Looking for something to do

Started by Amur, May 18, 2015, 10:32:43 AM

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I'm looking for something to do while awaiting approval.

I'm looking to do something with a sci-fi/ fantasy setting. I don't have any set plots in mind so we can work on that part together.

I know I should have something more here but my attention isn't fully here at the moment.


I was thinking of doing a Starship Troopers game, rules lite, I'm working on a system so it would be a good test it uses just a 1d8 with attribute and skill modifiers, I'm calling it the Generic D8 Rules (I'm not feeling creative).

It will be based on the book and anime and some movie things put in from any of the four movies. It won't be adult but more mature, fade to black the naughty bits.

If I can get a few players interested.
