Survivor's Child MxF

Started by seeker619, September 19, 2014, 10:08:39 PM

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Survivor's child--For as long as he was along he had been called survivors child as he was the last living thing removed from his planet.  It had to be over a hundred years ago although he tried his best to forget the moniker as well as those last days on the planet. 

One day a blind gypsy woman approaches him while he was in a foul mood and after asking her to leave him alone she persisted in following telling him she knew of his fate if only he could spare her some money.  Pissed he tossed some money just to get her to leave him alone.  She only had to smell the money and she was back.  Man of eternity.......she called him.   Irritated he responded "you don't know who I am at all then.  No one but you has ever called me that."  She replied

"No one ever will either.  Only I.  Your name is carried on the wind as your seed shall be.  You are often called Survivor's child but you are no longer a child and even this blind woman can see that.  Soon, a woman you shall fight shall be slayed at last.  It is your seed she shall protect and your twins she will nurse.  If you do not defeat her you will die along with the long line of men who came before you who have tried to lay claim to her..  She is a master at survival and shall die by your hand.  Willingly.  Only when she knows she cannot defeat you will she beg you to slay her and die in your arms, to rise up in spirit and retake her body with your nursing aid.

"You shall know it is her you seek when she asks you to fight her.  When after neither stands victorious but her own depression she will offer you a red cloth to smother the life out of her.  When you do be aware you need only give her your breadth and she shall live anew.  She shall call you by another title when she wakes, "Giver of my destiny and Guardian of those that shall consume me."  You must know there is no saving her as she will be the mother of the new race you and she shall bear witness to. 

Another fifty years have passed since this soothsayers words came to his awareness and they were all but forgotten.  Just then a beautiful young woman seemingly 18 asked if he would fight her and should he defeat her she shall be his.

He knew this was the woman that he would love sure as he knew what would follow.  A goodbye he could never be able to let leave his lips.

Can he save her once she fulfills prophesy and bears their children.

She got on her knees before him.......