Medievil Roleplay. I need a King, & Other character's. Join please?

Started by Lady Temptress, June 05, 2012, 11:57:28 AM

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Hunter Phoenix

I've never been a King before so this is going to be a lot of fun, I'll make sure I don't let the power go to my head ;) haha don't want an RP tyrant running around now do we :p
Where Will A Creature Of Darkness Hide If Not In The Shadows Of The Night.


I'm going to use my old character but different name. Don't know if you will recognize him or not Temptress.

Name: Furyk Kaguya
Age: 22 human years and about 300 vampire
Height: 6'
Weight: 200lbs.
Eyes: Before turning they were a deep green, now they change with his mood and hunger level
Hair: Black and going down to his mid-back, usually tied back at the base of his neck

    Furyk wears clothes that are almost modern. He prefers to wear black, finely cut wool pants, a white, long sleeved shirt with laces at the throat that have silver weights on the ends, black leather boots that are polished to a high shine with the tops turned down at his calf, and a black coat in the same style as his pants with silver embroidery going around his wrists and up his sleeves to his shoulders.

    Before he was turned he was a squire in the royal guard. Once he became a vampire he left his post and wandered the land learning his abilities and coming to grips with the monster he had become. Now he holds a position as the head of the Royal Guard. He can always be seen with his sword at his waist.
Furyk's sword
"I killed the whole world, and you can too, if you try hard."
-Lews Therin Telamon

Lady Temptress

Lady Dreamer

Lady Temptress

We need more female rpers for this roleplay! come on and join us ladies. xD
Lady Dreamer

Ember Star

I'm here, Xyna. Invited a couple of other friends too, one male and one female, you know them both.

Hey Mossberg, good to see you again
"One thing you who had secure or happy childhoods should understand about those of us who did not, we who control our feelings, who avoid conflicts at all costs or seem to seek them, who are hypersensitive, self-critical, compulsive, workaholic, and above all survivors, we're not that way from perversity. And we cannot just relax and let it go. We've learned to cope in ways you never had to." ~Author, Piers Anthony


"I killed the whole world, and you can too, if you try hard."
-Lews Therin Telamon

Lady Temptress

Lady Dreamer

Brazen Endeavors

Hey Xyna!  LTNS! It's nitapitabread here.  You know I'll get involved in a new uncensored DVK.  Mwa.  Just need to decide what charrie.
..I want you.  I have seen you and I already love you.  My muse begs to lie in your arms; just for a moment.  I need you..
...come play with me?...
(updated o/o - 7.16.12)

Lady Temptress

Whoa hoo Nita! Well, this dvk isnt uncensored. I might have to move it to the Extreme section. We already started the rp at the Non section. Thanks for joining. Didnt you play her dad? Haha                                                                                                             
Lady Dreamer


"I killed the whole world, and you can too, if you try hard."
-Lews Therin Telamon

Brazen Endeavors

Briefly, yes.  Yes, I did.

Hello, Mossberg, and well met :)
..I want you.  I have seen you and I already love you.  My muse begs to lie in your arms; just for a moment.  I need you..
...come play with me?...
(updated o/o - 7.16.12)

Lady Temptress

No Moss, you guys won't have to repost & i have remade the thread at Extreme Small Groups 0as DVK-Restart- Dark Vampire Kingdom.
Lady Dreamer

Lady Temptress

I'm going to bed in an hr when the pain meds kick in due to the major surgery I had last Friday. My recovery time is 4 to 6 weeks, ugh. No work for me and lots of rp. :p
Lady Dreamer


"I killed the whole world, and you can too, if you try hard."
-Lews Therin Telamon

Lady Temptress

Thank you, Moss. I just pmed Hunter & Taurus to post at the new dvk thread at Extreme Group section. Is there a way to delete a thread here?
Lady Dreamer


You have to be the one to post it to be able to delete it.

But, I've got to go now. Need my sleep for a big day tomorrow. I'll see you guys tomorrow night or maybe Sunday. Go ahead and continue without me if you want.
"I killed the whole world, and you can too, if you try hard."
-Lews Therin Telamon

Lady Temptress

Okay Moss thanks. I'll have Taurus delete the old one since he made it and we can wait for you. Have fun tomorrow hun.
Lady Dreamer

Lady Temptress

Time for bed. Meds are knocking me out. See ya tomorrow. Night folks.
Lady Dreamer


I would give [you] the answer if I could, but I be a simple bull, and no bull anywhere has ever given a 'straight' answer!

The Tail of the Tauren

Ember Star

"One thing you who had secure or happy childhoods should understand about those of us who did not, we who control our feelings, who avoid conflicts at all costs or seem to seek them, who are hypersensitive, self-critical, compulsive, workaholic, and above all survivors, we're not that way from perversity. And we cannot just relax and let it go. We've learned to cope in ways you never had to." ~Author, Piers Anthony


waiting for lady Temptress to post the character thread, but this was the previous one if you'd like to place it there for now.
I would give [you] the answer if I could, but I be a simple bull, and no bull anywhere has ever given a 'straight' answer!

The Tail of the Tauren

Lady Temptress

Sorry for the wait folks. I am making the character thread in this section now. Its name will be Dark Vampire Kingdom OOC Character Profiles.
Lady Dreamer

Lady Temptress

Lady Dreamer

Lady Temptress

Nevermind. I put it in the wrong section and I just deleted it. Sorry folks. I will remake the character profile topic and place it in the right section.
Lady Dreamer

Lady Temptress

Please just post your profiles in the link that Taurus has posted above for us. Thank you everyone. I am going to bed my pain is a lot and pain meds are kicking in. Sorry all. I will post in rp in the morning. I had surgery last week and I am in a lot of pain at the moment. I must sleep. Good night.
Lady Dreamer