A Dynasty of Games (Closed for Recruitment - Accepting Applications)

Started by BruceTheCat, September 30, 2015, 09:23:37 PM

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Rel Mayer

Quote from: Mac84 on October 02, 2015, 07:53:02 AM
(Reads through posts, and stops at Rel's Character.)

She is hot!!! XD

For a dead lady, she's pretty cool! :D

Not to mention smokin' hot!


Thanks Thorne, go ahead and put that first sentence of explanation for Human Weakness on your sheet. That way I remember the Weakness specifically related to his inability to regenerate.
“Also I've seen that movie, if they're any similar to it, then those guns do not fuck around, please take cover“
- scribus1000

Pink Professional

Darth Revan

Current Occupation: Prisoner. He has worked as a Soldier and as a Bar Worker before. Amazing how many drinks you can dole out with the power of the force at your beck and call.

Home World Information: The Old Republic is a galactic 'world' that spans countless worlds and civilizations. It is a place of constant war, between multiple different factions. Corruption and conflict are at a height that would make many other 'worlds' feel a degree of shame; yet in this region there are certain beacons of great power. Users of the force are perhaps the most famous people in this time period; Jedi and Sith who, with their strict codes of conduct, use there magnificent powers for good, evil, or simply their own agenda.

Appearance/Style Description: Revan is a broad, handsome man of around six foot, two inches in height. He rarely shows his face, wearing the mask of a Mandalorian after a certain defining moment in his life. Since joining the empire, he has started to show his face more often which is that of a handsome man with dark brown hair and a small, well maintained amount of facial hair. While he normally favours the combat outfit, he has started to wear more 'normal' clothing. He has a general aversion to bright colours, instead preferring mellower tones and simpler attires. He does prefer to keep his identity as the Force Wielder Revan a secret, and as such he often goes uses an alias to anyone except his closest allies.

Sexuality: Hetrosexual
Personality: Revan has always been an enigmatic figure: vastly intelligent and wildly charismatic, yet easily impassioned and malleable to what is 'good' or 'evil.' Opinions of Revan vary wildly from person to person, but what is always said is this: Revan is incredibly passionate and incredibly patient in equal and opposite measures. He can be driven to war by a single glimpse of self-sacrifice, and yet he can patiently guard a facility - at the cost of getting to live with his own family - just as easily. He is far too passionate for the Jedi order, and far too patient and rational for the Sith. And yet his natural charisma and skill make him loved and loathed by both factions equally. This strange charisma and passion have made him loved and loathed by the Empire as well, and even caught the eye of the Empress, for a time.

History: Once the worlds were joined, and after the Dynasty was crushed, Revan found himself lost in a paradoxical place. His lover, Bastila Shan, was dead; and had been for many hundreds of years. His only living relative hated him, and he had absolutely no place in the Old Republic; which thought him dead. While he could have made a glorious return, he found that having had his eyes opened to the Empire; he wanted to know more about it. He respected a force that sought unification and, although he was loathe to admit it, he admired the Empress to a degree.

As a result, Revan joined the Empire; starting as a rank and file member of its forces, and soon rising up the ranks as a result of his own personal merit. People started to take notice of the powerful force wielder; including some of the Empress' inner circle. For a time, he was considered as a potential candidate for the Empress' royal guard. He considered the idea and found it appealing; which had him moving to the inner-most capital of the Empress' Empire, Anor Londo.

It was there that he made his mistake. For a reason somewhat unknown to him, it seems that he had made an enemy out of a member of the Empress' inner circle, without actually having met him! As soon as he landed in Anor Londo, he was captured by the man -in secret- and absconded to a private corner of Anor Londo; a prison of some sorts. It was here that Revan found himself tortured for a crime he neither knew of, or willingly committed.

During the torture, Revan was almost completely broken. He retreated inwardly, and found that even his connection to the force was left faltering and devastated by the ordeal. After a time, Revan found an opportunity to break out of his imprisonment, where he went on to kill his torturer.

Sadly, the man was a member of the Empress' inner-circle. Revan was arrested and sentenced to be executed.

Current Situation: Held under arrest, Revan is being prepped for his execution. He has received a strange letter from a source that he refuses to reveal.

Weapon/Equipment: Lightsaber - A weapon from a more elegant age; Revan's lightsaber is crafted explicitly for him and is a dextrous, destructive weapon. The weapon consisted of a blade of pure plasma emitted from the hilt and suspended in a force containment field. Its destructive nature means that it can break most ordinary, mundane weapons quite easily; although it does have its share of weaknesses. For instance, while it can block bullets as easily as blaster rounds, it more often than not ignites anything explosive.

The Mask - Almost as legendary as Revan himself, the mask that Revan wears is synonymous with the legend of the Revan. It is a study thing with a distinct style and no real advantages over a more mundane mask. Some have argued that Revan is less a person and more an image; and it is this mask that reinforces that image. For one, if removed; very, very, few people would even recognise Revan for who he is.

Special Powers: Force Wielder - While Revan is not at his strongest, thanks to the meddlings of the Empire, Revan is still a fearsome wielder of the force. His powers are limited to Force Telekinesis right now, but he is still incredibly powerful with these limited skills. He can lift and hold weights hundreds of times his own weight, if only for a short time, and send a less grounded opponent flying. Thankfully for the Empire, Revan is cut off from his more powerful techniques right now, and using his force powers can exhaust him quickly.

Fearsome Duelist - Revan is a skilled lightsaber user, and is able to translate those skills into just about any melee weapon. He is able to read an opposing fighters movements with the force and attempt to react to them in kind, which means that he is nearly unbeaten in one-on-one combat...Or at least he was.

Subtlety and Subterfuge  - Revan's face behind the mask is known by precious few. Thanks to this, and thanks to an inordinate amount of practice, Revan is able to hide himself in plain sight quite easily.

Strengths: Born of the force, Bred by War - Revan was always known to be a strong force user, and was trained from an infantile age to master his craft. During the Mandalorian wars, he broke away from the Jedi code of partiality and led a movement called the Revanchists. These Revanchists followed the Warrior-Jedi into the mandalorian war and watched as he and his followers pulled apart a race bred for war. Needless to say, while Revan is still relearning his skills as a warrior, he is deadly with a Lightsaber, and a skilled practitioner of the force.

Natural Born Leader - Revan has led...more factions than most people can count on one hand. He is charismatic and seems to radiate an aura of leadership which either convinces people to listen, or at least demands some respect.

Mechanical Adept - Revan has lived in a Sci-Fi universe for all of his life, and even amongst his realm, he is a skilled mechanic. He has constructed Droids, spaceships, and weapons that dwarf most modern technologies ten times over.

Weaknesses: Duality - Revan has proven himself to have a certain amount of susceptibility to darker forces. Whether by his own choice, or by outside machinations, he has been converted to causes on numerous occasions that are not his own. This susceptibility was used once by the Empress, and there is a chance it could be used again.

Ineffective at Range, Awful with Explosives - Due to his fighting style, Revan is not the most effective person at range. His force telekinesis can only be used at a medium range, and his lightsaber is a close range weapon. He needs to approach opponents, which can prove difficult against the skilled. He also doesn't quite deal with explosives often enough to have mastered fighting against them. If someone were to lob a grenade at him; he is more than likely to just attempt to slice through it with his lightsaber...to explosive and painful results.

Passionate Fighter - Revan is a passionate man, and while he is normally patient, he has been known to go through a sort of melt-down at extremely emotional times. This extreme emotion can lead to him entering murderous, vengeful, and uncontrollable rages. This is most commonly seen when an ally dies; or when he witnesses something particularly barbaric, but Revan started an entire crusade against the Mandalorians once because of this extreme amount of passion, and he slaughtered them in the thousands.

Rel Mayer

Gonna go through and fix typos, but let me know what you think!

Lady Sylvanas Windrunner
"The Banshee Queen"

Current Occupation: Mortician

Home World Information: Azeroth (World of Warcraft, Warcraft)

Appearance/Style Description:

Sylvanas is currently adapting to the new world. While she used to wear her armor that draped over her lithe frame, she has decided to take into the new culture of other worlds around her. Adapting to the different styles of the dynasties and even branching out into sci-fi clothing. While she does prefer to fight in her normal golden and purple clad bikini, and her thick hood cover her body from magical attacks, she can be scene wearing anything and everything outside in the normal world. The exception is that Sylvanas may be oddly dressed for certain events, because she doesn't understand the social norms.

But the basics are she has dark gray hair. Dark purple skin and streaming tear markings down her face. Her eyes usually glow red when she's fighting or she's mad, but then they turn a dark violet. Her lips are even dark purple, and her face is usually grinning like she has a devious plan, or scowling thinking of her enemies. While she is undead, she doesn't feel completely cold. She's warm to the touch and has other functions that are similar to the living and humans.

Sexuality: Rel's O&Os. Bisexual, with a dominant mannerism and preference to anything living.

Super cereal - Sylvanas is very serious about who she is and what she believes in. She's very driven by her goals of revenge and freeing herself from her curse. This personality trait most often comes out when she's in battle. Finding that it's easier to take things seriously for the best possible outcome.

Leader of Minons - She's not a good leader with peers, but when it comes to minions, Sylvanas knows exactly what she's doing. Mindless people are little toys that she often feels like she can play with or do her bidding. If she thinks less of a person, she will treat them poorly and almost like a slave. Unable to adapt to the social norms of society yet.

Old Fashion - Her ways are something barbaric and old fashioned. She also doesn't quite understand the high-tech technology or too much of the slang people use. She's already dead, so she's basically like a hot grandmother that has lived too long.

Humbly Unaware - Sylvanas is almost comically unaware of how she doesn't fit in at times, or the wrong decisions she is making. She was so accustomed to living such a high life before, that working along side so many great protagonists has slightly humbled her, but still... she is slightly oblivious to jokes or how cheesy she may be currently acting.

Fire Hot - Not only is this dealing with how angry she can get, but Sylvanas also has a sexual deviant side. It doesn't come out during battle, but in her off-time she enjoys to partake in the one enjoyment the curse allowed. While she can't get pleasure from eating or sleeping, she can be appeased by sexual means.


Ever since Arthas plagued her with the curse of being forever undead, she has served with a purpose to not only destroy him one day, but to also find a way to cure herself from being the Banshee Queen. Still, she knew she had to be the strong high elf that she was before, and the process was hard. When the Lich King lost the undead army, Sylvanas was given the chance to strike back and free herself to regain her free will and physical body. From there she began the leader of the Forsaken faction of the undead, and tried to fight for the right to join the Horde. When that finally happened, she sent her army across Northrend to begin her revenge for the Lich King, but in the process her undead army killed lots of horde and alliance. This has brought a lot of distrust to both of the factions and the way they treat the undead and Sylvanas herself, but it wouldn't matter for long.

Even through all the struggles, Sylvanas lead an army of undead banshees, zombies, and abominations to destroy whatever foes hurt her or her allies. She served not only as the leader, but also the Queen of Banshees. Creating a sexually desirable faction of undead women banshees of many races to not only tempt and seduce men into her armies, but to also help with the recreation of more undead. But it wasn't enough. Sylvanas continues to search for power, and eventually made a pact with the Val'kyr to increase the amount of undead in Azeroth. Although this lead to more issues. The woman is very headstrong, determined, and thinks very highly of herself, which can be troublesome if she doesn't respect her leaders. While she respected Thrall and his actions as Warchief, when Garrosh Hellscream took the throne -- she despised with her and went to scheme behind his back to not only dethrone him, but hopefully lead to his demise.

This may be why when the Legion began to attack Azeroth, few people were at the aid of Sylvanas and her army. Not only had she placed a lot of distrust from her plotting and her actions throughout her reign, but she discovered that most people didn't care to save the undead. This angered Sylvanas and eventually lead to her making mistakes to lose part of her army, but she still kept her pact with the Val'kyrs to have another army rise once again.

Current Situation:

Sylvanas has just recently integrated into the mixture of worlds. Her necromancy powers aren't fully working just yet, mostly because she is having issues with contacting the Val'kyrs. She can summon small amounts of undead, but no longer a horde. Currently, she is dealing with trying to fight for the right to continue fighting, and not being captured. But she's struggling. She has no army, she doesn't understand this new world, and she's fighting against an enemy that is far deadlier than the Lich King ever was to her. She's also struggling with the social norms of  the mash-up community. Finding that her ways in her land were not as far in advancement, and also far more magical than some people she's encountered.

But she fights, and will continue to fight until she gets exactly what she wants -- her freedom or revenge.


Trusted Bow and Arrows - Sylvanas has a bow and arrow that has been with her for longer than she can remember. It's enchanted with special powers that can plague and cause disease when the arrow hits.

Spiked Armored Fingers - Her armored hands have long claws that can cut and tear. It's one of her favorite weapons to get up close and personal with when it comes to deaths.

A Simple Hidden Dagger - Nothing special, not enchanted with anything, but she only uses this dagger on special circumstances.

Special Powers:

Summon Undead- She can summon one to three undead, depending on how much power she currently has. This undead can fight along side her and can either be as big as an abomination, a mindless zombie, or a banshee. Currently, Sylvanas has little control on what she's going to summon, because the magic in this mash-up world isn't what she's accustomed to. (I can use a dice roller to randomize this).

Plagued - She's excellent at spreading disease when fighting. Her bows and arrows can wound a target and plague then, but she can also get up close and personal with her hands. Touching an enemies skin and watch them decay of disease at an alarmingly rapid rate in front of her.

Banshee Scream - During very intense moments where her life may be on the line, as a last resort before she faints or is immobile from battle, Sylvanas can scream into the night to call a small horde of undead to fight for her. This also turn into giving slight health to her fallen teammates to fight for one little go, but it sacrifices her own use in battle in the process.


Fashion Furious - Sylvanas has been quite interested in the fashion of the new world, discovering that she has the opportunity to dress any way she wants to. This can often be a hindrance at times, because she doesn't understand which outfits are used for what. But still, she has a large collection of clothing that's only getting bigger at this date.

Tactical Leader - Sylvanas can't deny that she is a leader at heart. She knows how to plot and scheme to get the end result of war, and her head is often in the game of tactics and leadership.

Determined - The woman is very determined to achieve her goals and to seek her revenge. She will spend her last dying breath fighting for what she believes in and doesn't mind making sacrifices to achieve her goal.

Body Magics - Because of her curse, she has found that magic often helps her in her time of need. Not only does she use magic to give her body a more... desirable and warm touch, prevent her from decaying, and everything else that comes with being dead, but she also can use it to create pheromones for seduction.


Forsaken - She's not living and she's undead. Which means that she can't enjoy simple things like eating, drinking, sleeping. She also doesn't die like other people would, because she would be damned to the eternal hell of the disgusting mindless zombies. Never able to get her revenge and unable to command her army.

Holy Magic - She is extra weak to this school of magic, and often finds own powers weakening with the light. She really doesn't like paladins.

Technology Impaired - All the people from high science worlds confuse her. She doesn't understand their technology in the slightest and will often get very frustrated trying to work with even simple things like plasma guns.

Desires for the living - She's often distracted by her want to be living again. She often finds herself struggling with being the thing that she hates the most, and will also use less judgement if someone promises they can bring her back to a proper life as a high elf again.


“Also I've seen that movie, if they're any similar to it, then those guns do not fuck around, please take cover“
- scribus1000


There are so many videos of Slyvana in Hearthstone changing the game-her Deathrattle (ability that activates on death) is "Take control of a random enemy minion". I have seen this steal motherfucking RAGNAROS THE FIRELORD (who talks in all caps) from an enemy.
Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!

Rel Mayer

Quote from: Angiejuusan on October 02, 2015, 11:48:10 AM
There are so many videos of Slyvana in Hearthstone changing the game-her Deathrattle (ability that activates on death) is "Take control of a random enemy minion". I have seen this steal motherfucking RAGNAROS THE FIRELORD (who talks in all caps) from an enemy.

Gives me a good idea of possible level-ups!


So everyone knows, over the weekend I am going to put together a map of the Home Word universe. Similar to the Mass Effect - Mass Relay network, or the Stargate portals, in this game you will need to go through certain major Home Worlds to access other ones. This is why it would be impossible for the Dynasty to be "all controlling", because some Home Worlds are simply too far away to be successfully governed. The Dynasty seat of power Home World - Anor Londo will be near the center.

For example, let's say you are in the Street Fighter universe, and you want to travel to Hyrule in the Zelda universe. You may need to pass through the Warcraft universe to get there. Or possibly several different universes because your destination is on the far side of this Video Game Universe.

Like with any civilization, some Home a Worlds will be more powerful, more wealthy, and more densely populated based on their location.

I would love to get suggestions for the Home Words to make noteworthy on the map! Obviously I can't account for every video game, so I am going to try and separate the different Cardinal directions of the Video Game Universe based on the thematic of their game. For instance, all of the Eastern section of the universe may be the Science Fiction games, while the Western side are all of the Fantasy games!

Once again, let me know if you have suggestions for which places should be called out. I am going to try and zero in on the most popular cities and places of interest. I would like to be able to call out at least 30 - 40 popular locations. Hyrule, the Citadel, Ogrimmar, Mario Kingdom, Rome - Assassins Creed, etc.

Please post your suggestions in the OOC so we do not clutter up the recruitment thread with conversation. You may post suggestions and ideas even if you are not approved!
“Also I've seen that movie, if they're any similar to it, then those guns do not fuck around, please take cover“
- scribus1000


I've made the necessary changes and I have also revamped some areas of Caim's profile. The personality section is a major one. I am done messing with it and so I will deam it complete and no longer a draft.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: School 20 Feb - 9 May
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Godsend


“Also I've seen that movie, if they're any similar to it, then those guns do not fuck around, please take cover“
- scribus1000

Diesel Heart


I believe I'm done Red! Just need word on the backstory relating to the sealing of the triforce.


Current Occupation: Hairdresser

Home World Information: The world of Hyrule was one of the first worlds to be attacked by the Dominion, believing the world to be easy to take over with how the people within it were currently at war with each other. But they found the joint resistance of monsters and men from the now combined forces more difficult to cut down than they had suspected. The dominion had weapons the people of this world had never seen before. But they had magic, power, and monsters to take the damage for the people. They wouldn't go down easily.

During the war Ganondorf found himself gaining some respect from the foes he had originally been battling. Their strength becoming obvious on the field of battle.  The war waged for months, but slowly, the forces of Hyrule were being pushed back. But the gods must of been smiling at them as the Dynasty came and brought aid. Familiar faces appearing from a time where Ganondorf, Zelda, and Link were all forced to battle by a higher power that trapped them. Snake, Kirby, Fox, and so many more. With the aid of these new found allies they were able to take the enemies from their planet. And Hyrule soon became a stronghold for the Dynasty...And in the future...a place where many hidden Rebellion bases hid. 

Appearance/Style Description: Ganondorf is a huge man of 7'6 in height. His body is full of well trained muscles that show the sheer amount of training the man had gone through in his life. With long hair of a red/ginger nature and dark skinned the man was quite striking. The piercing yellow eyes just made that worse. Gandondorf can usually be seen wearing light fitting clothes during his day to day activities, but during battle his armour is on and prepared for combat. 

Sexuality: Hetro.
Personality: The personality of Ganondorf is more complex than one might think. First, he is cunning and deceptive, shown by how he was able to take over the royal castle of Hyrule through deception in his past lives and twisted Cia into aiding him in his resurrection. Revenge filled and hateful, shown towards the Hyrule people again and again with how they treated his own people and killed almost all of his kin in a act of genocide. And then tried to execute him as an act of 'good'....He has a desire to save his people, no matter the costs, and shows this within his reborn time of wind waker. His voice solemn on the actions he took.  Even showing he has morals when he refuses to kill children despite many chances he had to end Zelda's life. He is ruthless, a man that will make the hard choices and will not show mercy in war. He is sadistic, enjoying the pain his foes suffer and feeding on their dark emotions to gain more power. He is power hungry, always desiring to be stronger, better than he currently is. He is a tough man to understand, let alone get along with.

History: [Sealing of Triforce]

After the sealing of his triforce Ganondorf found himself being placed as a general to a large force of men and monsters. With him leading his men, beings from both fantasy and sci-fi, he brutally dealt with the forces that made themselves enemies of the Dynasty. He burned down forests to bring out hidden forces, destroyed the lands of the worlds he was on to ensure victory. Gave no mercy or quarter as they took care of the Dominion. His solders respected him for the hard choices he made to protect everyone, while the general populace of the Dynasty, mostly the hero's, found themselves in disagreement with his ways and gave him as much bad publicity as possible. His men did not care for them, and neither did he.

But times came where the Dynasty started to order his team to hunt down allies. To execute everyone in a training facility, including the children Even taking down the flagship of a man he had come to respect. Shepard. Ganondorf did not agree with any of these orders. Not a man to deal betrayal at the hands of another, he broke away from the Dynasty. Using his magic to get his men and monsters to the safety they desired. Each of them going into hiding.

As for himself, he hid himself in plain sight. In a location none would ever suspect a person of his nature to be. Ganodorf...the hairdresser. The teachings of his many sisters finally coming to use on others besides his own mane of hair. Owning his own Saloon and having it used as a meeting place for the rebellion members when they needed a place to lay low.     

Current Situation: Closing shop while gaining news on the current situation of the rebellion and the plans they have for that day. Which he soon discovers is a job to free some prisoners who were being set up for execution. He decides to tag along.

Weapon: Swords of Demise - These greatswords pulse with a power darkness, and are said to have been the blades of the greatest evil that ever walked on the land of Hyrule. They have the added effect of powering up more dark energy the more they are used as well, once brimming with that power they can unleash a power attack that can demolish foes. 

(28:40-30:50) Fighting style with weapon

Special Powers:

Demon Kings Magick: The magic ability of Ganondorf utilizes the power of darkness and lighting. With these powers he is able to cause great harm, curse lands themselves with plagues at his most powerful. Summon parts of his Ganon form, teleport, corrupt beings, among other things. His magic is mostly used in combat however.

Empowered by Darkness: Dark emotions empower him and increases his strength. The more he can feed on, the greater his strength. The battlefield of war is one of his favoured places due to this ability of his. As any being in a war will begin to hate their foes, enraged as their friends are cut down, despair and feel fear for their own demise when they are losing.

Triforce of Power (Sealed Level 1):
Augmented Physical Body: Full Power
Augmented Darkness: Medium
Augmented Lighting: Minimal
Unageing: Sealed
Monster Summoning Bonus: Minimal
Form of Ganon: Locked

Dark Lords Tolerances: It is very difficult to damage him with either powers of darkness or lightning. More often than not being attacked by either will instead empower him more.
Ganondorf Training: He is a master of two handed sword fighting and fighting hand to hand. Combining his magical prowess, his physical strength, and his weapons together into one brutal style of combat. His time in smash bro's world shows just how deadly he can be without a weapon in hand.
Ruthless: He Ruthlessness is legendary along the land of his home. Some of the things he has done in his previous lives would mark him as a monster.
Dark Kings Rule: He was a king. His charisma and words guiding his people to fight and die for him in war. His rule was one of Strength where only the strongest survived. This charisma and leadership showed itself again when he was a general for the dynasty.   

Light: Light burns away at his power and damages him more than anything else. Doing at least twice the amount of damage a normal element would do to him besides the one's that he uses himself.
Children: He can not bring himself to kill children with his own hands. It is one line he has yet to cross and is shown by the mercy he gives Zelda in the time of the Wind Waker.
Bad Publicity: The word of mouth revolving around him is in no way favourable nor does it put him in a good light. Speaking of his cruelty and his murderous rampages in war. Making him seem like a monster.
Sealed: A good portion of his power is sealed away.


Great sheet Rish! Love the hairdresser part

My only note would be that the war with the Dominion happened thousands of years ago. Many generations have passed since then, and now nobody alive that is known of (with the exception of the Empress) has any living memory of the war.

If you want to just slightly retool your History in a similar manner to how I outlined Shepards. He was a servant to the Dynasty in the wars that have taken place since, though not directly during the Dominion war.
“Also I've seen that movie, if they're any similar to it, then those guns do not fuck around, please take cover“
- scribus1000


Quote from: Red Lobster on October 02, 2015, 02:44:48 PM
Great sheet Rish! Love the hairdresser part

My only note would be that the war with the Dominion happened thousands of years ago. Many generations have passed since then, and now nobody alive that is known of (with the exception of the Empress) has any living memory of the war.

If you want to just slightly retool your History in a similar manner to how I outlined Shepards. He was a servant to the Dynasty in the wars that have taken place since, though not directly during the Dominion war.

Ahhhh, I personally thought the war ended recently. I'll edit it in a moment.

As for the hairdresser idea....

Comics give the best ideas~


I do hope you play him a bit more like the MGDMT Ganondorf, who is far nicer about things and just trolls Link to make his life difficult because he has to oppose Link. Mostly because I love MGDMT.
Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!


“Also I've seen that movie, if they're any similar to it, then those guns do not fuck around, please take cover“
- scribus1000


I want to reserve a spot for Warden and Vercile as they have already expressed interest.

Past them, please deliver your sheet to me before the end of today if you would like a spot in the game. Right now we have about 10 players, which is a healthy number.
“Also I've seen that movie, if they're any similar to it, then those guns do not fuck around, please take cover“
- scribus1000


Quote from: Angiejuusan on October 02, 2015, 02:59:22 PM
I do hope you play him a bit more like the MGDMT Ganondorf, who is far nicer about things and just trolls Link to make his life difficult because he has to oppose Link. Mostly because I love MGDMT.

I was thinking of having him a little bit more relaxed 'off duty' so that's a maybe.

Quote from: Red Lobster on October 02, 2015, 03:07:58 PM
Approved once you make that update Rish

Done. But I added a little extra which relates to Shepard so I'll need your approval on that.

Diesel Heart


Home World Information
Gaia, referred to as the Planet by the people of the world, is a technologically advanced planet dominated by humans, who are the only major sentient race other than a few nearly extinct species.  The world is economically, militarily, and politically dominated by the powerful conglomerate of Shinra Electric Power Company, which profits from the use of Mako Reactors.  The reactors siphon a special type of energy—called "Mako"—out of the Planet and convert it into electricity.  One of the byproducts of the extraction and refinement of Mako energy is Materia, a concentrated form of Mako which allows the wielder to harness its magical properties.  President Shinra leads his eponymous organization, and is the world's de facto ruler.  Unbeknown to most of the world Shinra is involved with many horrible genetic experiments, which have created many of the monsters that roam the Planet.  Mako energy is drawn from the Lifestream, a flow of life-force beneath the Planet's surface.  All life originates from the Lifestream, and returns to it upon death and the Lifestream is the sum of all the life that has ever and will ever live upon the Planet.  The process of extracting Mako energy drains the life of the Planet to generate electricity.  This can be seen in the Shinra's capital city of Midgar surrounded by a wasteland where plants barely grow.

Appearance/Style Description
Sephiroth is a tall, inhumanly attractive man with a muscular, mesomorph build.  His eyes are green, cat-like eyes that seem to glow due to the Mako energy within in and has very long, silver hair that has its bangs part to either side of his face.  In combat, he traditionally wears a black trenchcoat over a black, standard uniform of SOLDIER, Shinra's military organization; over the shoulders are armored, iron pauldrons and the upper part of his chest is exposed to public view, covered only by straps fastened into an X.  However, as the modern times and influences of several other worlds have become evident with the rise of the Dynasty and into current age, he has been shown to dress in more relaxed attire such as a simple black tee and blue jeans.  He remains humble to his character, never dressing too inappropriately to the occasion. 

Sephiroth is a heterosexual Submissive.  This is because his years as a soldier has trained his mind and body to be at the utmost keen sense of perception possible at all times and he became enticed by the thought of someone leading him in intimate affairs.  While he remains humble and regimented due to his military upbringing, he finds the company of women a new found (not-so) guilty pleasure he's developed over time, particularly those of strong independent presence.  He tends to favor shorter women but it's not a requirement.
On the surface,  Sephiroth is a professionally, cold man but he is not anti-social and shows true compassion towards those he qualifies as friends.  He has displayed moments of humanity and emotion that overruled logic and duty at times as well, showing he isn't incapable of mercy and and compassion.  Despite his intelligence, strength and skill (as well as his reputation), he is a humble man who fights out of a sense of justice and purpose.  He has never been one to fight for glory or personal gain, although, his articulate and graceful demeanor can easily suggest him as arrogant.

When the gloves come off, however, and his military experience is required to forefront the more benign individual he is, he displays a calculating ruthlessness and willingness to sacrifice for victory at any cost.  Though he is not outright vengeful, he goes extra lengths to ensure his enemies (or those of his friends and allies) pay the cost for their transgressions.  It is out of that sense of honor and kinship that he took the value of those closest to him over his obligations to the Dynasty, defecting to join the Resistance and bring down the source of authority that has insulted its station. 

Sephiroth was born to Professor Hojo and Lucrecia Crescent, who were working as assistants to Professor Gast, Shinra Electric Power Company's top scientist, on the Jenova Project that studied the remains of an extra-terrestrial entity known as Jenova.  Jenova was mistaken as one of the Cetra, an ancient people who had the power to "talk to the Planet."  Hojo injected cell samples from Jenova into the pregnant Lucrecia and her unborn baby.  She carried Sephiroth to term, his fetal form merging with the Jenova cells as he developed.  After the baby was born, he was taken away by Shinra scientists and Lucrecia never even had a chance to hold him.  Sephiroth never gained the ability to talk to the Planet, as he is not a true Cetra descendant, but Shinra found another use for him and raised Sephiroth to be a super soldier.  They told him nothing of his true parentage, instead saying his mother's name was "Jenova" and telling him nothing of his father.  Sephiroth felt different from other children but didn't know of the experiments that had created him.  Sephiroth came to respect Professor Gast until he left Shinra under Ifalna's guidance, and considered Professor Hojo a hack scientist in comparison.  Sephiroth joined SOLDIER and during the Wutai War and was instrumental in ensuring Shinra's dominance.  He rose to the rank of SOLDIER First Class and was admired and respected as a great war hero, while those in Shinra considered his strength unequaled even by other First Class SOLDIERs.  Many young men, including Cloud Strife and Genesis Rhapsodos, idolized Sephiroth, and sought to join SOLDIER to become heroes like him, making Sephiroth useful for Shinra as a propaganda tool.

Near the end of the Wutai War Sephiroth has only two close friends within SOLDIER, Angeal Hewley and Genesis Rhapsodos.  When Genesis and Sephiroth duel in the virtual reality Junon, Sephiroth seems to be the strongest, but the fight ends inconclusively.  Angeal stops the fight before either hurt each other too badly, although the small wound Genesis takes does not heal.  Sephiroth offers his blood for a transfusion, but is told it is not compatible. Shortly before the Wutai War ends, Genesis vanishes and is declared missing in action.  In the months after the war, the anti-Shinra group AVALANCHE intensifies its actions, raiding Junon.  Sephiroth engages the AVALANCHE leader, Elfé, who asks whether he wants to "fight for a reason," which has a profound effect on Sephiroth.  Meanwhile, it is discovered Genesis has defected with a Shinra scientist Hollander, creating an army using copy technology to graft Genesis's cells onto other traitor SOLDIER members with which to rebel against Shinra.  Angeal goes rogue torn between his loyalties, and the two are declared killed in action.  As Sephiroth participates in the AVALANCHE Insurgency and Genesis War, his loyalties and emotions continue to be thrown into turmoil leading to him refusing missions concerning Genesis and Angeal, and on a later assignment he allows them to escape.  Zack Fair, one of Sephiroth's SOLDIER First Class comrades, kills Angeal and apparently Genesis, but the latter resurfaces several months later.  Sephiroth participates in a mission to "rescue" Professor Hojo who had almost defected with the AVALANCHE forces attacking the Shinra Headquarters.  In September of 0002, Sephiroth tells Zack he is considering retiring from Shinra, and their next mission together will likely be his last.

It was...

On September 22nd 0002, Sephiroth arrives at Nibelheim to investigate a monster outbreak believed to be connected to Genesis near the town's Mako Reactor.  He arrives with a small entourage, including Zack and two Shinra infantrymen, one of whom is the sixteen-year-old Cloud Strife.  Upon arrival Sephiroth asks Cloud how it feels to be back in his hometown, as he lacks one.  When questioned about family, Sephiroth explains his mother, Jenova, died during childbirth, but stops short of mentioning his father before proceeding with the mission.  At the Mako Reactor Sephiroth finds several pod-like chambers containing monstrous creatures who used to be human, mutated by exposure to Mako.  He finds a chamber labeled "JENOVA" containing a feminine-looking creature.  When Zack suggests a connection between SOLDIER and the creatures in the tanks, Sephiroth flies into a rage, horrified the reason he is "different" may be because he was created similarly to the monsters in the pods.  Disturbed by the creature in the reactor having the same name as his "mother," along with the once human monsters in the pods, Sephiroth makes his way to the Shinra Manor that had been occupied by Shinra researchers, and pores over the research notes in the basement library wondering why he was never told the truth of his origins.  He comes to believe Jenova is a Cetra, and therefore he as Jenova's "son" is the last Cetra survivor.

Then tsomething came and set the town on fire and killing many of the townspeople.  Concerned for his supposed "mother",  Sephiroth fights through to the Mako Reactor accompanied by by Zack, Cloud, a young woman named Tifa and her father.  Unfortunately, Sephiroth noted that he could not stop the threat after they cut through his companions and went toe-to-toe with him for an indeterminate amount of time.  Just after this realization,  he is caught off-guard and impaled from behind through the abdomen.  He, then, fell into a pool of Mako below where he seemingly met his end.  However, his willpower, even in his moments of death, were too great to allow himself to be consumed and instead fell into the Lifestream of the planet, Gaia.   Over the next several years Sephiroth travels the Lifestream, growing in power and knowledge, and the fragments of his body congregate at the Northern Cave inside the North Crater, joining to recreate Sephiroth's physical form in a cocoon of Mako.

Current Situation
Now, in current day, he has started to notice a pattern that he took note of in Shinra and has defected to join his friends and allies gained over the years serving in the military.  He has seen many worlds and enemies during his time under the Empress' military, gaining many allegiance and allies.  The fate of Angeal, Genesis, Zack and Cloud however, remain a mystery to him.

Weapon - The Masamune
The Masamune is a Japanese odachi blade.  The tsuba is entirely black and the tsuka is wrapped in red.  The blade itself measures six feet long.  It is claimed he is the only man capable of using is effectively and while initially a physical blade, after his transference into the Lifestream, Sephiroth can manifest multiple copies of the blade at will, as he leaves the sword impaled in his victims and still has it whenever he is encountered.

Special Powers
+ Supernatural Physiology:  Due to being bred into the ultimate super-soldiers by Hojo and Shinra,  Sephiroth possesses inhuman physical characters such as strength, speed, agility, endurance and reflexes.
+ Lifestream Existence:  During his years long slumber in the Lifestream of Gaia,  Sephiroth has further gained paranormal abilities that go beyond even his biologically augmented body.  One of these abilities is manifesting Masamune at will, leaving him unable to be disarmed for long at all times.  Secondly, he is able to manifest a solitary black wing granting him the ability to fly or levitate.
+ Unparalleled Swordsmanship:  Wielding Masamune for as long as he has, despite it's initial impression of impracticality, Sephiroth's command and control of skill with the blade has left many speechless.  This is easily seen in how he wields Masamune, swinging it faster than the human eye can see and cutting through solid metal and concrete.

+ Reputable Appearance:  With his history before and during the Dynasty, he is a man widely recognized by the majority of the Video Game Universe.  He is both a source of fear and inspiration with the military accomplishments and humble disposition.
+ Military Veteran:  His military accomplishments has left him with generations of experiences leading soldiers, military units and even armies at a time and he knows when to make the difficult calls even if it leaves a poor taste in his mouth.  He learned a long time ago that he will answer to every action taken due to being in the eyes of many and that not all choice he will make will be the popular one.
+ Physical Overpowering:  Not to say he is the quintessential definition of physical strength and athleticism but Sephiroth's sheer force and power is not to be trifled with, capable of quickly those caught off-guard or unprepared for ruthless, calculated assault.
+ Emotionally Indomitable:  Matching his dominating presence and strength, Sephiroth is quite difficult to anger and make him lose focus.  He is a distinguished military veteran with the weight of countless soldiers and a reputation backing him.

+ Emotionally Vulnerable:  However, despite his, he is not impossible to manipulate or exploit.  His honor-bound sense of duty has its faults and the reputation he carries with him often leaves him vulnerable to great amounts of stress even if it's inscrutable.  For this reason, he has become a victim to the charms of women who seem to take an interest in letting him relax for a while, so to speak.
+ Magical Vulnerability*:  Due to Sephiroth's pursuit and alignment to physical domination through unrelenting onslaught, he has lost touch with his magical inclinations and actually become more vulnerable to damage of magical properties.
+ Lack of Discretion:  Because of Sephiroth's reputable appearance, he is left unable to go anywhere without being recognized and this leaves him scarce for periods of solitude or doing activities that require discretion.  It takes him considerable effort to find the company of a woman in privacy because of this.

*  I have chosen to leave him magically impaired for my personal of 'class alignment', so to speak.  Instead or producing a character with a versatile skillset, I instead chose to focus this Sephiroth as a melee specialist.

Rel Mayer

Diesel Heart


Annnnnnnd that makes two former baddies part of this team!

Pink Professional


“Also I've seen that movie, if they're any similar to it, then those guns do not fuck around, please take cover“
- scribus1000
