schematics-interpreter and assembler of automatons

laorei (low'ray)-
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "treatise"

lacumir (lah'koom'eer) -
the equivalent, Nu Logikan term for"water"

libir (leeb'eer) -
the equivalent, Nu Logikan term for "life," in strict reference to the formatir

Lunik (loon'eek) -
the smallest of the three moons that orbit Axiom; represented in pre-automatonic lore as the youngest son of Mena

Magir (mah'jeer) -
the leading member of a Konvant; this may be inherited by any of a younger generation from the same family, and is usually chosen upon the present Magir's deathbed

Mastir (mahs'teer) -
the equivalent, Nu Logikan term for Master; any automaton (or, rarely, a human) who is in the highest position of responsibility at a work location, or in a household.

meilaoi (may'low'ee) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "growth," in reference to the manipulation

meilar (may'lahr) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "wood," in reference to the manipulation

Mena (meh'nah) -
the largest of the three moons that orbit Axiom; represented in pre-automatonic lore as the mother of Lunik and Mensir

Mena's Gasir (meh'nahs  gah'seer) -
The Gaze of Mena; the name of the great populous which covers 60% of Nu Logikus

Mensir (mehn'seer) -
the middle-sized of the three moons that orbit Axiom; represented in pre-automatonic lore as the elder son of Mena

Merkantir (mehr'kahn'teer) -
the leading member of a Tradak; this may be inherited by any of a younger generation from the same family, and is usually chosen upon the present Merkantir's deathbed

Monumao (moh'noo'mow) -
the Paramnarma leader of a clan's "noble" family

Monaeram (moh'neye'rahm) -
the leader of a Paramnarma clan

monaznaoi (moh'nahz'now'ee) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "study;" pertains typically to the, often zealous and relentless, application toward the learning and mastery of energy manipulation; one of the lifelong, oathbound commitments of an Idaeo'an, in striving to achieve Param Idaeo.

Monaznar (mohn'ahz'nahr) -
a sanctuary of monaznaoi and monaznumos for the Idaeo'ani; is usually a network of dormitories and other buildings, which service one's bare necessities; most Monaznar are hidden from the average Paramnaran's sight by skillful Idaeo'suzeima Daorei, which are performed by the eldest and/or most talented Idaeo'ani within that Monaznar's sacred halls; is the Earth equivalent of an ascetic Buddhist monastery

monaznumos (moh'nahz'noo'mohs) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "meditation;" pertains specifically to the contemplation of Param Idaeo, the intertwining of oneself with the knowledge and acceptance of the unknown parameters of the metaphysical world, and the instilling and bolstering of self-discipline concerning one's efforts toward the mastery of energy manipulation; another of the lifelong, oathbound commitments of an Idaeo'an

Monaznari (mohn'ahz'nahr'ee) -
the collective "entity" comprised of the various, individual Monaznar, and the "sub-governing" body of Paramnar

Nu Logikus (noo  loh'jee'koos) -
the name of the larger continent of Axiom; would approximately mean "Now Logic" in Earth terms (ref: Latin, Greek, Gothic); "Nu" also translates, as a root, to "number" in Earth Latin

Nu Logikir (noo  loh'jee'keer) -
an individual citizen of Nu Logikus

nykalir (neye'kahl'eer) -
a mined material that is smeltable, and is a staple (moderately valuable) component in the creation of common-utility trade goods; is also used as an additional, external layer on pherorganik parts; the Earth equivalent would be nickel

Omonae (oh'moh'neye) -
a Paramnarma term used as a respectful title for any elder Paramnaran

organik (ohr'gahn'eek) -
a moderately valuable, chemical element used specifically in the process of converting iron to steel; it is derived, most frequently, from harvested deadwood or (rarely) young trees that have been altered by exposure to heat in an oxygen-deprived containment unit; the Earth equivalent is carbon

orus (oh'roos) -
a calendar year in Nu Logikus

otaodar (oh'tow'dahr) -
the equivalent Paramnarma term to Earth's "son"

otaomae (oh'tow'meye) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "mother"

otaorei (oh'tow'ray) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "daughter"

otaosan (oh'tow'shahn) -
the equivalent Paramnarma term for "father"

Param (pahr'ahm) -
the title of the imperial leader of Paramnar; the equivalent Earth term would be "Emperor"

Param Idaeo (pahr'ahm  ee'deye'oh) -
the equivalent, in Earth terms, of pure Enlightenment; nirvana

Paramnar (pah'rahm'nahr) -
the name of the smaller continent of Axiom

Paramnaran (pah'rahm'nahr'ahn) -
a citizen of the Paramnar continent

Paramnari (pah'rahm'nahr'ee) -
a term referring to more than one Paramnaran; also, the citizenry - as an entire body - of the Paramnar continent

paramdar (pah'rahm'dahr) -
the label given to any male representative of a clan's "noble" family

paramrei (pah'rahm'ray) -
the label given to any female representative of a clan's "noble" family

pherokyt (phehr'oh'keye'tuh) -
a mined material that is smeltable and a very important (highly valuable) component in the creation of higher-quality trade and artisan goods, and high-grade automaton parts; it is the best-quality material available (barring steel, which is made from iron) on Axiom; it is much easier to procure than silgentum; higher-value kerimatum are pressed from pherokyt; the Earth equivalent is iron

pherorganik (phehr' ohr'gah'neek) -
a smelted material comprised mainly of pherokyt and organik; it is a very important (very valuable) component in the creation of top-quality trade goods and excellent-grade automaton parts; the Earth equivalent is steel

pultir (pool'teer) -
a smelted material comprised mainly of zydanum mixed with kapir, zydarbum, and byzamut; it is a staple (moderately valuable) component in the creation of affordable, mid-quality trade and artisan goods; the Earth equivalent is pewter

ramnaear (rahm'neye'ahr) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "strength"

saear (sheye'ahr) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "fire"

saokei (sh'ow'kay) -
a Paramnarma metal, exclusive to that continent; also used in reference to the manipulation

Saomarei (show'mah'ray) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "Samurai/Ninja"

seitaomar (shay'tow'mahr) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "gravity," in reference to the manipulation

seitaoi (shay'tow'ee) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "spectrum" (light, dark, shades of grey, ultraviolet, etc.), in reference to the manipulation

silgentum (seel'gehn'toom) -
the most valuable mined material on Axiom due to how rare it is; it is smeltable and a very important (extremely valuable) component in the creation of highest-quality trade and artisan goods, and top-grade automaton parts; it is not allowed to be made into kerimatum and it is considered a wasteful, punishable offense to do so; the Earth equivalent is silver

sudar (shoo'dahr) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for male "slave/servant;" prisoners of clan battle

sukaoi (shoo'kow'ee) -
a Paramnarma cycle; also a calendar month; Paramnar also (curiously) observes thirteen sukaoi in a taokunei)

surei (shoo'ray) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for female "slave/servant;" prisoners of clan battle

taokunei (tow'koo'nay) -
a calendar year in Paramnar

taomar (tow'mahr) -
the equivalent, Paramnarma term for "time," in reference to the manipulation

techir (teh'cheer) -
the Nu Logikan term for a human or automaton instructor/educator of Nu Logikan, human lore

tei ikaoi (tay  ee'kow'ee) -
a Paramnarma breathing exercise and discipline that is very similar to Earth's "tai chi;"  it is also used during the "martial" training of the Saomarei

terisir (tehr'ee'seer) -
the equivalent, Nu Logikan term for "terra"

Tradak (trah'dahk) -
a Nu Logikan family involved in the trade of raw materials/resources, and economic balance

zybeltir (zeye'behl'teer) -
a moderately valuable, chemical element used primarily in the creation of brass; the Earth equivalent is zinc

zydanum (zeye'dahn'oom) -
a mineable material harvested from deposits; it is a moderately-valuable smelting component for kapanum and pultir, and is frequently used as protective plating to prevent corrosion (typically with kapir parts); the Earth equivalent is tin

zydarbum (zeye'dar'boom) -
is a highly valuable chemical element, mostly due to its toxicity and need for careful transport; it is a staple component in the creation of pultir, but does not strongly affect the cost since it is used in very small amounts; the Earth equivalent is antimony

Paramnarma Numeric Terms

onu {oh ' noo} - one
dei {day} - two
mao {mow} - three
kun {koon} - four
gao {gow} - five
sanu {shah ' noo} - six
sei {shay} - seven
ganu {gah ' noo} - eight
nei {nay} - nine
daoar {dow ' ahr} - ten
daoar-onu - eleven
daoar-dei - twelve
daoar-mao - thirteen
daoar-kun - fourteen
daoar-gao - fifteen
daoar-sanu - sixteen
daoar-sei - seventeen
daoar-ganu - eighteen
daoar-nei - nineteen
deidao - twenty
maodao - thirty
kundao - forty
gaodao - fifty
sanudao - sixty
seidao - seventy
ganudao - eighty
neidao - ninety
daodao - one hundred

Anything past one hundred, and that is spelled out, should be written as: "daodao ku(and) ---;" i.e. daodao ku maodao-sanu would equal 137.  Post here, in OOC, or contact the GM if you need to reference anything older than/beyond 199.

And... specifically for when you need to reference something as the "first, second, third, etc." of something else (i.e. Maoma Gaearma Taesa - Third Shrine of Terra):

onuma {oh ' noo ' mah} - first
deima {day ' mah} - second
maoma {mow ' mah} - third
kunma {koon ' mah} - fourth
gaoma {gow ' mah} - fifth
sanuma {shah ' noo ' mah} - sixth
seima {shay ' mah} - seventh
ganuma {gah ' noo ' mah} - eighth
neima {nay ' mah} - ninth
daoarma {dow ' ahr ' mah} - tenth
daoar-onuma - eleventh
daoar-deima - twelveth
daoar-maoma - thirteenth
daoar-kunma - fourteenth
daoar-gaoma - fifteenth
daoar-sanuma - sixteenth
daoar-seima - seventeenth
daoar-ganuma - eighteenth
daoar-neima - nineteenth
deidaoma - twentieth
deidao-onuma - twenty-first
... etc.
maodaoma - thirtieth
kundaoma - fortieth
gaodaoma - fiftieth
sanudaoma - sixtieth
seidaoma - seventieth
ganudaoma - eightieth
neidaoma - ninetieth
daodaoma - one hundredth

Nu Logikan Numeric Terms

un {oon} - one
duo {doo ' oh} - two
tra {trah} - three
qua {kwah} - four
quin {kween} - five
sus {soos} - six
sept {sehp't} - seven
okto {ohk ' toh} - eight
nov {nohv} - nine
deke {deh ' keh} - ten
deke-un - eleven
deke-duo - twelve
deke-tra - thirteen
deke-qua - fourteen
deke-quin - fifteen
deke-sus - sixteen
deke-sept - seventeen
deke-okto - eighteen
deke-nov - nineteen
duotum {doo ' oh ' toom} - twenty
duotum-un - twenty-one
tratum - thirty
quatum - forty
quintum - fifty
sustum - sixty
septum - seventy
oktum - eighty
novetum {noh ' veh ' toom} - ninety
deketum - one-hundred

Anything past one hundred, and that is spelled out, should be written as: "deketum et(and) ---;" i.e. deketum et tratum-sept would equal 137.  Post here, in OOC, or contact the GM if you need to reference anything older than/beyond 199.

And... specifically for when you need to reference something as the "first, second, third, etc." of something else...

un'an {oon '  ahn} - first
duo'an {doo ' oh ' ahn} - second
tra'an {tra ' ahn} - third
qua'an {kwah ' ahn} - fourth
quin'an {queen ' ahn} - fifth
sus'an {soos ' ahn} - sixth
sept'an {sehp't ' ahn} - seventh
okto'an {ohk ' toh ' ahn} - eighth
nov'an {nohv ' ahn} - ninth
deke'an {deh ' keh ' ahn} - tenth
deke-un'an - eleventh
deke-duo'an - twelveth
deke-tra'an - thirteenth
deke-qua'an - fourteenth
deke-quin'an - fifteenth
deke-sus'an - sixteenth
deke-sept'an - seventeenth
deke-okto'an - eighteenth
deke-nov'an - nineteenth
duotum'an {doo ' oh ' toom ' ahn} - twentieth
duotum-un'an - twenty-first
... etc.
tratum'an - thirtieth
quatum'an - fortieth
quintum'an - fiftieth
sustum'an - sixtieth
septum'an - seventieth
oktum'an - eightieth
novetum'an - ninetieth
deketum'an - one hundredth

{more edits forthcoming...}


^ zee-oh-em-gee, it has an update ^
I am back... sort of.  I'm trying, anyway.