Hogwarts University (Freeform Potterverse) [Closed]

Started by Totoro, January 03, 2022, 01:54:33 PM

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Hogwarts University of Witchcraft & Wizardry is a freeform sandbox group game set in the Wizarding World. The game will focus on Hogwarts and the students and teachers with the odd GM-organized event to help shake things up a little. The game will begin in September 2022 during the Sorting Ceremony as a new academic year begins with room for flashbacks to the train ride to Hogwarts and scenes in early September. In this game, Hogwarts now only caters to adult students with younger wizards and witches being educated elsewhere. The lore will be adjusted to make it that late bloomers are more common and so some students will have been educated in witchcraft & wizardry since they were 10/11 where others will be new. This game will be extremely LGBTQ+ friendly. Smut will of course be allowed but it will not be the focus.

This game is closed.


After the dark wizard Lord Voldemort was defeated in 1998 the wizarding world changed in many ways. Wizarding society began to condemn those who judged based on blood status, particularly purity, far more than they already had. Most pureblood families chose to cease their efforts to maintain their bloodline, though a few refused to cow to societal pressures. Many of the staff who suffered so much during the long conflict with Voldemort and his Death Eaters chose to retire while many of the heroes who battled him found new lots in life.

In time education became a primary focus and so rather than ending at eighteen wizarding education was adapted to include a university-like system. With the success of this system, Hogwarts became the first Wizarding University in 2009, and two new Wizarding Schools were set up in England and Ireland to make up for the change. Since 2009 wizarding universities have opened up around the world but it remains common for students from overseas to complete their education at Hogwarts University, especially those in later years as they joined earlier before other schools were established.

Education at Hogwarts now begins at 18 for either late-bloomers or wizards and witches who have been educated at the schools in England and/or Ireland, or exchange students from other wizarding schools around the world. For late bloomers they begin with Remedial Wizardry 101, then 102 for 3 months each covering the first half of their first year. During this time the goal is to catch them up and they are often paired up with others in their year who are not late bloomers. The first six months of 1st year is generally relatively laid back for others. Late Bloomers are given a test after six months to assess their aptitude and some may have to continue their studies and be held back a year to fully catch up, re-taking Remedial 101 & 102 the following year, though this is relatively rare.

Unlike in an ordinary university, the education remains extremely broad for the first two years from 18-21. After that students are set to take an examination at the end of their second year that will evaluate their potential aptitudes and influence their elective subjects for their final three years. For these years students select 1-2 full classes and 2-4 partial classes. Students who pass are given Sorcererships in their full classes and Apprenticeships in their partials.

Headmistress - Ivory Shrike
Deputy Head - Brutus Hallowpetal
Head of House Gryffindor - Brutus Hallowpetal
Head of House Hufflepuff - Charlotte Jansen
Head of House Ravenclaw - Ivan Maximov
Head of House Slytherin - Open
Transfiguration - Ivan Maximov
Defense Against the Dark Arts - Ivory Shrike
Muggle Studies - Open
Astronomy - Charlotte Jansen
Ancient Runes - Peter Morecambe
History of Magic - Reserved
Charms - Open
Divination - Open
Potions Master - Open
Arithmancy - Reserved
Care of Magical Creatures - Brutus Hallowpetal
Herbology - Open
Flying - Open
Librarian - Viola Drewitt
Matron - Rhyn Williamson
Grounds Keeper - Open
Caretaker - Flynn Huxley
Head Boy - Open
Head Girl - Corinne Bailey
Gryffindor Prefect - 2 3rd Year Open, 2 4th Year Open, 2 5th Year Open
Hufflepuff Prefect - 1 3rd Year Open, 2 4th Year Open, 2 5th Year Open
Ravenclaw Prefect - 1 3rd Year Open, 2 4th Year Open, 2 5th Year Open
Slytherin Prefect - 2 3rd Year Open, 1 4th Year Open, 1 5th Year Open
Gryffindor Students - 5
Hufflepuff Students - 5
Ravenclaw Students - 6
Slytherin Students - 6


1. GM Word is final. I will listen and I will try to be flexible/reasonable but if I state there is no room to negotiate please accept this.
2. Do not cause/participate in drama. Be polite to all other writers in this game. If you have an issue please contact me right away.
3. A reasonable standard of English is required. No one-liners, use a spell-check, format properly, check your grammar. Mistakes are fine. Third-Person Past-Tense only.
4. Please be an active part of this game. Be eager to participate in the game and proactive with seeking scenes/connections.
5. If you will be unable to post for more than two weeks please inform me. Real-life comes first but communication is important. If you go inactive without communicating I may place your characters/roles as inactive.
6. Do not bring up politics or religion in the OOC. Do not use bigoted language in the OOC.
7. Do not create a mary sue character. Give them flaws and intriguing traits.
8. Do not godmode. This means presuming the actions or reactions of other writers' characters or assuming your character's action's results.
9. Try not to form cliques. Do not just write with characters with romantic ties to your own. Do not exclude people. Try to find scenes with writers in the game you may not have yet written with. This being said, not everyone's style's mesh and if someone politely suggests you don't fit well, leave them be.
10. Student/teacher relationships are barred. They would get caught and the teacher would be fired. If you want your teacher fired in disgrace you can discuss this with me but it is an inevitability. Similarly, incestuous content is barred. It's not the place for it.

Character Creation

When creating a character for this game please consider the following:

-> Read the setting information thread here: LINK. It includes explanations on how to make your character's wand, how their education likely was, when they take exams and how those are graded. A few particularly useful bits of information are below:
  -> Classes, Education System & Exams: LINK
  -> Bottom of list for the UK 11-17 Wizarding schools: LINK
  -> Build-A-Wand: LINK
  -> School rules/Academic Year/Events: LINK
-> Please reserve roles before making a CS for them. Similarly I advise reserving FC's in advance.
-> Please make sure all FC's are 18+, within 10 or fewer years of char. age and don't use FC's who had major roles in Harry Potter movies.
-> Please have a look at the sample CS to get an idea of what I am looking for before sending yours in.
-> Please don't submit mary-sues.
-> The majority of characters should have dragon heartstring or unicorn tail hair wand cores.
-> Please try to keep backstories reasonably concise. Please try to keep any created lore simple, basic and vague. Do not create anything unnecessary or add anything that significantly alters canon. Focus on them as a person rather than lore details.
-> Characters should never get more than 3 O grades in a given year. The more failing grades they have the more acceptable it is to bring up their other grades. If a character takes more than 3-4 DRAGONS they should struggle to keep up. If they just take two then getting O's in both is more acceptable. Most characters should have at least 1-3 topics they struggle with.

Taken Faceclaims

Akira Reid - Totoro
Alan Ritchson - HockeyGod
Alice Cooper - Heartsink
Alina Kovalenko - Mellific
Alina Phillips - CurvyKitten
Andre Hamann - InnocentSynn
Anya Chalotra - Untamed Skies
Ashley Graham - GM NPC
Avan Jogia - sloane
Brenton Thwaites - Swashbuckler
Brian Blessed - GM NPC
Camila Mendes - Mellific
Carice Van Houten - WillowPup
Cate Blanchett - GM NPC
Christina Hendricks - GM NPC
Christoph Waltz - GM NPC
Daniel Craig - GM NPC
Daniel Sharman - Swashbuckler
Ivan Scannell - HockeyGod
Jake Johnson - Swashbuckler
Jason Momoa - Totoro
Kendall Jenner - Lady Sakura
Kim Jaejoong - LamentingQuill
Ksenia Solo - LamentingQuill
Kubilay Aka - Heartsink
Lauren Calaway - CurvyKitten
Leonardo DiCaprio - Untamed Skies
Linda Savoderova - CurvyKitten
Lisa Manoban - Codexa
Marie Teissoniere - sloane
Mehdi Meskar - Heartsink
Nicole Meyer - Totoro
Nyane Lebajoa - Totoro
Mads Mikkelsen - GM NPC
Rafaela Avidago - CurvyKitten
Sigourney Weaver - GM NPC
Toni Mahfud - Untamed Skies
Valentin Lucien Winters - LamentingQuill
Xavier Serrano - Mellific
Zara Axeronias - CurvyKitten
Zooey Deschanel - Mellific

Eden Fines - Totoro
Tom Hardy - Totoro
Josh Mario John - Totoro
Idris Elba - Totoro
Michael B. Jordan - Totoro
Joseph Gatt - Totoro

CS Code

[float=right][center][img height=250 padding=5]https://i.pinimg.com/280x280_RS/96/0a/87/960a879b2c1ce9aa839e329cec9cd4eb.jpg[/img][/center]
[img height=100 padding=5]https://i.pinimg.com/280x280_RS/96/0a/87/960a879b2c1ce9aa839e329cec9cd4eb.jpg[/img][img height=100 padding=5]https://i.pinimg.com/280x280_RS/96/0a/87/960a879b2c1ce9aa839e329cec9cd4eb.jpg[/img][img height=100 padding=5]https://i.pinimg.com/280x280_RS/96/0a/87/960a879b2c1ce9aa839e329cec9cd4eb.jpg[/img][/float]
[center][size=14pt][u][b]CHARACTER NAME[/b][/u][/size][/center]

[b]Full Name:[/b]
[b]Nickname(s):[/b] (Delete if none)
[b]Age & Birthday:[/b] (As of Sept. 1st 2022. Must be 18+)
[b]Gender Identity:[/b] (All welcome!)
[b]Sexuality:[/b] (All welcome!)
[b]Role:[/b] Student/Teacher (Include subject taught if teacher & year if student. Also additional roles e.g. head of house, prefect etc.)
[b]House:[/b] (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin. Include if an Alumni too.)
[b]Blood Status:[/b] (Pure-Blood, Half-Blood, Muggle-Born)
[b]Faceclaim:[/b] (Must be 18+ and close-ish to the character's age. No using big-name Harry Potter movie actors.)
[b]Notable Features:[/b] (Anything distinguishing e.g. tats, piercings, scars etc.)


[center][size=12pt][u][b]Personality & History[/b][/u][/size][/center]

[b]Personality[/b] (Either a list of 8-10 personality traits including flaws or a paragraph.)

[b]History:[/b] (At least 3 paragraphs including their early life, teenage years and their experience as a wizard/witch.)



[b]Likes:[/b] (At least 3-5 things they like. Non-sexual.)
[b]Dislikes:[/b] (At least 3-5 things they dislike. Non-sexual.)
[b]Skills:[/b] (At least 3 things they are good at. Non-sexual.)
[b]Flaws:[/b] (At least 3 weak points. Non-sexual.)


[center][size=12pt][u][b]Wizarding Information[/b][/u][/size][/center]

[b]Role:[/b] (Student or teacher and year if applicable. Include additional roles e.g. head of house or prefect)
[b]House:[/b] (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin. Include if an Alumni too.)
[b]Subjects Taught/Taken:[/b] (Delete as appropriate. Taken subjects only applies for students in 3rd, 4th or 5th year)
[b]Wand:[/b] Wood | Core | Length | Flexibility (Please read the setting information for a lot more details on wands! The bulk should be dragon heartstring or unicorn tail hair.)
[b]Patronus:[/b] (1st Years esp. late bloomers may not have theirs yet)
[b]Familiar:[/b] (Not everyone has one)

[u][b]Exam Grades:[/b][/u]

(Please delete this bracketed text before sending your CS in. The below exams are more thoroughly detailed in the 'Hogwarts University' segment of setting information. O.W.L's are taken at either 16 (5th year school) or after Remedial Wizardry 101. N.E.W.T's are taken at either eighteen (7th year school) or after Remedial Wizardry 102. O.G.R.E's are taken at 20 (2nd Year University). D.R.A.G.O.N's are taken at 23 (5th year university.) They are graded between:

O - Outstanding
E- Exceeds Expectations
A - Acceptable
P - Poor
D - Dreadful
T - Troll

It is very rare that a student gets a T and also rare that any student gets more than 1-2 O's. Please delete any segment for exams that character has not yet taken. Please also bear in mind that Hogwarts University opened in 2009 and so the first year of O.G.R.E exams was 2011 and the first year of D.R.A.G.O.N exams was 2014. Students can only take 3-5 subjects at D.R.A.G.O.N level. If a teacher is over 31 they couldn't have taken them and would have gone through the old system meaning O.W.L's then around 3-6 N.E.W.T's.)

[spoiler=O.W.L Grades]
Transfiguration -
Defense Against the Dark Arts -
Muggle Studies -
Astronomy -
Ancient Runes -
History of Magic -
Charms -
Divination -
Potions -
Herbology -
Care of Magical Creatures -
Arithmancy -

[spoiler=N.E.W.T Grades]
Transfiguration -
Defense Against the Dark Arts -
Muggle Studies -
Astronomy -
Ancient Runes -
History of Magic -
Charms -
Divination -
Potions -
Herbology -
Care of Magical Creatures -
Arithmancy -

[spoiler=O.G.R.E Grades]
Transfiguration -
Defense Against the Dark Arts -
Muggle Studies -
Astronomy -
Ancient Runes -
History of Magic -
Charms -
Divination -
Potions -
Herbology -
Care of Magical Creatures -
Arithmancy -

[spoiler=D.R.A.G.O.N Grades]
Transfiguration -
Defense Against the Dark Arts -
Muggle Studies -
Astronomy -
Ancient Runes -
History of Magic -
Charms -
Divination -
Potions -
Herbology -
Care of Magical Creatures -
Arithmancy -





Sample CS

Bella Bloom

Full Name: Bella Bloom Lacroix
Nickname(s): Bell
Age & Birthday: 19, June 5th
Gender Identity: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Role: 2nd Year Student
House: Hufflepuff
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Faceclaim: Nyane Lebajoa
Height/Build: 5'8"/Slender
Notable Features: Bella is slightly taller than average with a lithe build. She mostly stands out through eccentric hair and beautiful makeup.

Personality & History

Personality Bella is a free-spirited, adventurous person who is unashamed of her own quirks and foibles. She can be chaotic and messy but she is also a loving, loyal and kind person. Bella adores all animals and she is quick to try to befriend any that she might meet. While she is not particularly academically attentive she is far from stupid and has a remarkable knack for remembering a vast amount of knowledge of the natural world. Bella loves fashion and art but she tends to get on best with those who don't mind camping, hiking and spending time in nature. During her first year, Bella found it a little hard to fit in in England but she now quite likes it.

History: Bella grew up among Muggle society in the South of France. Her wizard father disappeared when she was young and Bella never really knew him at all. Despite that her mother took excellent care of her. They would take long walks exploring the Alps together often camping out for days or even weeks on end. She loved her ordinary life even if she never quite felt she fitted in right.

She lived a reasonably ordinary life with a supportive mother right up until she was invited to Beauxbatons. Bella was overjoyed and immediately threw herself into this new life, enchanted by the magical creatures in particular she proved to be a capable enough student even if her preference was firmly for the practical, outdoors world. During her time at Beauxbatons she also developed a strong interest in fashion and artistry.

With a desire to explore Bella decided she wanted to continue her education abroad and so she began her university education at Hogwarts. In her first year Bella found herself self-conscious of her accent, her sometimes clumsy English and her awareness that she was not adept at some aspects of academics. Despite this in time she gradually grew into herself, building up her confidence as she got more at home among her peers and she is now excited to begin her second year at the school.


Likes: Animals & Magical Creatures, Outdoors, Swimming, Hiking, Camping, Makeup, Fashion, Tea, Fresh Food, Cooking, Fires
Dislikes: Prudishness, Prissiness, Bigots, Bullies, Willful Ignorance, Frozen Food
Skills: Animal Care, Survivalism, Swimming, Gardening, Cooking
Flaws: Naive, Reckless, Unreliable, Disorganized

Wizarding Information

Role: 2nd Year Student
House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Chestnut | Veela Hair | 10" | Firm
Patronus: Great Pyrenees
Familiar: Bengal Cat

Exam Grades:

O.W.L Grades

Transfiguration - A
Defense Against the Dark Arts - A
Muggle Studies - A
Astronomy - P
Ancient Runes - P
History of Magic - A
Charms - A
Divination - P
Potions - E
Herbology - O
Care of Magical Creatures - O
Arithmancy - P

N.E.W.T Grades

Transfiguration - A
Defense Against the Dark Arts - P
Muggle Studies - A
Astronomy - P
Ancient Runes - D
History of Magic - A
Charms - A
Divination - D
Potions - E
Herbology - O
Care of Magical Creatures - O
Arithmancy - A




How many characters can I write? As many as you feel you can keep active. All characters should make at least one IC post per week. If you are asking to write more but not meeting this I'll ask if you are sure you feel able to. No one writer should make up the majority of the staff or any house. If you are sending in more CS's than you are making IC posts I'm not going to approve those additional characters.

Can I reserve a faceclaim/position at the school? Yes, you can. Just let me know. Any reservations will be held for up to one week. I may be selective with certain teaching roles. (Based on posting frequency/reliability).

How much do I need to know about the Wizarding World? Not a lot, really. If you're less informed then make a late bloomer 1st year student. I have not kept up with Harry Potter in general and while I read all the books that was well over ten years ago now. Just be willing to do some basic research when things come up and ask me if you are uncertain.

What are the rules around unusual kinds of wizard? To preserve their rarity each writer may write one of the following: Seer, Animagi, Metamorphmagi, Parselmouth, Legilimens, 1/4th or 1/8th Veela/Giant/Vampire/Goblin/Elf/Troll. Bear in mind these half-breeds are only 1/4th or less heritage and so will only have minor traits. If there are too many of any one kind I may further restrict this. Only one of your PC's may be one of these kinds, you do not get one of each.

Can I write a character related to a canon character? It depends on who. Certainly no Potters, Grangers, Weasleys, Malfoys, Lestranges, Riddles or Dumbledores. I'm open to characters related to more tertiary canon characters provided the connection doesn't change any pre-1998 canon. Writing someone related to a canon character doesn't make them any more powerful or important.

What is Remedial Wizardry 101/102? These are additional classes studied by 1st Year Late Bloomer students who have only just discovered that they are wizards/witches. It is an intensive class with 101 running for the first 3 months and 102 the following 3 months. The classes are longer and other 1st years who are already experienced are given an easier time to let the others catch up. 1st Years who are not late bloomers are encouraged to help those who are. This system was created in order to let writers have the fun of having their character be entirely new to witchcraft & wizardry.

Did Covid happen in this game? No, it didn't. It would not be a fun addition in any way.

X appeared in a Harry Potter movie, can I use them? Probably not. If their role was in any way major you cannot use them as a FC in this game. It would just be jarring. I may selectively allow it if they played a very, very brief role.

Can I write a character from another school/country? Yes, absolutely. While it would be unusual for a character who lives very far away to attend Hogwarts they may have completed their schooling in their home country but be attending university at Hogwarts. Their history can loosely mention other schools such as Durmstrang or Beauxbatons etc.

Thread Links





Quote from: Heartsink on January 04, 2022, 02:09:50 AM
Potentially interested  :-)

Hi, good to see you. Need a fair few people to go ahead for this one to make the sandbox work so we'll see how interest looks.


I posted a similar idea not too long ago but it seems like this one is far better planned out than mine so I'll put myself down for interested.


Quote from: azzmeister89 on January 04, 2022, 04:19:24 AM
I posted a similar idea not too long ago but it seems like this one is far better planned out than mine so I'll put myself down for interested.

Sorry! I hadn't seen that one. Thank you, though, you'd be welcome to join of course.


Quote from: Katiana on January 04, 2022, 08:40:24 AM
Definitely interested.

Awesome! Welcome. Ideally looking for at least 5+ people just to make the sandbox feel alive, hopefully more.


Quote from: Totoro on January 04, 2022, 04:40:26 AM
Sorry! I hadn't seen that one. Thank you, though, you'd be welcome to join of course.

Haha don't worry it's fine. I'm going to post on my own one and tell people to head over here if they still want to play


"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Quote from: azzmeister89 on January 04, 2022, 11:57:03 AM
Haha don't worry it's fine. I'm going to post on my own one and tell people to head over here if they still want to play

Thank you!

Quote from: Crash on January 04, 2022, 02:07:33 PM
Keeping an eye on this.

Awesome, you know I'd love to have you here.


Going to read this through thoroughly in a bit, but for now I’d like to reserve the faceclaims of Ksenia Solo and Kim Jaejoong.


Quote from: LamentingQuill on January 04, 2022, 03:27:57 PM
Going to read this through thoroughly in a bit, but for now I’d like to reserve the faceclaims of Ksenia Solo and Kim Jaejoong.

Sounds good! I tried to keep things fairly simple/approachable.

FC's noted.


If we are gonna do face claims I will claim Megan thee Stallion and Paige Hathaway.  Just in case…

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Quote from: Crash on January 04, 2022, 03:34:05 PM
If we are gonna do face claims I will claim Megan thee Stallion and Paige Hathaway.  Just in case…

Sounds good!




For my third and final character, could I create an archaeology professor? I imagine the wizarding world is rich with history and all that good stuff.


Quote from: LamentingQuill on January 04, 2022, 04:14:38 PM
For my third and final character, could I create an archaeology professor? I imagine the wizarding world is rich with history and all that good stuff.

I would suggest that the History of Magic professor could be an archeologist? Might help avoid redundancy and fill an established role.


Quote from: Totoro on January 04, 2022, 04:20:35 PM
I would suggest that the History of Magic professor could be an archeologist? Might help avoid redundancy and fill an established role.

Eh, pass then on that. I was thinking a full fledged archaeologist taking a break to teach the future archaeologists of the wizard world, I don't really see a history of magic professor getting out into the field seeking ruins, relics and etc, unearthing them and all the potential dangers involved with the career.

Das okay though, I think I'll reserve Valentin Lucien Winters for my last character.


Quote from: LamentingQuill on January 04, 2022, 04:30:06 PM
Eh, pass then on that. I was thinking a full fledged archaeologist taking a break to teach the future archaeologists of the wizard world, I don't really see a history of magic professor getting out into the field seeking ruins, relics and etc, unearthing them and all the potential dangers involved with the career.

Das okay though, I think I'll reserve Valentin Lucien Winters for my last character.

Could be a Curse Breaker (Wizarding Archeologist) taking a break to teach History of Magic through the lens of archeology.  And recruiting students for advanced classes or something like that.

I also just love curse breakers

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Nah, had a very specific idea in mind, but that's alright, I've got another idea in mind.

Anywho, character sheet template? :)


Quote from: LamentingQuill on January 04, 2022, 04:30:06 PM
Eh, pass then on that. I was thinking a full fledged archaeologist taking a break to teach the future archaeologists of the wizard world, I don't really see a history of magic professor getting out into the field seeking ruins, relics and etc, unearthing them and all the potential dangers involved with the career.

Das okay though, I think I'll reserve Valentin Lucien Winters for my last character.

I could see them having no history of magic professor and an archeologist like that taking on the role for a year or two before returning to their former passion? A history of magic professor doesn't have to be that old or purely an academic, that archeologist sounds like they'd be more than capable of educating on history and inspiring some passion from students.


Quote from: Totoro on January 04, 2022, 04:47:21 PM
I could see them having no history of magic professor and an archeologist like that taking on the role for a year or two before returning to their former passion? A history of magic professor doesn't have to be that old or purely an academic, that archeologist sounds like they'd be more than capable of educating on history and inspiring some passion from students.

I'm all good. I have another idea I want to roll with.


Quote from: LamentingQuill on January 04, 2022, 04:49:47 PM
I'm all good. I have another idea I want to roll with.

Alright! Looking forward to seeing that idea. Won't be doing recruiting until Thursday at the earliest as tomorrow is a busy one for me and I need to sort the CS format, initial threads and things like that. Might wait for Friday, we'll see how interest is over the next 2 days.
