Salem Institute of Magic (HP verse): Recruiting now!

Started by Amelita, March 31, 2014, 09:27:16 PM

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Working on this guy...

He's using the Bannister pureblood line (though at the moment I am going with him being a halfblood). If anyone wants to workout some connections or plot a little regarding the family, just let me know.

Elijah Roderick Bannister - WIP

Character's Name: Elijah Roderick Bannister
Nickname: Eli, “Beast”
Character's Birthdate and Age: October 29th, 1992 (20 at the start of the year)
Blood Status: Pureblood
Cultural heritage in addition to American/Wizard American: Irish-American
Hometown: Colorado - Magically hidden sanctuary near a wizard town
Salem year: 5th year
House/House alumni: Andover
Fraternity/Sorority: Epsilon Theta Kappa
Wand: 13.5" Ebony with Unicorn tail core -- rigid with a smooth finish and ivory handle carved into the shape of a Knight chess piece
Patronus: Unicorn
Boggart: large spiders
Apparition License: Yes.
Special possessions:
Special skills: None Yet
Pet/Familiar: Savannah Cat named Romeo
Hair: Brown, gets curlier the longer it grows
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6'8”
Physical Description: Eli has a large, athletic frame padded with muscle earned through hard work and sports. His stature can paint him as an imposing figure at times but in truth he's always ready with a quick and boyish smile that greatly eases that assumption. Due to his grandmothers insistence, his posture is generally impeccable and he can comport himself with manners and charm that make him excellent company. When needed he can rock a suit with the best of them, however, most commonly he tends to dress casually, preferring jeans and t-shirts when allowed.
Distinguishing Features:
Character Model: Derek Theler
Strong / Stubborn - Elijah is strong physically, but more than that he possess a mental strength and strength of will that has been nurtured since early on. He is not easily swayed from his positioning be it in body, mind, or spirit and while in a lot of situations it can be a boon, there are times when it only makes him seem rather stubborn and reluctant to change once set in his ways. He is not close-minded and can show both compassion and understanding when needed but actually swaying him to change opinions can be difficult and induce headaches. He also hates admitting he was wrong.

Honorable - Elijah believes that without honor, one has nothing, no foundation on which to stand. He will not let obstacles block his path but there is a limit to the sorts of ideas he will entertain to get ahead. He will always come at you head first, he is not the sort to stab someone in the back.

Competitive (to a fault) - Challenges really get Eli's blood going and he will often use them as methods of motivation. Anytime an opportunity to pit himself against someone else arises he always feels an urge to go for it as he loves winning. However, failure really gets to Elijah and sometimes he has been known to push himself far too hard for far too little. He has gotten better at choosing his battles but still occasionally does not recognize the signs that he should perhaps back off. Still, if he's on your team you know you'll get nothing less than his best and opponents know (for better or for worse) that he's not the sort the cheat as it cheapens the victory.

Terrible at dealing with his emotions - Elijah has a temper. It is generally hard to trigger but once you do, calming him down is best tackled with tranquilizers. He is aware of this flaw and as such takes steps to try and make sure he's always in control. He will laugh off most things and seems to always have a smile as he prefers to surround himself with positive vibes, but when true adversity appears he tend to swallow his emotions rather than deal with them in a healthy manner. This of course only makes his temper that much worse when he does explode.

Responsible - While he's not without the occasional slips due to girls, hanging with the fellas, or even just the occasional bout of laziness, Elijah is for the most part a very responsible young man. He takes his studies seriously, doesn't half-ass, and aspires to be a man his family can be proud of. His word is his bond and he always strives to take care of those people or things that he feels responsible for.

Playful - Elijah can act like the model student all serious and focused and responsible and whatnot but honestly he doesn't see much point in being so serious all the time. Life is something to be enjoyed and so, once business is taken care of, Eli likes to play, and play hard. He prefers to make people laugh and have positive vibes around him. The world can be a messed up place and things don't always turn out for the best but to him that is even more of a reason to indulge in the things he likes and wants to do. His aim is to keep himself and those around him feeling good.

History: Elijah grew up in a household that frequently emphasized that luxury, privilege, and status were nothing without honor, courage, and diligence, qualities that both his parents and his grandparents embodied. Though they could have possibly enjoyed a decent lifestyle in New York or some other more popular and high profile place nearer to the rest of his family, his mother and father had agreed that raising their kids out in Colorado where his grandmother had settled her sanctuary would likely be good for them. Before his first year of JWI, Eli's days were spent helping out with the household chores and working on the sanctuary grounds where he was given sole responsibility over a full litter of puffskeins as his first major task at the age of 7. His first significant show of magic in fact was when he managed to corral the cute and crazy critters while letting them out to play, and his mother still speaks of the day he was chased around by the puff balls and found himself covered in them. Most were given away to locals in the areas as pets, but Elijah was allowed to keep one of the fanged ones which he named Nibbles.

Before JWI, Elijah was also home schooled by his grandmother since she couldn't quite do as much work as she had used to. So while he was indeed taught the usual required basics, he was also taught about rare plants and animals, and how to survive off the land itself. His household was large and held a sort of rustic charm that the large number of yearly visitors (researchers, donors. and seasonal help) tended to enjoy, but it was relatively simple. Being in a magically cloaked area of the wilderness near a hidden wizard community, he was able to enjoy the best that magic had to offer as well as muggle conveniences sporadically, but for the most part their lives were without too much outside interference. It wasn't until JWI that Elijah really got to experience what life was like outside of his home and found his love of muggle sports, comic books, video games, and massage chairs.

Saying goodbye to his family for the school year was difficult for Elijah but he was also incredibly excited about getting to attend school with others. It didn't take him long to gather his own group of friends, and though he was well-liked in general, it wasn't until he returned to JWI after the year "off" due to Hurricane Katrina that he really became popular. It was partially due to the fact that he'd shot up to a height of 6 feet tall during the time they'd been away but also due to his own maturing. Overall he did well in school, getting in trouble only very occasionally, and studying hard to earn the best marks he could. He did get in one fight with another pureblood kid that decided to bad mouth his family and that turned out bad, but overall he was a good kid.

Moving up to Salem felt like it opened a whole new world to Elijah and admittedly his first year he struggled to maintain his usual focus since girls weren't off limits any longer. After much backsliding and goofing off, he found himself being mentored somewhat by an older student in his house and with some work and renewed focus he regained his academic footing. He learned to better balance his priorities and since that first year has done well in his studies. Care of Magical Creatures is his favorite course but Defense Against the Dark Arts is a close second, leaving Eli a bit conflicted about which path he wants to follow. His mother and grandmother have both assured him he's still got time to decide but his grandfather is pushing him to focus on a career in some sort of law enforcement.

Elijah was invited to rush both fraternities in his 4th year and though the Bannister males have a long tradition of pledging Alpha Phi Epsilon (making him a legacy), Eli ended up breaking tradition and going with Epsilon Theta Kappa. It rubbed some folks the wrong way--particularly a few of the Alpha Phi Epsilon members and his grandfather, Chadwick--however, Eli knew he needed to be true to himself and decide based on his own values. Something for which his father actually admitted to being proud of him for doing.

Eli is looking forward to the start of his 5th year and a chance to further his studies. He's also looking forward to having his little sister join him where he can keep an eye on her. He's still no closer to choosing a career path but he figures things will become clear when it's time. For now he will simply work to learn as much as he can at his home away from home.

Academic History: Elijah is rather diligent about his studies as he's not yet settled 100% on a career path and is not keen to have any doors closed in his face over simple grades. It should be noted that he is not excessive or extreme about studying but he does put forth genuine effort, and holds himself to high standards. He is better with those subjects that allow for demonstration and action, yet he can sit an devour a book when interested enough. His OWLs and NEWTs both reflect his academic focus, along with occasional lapses caused by distraction and general disinterest. Basically he is a very good student, but not in that top percentile.

Basic Charms - A
Basic Herbology - O
American History of Magic - A
Muggle Studies - E
Basic Potions - E
Basic Transfiguration - E
English - A
Math - A
Muggle History - P
Social Studies/Current Events - A

Charms - A
Potions - E
Transfiguration - E
Astronomy - P
Herbology - O
History of Magic - A
Care of Magical Creatures - O
Dueling - E
Wizard Politics - E

Current Classes:
Defense Against Dark Arts
Advanced Defense Studies
World Magic Studies
Care of Magical Creatures
Psychology in the Wizarding World
Wizard Politics
Extra Curriculars - Music, Muggle Sports

The Bannister Family
The Bannister family, while not one of the more extreme pureblood families in America, does uphold tradition and set high standards. The tenets of honor, duty, and courage have been the family focus for generations and in the most recent generations tend to outweigh such things as blood status and family history. Having been around since the 17th century, they have a long history of lawmen and other upstanding citizens in their history and their general standards of excellence and moral fiber have brought them the respect of others.
Family Tree

Father - Roderick Bannister, 53, Pureblood
Previously a Hit Wizard, now an Unspeakable in the AMOM's Department of Mysteries - Alive
Attended Salem Institute, Alum of Danvers and Alpha Phi Epsilon (like most of his line)
Once a jovial man of somewhat excessive height, Roderick Bannister was raised with a healthy respect for law and justice. He was known for his bright spirit and positive attitude when he worked as a hit wizard (it was something of a trademark, his smiling face), however, the incident that claimed his legs also seemed to claim some of that spirit, leading him to become an increasingly somber individual. His forced retirement from the field and the odd nature of the disastrous encounter that lamed him led him to become somewhat obsessed with time and it's properties and rather than turning into a eccentric older man, he has directed that obsession at least into somewhat of a useful direction. The respect and regard in which he was held within the ministry is what allowed him the opportunity to become an Unspeakable. He is skilled in Occlumency and Legilimency.
Roderick is a strict parent and despite the way he can become consumed with his work for days at time he expects his children to comport themselves in a manner to be proud of. He believes, as his father did before him, that being a pureblood comes with a certain responsibility and expectations. However, he is not the sort to judge a man based upon anything more than his own character and has always impressed this upon his children, his son in particular.

Mother - Augustina Bannister nee Hyland, 44, Pureblood
Magizoologist, Runs a Magical Creature hospital and sanctuary -  Alive
Attended Salem Institute, Alum of Ipswich and Pi Mu Alpha
Augustina grew up in a loving and nurturing home and as such inherited similar traits that make her home such a warm and welcome place. Flora and Fauna are her forte of course, as she now is largely responsible for the sanctuary her mother opened, but she has always been just as intuitive and nurturing with people. She is a hardy woman, tall in stature with an athletic physique that has been slightly rounded by age. She believes in hard work being the foundation and teaches this through example, she also strives to teach her children that over dependence on magic/wands is just as bad as being without it at all. Augustina does not believe that blood status should matter in anything, she is loyal to her family and respects her roots but she is unwilling to let that blind her to the merits of others. The only reason she even married another pureblood is because his views seemed to match hers in that regard and because he had this charming way about him that could make her smile no matter what.
***Open to the idea of the sanctuary taking on summer interns***

Sister - Sienna Renee Bannister, 16, Pureblood
Incoming 1st year student at Salem
Sienna is a bouncy, happy go lucky girl just entering her first year at Salem. She likes animals but actually cringes over the work her mother likes to make her do, preferring instead to escape to the muggle world or into her books as much as possible. She misses her brother when he's away, but she's not so sure she really wants to have to live on the same campus as him.
***Subject to change if someone wants to play his sister***

Paternal Grandfather - Chadwick Bannister, 72, Pureblood
High ranking official in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement - Alive
Chadwick is a stern figure than many deem to be incapable of smiling--which only makes his son's previously jovial temperament somewhat confounding. He is a man who prefers to do things by the book and views the world in extreme black and white when it comes to the law and justice. Honor is placed before all else, with duty coming in a close second, and so long as a man (or woman) can hold themselves accountable in both areas then they are of worth. The more extreme pureblood lines tend to see him as something of a bloodtraitor given his propensity to disregard the blood status of others, however, if anything Chadwick simply expects better of those who would dare to place themselves above others. He is extremely proud of his heritage as he comes from good, upstanding stock... though he worries about his grandson and his particular disposition.

Paternal Grandmother - Natalia Bannister nee Coggins, 69, Pureblood
Seamstress and owner of an American wizard clothing line - Alive
Natalia oddly tends to come off as rather haughty and slightly abrupt, often seeming to look down her nose at others. However the petite designer is probably more interested in what size a person wears and what style will accentuate their better qualities than she is their lineage. Her tendency to remain quiet helps along her icy image, but she's actually more shy than anything. Her clothing line ranges from the truly traditional to the more modern and muggle influenced. Her business does well but is based mostly on the east coast.

Paternal Aunt - Natasha Bannister, 35, Pureblood
Curse-Breaker - Alive
In contrast to her mother, Natasha Barrister is a rather boisterous personality. Like her brother (was) she tends to be a rather fun individual, and enjoys her treasure hunting ways for the excitement it can bring. She is a fanatic about cultural histories, both muggle and wizard, and enjoys following elusive trails. Her visits to her brother's home are always enjoyable and she always has a story for her nephew.

Maternal Grandfather - Jonathan Hyland, 84, Pureblood
Herbologist - specialized in exceedingly rare specimens - Deceased
Jonathan Hyland was a wildly eccentric figure who could often be found in the dirt, coaxing some plant to bloom or simply talking it's metaphoric ear off. He often went off on exceedingly dangerous expeditions and invariably came back more banged up and scarred than he'd been when he left. He had finally agreed to take it easy and maybe consider publishing a novel on his exploits when one last expedition took him far from home. He did not return and all that was found were his spectacles and broken wand.

Maternal Grandmother - Sage Hyland nee Barrows, 64, Pureblood
Magizooologist, Founder of a Magical Creature hospital and sanctuary - Alive, Semi-Retired
The aptly named Sage, is a spry older woman who admittedly prefers the company of animals to people. She can often get swept up in the work load at the sanctuary and forget things like eating and sleeping and around people she can get a little stiff as her views are rather old school. However, the woman is a unending fount of knowledge and she is always willing to share with those willing to take the time and listen. Lazy folks end up on her bad side very quickly. 

Maternal Uncles - Jasper and Jackson Hyland (twins), 45, Pureblood
Hit Wizards (partners) - Alive
Jasper and Jackson were born 7 minutes apart and that is generally the only time they've been apart. Seriously, if you see one, it can be assumed the other is near. While their personalities are like night and day, they compliment each other in a way that is downright eerie and look alike to boot. Still, their skills with their wands are highly respected and so far none has been willing to attempt to separate them in truth since the beginning of their time at Salem--the destruction caused by the insistence they separate was just... wow. Both are also notoriously terrible with plants and animals, yet they love to trifle with them. Visits to see their mother, sister, and her family are usually causes to alert the mediwitches.

Paternal Great-grandfather - Darrow Bannister, 102, Pureblood
Worked in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Former Wizard's chess champion - Alive, Retied and in a home
Darrow was even more stern and unforgiving than his son Chadwick. Now far too old to do much of anything without supervision, the man once regarded as a modern day American Knight watches over his family from the safety of his own home, rarely venturing out. He believes in honor, courage, duty, and chivalry and his views often skew to the extreme but he loves imparting his knowledge and wisdom to his great grandson... and ridiculing him for his modern, nonsensical (to him anyway) speech and manner. Elijah's temper is thought to have been inherited from this man, though thankfully not his extreme sentiments on blood purity. Is an animagus with a large horse form--no longer shifts unless absolutely necessary.

Paternal Great-grandmother - Felicity Bannister nee Hyland, b. 1919 - d. 1965, Pureblood
Housewife & Mother - Deceased
Felicity was a stay at home mother who ruled over her household. While Darrow worked to keep the wizarding world safe, she toiled away taking care of their children and keeping their home neat and presentable, buying in to the image her husband craved from his wife and standing by his side no matter what. She did tend to dote on her children as nothing was more important to her than family.

Paternal Great-grandfather - Jeremy Coggins, 93, Pureblood
Obliviator - Alive, Retired
Jeremy was one of those sent overseas along with American soldiers to help in the efforts of WWII, his objective to keep the muggle soldiers unaware of any magical influences that might arise. In this role he also saw some combat and due to his cover grew proficient in the use of muggle arms, though he would never take them up again after the war ended. He was an animagus with a hawk form.

Paternal Great-grandmother - Marina Coggins nee Barrows, 87, Pureblood
Healer for the American equivalent to St. Mungo's before moving into private practice later in life, now consults occasionally - Alive, Retired
Marina actually considered leaving the magical world to become a doctor in the muggle world, however she met Jeremy and changed her mind. Well versed in the healing ways of not only traditional wizard medicine but also the spiritual methods of the Native Americans and even some voodoo practices, she was a highly successful healer in her time. She also had a knack for remembering her patients regardless of the brevity of their visit.

Maternal Great-grandfather - Andrew Hyland, b. 1894 - d. 1998, Pureblood
Author of the classic Magic and Myth series - non-fiction series focused on giving the "truth" behind many common (muggle) myths and legends - Deceased
Suave, charming, charismatic, and brilliant, Andrew Hyland suffered from dyslexia and what today would be called ADHD. He graduated from Salem but his NEWTs simply weren't good enough to allow him to tackle any "real" career that he had interest in. His family cut him off monetarily and expected him to work to earn his way since he had been such a disappointment. Thankfully, his particular interest in myth and his way with words allowed him to turn what could have been a deficiency into a strength. Living a somewhat transient lifestyle for the first 10 years after Salem, Andrew spent plenty of time talking with muggles and wizards alike, often interested in family histories, odd myths and legends, and the like. He became curious after hearing accounts of legends from both the muggle and wizard perspective that seemed to have totally different accounts of the same event and as he began to compile the things he heard and learned, the idea for a book series was born. His books are non-fiction but they are presented in a creative narrative form that made them fairly popular.

Maternal Great-grandmother - Mary Beth Hyland nee Bannister, b. 1909 - d. 1959, Pureblood
Worked in the equivalent of Wizengamot Administration Services (court registry)  - Deceased
Mary Beth was a quiet and hard working woman. In general she wasn't terribly remarkable in any sense of the word but she was much adored by her husband and son. She was also a notoriously terrible cook and was once accused of trying to poison one of her husbands colleagues.

Maternal Great-grandfather - Joseph Barrows, b. 1913 - d. 1970, Pureblood
Musician - Deceased
Eccentric and brilliant by turns, Joseph was a long, spindly man who spent the majority of his life plagued by dreams and visions. Unable to block them, he instead decided to turn his curse into inspiration for his songs. He enjoyed popularity for his rock music for a few very short years but his unreliability and finicky muse eventually caused his popularity to slide until he was nothing more than a reclusive music teacher.

Maternal Great-grandmother - Athena Barrows nee Morehead, b. 1916 - d. 1970, Pureblood
Artist - Deceased
Athena was no great beauty of her time and was considered more odd than was polite. Her family bordered on full on non-acknowledgement but she didn't seem to care much about it or her blood status as she was more focused on her determination to share her gift with the world. Her marriage was an arranged marriage that sought to pair her with a man just as odd as she was in an agreement between the families that would let them keep their trees untainted. She enjoyed little in the way of real success during her lifetime, however, her paintings and sculptures became more popular following her death.

Connections: None yet. Open

Likes: Sports (muggle and wizard), MMA, the outdoors (camping, hiking, etc.), Girls, playing guitar and piano, singing, animals of all kinds, cooking, eating, rainstorms, wit and intelligence, Dark Arts and Defense Against the Dark Arts, CoMC, chocolate cake, Skittles and Starbursts, horror movies
Dislikes: Dishonorable people, magical laziness, those who abuse or mistreat animals, violence when there are other options, losing his temper, lack of control, being physically restrained in any way
Fears & Phobias: Loss of free will, dishonoring himself, lacking courage when it is needed most
Worst Memory(ies): When his mother was bitten by a large arachnid he was not familiar with at age 13 and his grandmother was away from the main house.
When he lost his temper and managed to put someone in the hospital this past summer. The guy had been messing with his little sister and had even put a few bruises on her so some say he deserved what he got but Elijah prides himself on control. No charges were filed by either side.
Best Memory(ies): Elijah was 6 when he wandered away from his house and got lost in the expansive sanctuary grounds. Cold, afraid, and hungry, he was huddled by a tree when he felt as though something were watching him. His first instinct was to run as something most definitely didn't feel right, and looking up he spotted a set of glowing red eyes peering at him from not too far away. He rose slowly with the intent to try and flee, flinching over the growl that sounded. However, as he shifted, Elijah caught a glimpse of silver and white moving through the trees. Distracted, his gaze followed it rather than the creature stalking him and he missed the creature's lunge for him. The flash of silver and white did not miss it though and dashed in to block Elijah from the attack, nudging the boy onto his back quickly. A short while later he was back at the main house, where his mother stood worried. The unicorn that had saved him was injured though and collapsed as Elijah climbed down from his back. His mother rushed in to snatch him up, hugging him tightly before tending to the not yet full grown unicorn. They nursed it for a couple days but before the week was out, the unicorn was gone. They aren't sure what happened to it but on occasion, Elijah will catch glimpses of white streaking through the trees when he's at home.
Favorite Animal(s): Unicorns, horses, cats of all kinds, dogs, wolves, too many to name really.
O/O's: Ons - Romance, seduction, flirting, teasing, intelligence, contrasting skin tones, breasts, long hair, kissing, foreplay, touching/petting/cuddling, possessiveness both ways, taking his time, using his mouth, marks of passion (scratching/biting/etc), playful lovers, performing sexual acts at inappropriate times and places, watching/hearing his lover get off (by his hand or their own), and intimate positions (as opposed to porn style moves and craziness).
Offs - Excessive violence, toilet play, feet, fisting, being truly restrained (the illusion is okay)
House suggestion:
Wand suggestion:
Current Craving/Looking For: Romance, Adventure, Action, Humor, and Erotica. (F/Any)

Current Post Rate: Moderate

Current Posts Owed: 1/8

My O/Os


A sidenote -

The Hale family is like this game's "canon" of the Black family. It has a very very long history and a very well respected name.

Off course, those who read the history will know that our "villain" is a Hale and we have some descendants on the other side of the pond. But for the most part this Hale family came over in the 17th century. 

So with that said, the Hale family name is not open for claiming.


My two girls will be open for plotting as well.  I will have an NPC together hopefully this weekend.

And Josi claimed one of my favorite female face claims.  ;D

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Quote from: Crash on March 31, 2014, 11:40:30 PM
My two girls will be open for plotting as well.  I will have an NPC together hopefully this weekend.

And Josi claimed one of my favorite female face claims.  ;D

Oh? Yeah she's a favorite redhead of mine too.

I found her a while back when I was searching for the perfect Ariel for the OUAT group that was going on. :)

And my Taylor face girl is gonna be Caleb's ( my Sean faceclaim) sister/ NPC. :)

      ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍💖                    ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍💖
                                 O.Os   / A.As / Ideas 
                           Warning:  Finicky Muse Ahead!

Ember Star

HERE! So excited about this. Cannot tell you how long I've been wanting to do this. I even was thinking about setting up the idea here at E when I found out.
"One thing you who had secure or happy childhoods should understand about those of us who did not, we who control our feelings, who avoid conflicts at all costs or seem to seek them, who are hypersensitive, self-critical, compulsive, workaholic, and above all survivors, we're not that way from perversity. And we cannot just relax and let it go. We've learned to cope in ways you never had to." ~Author, Piers Anthony


Yuppp, I'm coming back just for this!  -Is In!-
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


Quote from: Josietta on March 31, 2014, 11:47:13 PM
Oh? Yeah she's a favorite redhead of mine too.

I found her a while back when I was searching for the perfect Ariel for the OUAT group that was going on. :)

And my Taylor face girl is gonna be Caleb's ( my Sean faceclaim) sister/ NPC. :)

Yep her along with the redhead I am using for Autumn are two of my favorites.

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Again... ;)

Quote from: Amelita on March 31, 2014, 09:32:07 PM
To those of you out there who may have been working on characters for the game...

Please make sure you have the updated character sheet!

That is all ::)

RP Etiquette ~ Tumblr ~ Mumbler
~ There is nothing to writing; all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed ~
Ons & Offs ~ Post Tracker ~ Ladies in Red


Lady Lunarius

*Sticks her interest here*

Going to be without net for a week or more so will get one up as soon as possible <3
LaLu's updated A/A's Updated
LaLu's Delicious treats!
LaLu's O.O's/Current Interests Updated 3-11-23
I am currently NOT open for a few new RP's

Bloodied Porcelain

Glad to see I didn't miss a lot while asleep. >.> Goodmorning, my Salemites!
I want no ordinary lover. I want a storm. I want sleepless nights and endless conversations at four a.m. I want passion, I want madness.
I want someone who's able to make my whole body shiver from a distance and also pull me close to make sense of all my bones.

~ Bizarre, Beautiful, And Breathtaking ~
~ O/O ~ Seeking ~ A/A ~ Mirrors and Masks ~ Poetry ~
She walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like wings.


Good morning Salemanders! :p

Looking forward to what you come up with, darlings ;)

Can't wait to get home and onto my laptop!

RP Etiquette ~ Tumblr ~ Mumbler
~ There is nothing to writing; all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed ~
Ons & Offs ~ Post Tracker ~ Ladies in Red


Quote from: Amelita on April 01, 2014, 06:47:30 AM
Good morning Salemanders! :p

Looking forward to what you come up with, darlings ;)

Can't wait to get home and onto my laptop!

Me either.  ::)


Hey all I'm property of the U.S government and as such I may randomly disappear for a day or two.  I apologize in advance but I'll get back to you ASAP


"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious

Bloodied Porcelain

I want no ordinary lover. I want a storm. I want sleepless nights and endless conversations at four a.m. I want passion, I want madness.
I want someone who's able to make my whole body shiver from a distance and also pull me close to make sense of all my bones.

~ Bizarre, Beautiful, And Breathtaking ~
~ O/O ~ Seeking ~ A/A ~ Mirrors and Masks ~ Poetry ~
She walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like wings.


"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Hmmm! Something to read as I munch on breakfast.
A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!


Here's a little thing I just added to the rules (since I forgot to do so when I was supposed to)...

+The game will move one month at a time IC in approximately 2 months OOC.
+The game will move alongside the game 'Hogwarts: a Future' in IC time.
+The IC time period of a full month will be open to play with at any given time, with occasional exceptions (like summer IC will be played as one 'time phase').
+Time shifting from month to month will be announced in the IC-OOC about a week in advance.

RP Etiquette ~ Tumblr ~ Mumbler
~ There is nothing to writing; all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed ~
Ons & Offs ~ Post Tracker ~ Ladies in Red


Kirstie Maldonado looks just like Hiwalani KapuleGM*

Yeah... I find her just irresistibly cute.  Loved Pentatonix too.

Are you limiting Putebloods to the ones you have listed? I ask because I was planning on making my NPC Thien An Phan a pureblood.

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


If there's anyone looking for a complimenting (best friend, family member, etc) or contrasting (rival, ex, etc.) PC, toss me a pm! I'd love to see if our ideas fit enough to make it work.

And now I'm sleepin'. Night!


Quote from: Crash on April 01, 2014, 09:44:45 AM
Kirstie Maldonado looks just like Hiwalani KapuleGM*

Yeah... I find her just irresistibly cute.  Loved Pentatonix too.

Are you limiting Putebloods to the ones you have listed? I ask because I was planning on making my NPC Thien An Phan a pureblood.

Quote from: our character creation guidelines+To create a pureblood character, a surname must be picked out of the established pureblood family list and a spot in that family claimed. If others already have spots claimed in that same family or in the immediately connected ones, collaboration must be established.


RP Etiquette ~ Tumblr ~ Mumbler
~ There is nothing to writing; all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed ~
Ons & Offs ~ Post Tracker ~ Ladies in Red

Ember Star

I was going to make the Transfigation professor. But its already claimed. Ahhhhh! My timing!

Its okay though. I'll make a student and see about the professor later. Mainly I wanted to bring in a old character of mine for the processor. One I've played since she was 11 And was my very first character ever. She went to school at Hogwarts. But her parents were American
"One thing you who had secure or happy childhoods should understand about those of us who did not, we who control our feelings, who avoid conflicts at all costs or seem to seek them, who are hypersensitive, self-critical, compulsive, workaholic, and above all survivors, we're not that way from perversity. And we cannot just relax and let it go. We've learned to cope in ways you never had to." ~Author, Piers Anthony


Quote from: Amelita on April 01, 2014, 10:02:09 AM


Looks like I will have to rethink her a little then as you don't have any Vietnamese Pureblood families.

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Quote from: Emmykins on April 01, 2014, 09:57:00 AM
If there's anyone looking for a complimenting (best friend, family member, etc) or contrasting (rival, ex, etc.) PC, toss me a pm! I'd love to see if our ideas fit enough to make it work.

And now I'm sleepin'. Night!

Take a look at my two girls and see if you are interested Emmy.

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious