Science fiction scenario - looking for interest

Started by RedEve, October 20, 2013, 05:25:08 AM

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two words, then... "Sorry", and "Good".

Sorry I missed the post above where you said what weapons we would have, and good that there are no energy weapons.

However, I do have a question regarding the ship they arrived on: Is it armed? If so, with what? Can these (presumably) heavy weapons be used, can the be demounted and used as artillery? Am I thinking too much?

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I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


How about medical equipment?  Anything like molecular scanners, monoscalpels or handheld epidermal regenerators?
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Quote from: Chrystal on October 23, 2013, 04:24:12 PM
two words, then... "Sorry", and "Good".

Sorry I missed the post above where you said what weapons we would have, and good that there are no energy weapons.

However, I do have a question regarding the ship they arrived on: Is it armed? If so, with what? Can these (presumably) heavy weapons be used, can the be demounted and used as artillery? Am I thinking too much?

The ship is a light cruiser and will have some armaments but those will not be (easily) detachable and will be useless within the compound unless a large group of er... shrimp converge on a single location which they then obliterate in one barrage.
"I don't have a dirty mind, I have a sexy imagination."
My ons and offs- My F-list


Quote from: AndyZ on October 23, 2013, 04:36:04 PM
How about medical equipment?  Anything like molecular scanners, monoscalpels or handheld epidermal regenerators?

Yes, yes and no. I assume you mean the kind of thing that instantly restores tissue Star Trek style? I am willing to allow a regenerator that increases the natural healing process by a good deal, but not the "instant repair" aspect of those Trek regenerators.
"I don't have a dirty mind, I have a sexy imagination."
My ons and offs- My F-list


I like this as the basic design.
The weaponry can be altered to change our needs.
"I don't have a dirty mind, I have a sexy imagination."
My ons and offs- My F-list


Quote from: RedEve on October 24, 2013, 01:20:05 AM
Yes, yes and no. I assume you mean the kind of thing that instantly restores tissue Star Trek style? I am willing to allow a regenerator that increases the natural healing process by a good deal, but not the "instant repair" aspect of those Trek regenerators.

Fair enough ^_^ Right now I'm thinking a spray that stops infection, speeds healing and usually stops scarring (players can decide for themselves if they want scars).  Depending on whether access to sickbay is blocked, they may only have a certain amount of the stuff in her medkit.
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Quote from: RedEve on October 24, 2013, 03:34:17 AM

I like this as the basic design.
The weaponry can be altered to change our needs.

I love that ship!

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


Glad you like it!

Unfortunately we only have three PCs so far and I want five before I even consider starting this thing off.
"I don't have a dirty mind, I have a sexy imagination."
My ons and offs- My F-list



That's actually sad. I would offer to make another character, but I don't think that counts.

Come on folks, send Red those char sheets, I want to make some Giant Paella!

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


Last call for interested players to send me a PM.
Otherwise I will need to put this on hold indefinitely.
"I don't have a dirty mind, I have a sexy imagination."
My ons and offs- My F-list


Update: I am waiting for at least one more CS from an interested party.
If his concept is good enough to approve, I might start the game off with just four players (GM included).
However, to create some more PCs, I would open up the possibility to create a secondary PC already.
This is not compulsory. If you feel you are not up to a second character or if you don't have the time or inspiration for a second PC, then please stick to your primary character.
"I don't have a dirty mind, I have a sexy imagination."
My ons and offs- My F-list


This is my own secondary character, a replicant since my first character was a human and I want to keep the groups a bit in balance.

Designation: SX-256985 – “Jane”
Programming: SX-256985 is a standard pleasure and companionship model. Therefore her programming includes a wide variety of social subroutines, ranging from knowing how to behave in a host of social settings (dinner party, reception, …) to specific sexual subroutines (if a position or sexual act exist, 99% of the time the SX range will know it and be able to perform it).
Status: Offline
Background: This particular SX model is a second generation pleasure and companionship replicant. This line was replaced by the third generation roughly 24 months ago. The company that produces them has since sold their remaining stock of second generation SXs to off-world colonies at bargain prices. “Jane” arrived on Stratski VII as part of a lot of replicants which were bought in bulk at a discount. This lot included both second hand models as well as new ones which were slightly outdated. As such, Jane has not yet been called into action, other than some quality control at the production plant where she was produced.
"I don't have a dirty mind, I have a sexy imagination."
My ons and offs- My F-list


Okies. I have submitted my cleaner-replicant.

She has some very useful features like being able to squirt bleach and acid from her fingertips.... Not sure how our friendly neighbourhood monsters would react to that, but it might give the good guys a small edge?

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


Probably not enough to do real damage, but it will likely work to really piss off the giant shrimp. :P
"I don't have a dirty mind, I have a sexy imagination."
My ons and offs- My F-list


Oh, definitely piss them off, possibly even blind them temporarily if squirted in the eyes...

By the way, I didn't start of thinking of that as a weapon, I was thinking in terms of, "This is a machine designed for cleaning things, what would make her really useful in that role? I know, how about not having to carry around a dozen bottles of different chemicals!"

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


I can relate, my amusement for the "Jane" replicant concept came from the idea of some guy having to do quality control on the sexbot line.
I imagine some middle-aged dude returning home from work, dead-tired and telling his wife to please leave him alone.  ;D
"I don't have a dirty mind, I have a sexy imagination."
My ons and offs- My F-list


Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


Quote from: RedEve on October 27, 2013, 05:00:51 AM
Update: I am waiting for at least one more CS from an interested party.
If his concept is good enough to approve, I might start the game off with just four players (GM included).
However, to create some more PCs, I would open up the possibility to create a secondary PC already.
This is not compulsory. If you feel you are not up to a second character or if you don't have the time or inspiration for a second PC, then please stick to your primary character.

I thought about having a soldier type, but since Emma is going to be patching up whoever fights, it's more meta-interaction than I try to have as a player.
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Quote from: AndyZ on October 28, 2013, 12:23:35 PM
I thought about having a soldier type, but since Emma is going to be patching up whoever fights, it's more meta-interaction than I try to have as a player.
You could create another crew member. Not all of the people aboard the ship are military types, some are there to possibly repair whatever caused the compound to go dark.
"I don't have a dirty mind, I have a sexy imagination."
My ons and offs- My F-list


Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

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There are also those along to simply keep the ship running. My main character, for example, is part of the ships crew, so technically she's military, but she's enlisted, below-decks, and only gets invited ino officer country or onto the bridge when things go wrong.

This is something that I find irritating about a lot of science fiction. Everyone assumes that the most important people on the ship are the ones on the bridge with stripes on their shoulders. Not so! The most important people on a space ship are the people who change the air filters, make sure the water recycling is working properly, etc... The people without whom, the entire crew would be dead from asphyxiation and/or dysentery within a week!

Elizabeth Moon is the only author I've ever found who writes about such things.

That is Mimi's job on the ship!

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


I can point to the first episode of Red Dwarf...

Early Season 1 spoiler

where the second least important crew member (according to rank) fails to fix something without the help of the least important crew member and the result is that the crew gets destroyed.

It's well known but by no means uncommon.  A lot of such things happen when the so-called leaders are proven completely inept to fix an actual problem.  That's just staying true to life.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

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Quote from: AndyZ on October 28, 2013, 01:33:55 PM
I can point to the first episode of Red Dwarf...

Early Season 1 spoiler

where the second least important crew member (according to rank) fails to fix something without the help of the least important crew member and the result is that the crew gets destroyed.

It's well known but by no means uncommon.  A lot of such things happen when the so-called leaders are proven completely inept to fix an actual problem.  That's just staying true to life.


"Everybody's Dead, Dave. Dave, Everybody's dead, They're all dead, Dave. Everybody, Dave, is dead!"

Yes, this is true. But on Red Dwarf it was done for comedic effect. and to keep the production cost down. If you have a cast of four central characters (Five when they rescue Kryten) it's a lot cheaper than having to crew the entire space craft.

Doing it purely for the sake of realism in a story, where the character who saves the day is one of the guys sitting at one of the consoles in the engineering department who just happens to think, "Oh shit, if I don't do something about that, the ship will be filled with poisonous gasses", and while the chief engineer is away trying to fix the transporter beam sop that they can teleport the alien that has taken control of the ship's computer back to the planet's surface, she quietly gets up and fixes the fault on the main effluent ingester, that resequences all the shit that comes out of Kirk's mouth backside and feeds ot back to the replicartors as useable raw material....

Oh and yes, I am only doing this one because so far there have been no Rodenburyisms other than my sarcastic comment above!

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


So, I'm not entirely sure if this is where Red Eve wanted me to put a character, but!

Name: Samantha Yorke
Age: 32
Rank: Lieutenant
Role on ship: Primary: Infantry (Ship-to-Ship/Ship-to-Land), Secondary: Astrogation
Bio:  ...

Lt. Samantha Yorke is a paramilitary squad commander aboard the Kalypso.  Her primary expertise is in the penetration of starship armament during spaceborne infantry operations for the purposes of infiltrating and/or capturing vessels, or as she likes to call it, "breaking hulls and kicking skulls."  Her talent in identifying structural weaknesses and developing sound infantry assault tactics lend themselves well to the defense and fortification of vessels, too.  She has been formally trained by the military as an officer and soldier in many aspects of marksmanship, survival craft, zero-G combat, demolitions and weapons maintenance.  To attain officer candidacy, she attained a Masters in physics, with a specific focus on astrogation.

She was born and raised in the Bellima V Mining Colony on Mars.  She was awarded a scholarship to the Military Academy at Europa (Jupiter's moon), where she prospered as a cadet, despite being the repeated victim of sexual hazing by both her instructors and fellow cadets.  She eventually married, and quickly divorced, shortly after graduating, but before being mobilized with an infantry batallion in the Andromeda star cluster.  She served four years as an NCO in five theaters of operation, serving with distinction and valor, though her personal life was rife with sordid tales unbecoming of a military officer.  Nevertheless, her determination and pluck saved her from court martial, and she continued to advance in rank.

She attended university for a short period of time to finalize her Masters.  Civilian life did not agree with her.  She was arrested for the possession of controlled substances twice, and her personal relationships spiraled out of control.  Her second marriage ended in suicide.  She soon returned to the armed forces upon the completion of her coursework, and entered Officer Training School in Andromeda.

Yorke has been aboard the Kalypso for two years, with the previous eight years serving at numerous military outposts across three solar systems.  She has taken command of seven warships, sixteen frigates and numerous space yachts in military operations, and has participated in three armed conflicts that involved extensive terrestrial maneuvers.  She is battle proven and battle ready.

Her extensive psyche analysis indicates that she copes at present with PTSD, depression and anxiety.  She is described as being a manipulative person, and not against using sex to get ahead.  She is also as being addicted to sex and alcohol, and partakes in the use of hullacigenic drugs when they are available.  She is polyamorous, and as a result, is incapable of maintaining traditional monogamous relationships.
Always seeking 5E games.


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