Lost in the Amazon (F Domme seeking F sub [Non-con into con])

Started by Cerulean Dreams, July 22, 2013, 06:04:49 PM

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Cerulean Dreams

Lost in the Amazon
- Thank you for your interest. Unfortunately this game is currently closed -

*WARNING: Realism has taken a slight holiday. Beyond this point expect clichés and horrific misrepresentations of tribal culture. Proceed at your own risk...*

She was a tall, striking creature, respected for her fearsome hunting skills and ruthless attitude. The chieftess suffered no nonsense.

The intruder was almost exactly the opposite: a slender, weak little creature, pale and overly feminine. An outsider, from another country, another world entirely. An 'explorer', 'trekking' through the rainforest, quite unprepared for the realities of the tropical danger zone. She had been found in their town during a hunt - and the penalty for trespassing was death in the fighting ring.

Of course the wretched girl lasted mere seconds, pinned down with a spear to her throat before the fight had even begun. All it would take from the chieftess was a single sign, and the girl would bleed out on the floor.

But she did not give a sign. No, she had decided the girl could be worth more to her. She would take on this girl as a challenge to herself. Was it possible to convert a useless outsider into an equally fearsome hunter? Time would tell...

For this story I'm looking for someone to play the outsider, a foreigner to be taken under the wing of the chieftess. The fine details are open for discussion, but I'm very clear that it won't just be a slave training game. I've done some in the past and they never go anywhere.

Their relationship will initially begin as teacher and 'pupil', and will also encompass the Mistress and her pleasure toy, but the two characters will change as the chieftess develops a soft spot for the girl, and the girl manages to harden up slightly and grow accustomed to this harder life, eventually growing to enjoy it.

For an example of my writing, and a story with more fleshed-out character see my ongoing story here. Chevalier and I took the time to develop full characters, and it's resulted in one of my favourite long-running story.

I'm happy for a male partner to take the roles, but I'll only be running the game with two female leads. If you have any question or wish to discuss more please PM me!
