Fallout Setting RP (M seeking Any, willing to write any gender)

Started by Leon Weber, May 07, 2024, 02:32:55 PM

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Leon Weber

In honor and inspired by the recent release of the incredible Fallout Television Series as well as a long time fan of the games I've got the itch to write something in the Fallout Universe. The setting of Fallout is a broad one, with lots of potential ideas and settings and story themes to explore. As an aside I do not want to play out canon characters (unless they're side characters or NPCs), nor do I really want to hold to canon events from the games or the show. Our story can certainly be happening alongside those events and perhaps they are ones that come up in conversation. 

Fallout as a setting while having a massive wealth of lore to talk about, also has a lot of blank spaces that we can fill, allowing us to do some worldbuilding of our own if we so choose. If you're unfamiliar with Fallout in general but nonetheless interested in an RP in a post-apocalyptic setting, please feel free to ask questions about the setting and background and I will be happy to chat your ear off about it. The general synopsis is that after the atom bombs were dropped focus was shifted from using it as a weapon to using it as a power source leading to an age of unprecedented economic growth and luxury, atomic powered cars, robot house maids, and power armor and many other developments. However after decades of consumption eventually resources started to get scarce, and on October 23 2077 this culminated in The Great War, in which the great powers of the world unloaded their nuclear arsenals and caused global collapse. People were mutated, some escaped to fallout shelters and vaults, and many others.

This is a brief synopsis but obviously there is a lot more to it than that. I am willing to explore many different themes, pairings, stories, kinks, desires, and interests within some contexts (please feel free to browse my O/O's and the like.) I will offer a few different scenarios that I am interested in but this is by no means an exhaustive list please feel free to pitch me your own ideas as well!
The Brotherhood Arrives In Europe

The Brotherhood of Steel is a Martial Order that has its roots in a Military Security Team assigned to protect a top secret government facility. When the leaders of this team found out the unethical experiments that had been carried out in that facility, they separated from the US Government and struck out on their own, independently of the Government.
In the wake of the Great War the Brotherhood arose as a Militant Order very much reminiscent of Knightly Orders of the distant past. Their stated goals are to locate and preserve pre-war technology. Both to learn from it, and to prevent it from falling into the hands of those that would misuse it. At several times the Brotherhood of Steel has been the dominant military power in the post-war Wasteland, but has also been eclipsed by other powers at several points.

In this scenario, the Brotherhood would have discovered or received some sort of SOS call from across the Atlantic Ocean, something that hints that there is a faction or group there with advanced technology warranting rescue. In Fallout what became of Europe is ambiguous, while China is so irradiated its glow can be seen from space its implied that Europe received the least of the bombing, though not none.

It is possible that while severely damaged and having trouble maintaining order or achieving pre-war technology levels that the European Commonwealth survived, or possible that smaller nations and states formed, or still possible that it has descended into the same anarchy that America has.

In this scenario I would be playing a Knight from the Brotherhood of Steel (Gender irrelevant), who has been sent with a recon team to locate the SOS call, and to figure out who sent it, and what calamity they are facing. These factors are entirely up for us to decide between the two of us.

Themes, Kinks: Action-Adventure, Romance, Possibility for BDSM etc
Cascadia Forever
The Pacific Northwest in Fallout was not spared the effects of the Great War. But however it was not a focus of nuclear annihilation. While many mutated species and creatures inhabit the forests and mountains of the Cascadian bioregion, the Cascadians have managed to form something approximating a nation with law and order, much like the New California Republic (NCR). However that is not to say that all is well in the ruins of post-war Seattle, Portland, and Vancouver.

Raider Gangs, Canadian Restorationists, abominations once thought the realm of fantasy and science fiction lurking in the forests, and of course the NCR attempting to push its borders north and to annex the fledgling nation.

My character in this scenario would once again be a soldier, but this time a soldier in service to a nation, or at least something approximating one. A true believer in the cause of Cascadian Nationhood, Security, and Prosperity. Who your character is, is completely up to you. A raider that is captured, and then something forms? A love-hate relationship? A lone wanderer found near-dead in the forests running from some unknown and horrific creature, looking for aid and safety? Refugees from other parts of the wasteland attempting to find shelter and security? An enemy spy sent from the NCR? A Pro-Canadian rebel?

Possible Themes and Kinks: Action-Adventure, Political Intrigue, Espionage, Post-Apocalyptic Survival, Love, Romance, BDSM, Slow Burn, Fast-But-Slow-Burn (Will Elaborate when Asked), Enemies to Lovers, Lovers to Enemies, Love-Hate
General Wasteland Shenanigans
As mentioned, the Wasteland is a big place, a place almost as large as the world before the war. Many stories, ideas, and themes can be explored. From vicious raider gangs that take what or who they want and do with them as they will. Hulking Green Super Mutants that think of nothing but the next fight, the next challenge, and of overtaking humans as the dominant species in the world. Vault-Dwellers emerging from under the ground after centuries of isolation. Survivors banding together in the face of overwhelming adversity and danger to carve out some semblance of life and happiness even as the world has fallen apart around them.

There is potential for every kind of story, from the grim and the dark, to the uplifting and the hopeful and even something that straddles the line in between. Surviving in the Wasteland is harsh, and in some cases its every person for themselves. Yet, in between the dog-eat-dog nature of the world, there are those who find safety in numbers. Who band together to form communities, to care for and protect one another.

Just as there are those who walk alone, who find themselves on the road perpetually. Never staying anywhere for too long, and plying whatever their trade is. Hunters, Bounty Hunters, Cold-Hearted Mercenaries, and compassionate but itinerant wanderers. Just as in reality, there is every type of person, with every type of motivation, and they all have a story to tell.

I am open to playing many genders, character types and archetypes, personality quirks, traits, pros, and cons, and exploring them with someone else who is just as curious about the kind of stories that we can write in this setting.

While I am a story front-and-center writer and roleplayer, That doesn’t mean that I lack the desire for writing smut in all its forms. And these stories have plenty of opportunity for love and sex, from the sweet and steamy, to the rough and sweaty.

Please make sure to peruse my O/O's to get an idea for the kind of writer I am, as well as for the kinks and themes I find most interesting to see if you think we would mesh well.