Player looking for freeform/narrative focused games

Started by StormWolf, January 29, 2018, 06:43:06 PM

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Hey y'all!

Title essentially is the long and short of it, but I suppose I can shed some more light on particulars. I am hankering for the chance to be a player again. I DM/GM most of the games I am in, and that's a candle burning several wicks at once. I would prefer something narrative driven in play-by-post. As in no dice, no stats. You have a character with their particular virtues and vices, and you play them organically. I am not opposed to tabletop rule sets, but I am a blonde. Too much math gives me hives :)

My O/O's

Most Wanted

*Urban Fantasy, Occult Horror
*Sci-Fi, Space Opera
*Fantasy, Sword & Sorcery


DUDE! I am pretty much in the same boat as you (except I suck at GMing). Specifically I'm looking for fantasy/sword and sorcery. Tell ya what, let's tag team. I'll letcha know if I find something, and visa versa. I had a request up, but after 50 something views and no replies, I deleted it. I'm gonna make a new, revamped one in a bit. Let's keep each other posted.  8-)


Sounds like a plan! If push comes to shove, I can run a small group storyline in a sword & sorcery setting. I have two I've brewed up myself, but if people want to gallivant about in Hyborea, Dark Sun, or wherever else, I can swing pretty much anything. 


Quote from: StormWolf on January 30, 2018, 06:06:42 PM
Sounds like a plan! If push comes to shove, I can run a small group storyline in a sword & sorcery setting. I have two I've brewed up myself, but if people want to gallivant about in Hyborea, Dark Sun, or wherever else, I can swing pretty much anything.

Don't know Dark Sun, but I'm familiar with Hyborea through the movies, a couple comic books, and a collection of tales from Robert E. Howard. I never watched the Conan series, and I think there is some kind of tabletop miniature game out there that I don't know anything about either. lol

Either way, here's hoping something turns up for either of us. :D


I have no experience with any system games.

I love me some freeform fantasy roleplays. You interested in building a story together, or just joining one?



Did this get off the ground I would love to join you guys if it did and still going.